Tool Search: My Requests
The My Requests tool lists all My Data Requests the user has entered using the Census My Data tool. Users can review the status of their requests here. They display as Approved, Denied, or Pending. A pending request can only be deleted, not modified.
Proper tool rights must be assigned to request updates to My Demographics. See the Census Tool Rights document for more information.
My Requests
My Requests
Requests appear in the Request Information list with the most recent request appearing first. A time and date stamp, the type of request and the status of that request is also displayed.
A user can select any request in the table, which then summarizes the Request Detail below. This is a read-only table. A Delete Request icon will appear when a non-processed request is selected (pending). The option can be used if the user wishes to change the details of that request.
If a Pending request is deleted, the user must resubmit the request with the appropriate information.
A message indicating a request has been approved or denied is sent via the Message Center. The user may select this link, and the My Requests tool will appear.