Tool Search: End of Year Report
The End of Year Report collects aggregate demographic counts for schools identified as Title 1 and Homeless. This report is also known as the ESEA Consolidated End of Year Report.

Report Logic
Students are not counted when:
- The enrollment record is marked as State Exclude
- The Grade Level of enrollment is marked as State Exclude
- The Calendar of enrollment is marked as State Exclude
Title 1
When the Title 1 selection on the School History tab has the indicated code set, report as follows:
Title 1 Code | Logic |
Targeted Assistance Program | Reports Y: Yes when the enrollment records in which the count date of the report falls within the enrollment dates where the Enrollment Title 1 field is Y:Yes. |
Schoolwide Eligible - Targeted Assistance | Reports Y: Yes when the enrollment records in which the count date of the report falls within the enrollment dates where the Enrollment Title 1 field is Y:Yes. |
Schoolwide Program | Reports all students in the school enrolled on the count date. |
Schools with one of the following Title 1 indicators are not considered:
- Targeted Assistance Eligible School - No Program
- Schoolwide Eligible - Title 1 TAS Program
- Not a Title 1 School
Student Counts
- Students are only counted in one Race/Ethnicity column.
- Students must have an active enrollment ON the Count Date.
- Students who are not enrolled in a Title 1 School are not included.
- Students younger than 5 years of age and older than 17 years of age on the Count Date are not included.
- Students identified as being part of a Chapter 220 program are not included.
- Each student who is counted must be reported on the record that matched their grade level.
- If a grade level and/or element does not have any student to count, a zero value is reported.
A student is included in the Homeless report when they have a Homeless record that overlaps the selected calendar year. If the student has multiple homeless records overlapping the selected calendar year, the earliest occurring record reports.
Each student who is counted reports on the record that matches their grade level.
Report Editor
Field | Description |
Count Date | Indicates the date on which student enrollments are active. Students not actively enrolled as of this date are not included. The current date is automatically entered in this field. Change the date by entering a new date in mmddyy format or use the calendar icon to select a date. |
Report Type | Selection indicates which report generates - Title 1-A Demographic Report or Homeless Report. |
Format | The extract can be generated in either State Format (CSV), Detail CSV or HTML. Use the Detail CSV and the HTML formats for data review prior to submission to the state. The CSV State Format and HTML Format reports different fields than the Detail CSV format. |
Calendar Selection | At least one calendar must be selected in order for data to return. Calendars can be selected by the active year, by school name or by year. |
Student Selection | Select students to include on the report by choosing either a Grade level of enrollment for the students or an Ad hoc Filter.
Report Generation | This report can be generated immediately by selecting the Generate Extract button. To choose when the report generates, or if there is a larger set of students included (from multiple calendars, etc.), use the Submit to Batch option. |
Generate the Title I-A Demographic Report
- Enter the Count Date for the report.
- Select the Report Type as Title I-A Demographic.
- Select the Format of the report.
- Select the Calendars to include on the report.
- Select the students to include in the report by choosing either a Grade level or an Ad hoc Filter.
- Click the Generate Extract button to display the results of the report immediately. Click the Submit to Batch button to choose when the report generates. The report displays in the selected format.
