KECS LEAD Extract (Kentucky)

Tool Search: KECS LEAD Extract

The Kentucky Educator Credentialing System (KECS) Local Educator Assignment Data (LEAD) Extract includes data on classes, staff, schoolwide, and caseload with student counts and individual data on staff. There is also an issues report that details any issues with the data used in the other reports. The data format produced by Campus (CSV or HTML) will be provided to users for further analysis and use. The data collected allows users to detect data issues before sending their data to the state.KECS LEAD Extract

Available KECS LEAD Extract Reports

The following reports are available. Follow the link to see specific report logic and instructions on generating individual extracts:

Report Editor

LEAD Extract Editor Options



Date Range

Determines a date range for the report. Dates are entered in mmddyyyy format or used the calendar icon to select a date. The Start Date field may be left blank in order to pull data from the beginning of the selected school year. The End Date field can have an end date of the last day of the school year, or the current date.


Determines how the report will be generated. Options include CSV and HTML to review data prior to submission.

Exclude Cross-Site Data
When marked checkbox is marked, the report does not include cross-site homeroom data. Cross-site must be enabled at the district level for this checkbox to display. This checkbox defaults to marked.
  • Detail: Generates a detail list for other reports to pull information from. 
  • Staff (Detail): Generates a list of active staff for a given calendar.
  • Caseload (Aggregate): Generates an aggregated list of information for each case manager.
  • Classes (Aggregate): Generates an aggregated list of course sections for a given calendar.
  • Schoolwide (Aggregate): Generates an aggregated list of information for the school.
  • Issues: Generates a list of issues with the data used in other reports.

Select Calendar

Determines the Calendars to include on the report. Calendars can be sorted by Active Year, List by School or List by Year. Multiple calendars can be chosen by using the CTRL and SHIFT keys.

Generate the KECS LEAD Extract

  1. Enter a Date Range for the report.
  2. Select the Format of the report.
  3. When applicable, mark the Exclude Cross-Site Data checkbox. 
  4. Choose which Report(s) to include.
  5. Select the Calendars to include on the report.
  6. Click Generate Extract or Submit to Batch.