Programs Qualification Template (New Mexico)

Tool Search: Programs Qualif

The Programs Qualification Template tracks program eligibility for the ELL program and for specific Special Education Services that a student requires.

Screenshot of Programs Qualification Template Editor.Programs Qualification Template Editor

Report Logic

  • One record reports per enrolled student's reportable EL Program Participation that is active on the Standardized Date selected on the extract editor.
  • One record reports for each Program Qualification selected on the enrolled student's most recent (last entered) Evaluation.
  • The student's EL Program Participation must have a Program Status of EL to report.
  • To report, an evaluation MUST be entered on the student's NM Exceptionality (state reporting) Plan and must be active on the Standardized Date selected on the extract editor.

    • The Program Qualification must be populated.

  • The student MUST have a Student State ID to report.

  • Students are NOT included if

    • their enrollment record is marked as State Exclude;

    • their enrollment record is marked as No Show;

    • their Grade Level of enrollment is marked as State Exclude; or

    • their Calendar of enrollment is marked as State Exclude.

Report Editor

Submission ScheduleThe Submission Schedule for which data is being submitted to the state.
Standardized DateThe standardized date of the collection on which the student must be enrolled to report.
Which Students would you like to include in the report?
  • Grade: Select a single grade or multiple grades (CTRL-click or SHIFT-click to select multiple).
  • Ad Hoc Filter: Ad Hoc Filters allow you to limit report results to those included in the filter. This option is useful for troubleshooting. 


The format in which the report will generate. Options include HTML and State Format (CSV). 
Select Calendars

The calendar(s) from which data is pulled for the report.

Generate Extract

Submit to Batch

The report can generate immediately using the Generate Extract button or can be marked to generate at a later time using the Submit to Batch button. See the Batch Queue article for additional guidance.

Report Example

Screenshot of Programs Qualification Template Example in HTML.Programs Qualification Template Example - HTML

Report Layout

ElementLogicType, Format and LengthCampus DatabaseCampus Location
District Code

A three character district code.

Numeric, 3 digits


District Information

Location CodeThe state school number.Numeric, 5 digitsSchool.numberSchool Information > State School Number
School YearThe end year of the selected calendar(s) plus the date 06-30. For example, 2016-06-30.

Date field, 10 characters


Student IDReports the state-assigned identifier for the student.Numeric, 9 digitsPerson.stateID Demographics > State ID
Programs Code

The State Code assigned to the student. To report, the code must be selected on the student's active reporting enrollment.

The Programs Code reports from the EL Program Participation & NM Exceptionality (State Reporting) Plan. A unique record reports per Program Code - eligibility.

State CodeReportsIf the student has an active...

EL program participation on the extract editor end date AND Program Status is EL.

Mental HealthMH

NM Exceptionality (State Reporting) Plan on the extract editor end date AND Evaluation Editor on that plan has a Program Qualification with code MH selected in the dropdown list.

Voc RehabVR

NM Exceptionality (State Reporting) Plan on the extract editor end date AND Evaluation Editor on that plan has Program Qualification with code VR selected in the dropdown list.

Dev DisabilitiesDD

NM Exceptionality (State Reporting) Plan on the extract editor end date AND Evaluation Editor on that plan has Program Qualification with code DD selected in the dropdown list.

Independent LivingIL

NM Exceptionality (State Reporting) Plan on the extract editor end date AND Evaluation Editor on that plan has Program Qualification with code IL selected in the dropdown list.

Post SecondaryPS

NM Exceptionality (State Reporting) Plan on the extract editor end date AND Evaluation Editor on that plan has Program Qualification with code PS selected in the drop list.

Alphanumeric, 8 characters


English Learner (EL) > Status

NM Exceptionality (state reporting) Plan > Evaluation Detail > Program Qualification

Qualification Date

Reports the hard-coded date based on Submission Schedule selected on extract editor.

Valid Values

  • YYYY-10-01 = 40D
  • YYYY-12-15 = 80D
  • YYYY-03-01 = 120D
  • YYYY-06-01 = EOY

Date field, 10 characters


N/ANM State Reporting > PROGRAMS_QUALIF > Submission Schedule
Qualification TypeThe eScholar field indicating the Qualification Type. This field always reports E=Eligible.Alphanumeric, 4 charactersN/AN/A
Qualification Info

Identifies the method used to originally identify a student as an English Language Learner or to re-classify a student as an English Language Learner.

Reports the selected code from the Qualification Method.

Valid Values for Original Classification

  • 0 = Not Applicable
  • 1= Home Language Survey and Language Proficiency Assessment
  • 2 = Teacher Observation and Language Proficiency Assessment
  • 3 = Student Survey (7-12 only) and Language Proficiency Assessment

Valid Values for Reclassification

  • 0 = Not Applicable
  • 9 = Student academic achievement on the state mandated test, a Student Assistance Team (SAT) referral, and Language
Numeric, 4 digitsEnrollment.ellMethod English Learner (EL) > Active EL Record > State Localized Elements > Qualification Method
 Filler1  N/AN/AN/AN/A