Report Layout for Title I-A Demographic Report
CSV and HTML State Formats
Data Element | Description | Location |
Year | Indicates the end year of the selected school year for which the report was generated. Numeric, 4 digits | Calendar Information > End Date Calendar.endYear |
District Code | Identification number assigned to the district by the Department of Public Instruction. Numeric, 4 digits | District Information > District Number District.number |
School Code | Identification number assigned to the school by the local district or by DPI. Numeric, 4 digits | School Information > School Number School.number |
School Term | Indicates whether the extract was generated for either the regular school term or for a summer school term. Alphanumeric, 3 characters | Calendar Information > Summer School Calendar.summerSchool |
Grade | Reports the grade levels included in the selected calendars. All grades in a given school are included. Alphanumeric, 2 characters | Calendar Information > Grade Levels Calendar.grade |
Female | Total count of females per grade level. Numeric, 3 digits | Demographics > Gender Identity.gender |
Male | Total count of males per grade level. Numeric, 3 digits | Demographics > Gender Identity.gender |
Asian | Total count of students per grade level who are considered to be of Asian ethnicity. Numeric, 3 digits | Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Asian Identity.raceEthnicity |
Black (not of Hispanic Origin) | Total count of students per grade level who are considered to be of Black ethnicity. Numeric, 3 digits | Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Black Identity.raceEthnicity |
Hispanic | Total count of students per grade level who are considered to be of Hispanic ethnicity. Numeric, 3 digits | Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Hispanic Identity.raceEthnicity |
American Indian/Alaskan Native | Total count of students per grade level who are considered to be of American Indian/Alaskan Native ethnicity. Numeric, 3 digits | Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > American Indian/Alaskan Native Identity.raceEthnicity |
Two or More Races | Total count of students per grade level who are considered to be two or more races. Numeric, 3 digits | Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Two or more races Identity.raceEthnicity |
White (not of Hispanic Origin) | Total count of students per grade level who are considered to be of White ethnicity. Numeric, 3 digits | Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > White Identity.raceEthnicity |
Local Neglected | Total count of students per grade level who have the Neglected checkbox marked on their enrollments. When Neglected is selected, reports Y. Otherwise, field reports N (zero). Alphanumeric, 1 character | Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Neglected EnrollmentWI. |
Special Education | Total count of students per grade level who have a Primary Disability other than NULL or N: Not Disabled on locked plans. Numeric, 3 digits | Special Education > Documents > Education Plan PlanState.disability1 Plan.locked |
ELL (English Language Learners) | Total count of students per grade level who are considered to be English language learners. Students are counted when the following criteria is met:
Numeric, 3 digits | English Learners (EL) > EL Services LEP.identifiedDate LEP.exitDate TestScore.scoreID |
Migrant | Total count of students per grade level who have an active Migrant record on the report date. Numeric, 3 digits | Migrant Calculated |
Homeless | Total count of students per grade level who are considered to be Homeless (student has a Homeless Detail record as of the entered Count Date on the Report editor). Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless Homeless. homelessStartDate |
Detail CSV Format
Data Element | Description | Location |
Year | Indicates the end year of the selected school year for which the report was generated. Numeric, 4 digits | Calendar Information > End Date Calendar.endYear |
District Code | Identification number assigned to the district by the Department of Public Instruction. Numeric, 4 digits | District Information > District Number District.number |
School Code | Identification number assigned to the school by the local district or by DPI. Numeric, 4 digits | School Information > School Number School.number |
Last Name | Reports the student's last name. Alphanumeric, 50 characters | Demographics > Last Name Identity.lastName |
First Name | Reports the student's first name. Alphanumeric, 30 characters | Demographics > First Name Identity.firstName |
Middle Name | Reports the student's middle name. Alphanumeric, 15 characters | Demographics > Middle Name Identity.middleName |
State ID | Reports the student's state-assigned identification number. Numeric, 10 digits | Demographics > State ID Person.stateID |
Person ID | Reports the student's Campus-assigned identification number. Numeric, 6 digits | Demographics > PersonID Identity.personID |
Grade | Reports the grade levels included in the selected calendars. All grades in a given school are included. Alphanumeric, 2 characters | Calendar Information > Grade Levels Calendar.grade |
Gender | Reports the student's gender, either M or F. Alphabetic, 1 character | Demographics > Gender Identity.gender |
Race Code | Reports the student's assigned race/ethnicity.
Alphabetic, 1 character | Demographics > Race/Ethnicity Identity.raceEthnicity |
Local Neglected | Reports the student's Local Neglected Status, based on the Neglected checkbox marked on the enrollment record.
Numeric, 1 digit | Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Neglected EnrollmentWI.neglected |
Primary Disability | Reports the student's Primary Disability, as marked on the student's locked IEP. Alphanumeric, 3 characters | Special Education > Documents > Education Plan PlanState.disability1Plan.locked |
English Proficiency | Reports the student's English Proficiency as assigned on the EL record. Numeric, 1 digit | Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > English Proficiency English Learners (EL) > EL Services LEP.identifiedDate LEP.exitDate TestScore.scoreID |
Migrant | Reports the student's Migrant status. If the student has an active Migrant record on the report date, reports Y. Otherwise reports N. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Migrant Calculated |
Homeless | Reports the student's Homeless status, as Y (student has a Homeless record) or N (student does not have a Homeless record). Alphanumeric, 1 character | Homeless > Homeless Detail Homeless.homeless startDate |
Generate the End of Year Report
- Enter the Count Date for the report.
- Select the Report Type as Homeless.
- Select the Format of the report.
- Select the Calendars to include on the report.
- Select the students to include in the report by choosing either a Grade level or an Ad hoc Filter.
