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Student Template & Student Snapshot Template (New Mexico)

Tool Search: Student & Student Snapshot

This tool extracts data for completing the Student Template and Student Snapshot Template extracts.

  • The STUDENT extract reports one record per student that is actively enrolled at least one day on or between the Start Date and End Date in at least one of the Calendar/s selected.
  • The STUD_SNAPSHOT extract reports one record per student that is actively enrolled on the Standardized Reporting Date  in at least one of the Calendars selected. 

Screenshot of Student Template & Student Snapshot Template Editor.Student Template & Student Snapshot Template Editor  

Report Logic

Click here to expand...

Report Editor

Extract Type

A dropdown list of all available extracts.

Submission Schedule

A dropdown list of submission schedules.

  • 40D
  • 80D
  • 120D
  • EOY
  • Accountability
  • Summer
  • K5P
  • Open Yr Round
Standardized Reporting Date


The reporting date of the collection.

Snapshot Date


The reporting date of the collection. This field only displays when the Submission Schedule is Open Yr Round.

Submission Start Date

Submission End Date


The first day and the last day of the reporting range.

GradeThe Grade field allows you to limit report results to students in the selected mapped state grade(s).
Ad Hoc FilterAd Hoc Filters allow you to limit report results to those included in the filter. This option is useful for troubleshooting. For example, you could filter report results to specific students.


The format in which the report will generate. Options include HTML and State Format (CSV).
Select Calendars

The calendar(s) from which data is pulled for the report.

Generate Extract/
Submit to Batch
The report can be marked to generate immediately using the Generate Extract button or can be marked to generate at a later time using the Submit to Batch button. See the Batch Queue article for additional guidance.

Report Examples

Screenshot of Student Snapshot Template Example.Student Snapshot Template Example 

Screenshot of Student Template Example.Student Template Example  

Report Layout

#ElementLogicCampus Location
1District Code

A three character district code.

Numeric, 3 digits

District Information > District Number


2 Location Code 

The state school number. This number reports from the student's active reporting primary enrollment.

If Student Information > Special Education > General > NM Exceptionality (State Reporting ) Data Entry Plan is active based on Participation Start & End Dates AND Location = 998, 998 reports.

Otherwise, the State School Number reports from the reporting enrollment record. The number reports according to the following hierarchy.

  • Primary Enrollment
  • Partial Enrollment
  • SPED

If multiple enrollments exist, reports from the most recent start date.

Numeric, 3 digits

Special Education > General > NM Exceptionality (State Reporting ) Data Entry Plan
  • Participation Start Date
  • Participation End Date
  • Location Code

nmExceptionalityPlan.participationStart Date



3School Year DateThe end year of the selected calendar(s) plus the date 06-30. For example, 2016-06-30.

Date field, 10 characters


4Student IDReports the state-assigned identifier for the student.

Numeric, 9 digits
Demographics > State ID

Filler 5 - 8 N\AN\A
9Middle Initial

The student's middle initial.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Demographics > Person Information > Middle Name


10Current Grade Level

The student's mapped State Grade Level based on their enrollment grade level.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Enrollment > Grade

Grade Levels > Grade Level Editor > Grade Level Detail > State Grade Level Code



Filler 11 - 13 N\AN\A
14Birth dateThe student's birth date.

Date field, 10 characters


Identities > Birth Date

15Birth Gender Code

The gender of the student.

Valid Values

  • F: Female
  • M: Male

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Demographics > Gender


16Address 1Line 1 of the student's primary home address.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Household > Address > Primary Address

Number, Prefix, Street, Tag





17Address 2Line 2 of the student's primary home address.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Household > Address > Primary Address

Apt, Unit number



18CityThe city name of the student's address.

Alphanumeric, 25 characters
Household > Address > City
19State CodeThe state name of the student's address.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters
Household > Address > State


Filler 20 - 21 N\AN\A
22Primary Guardian Name

The guardian name linked to the student's record through the Relationships tool (Census > People > Relationships > Guardian).

