Graduation (Michigan)

Tool Search: Graduation

Fields on the Graduation tool that are specific to the state of Michigan are described below. Fields that do not require unique, state-specific data are described in the Graduation article.

General Graduation Information

Screenshot of the General Graduation Information section. Michigan General Graduation Information Editor

Diploma Type 

 The Diploma Type drop-list allows users to select the type of plan under which the student graduated.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Graduation elements > diplomaType


Michigan Ed-Fi Data v3.1 - Student Academic Records

Post Grad Plans

The Post Grad Plans field allows districts to track information about a student's potential plans once they have graduated from high school.  This field is used only for district-tracking purposes and is not used for state reporting.  

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Graduation elements > postGradPlans

State Seal Information

The State Seal Information section allows you to add State Seal records to a student's graduation record. 

Screenshot of the State Seal Information section. Michigan State Seal Information Editor

State Seal

The State Seal Information section allows you to add State Seal records to a student's graduation record.

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Associate Degree

Transferrable College Credits

Professional Certification
A professional certification is any certificate or industry recognized credential in which the pupil prepared for by taking course work provided by a Michigan public or private college or university.
Michigan Early Middle College Association (MEMCA) Certificate
A five-year program of study that may begin as early as grade 9 and is designed to allow a pupil to earn a high school diploma while also
earning 60 transferable college credits toward a four-year degree from a Michigan public or private university, an associate degree from a community college. 
Registered Apprenticeship Program

Registered apprenticeships are high-quality work-based learning and post-secondary earn-and-learn models that meet national standards. Apprenticeship combines classroom studies with extensive on-the-job training under the supervision of journey level craft person or trade professional.

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Graduation elements > Graduation Seal > type