- Click the Generate Extract button to display the results of the report immediately. Click the Submit to Batch button to choose when the report generates. The report displays in the selected format.
Report Layout for Homeless Report
CSV and HTML State Formats
Data Element | Description | Location |
Section A: Number of Homeless Students | ||
Number of homeless children/youth enrolled in your district Grade: Age 3-5 not K | Report total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 4 digits | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Enrollment > Grade |
Number of homeless children/youth enrolled in your district Grade: K | Report total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 4 digits | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Student Information > Enrollment > Grade |
Number of homeless children/youth enrolled in your district Grade: 1 | Report total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 4 digits | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Enrollment > Grade |
Number of homeless children/youth enrolled in your district Grade: 2 | Report total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Alphanumeric, 3 characters | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Enrollment > Grade |
Number of homeless children/youth enrolled in your district Grade: 3 | Report total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Alphanumeric, 2 characters | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Student Information > Enrollment > Grade |
Number of homeless children/youth enrolled in your district Grade: 4 | Report total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Enrollment > Grade |
Number of homeless children/youth enrolled in your district Grade: 5 | Report total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Enrollment > Grade |
Number of homeless children/youth enrolled in your district Grade: 6 | Report total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Enrollment > Grade |
Number of homeless children/youth enrolled in your district Grade: 7 | Report total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Enrollment > Grade |
Number of homeless children/youth enrolled in your district Grade: 8 | Report total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Enrollment > Grade |
Number of homeless children/youth enrolled in your district Grade: 9 | Report total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Enrollment > Grade |
Number of homeless children/youth enrolled in your district Grade: 10 | Report total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Enrollment > Grade |
Number of homeless children/youth enrolled in your district Grade: 11 | Report total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Enrollment > Grade |
Number of homeless children/youth enrolled in your district Grade: 12 | Report total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Enrollment > Grade |
Of those homeless children/youth enrolled in your district, how many are unaccompanied Grade: Age 3-5 not K | Reports total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year AND have an Unaccompanied Youth status of "Y: Yes" by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Homeless.unaccompaniedYouth Enrollment > Grade |
Of those homeless children/youth enrolled in your district, how many are unaccompanied Grade: K | Reports total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year AND have an Unaccompanied Youth status of "Y: Yes" by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Homeless.unaccompaniedYouthEnrollment > Grade |
Of those homeless children/youth enrolled in your district, how many are unaccompanied Grade: 1 | Reports total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year AND have an Unaccompanied Youth status of "Y: Yes" by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Homeless.unaccompaniedYouthEnrollment > Grade |
Of those homeless children/youth enrolled in your district, how many are unaccompanied Grade: 2 | Reports total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year AND have an Unaccompanied Youth status of "Y: Yes" by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Homeless.unaccompaniedYouthEnrollment > Grade |
Of those homeless children/youth enrolled in your district, how many are unaccompanied Grade: 3 | Reports total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year AND have an Unaccompanied Youth status of "Y: Yes" by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Homeless.unaccompaniedYouthEnrollment > Grade |
Of those homeless children/youth enrolled in your district, how many are unaccompanied Grade: 4 | Reports total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year AND have an Unaccompanied Youth status of "Y: Yes" by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Homeless.unaccompaniedYouthEnrollment > Grade |
Of those homeless children/youth enrolled in your district, how many are unaccompanied Grade: 5 | Reports total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year AND have an Unaccompanied Youth status of "Y: Yes" by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Homeless.unaccompaniedYouthEnrollment > Grade |
Of those homeless children/youth enrolled in your district, how many are unaccompanied Grade: 6 | Reports total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year AND have an Unaccompanied Youth status of "Y: Yes" by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Homeless.unaccompaniedYouthEnrollment > Grade |
Of those homeless children/youth enrolled in your district, how many are unaccompanied Grade: 7 | Reports total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year AND have an Unaccompanied Youth status of "Y: Yes" by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Homeless.unaccompaniedYouthEnrollment > Grade |
Of those homeless children/youth enrolled in your district, how many are unaccompanied Grade: 8 | Reports total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year AND have an Unaccompanied Youth status of "Y: Yes" by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Homeless.unaccompaniedYouthEnrollment > Grade |