If a student is an unaccompanied youth or an emancipated youth, the guardian name is Self.

Campus considers guardians in the student's primary household first. If multiple guardians are found in the student's primary household, then the person with the lowest person ID reports. If there isn't a guardian in their primary household, the guardian with the lowest personID in the secondary household reports; otherwise, the guardian with the lowest personID that has a relationship with the student reports.

Alphanumeric, 40 characters

Identities > First Name

Identities > Last Name



Filler 23N\AN\A
 24Guardian Daytime PhoneThe guardian phone number linked to the student's record through the Relationships tool (Census > People > Relationships > Guardian).

Guardian's mobile number reports first if populated. Otherwise, the guardian's home number reports. 

In the absence of a guardian phone number, the student's household number reports.

If mobile/daytime number is NULL, then report (000)000-0000.

If a student is an unaccompanied youth or an emancipated youth, the guardian daytime phone reports as the student's.

Campus considers guardians in the student's primary household first. If multiple guardians are found in the student's primary household, then the person with the lowest person ID reports. If there isn't a guardian in their primary household, the guardian with the lowest personID in the secondary household reports; otherwise, the guardian with the lowest personID that has a relationship with the student reports.

If the student is a member of more than one household, the guardian's daytime phone of the most recent household reports.

Identities > Person Information > Cell Phone

Households > Household Info > Phone Number

25Unaccompanied Youth

Identifies a student who fits the McKinney-Vento definition of homeless and who is without a parent or guardian to advocate for them and exercise parental rights.

Campus first looks looks for an active Homeless record.

  • STUDENT. Campus checks for an active Homeless record on the date reported Submission End Date or the Enrollment End Date, whichever comes first.
  • STUD_SNAPSHOT or Student (Open Yr. Round) Campus checks for an active Homeless record on the date selected.
If the homeless record...Then...
does not exist or the record is not activethis element reports blank.

is active AND

  • the Homeless Residence is is selected
  • Unaccompanied Youth is YES

U reports.

The homeless student is NOT in the presence of a parent, guardian or legal status identified by the court system

is active AND

  • the Homeless Residence is selected AND
  • Unaccompanied Youth is NO

A reports.

The homeless student is in the presence of a parent, guardian or whose legal status is identified by the court system.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Homeless > Homeless Detail

  • Homeless Residence
  • Unaccompanied Youth



Filler 26 N\AN\A
27Ethnic Code Short

The student's race/ethnicity.

Valid Values

  • C: Caucasian
  • B: Black or African American
  • A: Asian
  • I: American Indian/Alaskan Native
  • P: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Identities > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity


Filler 28 - 32 N\AN\A
33Food Program Participation Code

Identifies whether the student participates in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP).

Valid Values

  • F: Free
  • R: Reduced
  • N: Not participating as Free or Reduced. This is for students that pay full price for their school meals. N reports if the student has an active Eligibility of PAID or does NOT have an active FRAM record.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

FRAM > Eligibility


Filler 34 - 37 N\AN\A
38Special Education

Indicates whether the student has a current IEP and is receiving services under IDEA 618, Part B.

Reports from the active NM Exceptionality (State Reporting) Data Entry Plan. If the Primary Area of Exceptionality is 1, 2, or 4, Y reports.

Otherwise, this element reports N.

Valid Values

  • Y: Students with Disabilities (Primary or Secondary)
  • N: Regular Education and Gifted-only (with no disabilities) Students

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Special Education > General > NM Exceptionality (State Reporting ) Data Entry Plan
  • Participation Start Date
  • Participation End Date
  • Primary Area of Exceptionality




Filler 39 N\AN\A
40Level Of Integration

The level of special services provided to the student.

Reports the value selected in SPED Service Level on the active NM Exceptionality (State Reporting) Data Entry Plan. 

  • 1: Less than 10% of the day (minimum or “A”)
  • 2: 11% to 49% of the day (moderate or "B")
  • 3: 50% or more of day-not full day (extensive or "C")
  • 4: Up to full day or program 3Y/4Y (max or "D")

Otherwise, this element reports blank.

