Census tracks every person entry in Infinite Campus - parents/guardians, staff, students, emergency contacts, doctors, etc. Demographic data is used throughout Campus, utilizing historical and current details of each person. Some fields in the Census module are unique to each state. Other fields in the Census module do not require unique, state-specific data. However, many of these fields are required, and data entry is necessary.
The following information is specific to North Carolina.
Tool Search: Identities
The Identities tool acts as a historical record of the person's demographic information. While the information on the Demographics tool is displayed on the Identities record, changes should be made here.
Types of changes include:
- Name and Legal Name
- Sex
- Social Security number
- Race/Ethnicity
- Nickname
Previous identity information is not lost when it is modified, but an end date is entered for the previous identity, and a start date is entered for the new identity.
See the core Identities article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Identities records.

Name Fields
Last Name, First Name, Middle Name and Suffix (Jr., III, etc.) are the legal names of the person.
When a new person is created from the Student Locator, the Legal Last Name, Legal First Name, Legal Middle Name, and Legal Suffix fields are populated with the entered Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, and Suffix fields. .
Indicates whether the person is male or female. At this time, the state of North Carolina acknowledges Male and Female only. Information entered here displays in the following locations:
- Demographics and Identities
- Protected Identity Information on the Demographics/Identities record
- Demographics section of the Portal
- Add Person
- Student Locator
- Person Summary Report
Birth Date
Indicates the person's date of birth.
Race Ethnicity
The Federal government has adopted standards for defining racial and ethnic data to be used by the Department of Education. See the Race/Ethnicity article for more information.
Is the individual Hispanic or Latino?
Indicates whether the student is of Hispanic descent.
The State Race/Ethnicity field auto-populates based on the selections made for this field, as follows:
- When "Is the individual Hispanic/Latino" is set to NO and one race is selected, the Race/Ethnicity must be set to the same value as selected in Race.
- When "Is the individual Hispanic/Latino" is set to NO and more than one Race is selected, the Race/Ethnicity must be set to "Two or More Races."
- When "Is the individual Hispanic/Latino" is set to YES and one Race is selected, Race/Ethnicity must be set to "Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity."
Race Ethnicity
Indicates the person's race/ethnicity.
Tribal Enrollment
State code that describes the person's enrollment in a particular Native American tribe.
Birth Country
The Birth Country is the country listed on the person's birth certificate during initial enrollment. This is a required entry for students.
Please refer to the International Organization of Standards directory for more information on country codes.
Date Entered US
Indicates the date the person entered the United States.
Immigrant Record
Indicates the status of an immigrant student in a MLL Program
Date Entered US School
Indicates the date on which the student enrolled in a US school.
Multiple Birth
When marked, indicates the person is part of a set of twins, triplets, etc.
Verified Home Primary Language
The VERIFIED Home Primary Language field notes the name of the specific language the person (staff, student, etc.) uses to communicate at home. It populates with the same language as Home Primary Language.
This field displays along with the Home Primary Language field on the English Learners tool.
Home Primary Language
The Home Primary Language field allows a district to record the language spoken in the student's home, as determined by the student's home language survey. Refer to the International Organization of Standards directory for more information on language codes.
On the English Learners tool, this field displays along with the Verified Home Primary Language field.
The Demographics tool is the basic area for viewing general person information within Campus. All people for whom data is tracked, including students, staff, parents/guardians, household members, etc., have a Demographics record, which includes name and other identifying information from the Identities record, student and staff identification numbers, and contact information.
See the core Demographics article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Demographics records.
Person Identifiers
Person Identifiers, like Student Number and Student State ID, are used in state reports to identify student records. Staff identification, such as Local Staff ID and State Staff ID, are also recorded here.
Follow district guidelines when creating or importing these values.
See the Assign NC DPI IDs article for guidance on adding missing or new state ID numbers.

Local Student Number
Local Student Number is a unique identification number for the student assigned by the district.
Student State ID
Student Unique State ID is a unique state identification number for the student provided by the Department of Education.
Local Staff Number
Local Staff Number is a unique identification number for the staff person assigned by the district.
Staff State ID
Staff Unique State ID is a unique state identification number for the staff person provided by the Department of Education. When this field is left blank, any courses or students tied to the staff member fail to report.
Personal Contact Information
The Personal Contact Information editor contains phone numbers, messaging preferences and the language preferred for receiving messages.
Personal Contact Information Editor
All phone number fields allow for the entry of a three-digit area code, a three-digit central office code, a four-digit line number, and an extension, when applicable.
See the core Demographics article for information on the Messenger Preferences Contact Reasons.
Lists the person's email address.
Cell Phone
Lists the person's mobile number.
Work Phone
Lists the person's work number.
Lists the person's landline home phone number, or other phone number that is different than the Cell Phone, Work Phone, or Pager numbers.
Lists the person's pager number.
District Employment
Tool Search: District Employment
Employees must have active district employment records. This record indicates the staff person is actively (no end date) or has been employed at the district. A District Assignment record is needed to indicate employment at a particular school/building within the district.
See the core District Employment article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing employment records.