Of those homeless children/youth enrolled in your district, how many are unaccompanied Grade: 9 | Reports total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year AND have an Unaccompanied Youth status of "Y: Yes" by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Homeless.unaccompaniedYouthEnrollment > Grade |
Of those homeless children/youth enrolled in your district, how many are unaccompanied Grade: 10 | Reports total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year AND have an Unaccompanied Youth status of "Y: Yes" by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 3 digits | Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Homeless.unaccompaniedYouthEnrollment > Grade |
Of those homeless children/youth enrolled in your district, how many are unaccompanied Grade: 11 | Reports total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year AND have an Unaccompanied Youth status of "Y: Yes" by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Homeless.unaccompaniedYouthEnrollment > Grade |
Of those homeless children/youth enrolled in your district, how many are unaccompanied Grade: 12 | Reports total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year AND have an Unaccompanied Youth status of "Y: Yes" by grade level AND The student's grade code matches the following:
Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless > Unaccompanied Youth Homeless.startDate Homeless.endDate Homeless.unaccompaniedYouthEnrollment > Grade |
Section B: Primary Nighttime Residence of Homeless Children/Youth | ||
Shelters, transitional housing, and awaiting foster care 12/10/2016 | Reports total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year AND have the Primary Nighttime Residence field populated with 05: Shelters, transitional housing and awaiting foster care until Dec. 10, 2016. Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless > Primary Night Time Residence Homeless.primaryNightTimeResidence |
Shelters and transitional housing 12/10/2016 | Reports total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year AND have the primary Nighttime Residence field populated with 01: Shelters and transitional housing. Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless > Primary Night Time Residence Homeless.primaryNightTimeResidence |
Doubled-Up | Reports total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year AND have the primary Nighttime Residence field populated with 02: Doubled-Up. Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless > Primary Night Time Residence Homeless.primaryNightTimeResidence |
Hotels/Motels | Reports total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year AND have the primary Nighttime Residence field populated with 03: Hotels/Motels. Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless > Primary Night Time Residence Homeless.primaryNightTimeResidence |
Unsheltered | Reports total count of students enrolled in the school that have a homeless record overlapping the selected calendar year AND have the primary Nighttime Residence field populated with 04: Unsheltered. Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless > Primary Night Time Residence Homeless.primaryNightTimeResidence |
Section C: Migratory- IDEA- LEP | ||
Migratory children/youth | Reports total count of students enrolled in the school that have a non-expired migrant record that overlaps the selected calendar year Numeric, 3 digits | Migrant Migrant.eligibilityExpirationDate |
Children with disabilities (IDEA) | Reports total count of students enrolled in the school that have a locked IEP AND have start and end dates that overlap the selected calendar year AND The student's Special Ed Status (Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields) is marked as "Yes". If it is marked as "No" and the Special Ed Exit Date contains a date on or after the enrollment start date for the selected calendar, then do include in the total count. Otherwise, do not include in the total count. Numeric, 3 digits | Special Education > General > Documents Plan.startDate Plan.endDate |
Limited English Proficient (LEP) Students | Reports total count of students enrolled in the school that have an English Learners (EL) record with a Program Status of "EL" or "Exited EL" AND The EL record has a start date on any date on or before the enrollment end date (or calendar end date if the enrollment end date is null) on the selected calendar OR an end date on any date on or after the enrollment start date on the selected calendar. Numeric, 3 digits | English Learners (EL) Lep.identifiedDate Lep.exitDate |
Section D: Received Services from the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Subgrant | ||
Age under 3 | Reports total count of children/youth receiving services under age 3. Age is calculated by the student's age on the enrollment end date (or calendar end date if the enrollment end date is null) for the school where the services are received. Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless > Homeless Served Homeless.homelessServed |
Age 3-5 not K | Reports total count of children/youth receiving services ages 3-5 not K. Includes children between ages 3 and 5 that are not enrolled in the 5-year-old Kindergarten that precedes 1st grade. If a 4-year-old is enrolled in 5-year-old Kindergarten, do NOT include them in this count. Age is calculated by the student's age on the enrollment end date (or calendar end date if the enrollment end date is null) for the school where the services are received. Numeric, 3 digits | Homeless > Homeless Served Homeless.homelessServed |
Detail CSV Format
The Detail CSV Format is provided to aid users in data analysis and troubleshooting. This format is not submitted to the state. The Student Focus report provides detailed information for Title I students actively enrolled in eligible schools.
