Course Planner

Tool Search: Course Planner

Submit feedback for the new Course Planner by clicking the Feedback button in the bottom right hand corner. This takes you to the Campus Community Course Planner forum topic where you can add your suggestions for the Course Planner. 

The Course Planner displays request tallies, computes number of sections needed, and compares students requests and sections to last year's calendar to see how these changes may affect section staffing needs. Any scheduling related course item can be modified in the Course Planner, including course constraints, room placement and teacher assignment.

The Course Planner can be used throughout the scheduling process, but is best used after calendars for the next school year are created and enrollments have been rolled forward and student requests are entered.

Screenshot of the Course Planner, located at Scheduling & Courses, Scheduling.Course Planner

Read - Access and view the Course Planner, filter courses, and use the Side Panel.
Write - Edit and save changes to the Side Panel.
Add - N/A
Delete - N/A

See the Tool Rights section below for more details on what actions can be performed with each right.

When to use the Course Planner

  • AFTER calendars for the next school year are created.
  • AFTER enrollments have been rolled forward.
  • AFTER student requests for the next year are entered. 
  • BEFORE and DURING the building and loading of courses when using the Scheduling Board.

Navigation of Course Planner

A Year, School and Calendar (and Structure when applicable) MUST be selected in the Campus toolbar in order to display information. 

Locked Trial

When viewing the Course Planner for a Scheduling Trial that is currently locked (e.g., someone is working on that trial in the Scheduling Board), a banner displays at the top of the Course Planner indicating such. This banner displays only when navigating to the Course Planner from the outline (not using the quick access from the Scheduling Board.) 

Changes made in Course Planner in a locked trial cannot be saved.

Screenshot of the message that displays when the trial is locked. Locked Trial Indicator

Filter Options

Use the Filter by Course Number or Name, Filter by Department and Filter by Ad hoc options to assign staff and rooms to a course or for an entire department. Begin typing in the field by entering a Course Number or Course Name, or the start of a course number or name, the start of a department name, etc. Matching results display and are further refined as more characters are entered. A message displays when no matching results are found.

Screenshot of the Course Planner Filter optionsCourse Planner Filter Options

Click the Filter toggle arrow up or down to show or hide the filter options.

  • Filter by Course Number or Name. When a course is selected here, only that course's information displays. This is helpful when a course has specific constraints for the teacher or for the room. For courses like Physical Education or Cooking, where those courses meet are very specific - GYM or FOOD LAB. These courses often have a few teachers that can teach them, who may also have limited scheduled due to coaching responsibilities, for example.
  • Filter by Department. Multiple departments can be selected at one time. Only those courses assigned to those departments are listed. This allows planning for ALL English courses or ALL Science courses, for example. Departments must be created and Departments must be assigned to the Course.
  • Filter by Ad hoc. Filters created in Filter Designer using the Data Type of Course/Section are available for selection. Any course included in the selected filter that is active in the selected school and calendar display.

Selected Filter By options remain when navigating to other tools for the next time the Course Planner is accessed. 

Since the Department assignment is optional, courses that are not assigned to a department are listed in course number order (like other courses) without a department name.

Image of Course Planner showing the difference between a course with a department and without a departmentCourse Planner - Department Name vs. No Department Name

More Scheduling Tools

Access the Staff Planner and the Scheduling Board from the Course Planner by clicking either of the options in the upper right corner.

This ONLY displays when navigating to the Course Planner from the Scheduling Board. When opening Course Planner from the index, More Scheduling Tools DO NOT display. 

Screenshot of the Staff Planner and Schedulig Board buttons. Access to Staff Planner and Scheduling Board

Action Bar Options

Across the bottom of the Course Planner is the Action Bar. Available functions are:

  • The option to add or replace basic course information for multiple courses.
  • Add, replace or remove course constraints for multiple courses.
  • Print the course information.
  • View the Course Planner in full screen mode.  
The Batch Edit Course option adds or replaces the values for the course information that displays on the main view of the Course Planner.

It is recommended that Filter options be added prior to using this option.
Screenshot of the Batch Edit Course Information side panel. Batch Edit Course
The Batch Edit Constraints option allows the updating of teachers, rooms and placement restrictions for multiple courses at one time.

After filtering the list of courses to an entire department or a course name, for example, set constraints to have a particular teacher or cohort of teachers added as the primary teacher, or set the room for all Performing Arts classes to meet in the Auditorium, or to not have Physical Education courses meet during first period.

It is recommended that Filter options be added prior to using this option. 
Screenshot of the Batch Edit Constraints side panel.
Batch Edit Constraints
The Print option generates a .csv export of the Course Planner grid. It lists the same information that is currently displayed, but in spreadsheet format.