Numeric, 1 digit

Special Education > General > NM Exceptionality (State Reporting ) Data Entry Plan
  • Participation Start Date
  • Participation End Date
  • SPED Service Level




Filler 41 - 45 N\AN\A
46Repeating Last YearIndicates whether the student was retained or failed to be promoted following the completion of the past school year. If the Repeating Last Year checkbox is marked, Y reports, Otherwise, this element reports N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Enrollment > Repeating Last Year


Filler 47 - 65  
 66Planned Post Graduate Activity
Filler 66
Student Template Only
Reports the student's post grad plans.

This element reports the code from the Post Grad Plans drop down field for the student when the student's primary enrollment End Date and the student's Diploma Date occur during the reporting range (or the selected date when the Submission Schedule is Open Yr Round) and the student's enrollment end status is WG (Graduated) or the student's Diploma Type is not null AND the student special ed field 38 is Y. 

Otherwise, this element reports blank.

Graduation > Post Grad Plans



Student Status 

Filler 67 

 Student Template Only 

Indicates whether the student graduated.

This element reports G when the student's primary enrollment End Date and the student's Diploma Date occur during the reporting range (or the selected date when the Submission Schedule is Open Yr Round) and either the student's enrollment end status is WG (Graduated) or the student's Diploma Type is not null.

Otherwise, this element reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Graduation > Diploma Type; Diploma Date




Last Status Date

Filler 68 

 Student Template Only 

The student's actual graduation date. 

This field only reports if the Student Status field is reporting G.

When the Submission Schedule is Open Yr Round, the student's enrollment of record end date AND graduation diploma date must be the date selected on the extract editor to report.

Date field, 10 characters


Graduation > Diploma Date


Filler 69 N\AN\A
70Plan 504 IndicatorIndicates whether the student qualifies as an individual with disabilities under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. If this checkbox is marked, this element reports Y. Otherwise, this element reports N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Plan 504 Indicator


Filler 71 - 72 N\AN\A
73Foreign Exchange StudentIdentifies whether the student is a foreign exchange student. If the Foreign Exchange Student checkbox is marked, this element reports Y. Otherwise, this element reports N.Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Foreign Exchange Student


Filler 74 - 79 N\AN\A
80Gifted Participation Code

Identifies whether the student is gifted.

reports if the student has an active NM Exceptionality (state reporting) Data Entry Plan where the Primary Area of Exceptionality is 3 (gifted only). Otherwise, reports.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Special Education > General > NM Exceptionality (State Reporting) Data Entry Plan

  • Participation Start Date
  • Participation End Date
  • SPED Service Level




Filler 81 - 82 N\AN\A

Snapshot Date 

Filler 83 

 Student Snapshot Only 

The logical reporting date. This element reports the year plus a specific value for the selected Submission Schedule.

YYYY represents the year in which the logical reporting date falls. School years run from 07/01 to 6/30.

Valid Values

  • YYYY-10-01: 40D
  • YYYY-12-15: 80D
  • YYYY-03-01: 120D
  • YYYY-04-20: Accountability
  • YYYY-06-01: EOY
  • YYYY-09-01: K5P
  • YYYY-06-29: Summer Session
  • YYYY-07-15: Open Yr Round


  • Summer Session: 2018-06-29
  • Open Yr round: 2017-07-15

Date field, 10 characters YYYY-MM-DD


Filler 84 - 87 N\AN\A
88Direct Certification Status Code

Identifies whether the student has been Directly Certified as eligible for free meals.

Valid Values

  • 1: SNAP Direct Certification
  • 2: Certified Type is Homeless, Foster, FDPIR, Migrant, Runaway or Head Start

Numeric, 1 digit

FRAM > Eligibility > Direct Certified Type


Filler 89 - 90 N\AN\A

Diploma Type Code

Filler 91 

 Student Snapshot Only 

The student's Diploma Type.

