Social Security Number Tool Rights

Tool Search: Demographics 

Private student, staff, and person information is stored in Infinite Campus for use in state reporting requirements and other auditing and tracking processes. A person’s Social Security number (SSN) is included in this private data.

Infinite Campus provides specific tool rights that can be assigned to certain individuals, limiting the viewing of the SSN to only those who need to see the number to perform their job duties.

Screenshot of the Demographics tool with a callout around the Social Security Number field.Demographics tool - Social Security Number field 

Social Security numbers and other private information are included in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

To protect this information, SSNs display as XXX-XX-XXXX initially, and if the user has rights to see the information, clicking Show displays the full number. To hide the number, click Hide.

The following information details the settings needed for viewing the SSN based on the type of person.

Tool Rights

Tool Search: User Account

SSN information is viewable only with appropriate tool rights. Users must have the SSN tool right assigned and applicable calendar rights to view information.

Tool rights for the SSN can be assigned such that an individual can view persons, staff or students. See the definitions below for each group.                         




People who have enrollment records (current or inactive).


People who have an active district employment or district assignment record.


Any person entered into Campus.

A user could have any combination of the tool rights assigned. The district is responsible for maintaining tool rights and ensuring proper privacy guidelines are in effect.

Users can be assigned the following rights:

  • Read - allows the user to view the SSN
  • Write - allows the user to view and enter SSN information and update existing SSN information.

Add and Delete tool rights contain no functionality for SSN management.

Screenshot of Social Security Number tool rights in the User Tool Rights Editor.User Tool Rights Editor - SSN Rights

Assign Tool Rights for SSN Viewing to an Individual User

  1. After selecting the appropriate user from the search results, navigate to Individual Tool Rights.
  2. Select Modify Tool Rights.
  3. Expand Additional Access Rights > General
  4. Place a checkmark in the Read or Write column to assign the appropriate rights. A user could have any combination of SSN rights. Checkboxes assigned at the header give rights to all subgroups, while checkboxes assigned at the subgroup only give rights to that option.
  5. Click Update when finished. The selected individual now has SSN rights. The tool rights are in place the next time the user logs into Campus.

Assign Tool Rights for SSN Viewing to an User Group

  1. After selecting the appropriate user group from the search results, navigate to Tool Rights
  2. Expand Additional Access Rights > General 
  3. Place a checkmark in the Read or Write column to assign the appropriate rights. A user could have any combination of SSN rights. Checkboxes assigned at the header give rights to all subgroups, while checkboxes assigned at the subgroup only give rights to that option.
  4. Click Save when finished. The selected user group now has SSN rights. The tool rights are in place the next time a user group member logs into Campus.

Social Security Number Management

Social Security numbers are added to a person’s Demographic data and used in reports, to locate students and staff, in advanced searches, and in general maintenance processes.

The Social Security Number field will only appear when a user has assigned SSN Rights. The school and/or district can change tool rights at any time, and sensitive information like SSNs and other private information should be reviewed regularly.

When a user does not have SSN rights but has rights to modify Demographics or Identities, upon saving the changes, the SSN does not display for that user, but it still exists on the record.

If a user does not have the SSN subright selected, the SSN field does not display.                                        

SSN Subright


SSN for All People

When selected, the user sees the Social Security numbers of students, staff, and other persons entered into Census.

SSN for Students

When selected, the user sees only the Social Security numbers for students, not for staff or other people (emergency contacts, parents, etc.).

SSN for Staff

When selected, the user sees only Social Security numbers for staff, but not for students or other people (emergency contacts, parents, etc.)

Users also need appropriate Calendar Rights to see the SSN for students. This means the SSN is only visible when the user has calendar rights to the school where the student is enrolled. 

Additional Social Security Number Management

The following tools follow the logic established by the Social Security tool rights.                                                                            



Student Locator

Search by SSN is only allowed with sub-rights.

Display and/or edit of SSN follows sub-rights.  
Entering SSN in the Student Locator is not recommended.

Staff Locator

Search by SSN is only allowed with sub-rights.

Display and/or edit of SSN follows sub-rights.

Advanced Search

Search by SSN is only allowed with sub-rights.

Census Demographics

Display and/or edit of SSN follows sub-rights.

School Years

Start and end date fields have been added to the School Years editor to ensure proper SSN subright functionality. These are not required fields, and logic has been added to have a school year’s start date be July 1 and an end date of June 30 unless otherwise entered.


All Campus-provided reports that contain SSN data are generated but do not display the SSN unless the user has the appropriate tool and calendar rights.

State reports are not included in this logic. Any state report formatted to return SSN information extracts the value regardless of the user’s SSN tool and calendar rights.

Ad hoc Reports

Display of SSN follows sub-rights.