Special Education State Reporting (Massachusetts)

Tool Search: State Reporting Tool

This article explains the various ways in which Special Education data can be recorded and managed within Infinite Campus.

Special Ed State Reporting Tool

Districts should use the SPED State Reporting tool when not utilizing the Special Ed module in Campus. This tool contains all fields necessary for state reporting Special Ed data through SIF.

A new record should be created for every student's SPED record change. When there is a change, the existing SPED record should be end-dated with the last day the current settings apply, and a new record should be created with a start date when the new settings apply.

SIF reports the Special Ed data from the active record as of the state reporting date. A record with a start date after the state reporting date does not report. A record end-dated before the state reporting date reports unless it was end-dated before the current school year.

Screenshot of the State Reporting tool.Special Ed State Reporting List Screen

Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.

Special Ed State Reporting Detail Screen

The table below describes each field:



Ad Hoc Location
Start Date

The start date of the record.

Student > Special Ed State > startDate
End DateThe end date of the record.Student > Special Ed State > endDate
Special Ed Setting

The student's Special Ed Setting.

Student > Special Ed State > specialEdSetting
Primary Disability

The student's main disability.

Student > Special Ed State > primaryDisability
Secondary Disability

The student's second disability.

Districts can hide this field in the attribute dictionary if they do not use it as it does not get reported to the state.

Student > Special Ed State > secondaryDisability
Tertiary Disability

The student's third disability.

Districts can hide this field in the attribute dictionary if they do not use it as it does not get reported to the state.

Student > Special Ed State > disability3
Special Ed Level of Need

The level of need for the student's disability.

Student > Special Ed State > spedService
Eval Results

The results of the student's Special Ed evaluation.

Student > Special Ed State > assessment
Sped Eval DateThe date of the student's Special Ed evaluation.Student > Special Ed State > recordedDate

Special Ed Enrollments Fields

Tool Search: Enrollments

Enrollment record Special Ed Fields are NOT used in SIF state reporting and should not be used. Districts should hide each of these attributes in the attribute dictionary. Note that Secondary Disability and Tertiary Disability do not have their own attributes. They will be hidden when the Primary Disability is hidden.

Screenshot of the Enrollment Special Ed fields.Enrollment Special Ed Fields

Special Ed Documents Tool

Tool Search: Special Ed Documents

Districts using Infinite Campus to record and report their Special Ed data should manage their data using IEPs and Special Ed Enrollment fields.

Special Ed IEP Enrollment Editor

Within the IEP, ensure you have populated the following fields as these fields are reported to the State via SIF:

Note: Several fields in the IEP are populated via the corresponding values on the student's enrollment record (once the Get Special Ed Status from Enrollment button is clicked).



Start DateThe start date of the IEP
End DateThe end date of the IEP
Primary DisabilityThe student's main disability
Special Ed Level of NeedThe level of need for the student's disability
Special Ed SettingThe setting of the Special Ed services
Eval ResultsThe results of the student's Special Ed evaluation

SIF reports the fields listed above from the IEP active as of the state reporting date. When an IEP has a start date after the state reporting date, it does not report. When an IEP is end-dated before the state reporting date, it reports unless it was end-dated before the current school year.

When there is more than one active IEP as of the state reporting date due to an amendment, the most recent amended IEP's data sends through SIF. 

SIF State Reporting does not report data from the Special Ed Fields on an enrollment record but does report this data from the IEP. This is why it is important this data is first entered on a student's enrollment record and then inserted into the student's IEP.