This field only reports if the Student Status field is reporting G.

When the Submission Schedule is Open Yr Round, the student's enrollment of record end date AND graduation diploma date must be the date selected on the extract editor to report.

Valid Values

  • 1: Diploma (regular). Includes (Standard, Career Readiness and Ability options)
  • 2: Certificate of Course Work Completed (May include students in special education if their IEP states they are on a continuing or transition IEP. Does NOT end student’s right to FAPE.)

Numeric, 1 digit

Graduation > Diploma Type


Filler 92 N\AN\A
93Alternate Student ID

The student's local student number.

Numeric, 25 digits

Demographics > Student Number


Filler 94 -96 N\AN\A
97Grade 9 Entry DateThe date the student entered the 9th grade. If the Date First Entered the 9th Grade is empty, this element reports blank.

Date field, 10 characters YYYY-MM-DD

Graduation > Date First Entered the 9th Grade


Filler 98 - 102 N\AN\A
103Family IdentifierThis field reports blank.

Filler 104 - 106 N\AN\A
107Alternate Guardian Name

The guardian name linked to the student's record through the Relationships tab (Census > People > Relationships > Guardian) if the student has more than one guardian. The guardian with the lowest person ID reports.

The guardian with the lowest person ID that is NOT reported in field 22 reports. Campus considers guardians in the student's primary household first. If multiple guardians are found in the student's primary household, then the person with the lowest person ID reports. If there isn't a guardian in their primary household, the guardian with the lowest personID in the secondary household reports; otherwise, the guardian with the lowest personID that has a relationship with the student reports. 

Alphanumeric, 40 characters

Identities > First Name

Identities > Last Name



Filler 108 - 110 N\AN\A

Indicates whether the student is homeless and was served under McKinney Vento.

Campus looks for an active Homeless program participation. If one is found, reports. Otherwise N reports.

  • Student -  Submission Schedule is NOT open yr round. Homeless record is active on either the Submission End Date or Enrollment > End Date whichever comes first.
  • STUD_SNAPSHOT or Student (Open Yr. Round) -  Submission Schedule = Open Yr Round: Homeless record is active on the Date selected.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Homeless > Homeless Detail:

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Homeless Nighttime Residence
  • McKinney-Vento





Filler 112 N\AN\A
113English Proficiency Code

Identifies whether a current ELL students or former English Language Learner (ELL) students has been re-classified as Fluent English Proficient.

Exited Status is determined by the Extract AND Submission schedule.

  • Student or Student Snapshot where Submission Schedule = Open Yr Round - exited status is determined using the Snapshot date
  • When the Submission Schedule in NOT open yr round - the Exited Status is determined by using the End Date.

Not Tested

This value only reports for PreK students.

 0: IFEP - Student was never ELL

The student has NEVER had an EL or Exited EL record.


The student has an EL and the Identified Date is AFTER the Standardized Reporting Date selected on the extract editor.

 1: Current EL Student

Program Status = EL

Active (based on report & submission schedule selected) falls on/between Identified Date & Program Exit Date

 2: RFEP1 - Exited Year 1

Program Status = Exited EL AND the student is in exited Year 1

The Submission Schedule End Date or Snapshot Date selected on the extract editor is within 365 days (1 Year) from the student's EL Program Exit Date.

 3: RFEP2 - Exited Year 2

Program Status = Exited EL AND the student is in exited Year 2

The Submission Schedule End Date or Snapshot Date selected on the Extract Editor is on or between 366 to 730 days (>1 Year but <=2 Years) from the student's EL Program Exit Date.

 4: RFEP3 - Exited Year 3

Program Status = Exited EL AND the student is in exited Year 3.

The Submission Schedule End Date or Snapshot Date selected on the Extract Editor is on or between 731 to 1065 days (>2 Years but <=3 Years) from the student's EL Program Exit Date.

5: RFEP4 - Exited Year 4

Program Status = Exited EL AND the student is in exited Year 4.

