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Graduation (Nevada)

Tool Search: Graduation

Fields in the Graduation tool that are specific to the state of Nevada are described below. Fields that do not require unique, state-specific data are described in the Graduation article.

Image of the Nevada General Graduation Information Editor.Nevada General Graduation Information Editor

GRAD Score

The GRAD Score is populated by the Early Warning tool. The predictive analysis employed to generate a student's GRAD score is ever evolving and is constantly updated as new data is entered into Campus. A student's GRAD score includes (but is not limited to) the following categories of data:

  • Enrollment
  • School
  • Identity
  • Behavior
  • Household Demographics
  • Student Engagement
  • Guardian Involvement
  • Attendance
  • Grades
  • Standardized Tests

Diploma Date

The month, day, and year the student was awarded the diploma.

Diploma Type 

The Diploma Type drop list allows users to select the type of plan under which the student graduated. The Diploma Type section under the Attribute / Dictionary is unlocked so users with the appropriate tool rights can add / edit local Diploma Types. One of the Standard Codes listed below must be assigned to the local Diploma Type for it to display for students in the State Edition (state reporting).  

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Diploma Period

The period when the diploma was awarded:

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Post Grad Location

Indicates where the student will be after graduation.

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Post Grad Plans

Indicates the student's plans following graduation.

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State Reporting Graduation Fields

The State Reporting Graduation fields are unique to the state of Nevada. These fields allow districts to enter graduation-specific data for each student in the state of Nevada.

Image of the State Reporting Graduation Fields Editor.State Reporting Graduation Fields Editor

CTE Survey Results

The results from the survey Districts sent to the CTE students that completed a Terminal course and graduated high school the previous school year.


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CTE Survey Sent Date

The month, date, and year the District sent the CTE Survey to the CTE student that completed a Terminal course and graduated high school the previous school year.

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Graduation Award Information

Pending additional information from the Nevada Department of Education.

Image of the Graduation Award Information Editor.Graduation Award Information Editor

Date Awarded

This field indicates the date on which the award was given to the student.

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This field is used to indicate the type of award being given. If the Award is set to Seal an Award Type must be selected. Pending additional information from the Nevada Department of Education.

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