Monthly Student Membership and Attendance (Connecticut)

Tool Search: Monthly Student Membership and Attendance

The Monthly Student Membership and Attendance report is used for detailed attendance reporting and allows districts to evaluate and monitor attendance and participation trends.

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Screenshot of the Monthly Student Membership and Attendance extract editor.  Example Monthly Student Membership and Attendance Editor

Report Logic

  • Reports a record for any student with an enrollment in the calendar that was active on the extract End Date.
  • Students are NOT included if
    • their enrollment record is marked as State Exclude;
    • their enrollment record is marked as No Show;
    • their Grade Level of enrollment is marked as State Exclude; or
    • their Calendar of enrollment is marked as State Exclude.
  • When the Exclude Cross-Site Data checkbox is marked, Cross-Site data is not included in the report.

Report Layout

Data ElementDescriptionLocation
Reporting DistrictThe state district number.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters
System Admin > Resources > District Info > District Detail > State District Number


The Student State ID.

Numeric, 10 digits
Census > People > Demographic > Student State ID

Date of Birth

The student's birthdate.

Date, 8 characters MMDDYYYY
Census > People > Demographic > Birth Date

Month of Membership

The Month selected on the extract editor.

Numeric, 2 digits
CT State Reporting > Monthly Student Membership and Attendance > Month

Year of Membership

The year aligned with the Month and Calendar selected on the extract editor.

Numeric, 4 digits (YYYY)
CT State Reporting > Monthly Student Membership and Attendance > Month, Select Calendars

Number of Days of In-Person Membership

The total number of distinct instructional days the student was enrolled in the calendar(s) and school year(s) being reported on and between the extract Start Date and End Date.
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Campus counts the total number of distinct instructional days the student was enrolled in the calendar(s) and school year(s) being reported on and between the extract Start Date and End Date, where:

  • Student is not in a blended learning group assigned to the calendar day. 
  • Student does not have an attendance code assigned to a period in their day with State Code = "DLP" or "DLA".
  • Student is not exclusively enrollment State Exclude or No Show on the calendar day.
  • Student is not grade level excluded on the Grade Levels tab.
  • The day does NOT have a Day Event on the day that has a Standard Code of "99" in the Attribute/Dictionary (Day.eventType).

If the enrollment End Date is NULL, Campus uses the last instructional day from the Days tool.

Numeric, 2 digits
System Administration > Calendar > Days
Student Information > General > Enrollments
Student Information > General > Attendance

Number of Days of In-Person Attendance

The total number of days the student attended in-person.
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  • Subtracts the total number of days absent from the membership days calculated in column 6.
    • Uses the extract Start Date and End Date to determine date range.
  • When the student is assigned an Attendance Code with Status = A and Excuse NOT = X, the student is considered absent for the period.
    • When Present Minutes are entered onto a period where the student is marked Absent, the Present Minutes entered are subtracted from the absent period minutes.
  • From across the absent periods in the student's day, the student will report absent when the number of absent instructional minutes >= the number of minutes entered on the Whole Day Absence (minutes) field on the Grade Levels tab.
    • If the Grade Levels field is blank, uses the Whole Day Absence (minutes) field on the calendar tab.
    • If both fields are blank, the student's absent minutes must be >= 240 minutes.
  • When a Day Event is assigned to a Day with a Standard Code of SD:
    • Subtracts the "Inst. Minutes" entered on the Day Event from the "Whole Day Absence" field on the (Grade Level, otherwise Calendar) to determine the number of absent minutes required in order for the student to be counted as absent.
      • When the student's number of absent minutes >= the determined Whole Day Absence value, the student must be reported Absent.
      • When the Whole Day Absence field on both the Grade Levels tab and the Calendars tab are blank, the student's absent minutes must be >= 240 minutes.
  • Uses enrollment marked as P = Primary to determine what grade level attendance values to use.
    • If more than 1 enrollment is primary, uses most recent start date.
      • If enrollments have the same start date, uses highest enrollment id.
  • Does NOT count any day with a Day Event on the day that has a Standard Code of "99" in the Attribute/Dictionary (Day.eventType).

Numeric, 2 digits
System Administration > Calendar > Days
Student Information > General > Enrollments
Student Information > General > Attendance

Number of Days of Remote Membership

The total number of distinct instructional days the student was enrolled in the calendar and school year being reported on and between the extract Start Date and End Date.

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  • Student IS IN a blended learning group assigned to the calendar day,
    OR Student has an attendance code assigned to a period in the day with Sate Code = "DLP" or "DLA".
  • Student is not exclusively enrollment State Exclude or No Show on the calendar day.
  • Student is not grade level excluded on the Grade Levels tab.
  • The day does NOT have a Day Event on the day that has a Standard Code of "99" in the Attribute/Dictionary (Day.eventType).

If the enrollment End Date is NULL, Campus uses the last instructional day from the Days tool.

Numeric, 2 digits
System Administration > Calendar > Days
Student Information > General > Enrollments
Student Information > General > Attendance
Number of Days of Remote AttendanceThe total number of days the student attended remotely.
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  • Campus subtracts the total number of days absent from the membership days calculated in column 8.
    • Uses the extract Start Date and End Date to determine date range.
  • When the student is assigned an Attendance Code with Status = A and Excuse NOT = X, the student is considered absent for the period.
    • When Present Minutes are entered onto a period where the student is marked Absent, the Present Minutes entered are subtracted from the absent period minutes.
  • From across the absent periods in the student's day, the student will report absent when the number of absent instructional minutes >= the number of minutes entered on the Whole Day Absence (minutes) field on the Grade Levels tab.
    • If the Grade Levels field is blank, uses the Whole Day Absence (minutes) field on the calendar tab.
    • If both fields are blank, the student's absent minutes must be >= 240 minutes.
  • When a Day Event is assigned to a Day with a Standard Code of SD:
    • Subtracts the "Inst. Minutes" entered on the Day Event from the "Whole Day Absence" field on the (Grade Level, otherwise Calendar) to determine the number of absent minutes required in order for the student to be counted as absent.
      • When the student's number of absent minutes >= the determined Whole Day Absence value, the student must be reported Absent.
      • When the Whole Day Absence field on both the Grade Levels tab and the Calendars tab are blank, the student's absent minutes must be >= 240 minutes.
  • Uses enrollment marked as P = Primary to determine what grade level attendance values to use.
    • If more than 1 enrollment is primary, uses most recent start date.
      • If enrollments have the same start date, uses highest enrollment id
  • Does NOT count any day with a Day Event on the day that has a Standard Code of "99" in the Attribute/Dictionary (Day.eventType).

Numeric, 2 digits
System Administration > Calendar > Days
Student Information > General > Enrollments
Student Information > General > Attendance