Teaching Start Year
Indicates the date the staff member began teaching (when the teaching license was received).
Teaching Years Modifier
Indicates the total number of years the staff person has been teaching, including all time spent at other districts.
License Number
Lists the employee's license number.
FTE Percent
Indicates the total Full Time Employment percentage of the staff person, entered in whole numbers 0 to 100.
Indicates the seniority level of the staff person.
Indicates the level of schooling the staff person has.
- 1: Doctorate
- 2: Master's degree 30+ semester hours
- 3: Master's degree
- 4: Bachelor's degree 30+ semester hours
- 5: Bachelor's degree
- 6: Less than bachelor's degree
District Assignments
Tool Search: District Assignments
The District Assignments tool lists the location where the staff member is working. Users can view the school where the person works, the start date and title, type of employment, and assignment code.
Staff with multiple Titles have multiple District Assignments to the same school.
See the core District Assignments article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing District Assignments records.

Indicates the department to which the staff person is assigned. Departments are created in thedDepartment Setup tool.
Start Date
Indicates the start date of employment at the specific school. This is the very first date the staff member was employed at the school.
End Date
Indicates the end date of employment assignment. This is the very last date the staff member was employed at the school.
Lists the staff person's position - Teacher, Coach, etc. Options can be modified in the Attribute/Dictionary.
Indicates whether the staff person's employment is Administrative, Certified, or Classified.
FTE of Assignment
Indicates what portion of the employee’s FTE percent this particular district assignment represents. The field accepts both decimal and whole numbers (e.g., .5 or 50 to represent a half-time assignment).
Assignment Code
District-provided code associated with the employment at the school.
Amplify Role
Indicates the staff person's assigned role in Amplify.
K-3 TS Admin Role
Indicates the staff person's role assigned in K-3 Teaching Strategies.
SchoolNet Role
Indicates the staff person's role assigned in SchoolNet.
SchoolNet Additional Roles
Lists additional access the staff person has in SchoolNet.
District Assignment Checkboxes
The marked checkboxes on the Employment Assignment record provide additional information and access to other tools in Campus. See the District Assignments Checkboxes article for more information.
Primary District Assignment
For staff who work at multiple locations, this checkbox is marked on the District Assignment that is considered their primary assignment.
Only one assignment can be marked as the Primary Assignment. When one assignment is already marked as primary and a user marks the checkbox on another assignment, a warning message displays, indicating the other assignment will be updated to not be the primary assignment.
Tool Search: Credentials
The Credentials tool lists the credential types of a staff member. Credentials are based on the date when the credential was earned. There are five types of credentials that can be added for a person. Multiple credentials can be entered for a staff member. The staff member may be highly qualified in two subject areas or may have multiple degrees.
See the core Credentials article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Credentials records.
Credential Type
Indicates the type of credential the staff person has earned. This list is visible when creating a new credential and in the list of previously entered credentials.
- CI: Crisis Intervention
- ED: Education
- HQ: Highly Qualified
- LC: Licensure/Certification
- OT: Other
License Number
Indicates the number of the license assigned when the credential was granted.
Tool Search: Households
Households help in identifying which persons live in the same home. The list of Members identifies family and non-family members at a shared address, and the Address information lists where that household is located.
See the core Households article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing household records.
The Members tool lists all persons that have ever lived in the selected household. Due to legacy issues, it is recommended that members are not deleted from the household, but rather ended. This is used to determine whether a student current lives with their parents/guardians.
Household Members
The Addresses tool within the Household displays all addresses in which the family has resided. For legacy purposes, addresses should not be deleted, only ended, when a family moves. Like the household information to which it is tied, the addresses are used in generating reports that are sent home and in location extracts.
Household Address
Lists the house number, street name, street tag and direction of the household.
Start Date
Indicates the date the family began living at that address.
End Date
Indicates the date the family stopped living at that address.
Indicates the family receives mail at this address.
Indicates it is a secondary address for the household. A household can only have one primary physical address at any given time. In the situation where a household has two physical addresses, one of them needs to be marked as secondary.
Indicates the address information should remain at the school (not given to third party mailings).
Indicates the address is the household's physical location.
Tool Search: Relationships
The Relationships tool displays established relationships between people existing in Campus. Relationships include the other individuals residing in the same household as the selected individual and those individuals who may reside in other households but have an association with the selected person (emergency contacts or divorced parents/guardians, etc.).
See the core Relationships article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Demographics records.
Emergency Priority
Provides a visual indication of the listed person's priority for contact in an emergency situation. This is a numeric value. The person that should be notified first should have a 1. When there is no entered priority, the school uses discretion when contacting individuals.
When checked, indicates which person has authority when making decisions on behalf of the student. This designation is used in several reports and messaging tools.
Designates the type of relationship between two people. Both people - the selected individual and the name of the person in the row - are affected by the selection. Relationship types are defined for the district in the Relationship Type tool.
Military Connections
Tool Search: Military Connections
The Military Connections tool tracks parent/guardian data for those who are military personnel. This tool works in conjunction with the Impact Aid tool, which tracks parents/guardians who are employed at federal sites (armed forces locations, reservation lands, etc.).
See the core Military Connections article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Military Connections records.
Military Connections
Indicates the enlistment status of the parent/guardian.