The Submission Schedule End Date or Snapshot Date selected on the Extract Editor is on or between 1066 to 1460 days (>3 Years but <=4 Years) from the student's EL Program Exit Date.

6: RFEP5 - Exited over 4 Years

Program Status = Exited EL AND the student is past exited Year 4.

The Submission Schedule End Date or Snapshot Date selected on the Extract Editor is at least 1461 days (>4 Years) from the student's EL Program Exit Date.

Otherwise, this field reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

English Learners (EL) > EL > Active EL Record
  • Program Status
  • Identified Date
  • Program Exit Date




114Race Or Ethnicity Subgroup Code

The primary Tribe or Pueblo with which the student is affiliated. See the following Tribal Codes for more information.

If the Tribe field is null and a Default Value is set on the data dictionary, the default value reports. If the field is Null and no Default Value exists, the field reports null.

Numeric, 2 digits

Demographics > Tribal


Filler 115 - 119  N\AN\A
120Parental Status Code

Indicates the parental status of the student.

Valid Values

  • S: Single Parent
  • NS: Parent - Not Single
  • NP: Not a Parent

Alphanumeric, 2 character

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Parental Status

121Student Is ExpectingIndicates whether the student is pregnant. If the Student Expecting checkbox is marked, this element reports Y. Otherwise, this element reports N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Student Expecting


Filler 122 N\AN\A
123Home Language Code

Report the language spoken in the student's home. If no language is selected, this element reports 00.

Numeric, 4 digits

Demographics > Home Primary Language

Identity.home PrimaryLanguage

Filler 124 N\AN\A
125Years In US Schools

Indicates whether the student has been enrolled in U.S. schools for three consecutive years without dropping out.

Reports the code selected in the Years in US Schools field. If that field is empty, the default value set in the attribute dictionary reports.

Numeric, 1 digit

Demographics > Years in US Schools


Filler 126 - 130  N\AN\A
131Food Program Eligibility

The student's eligibility for free or reduced meals.

Valid Values

  • F: Free. The student has an active FRAM record eligible for free meals.
  • R: Reduced. The student has an active FRAM record eligible for reduced meals.
  • N: Not participating as Free or Reduced. The students that pay full price for their school meals.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

FRAM > Eligibility


Filler 132 N\AN\A
133Last Name LongThe student's last name.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters
Identities > Last Name

134First Name LongThe student's first name.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters
Identities > First Name


Filler 135 - 143  N\AN\A
144Hispanic Ethnicity Indicator

Indicates whether the student identifies with an ethnicity of Hispanic/Latino.

The element reports Yes or No.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Identities > Race/Ethnicity > Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?


Filler 145 N\AN\A





Race 2 Code

Race 3 Code

Race 4 Code

Race 5 Code

If the student has additional race/ethnicity selections, the value(s) report in these elements. Otherwise, these elements report blank.

Valid Values

  • C: Caucasian
  • B: Black or African American
  • A: Asian
  • I: American Indian/Alaskan Native
  • P: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Federal Race Ethnicity
  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • White







150Federal Form 506 IndicatorIndicates whether the student has a verified Federal Form 506 or Census Number on file. If the FF 506 checkbox is marked, this element reports Y. Otherwise, this element reports N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Demographics > FF 506


Filler 151 N\AN\A
152Immigrant IndicatorIndicates whether the student is identified as an immigrant. If the Immigrant checkbox is marked, this element reports Y. Otherwise, this element reports N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Identities > Immigrant


153BEP Program Language CodeIndicates the student's BEP Program Language Code.
A record reports ONLY if the student has an active BEP state program record that is active on at least one date during the reporting range.
If no code is selected, the default value set in the data dictionary reports.
Otherwise, this field reports blank.
Bilingual Education Program (BEP)


Filler 154N\AN\A
155Base Zip codeThe zip code from the student's address.

