Census Wizard

Tool Search: Census Wizard

The Census Wizard is a three-step process that allows the user to assemble the household, add persons as members to that household and modify relationships. 

Screenshot of Census Wizard tool.Census Wizard
Additional modifications to data may need to be done after completion of the Census Wizard (i.e., enrollment records and non-household relationships may need to be modified).

Certain items in Campus can be marked Private. This means the address details or relationship details should be kept within school settings. Marking this checkbox does not remove the information from reports. See the Private Checkbox Information article for more details.

Read - Access and use the Census Wizard.
Write - Save changes made to the Household.
Add - N/A
Delete - N/A

The following subrights are also needed:

  • RW to Census Wizard > Add Household
  • RW to Census Wizard > Add Address
  • RW to Census Wizard > Add Person

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article.

NOTE: Any changes made in Step 1 of the Census Wizard CANNOT BE SAVED with only Read rights. Write rights are needed for saving.

Also note that the ability to REMOVE information from a household and save those changes is possible with Read and Write tool rights assigned. 

Search for Census Data

Census data can be searched for by entering person information, address information or household information.  At least one field needs to be entered in order to search. The following defines the available search options.

  • Searching for Census data does not require the selection of a school, calendar or year. 
  • All individuals who exist in Campus are searched. This includes past students, present students, former and current staff members and parents.

Person Search

The Person Search data elements can be found on the People Demographics tool. 

Data Element


Last Name

Individual's last name

First Name

Individual's first name

Student Number

Student's locally assigned identification number

Birth Date

Individual's date of birth


Selection of individual's gender

Middle Name

Individual's middle name


Generational determinant of the individual (Jr., III, etc.)

Address Search

Address elements are located on the Census Address toolset. Data entered in these fields can include special characters.

Data Element


House/P.O. Number

Number assigned to the dwelling place or post office number assigned to an individual

Street Name

Name of the street on which the dwelling place is located.

Apt Number

Number assigned to the apartment.


City in which the dwelling place is located.

Legal Description

Provides a definition of the address used in Impact Aid reporting when a street location is not available. Each county determines what a legal description is (lot and block data).

See the Impact Aid section for more information.

Household Search

Household data is located in Census Household

Data Element


Household Name

Name assigned to the household

Home/Other Phone

Phone number assigned to the household

Enter Search Criteria

  1. Determine which type of search to perform - Person, Address or Household - and enter the appropriate search elements. 
  2. Click the Search button at the bottom of the Census Wizard page. Matching results appear in the Search to the left.  
  3. Select the desired search result. This places the selected information from the Search into the Assembling a New Household window.  
  4. Click the Continue to Step 2 button.

Screenshot of search results in Census Wizard.Search Results

If a person is accidentally added when assembling a new household, click the X next to the person's name in the Assembling a New Household window.

Assemble a New or Select an Existing Household


  1. Enter the Household Name, if not already entered.
  2. Enter the Household Phone Number.
  3. If desired, mark the Private checkbox. 
  4. Enter any Comments related to this household.

Household Locations

  1. Enter the Address information, as appropriate.
  2. Enter Start and End Date information for the address.
  3. Mark the Private checkbox as needed.
  4. Indicate if the address is a Secondary location.
  5. Indicate if this is a Mailing address for the household.
  6. Indicate if this is a Physical location for the household.

Household Members

  1. Enter the Start and End Date for the household members.
  2. Indicate if this is a Secondary location for the household member. 
  3. Mark the Private checkbox as needed.

Continue or Start Again

  1. When finished, click the Save & Continue - Step 3 button.
  2. To start the process over, click the Step 1: Start Over link in the Search Results to begin again.

Screenshot of Household Information step in Census Wizard.Household Information

Edit Relationships

 This step requires two or more individuals to be chosen in Step 1.
  1. Select the Relationship one of the individuals has to the other individual. 
  2. Enter a Start Date, if appropriate. 
  3. Mark the Guardian, Mailing, Portal, Messenger and Private checkboxes for the individual as desired.
  4. Click the Save & Done button when finished. 

Screenshot of Relationship Information step in Census Wizard. Relationship Information

At this time, the process is complete. Please note that choosing a person from the list to modify additional information, a warning message says displays indicating you are leaving the Census Wizard. Click OK to continue. Since the Save & Done option has been selected, your data is saved and you can safely navigate to other areas of the product.

Add Existing Persons to a Household

An individual can be available in Campus without being a household. This might be staff who do not use Campus, or Emergency Contacts, or other types of person records. When searching in the Census Wizard, those individuals display at the end of the Search results.

To add such a person to a household, select their name from the Search Results. This places them in the Assembling a Household window, and follow the steps for using the Census Wizard. To verify this is the correct person to add to the household, click the Details link above the name. This displays the Person Summary Report.

Screenshot showing people not in households. People not in Household Results