PI-1441 School Food Authority Report

Tool Search: PI-144 School Food Authority

The School Food Authority Report is a printable form that districts can use to show they have met the FRAM Eligibility rules for a specific building, and identifies students who participate. Wisconsin Department of Instruction has the School Food Authority - Civil Rights Compliance form available for download.

Screenshot of PI-1441 School Food Authority Editor.PI-1441 School Food Authority Editor

Report Logic

Students report when they have an active enrollment record as of the entered Effective Date on the report editor. Students must also have the following:

  • A FRAM Application Reference number with an Application Expiration Date that is on or after (not before) October 1 of the reporting year.
  • A FRAM Eligibility record with an End Date is on or after (not before) October 1 of the reporting year with an Eligibility of Free or Reduced and a Source that is Non-Direct.

Eligibility records do not report when the Source is Direct or when the Certified Type is Did Not Apply.

Students are not included in the report when:

  • Their Enrollment record is marked as No Show or State Exclude.
  • Their Calendar of enrollment is marked as State Exclude.
  • Their Grade level of enrollment is marked as State Excluded.

Report Editor

File TypeIndicates the type of report that generates. A Summary report is available that provides counts of students who meet the reporting population. A Detail report is also available that includes student names.
Effective DateIndicates the date the report uses to pull student data based on active enrollment records and other related information. The current date displays automatically, but it can be modified by entering a new date in mmddyy format or by using the calendar icon to select a date.
FormatDetermines how the report generates - in CSV or HTML format.
Ad hoc FilterLimits the students included on the report to just those students who are included in the filter, assuming they meet the other requirements of the report.
Calendar SelectionIndicates from which calendar(s) information reports. At least one calendar needs to be selected in order to generate. Calendars can be selected by Active Year, by School Name or by Year.
Report GenerationDetermines when the report generates. Use the Generate Extract button to immediately display the results of the report. For a larger data set (multiple calendars, etc.), use the Submit to Batch button. This allows the selection of a specific time in which the extract generates (after school hours). See the Batch Queue article for more information.

Generate the Report

  1. Select the desired Report Type - Summary or Detail.
  2. Enter the Effective Date of the report.
  3. Select the Format in which to generate the report.
  4. If desired, select an Ad hoc Filter.
  5. Select the Calendars to include in the report.
  6. Click the Generate Extract button to display the report immediately, or use the Submit to Batch button to determine when the report should generate. The report displays in the selected format.

Use the results of of this report to populate the form available from DPI.

Screenshot of PI-1441 Report Summary Type in HTML Format.PI-1441 Report Summary Type - HTML Format

Screenshot of PI-1441 Report Summary Type in CSV Format.PI-1441 Report Summary Type - CSV Format

Screenshot of PI-1441 Report Detail Type in HTML Format.PI-1441 Report Detail Type - HTML FormatPI-1441 Report Detail Type - CSV Format

Report Layout

Summary Type

FieldDescriptionType, Format and LengthCampus DatabaseCampus Interface
Race/Ethnic Identity

Lists the reported Race/Ethnicity Values:

  • Hispanic or Latino
  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
  • White
  • Two or More Races
  • Total

For Hispanic/Latino category, the Is the individual Hispanic/Latino value must be Y. For the other race/ethnicity values, the Is the individual Hispanic/Latino value must be N.

Numeric, 4 digitsIdentity.raceEthnicityDemographics > Race/Ethnicity
Total District EnrollmentFor each race/ethnic identity above, a total count of students who are assigned that race value reports.Numeric, 4 digitsData not storedData not stored
Number of Approved Free/Reduced Price MealsFor each race/ethnic identity above, a total count of students who have a FRAM Eligibility record of Free or Reduced and Source of Non-Direct.Numeric, 4 digitsEligibility.eligibilityFRAM > Eligibility
Number DeniedFor each race/ethnic identity above, a total count of students who have a FRAM Certified Type of Denied.Numeric, 4 digitsEligibility.eligibilityFRAM > Eligibility

Detail Type

FieldDescriptionType, Format and LengthCampus DatabaseCampus Interface
First NameReports the student's legal first name.Alphanumeric, 50 charactersIdentity.firstNameIdentities > First Name
Last NameReports the student's legal last name.Alphanumeric, 50 charactersIdentity.lastNameIdentities > Last Name
Student NumberReports the student's State Identification NumberNumeric, 10 digitsPerson.stateIDDemographics > Student State ID
Reporting Race / Ethnic IdentityReports the student's race/ethnicity selection.Alphanumeric, 20 charactersIdentity.raceEthnicityDemographics > Race/Ethnicity
Reporting Eligible StatusReports the student's eligibility status (free, reduced, etc.)Alphanumeric, 10 charactersEligiblity.eligibilityFRAM > Eligibility  > Certified Type