Numeric, 5 digits
Household > Address > Zip


Filler 156 - 165N\AN\A
166Displaced Homemaker

Indicates whether the student is a displaced homemaker. If the Displaced Homemaker checkbox is marked, this element reports Y. Otherwise, this element reports N.

Displaced Homemaker Definition

  • Person who has worked primarily without remuneration to care for a home and family, and for that reason has diminished marketable skills.
  • Person who has been dependent on the income of another family member but is no longer supported by that income.
  • A Person who Is a parent whose youngest dependent child will become ineligible to receive assistance under part A of Title IV of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) not later than 2 years after the date on which the parent applies for assistance under this title AND who is unemployed or underemployed and is experiencing difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Displaced Homemaker

167Sped Referral Code

Indicates whether the special education student was referred from Part C to B or through Child Find.

Valid Values

  • C: Child served in Part C (Birth-3) and was referred to Part B (Age 3-21) for eligibility determination. (Event Type 18)

  • F: Child was referred through Child Find (NOT Receiving Part C Services). (Event Type 30)

The Sped Referral Code element reports C or F based on a hierarchy when both are present. If the student has an active Event where the Event Type is 18, C reports. Only if an active 18 or 20-24 event does NOT exist, the report checks the student for an active Event where the Event Type is 30 and reports F. Otherwise, the SPED Referral Code reports null.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Special Ed > General > Documents > Plan Outline nmGiftedPlan > Events Details

  • Event Date
  • Event Type Code

Filler 168 - 173  N\AN\A
174Dwelling Arrangement Code

If the student is homeless, this element identifies the student's primary residence. If the student is not homeless, this element reports blank.

  • STUDENT. Campus checks for an active Homeless record on the date reported Submission End Date or the Enrollment End Date, whichever comes first.
  • STUD_SNAPSHOT  or Student (Open Yr. Round) Campus checks for an active Homeless record on the date selected on the extract editor.

Valid Values

  • D: Doubled-Up
  • HM: Hotels/Motels
  • S: Shelters
  • U: Unsheltered

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Homeless > Homeless Detail > Homeless Residence


Filler 175 - 187N\AN\A

Home Schooled Indicator/

Filler 188

Student Template Only 

Identifies home schooled students that take courses in the district. If the Home Schooled checkbox is marked, this element reports Y. Otherwise, this element reports N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Home Schooled

189Filler 189-191

192Guardian Email AddressThe guardian phone number linked to the student's record through the Relationships tool (Census > People > Relationships > Guardian).

Reports the guardians email address if the Student Special Ed field 38 is Y.

Otherwise, reports blank.

If a student is an unaccompanied youth or an emancipated youth, the guardian daytime phone reports as the student's.

Campus considers guardians in the student's primary household first. If multiple guardians are found in the student's primary household, then the person with the lowest person ID reports. If there isn't a guardian in their primary household, the guardian with the lowest personID in the secondary household reports; otherwise, the guardian with the lowest personID that has a relationship with the student reports.

Demographics > Email

Filler 189 - 206N\AN\A
207Military Family Code

The military status of the student's family. If a Military Family Code is not selected, this element reports blank.

Valid Values

  • 1: Active
  • 2: National Guard
  • 3: Reserve

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Military Family Code


225Gender IdentityStudent

Reports the gender value from the Identity record that is active on the date selected if the value is different than the birth gender.

Stud_Snapshot or Student
Reports the gender value from the Identity record that is active on the date selected.

Valid Values:
  • M: Male
  • F: Female
  • X: Non-binary

Identities > Protected Identity > Gender Identity

Identities > Gender 


Tribal Codes

00Not Applicable
01 Acoma
02 Cochiti
03 Isleta
04 Jemez
05 Jicarilla Apache
06 Laguna
07 Mescalero Apache
08 Nambe
09 Navajo
10 Picuris
11 Pojoaque
12 San Felipe
13 San Ildefonso
14 Ohkay Owingeh
16 Santa Ana
17 Santa Clara
18 Kewa
19 Taos
20 Tesuque
21 Zia
22 Zuni
23 Other