Dual Enrollment (Rhode Island)

Tool Search: Dual Enrollment

The Dual Enrollment Extract provides a list of students who are in dual and concurrent enrollment or other advanced network coursework in post-secondary institutions. Data can be submitted throughout the year, as information becomes available (at the end of grading terms, etc.). All students are included in the report, regardless of them earning credit or not.

screenshot of the dual enrollment editor

Extract Logic

Students are included in the report when they are scheduled into DUAL or CONCURRENT or OTHER post secondary courses. This is determined by the Enrollment Type field on the Course editor. If the Decline Dual Credit checkbox is marked on the Roster Batch Edit tab for any student, that student is not included.

  • Only active students report.
  • Only active courses report.

Students are not reported when:

  • Their enrollment records are marked as State Exclude or No Show.
  • They are enrolled in a grade level marked as State Exclude.
  • They are enrolled in a calendar marked as State Exclude.

SQL Query

EXEC [get_RI_DualEnrollment] @calendarList ='57'

Modify the calendar number (in the example above, this is 57) to match the number for your district.

Extract Editor

FormatIndicates how the extract generates - CSV or HTML.
Calendar SelectionIndicates from which calendar student and course information reports. At least one calendar needs to be selected in order to generate the extract. Calendars can be chosen by the active year, by school name or by year.

Generate the Dual Enrollment Extract

  1. Select the desired Format.
  2. Select the desired Calendar(s).
  3. Click the Generate Extract button.

Screenshot of an example of the Dual Enrollment extract in CSV format. Dual Enrollment Extract - CSV Format

Screenshot of an example of the Dual Enrollment extract in HTML format. Dual Enrollment Extract - HTML Format

Extract Layout

Data ElementDescriptionType, Format and LengthCampus DatabaseCampus Interface

The reporting district code. 

Numeric, 2 digits


Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District Code


Identifies the school code.

If Enrollment Status is H or S, then report XX190 where XX is the 1st two digits of the current state school number.

Numeric, 5 digits


School Information > School Detail > State School Number


The student's unique state assigned student ID.

Numeric, 10 digits


Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID


The student's unique locally assigned student ID.

Numeric, 16 digits


Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number


The student's last name.

When the Report Student Legal Identities checkbox is marked, the student's Legal Last Name reports if a Legal Last Name is entered for that student.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters



Demographics > Person Information > Last Name

Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name


Reports the selected enrollment type from the Course editor, if selected.

  • Dual - Student is taking the course at the post-secondary institution
  • Concurrent - Student is taking the course at the public school taught by a public school teacher while earning post-secondary credit
  • Other - Student is taking the other advanced network courses.
Alphanumeric, 10 characters

CustomCourse. valueCourse.enrollmentType

Course Information > Post Secondary Data > Enrollment Type
Reports the RIDE ID used by the post-secondary institution.Numeric,

CustomCourse. value Course.institutionID

Course Information > Post Secondary Data > Institution ID
PROVIDER COURSE IDReports the Course ID used by the post-secondary institution.Alphanumeric, 50 characters

CustomCourse. value Course.courseID

Course Information > Post Secondary Data > Course ID
PROVIDER COURSE NAMEReports the Course Name used by the post-secondary institution.Alphanumeric, 100 characters

CustomCourse. value Course.courseName

Course Information > Post Secondary Data > Course Name
PROVIDER COURSE CREDITSReports the number of post-secondary credits that is available to a student who completes the course.Alphanumeric, 4 characters

CustomCourse. value

Course Information > Post Secondary Data > Course Credits
LOCAL SECTION IDReports the locally assigned code that identifies each course. The Course Number and Section Number Reports (ex. 1507-1).Alphanumeric, 20 characters



Course Information > Course Number

Course Sections > Section Number


Reports the post-secondary credits the student earned.

The default value is 0 if the Institution Course Credit is provided.

If the grading task that contains FINAL is marked as a passing grade, the credit reports from the Institution Course Credits  (whole number) field.

If a student did not earn credit, the reported value as 0.00.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

CustomCourse. value


Grades > Final Grade Task

A final indicator of the student's performance in a course as submitted by the instructor/post-secondary institution.

  • Only numeric grades report (no alphabetic characters).
  • The Grading Task must contain the word FINAL in the name.

If the reported Exit Reason is Withdrew or Dropped, a blank value reports.

Numeric, 5 digitsScoreListItem. scoreScore Groups and Rubrics Setup > Score Group > Score

A final indicator of the student's performance in a course as submitted by the instructor/post-secondary institution. 

This is required once the course has ended.

  • Only alphabetic characters report (no numeric grades).
  • The Grading Task must contain the word FINAL in the name.
Alphabetic, 2 charactersScoreListItem. stateScoreScore Groups and Rubrics Setup > Score Group > State Score

Reports the term in which the course is offered.

  • For terms Q1-Q2, reports FALL
  • For terms Q3-Q4, reports SPRING
  • For terms Q1-Q4, reports YEARLONG
Alphanumeric, 20 charactersSectionPlacement.termIDCourse Sections > Term

Number of high school credits the student earned.

If the grading task contains FINAL, and is marked as a passing grade, the credit about reports from the GPA Weight.

If the reported Exit Reason is Withdrew or Dropped, a value of zero (0) reports.Otherwise, a blank (null) value reports.

Numeric, 4 digitsCourse.gpaWeight Course Information > GPA Weight

Reports the reason a student ended enrollment in a course.

  • The default value of this field is NULL. This reports when the student is enrolled in the course section as of the last day of the course.
  • If a student has a Final Grade, a value of COMPLETED reports.
  • When the student's Enrollment End Date is earlier than the Section End Date, and the Exit/Withdrawal Type is 01-14, a value of MOVED reports.
  • When the student has a section end date on or before the Drop Deadline Date, a value of DROPPED reports.
  • If there is no Drop Deadline Date entered, a value of WITHDREW reports. If the course spans multiple terms, the Drop Deadline date is calculated from the term in which course began.
  • When the student has a section end date after the Drop Deadline Date and before the Section End Date, a value of WITHDREW reports.
  • If there is no Drop Deadline Date noted, a value of WITHDREW reports.
Alphanumeric, 20 charactersCalculated, value not storedCalculated, value not stored

Indicates the student is taking this course through the Advanced Coursework Network.

When the Enrollment Type on the Course Information editor is set to Other, a value of Y reports.

Alphabetic, 1 character

Y or N



Course Information > Enrollment Type