Data Element | Description | Location |
Year | Indicates the end year of the selected school year for which the report was generated. Numeric, 4 digits | Calendar Information > End Date Calendar.endYear |
District Code | Identification number assigned to the district by the Department of Public Instruction. Numeric, 4 digits | District Information > District Number District.number |
School Code | Identification number assigned to the school by the local district or by DPI. Numeric, 4 digits | School Information > School Number School.number |
Enrollment Start Date | Reports the student's enrollment start date at the school for the selected calendar Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY) | Enrollment > General Enrollment Information > Start Date Enrollment.startDate |
Enrollment End Date | Reports the student's enrollment end date at the school for the selected calendar Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY) | Enrollment > General Enrollment Information > End Date Enrollment.endDate |
Last Name | Reports the student's last name. Alphanumeric, 50 characters | Demographics > Last Name Identity.lastName |
First Name | Reports the student's first name. Alphanumeric, 30 characters | Demographics > First Name Identity.firstName |
Middle Name | Reports the student's middle name. Alphanumeric, 15 characters | Demographics > Middle Name Identity.middleName |
State ID | Reports the student's state-assigned identification number. Numeric, 10 digits | Demographics > State ID Person.stateID |
Person ID | Reports the student's Campus-assigned identification number. Numeric, 6 digits | Demographics > PersonID Identity.personID |
Grade | Reports the grade levels included in the selected calendars. All grades in a given school are included. Alphanumeric, 2 characters | Calendar Information > Grade Levels Calendar.grade |
Homeless Start Date | Reports the Start Date for the selected homeless record Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY) | Homeless Homeless.startDate |
Homeless End Date | Reports the End Date for the selected homeless record Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY) | Homeless Homeless.endDate |
Homeless child/youth enrolled in district and unaccompanied | Reports 'Y' if the student has an active homeless record for the specified district and they are marked as unaccompanied. Else report 'N'. Alphabetic, 1 character | Homeless > Unaccompanied Youth Homeless.unaccompaniedYouth |
Shelters, transitional housing, and awaiting foster care up to 12/10/2016 | Reports 'Y' if the student's Primary Night Time Residence is marked as Shelter, Transitional Housing, or Awaiting Foster Care AND the homeless record is on or before 12/10/2016. Else report 'N' Alphabetic, 1 character | Homeless > Primary Night Time Residence Homeless.primaryNighttimeResidence |
Shelters and transitional housing after 12/10/2016 | Reports 'Y' if the student's Primary Night Time Residence is marked as Shelter or Transitional Housing AND the homeless record is after 12/10/2016. Else report 'N' Alphabetic, 1 character | Homeless > Primary Night Time Residence Homeless.primaryNighttimeResidence |
Doubled-Up | Reports 'Y' if the student's Primary Night Time Residence is marked as Doubled-Up. Else report 'N' Alphabetic, 1 character | Homeless > Primary Night Time Residence
Hotels/Motels | Reports 'Y' if the Primary Night Time Residence status is marked as Hotels/Motels. Else report 'N' Alphabetic, 1 character | Homeless > Primary Night Time Residence
Unsheltered | Reports 'Y' if the Primary Night Time Residence status is marked as Unsheltered. Else report 'N' Alphabetic, 1 character | Homeless > Primary Night Time Residence
Migratory children/youth | Reports 'Y' if the student enrolled in the school has a non-expired migrant record that overlaps the selected calendar year. Else report 'N' Alphabetic, 1 character | Migrant Migrant.lastQualifyingArrivalDate Migrant.eligibilityExpirationDate |
Children with disabilities (IDEA) | Reports 'Y' if the student enrolled in the school has a locked IEP AND has start and end date that overlap the selected calendar year AND The student's Special Ed Status (Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields) is marked as "Yes". If it is marked as "No" and the Special Ed Exit Date contains a date on or after the enrollment start date for the selected calendar, then do include in the total count. Otherwise, do not include in the total count. Else report 'N' Alphabetic, 1 character | Special Education > General > Documents Plan.startDate Plan.endDate |
Limited English Proficient (LEP) Students | Reports 'Y' if the student enrolled in the school has an English Learners (EL) record with a Program Status of "EL" or "Exited EL". AND The EL record has a start date on any date on or before the enrollment end date (or calendar end date if the enrollment end date is null) on the selected calendar OR an end date on any date on or after the enrollment start date on the selected calendar. Else reports 'N' Alphabetic, 1 character | English Learners (EL) Lep.identifiedDate Lep.exitDate |
Receiving Services from McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Subgrant | Reports 'Y' if the student has received services from the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Subgrant (See Section D - DE11 and DE12). Else reports 'N' Alphabetic, 1 character | Homeless > Homeless Served Homeless.homelessServed |