When the list of courses is filtered, only those courses that meet the filter options are included in the .csv export. In the example to the right, the Filter by Department field is set to English, so only courses assigned to the English department display in the tool AND in the spreadsheet.
Screenshot of the Filter options carrying through to the Print view.
English Department Filter, Print
The Course Planner can be viewed in full screen. Click the Full Screen button to remove Campus toolbar and tool header, as well as the Campus outline.

Click the button again or use the ESC key to return to standard view.
Screenshot of the Course Planner in Full Screen mode.
Full Screen Display

Course Planner Layout

The Course Planner lists all active courses in the selected school and calendar (inactive courses are not listed). Information that displays is based on the Course Information fields, student requests and entered constraints that affect the placement of courses. With this information, the Scheduling Board places the Course Sections in the best location for the most students. 

Screenshot of the main view of the course planner. Course Planner Layout

Main View

The main view of the course Planner lists the current number of Requests that have been made, basic Section information, basic Course information, and any constraints that are associated with that course. 

A red down arrow, a green up arrow and a warning triangle may display with the Requests and Sections. Informational text displays for each of these. 

  • A red down arrow indicates the number of requests is lower than the number of Requests/Sections Needed in the last year.
  • A green up arrow indicates the number of requests is higher than the number of Requests/Sections Needed in the last year.
  • A yellow caution triangle indicates one of the following:  
    • The number of Sections to Build is less than the amount needed;
    • The number of Terms is zero (0), the number of Periods is zero (0), the number of Schedules is zero (0);
    • The Sections to Build is greater than the Teacher's maximum sections to teach.

Image of informational arrows and warnings next to fields on the course plannerCourse Planner Display

The Section Template Group and Max Students under Courses and the To Build value under Sections reports the information from the Course Information editor.  

When no Section Template Group is assigned to the Course, the Terms/Schedules/Periods/Max Students values under Courses and the To Build value under Sections reports the information from the Course Information editor.

  • Max Students must be populated with a field greater than zero. 
  • Priority (e.g., Schedule Load Priority on the Course Information editor) is used to meet the requests of courses needed for graduation and/or Academic Plan requirements. 
Screenshot of the Course Planner and the Course Informaiton Fields with a Section Template Group
Course Planner, Course Information Fields with Section Template Group
Screenshot of the Course Planner and the Corse Information Fields without a Section Template Group
Course Planner, Course Information Fields without Section Template Group

Course Planner Side Panel

Click anywhere on the Course row or click the chevron at the end of the row to display more information about the course. Modifications can be made in the side panel - assigning teachers, assigning rooms,  etc. 

Screenshot of the Course Planner Side PanelCourse Planner Side Panel

Clicking the Course Number, Name, Department, or anywhere else in the gray header does nothing. 

Collapse or Expand Course Planner Cards

Use the Expand All button to show the detail of the Teachers & Rooms card, the Rules card, and the Placement Restrictions card. The cards can be expanded one at a time by clicking the plus sign. Once either card is expanded, the Expand All button changes to Collapse All.

Screenshot of the Collapse or Expand options on the Course Planner Side Panel. Expand or Collapse Course Planner Cards

When saving information on the side panel, there are three options:

  • Save & Next. Saves the modified data on the selected course and then moves to the next course in the list, based on any filtering of courses from the main view. The next course is also listed in the far right corner of the side panel. Save & Next is the default save option, unless the last course in the list is displayed, in which case Save & Next is not available.
  • Save & Stay. Saves the modified data on the selected course and then remains on that course for further updates.
  • Save & Close. Saves the modified data on the selected course and then closes the side panel, displaying the main Course Planner view.

To not save any changes made in the side panel, click Cancel.

Teachers & Rooms

The Teachers & Rooms card lists all active teachers in the selected calendar and displays a list of AVAILABLE rooms. The list of teachers and rooms can be narrowed to a smaller one by entering text in the Filter fields.


Teachers who are already assigned to the course always display at the top of the list, whether or not they are part of any filtering that is done for teachers.

Screenshot of the Teachers panel where teachers are assigned to courses. Assigning Teachers to a Course

Filter the list of teachers by their Name (first name or last name) or Department name, or Team (Scheduling Group). The filter fields are dynamic, meaning any text entered into them instantly filters the options to list matching results.

The Progress Dial represents the maximum number of sections assigned to the teacher over the total number of sections to build and updates upon saving. The following images show different values of the Progress Dial.

For the US History class, eight sections are needed to meet the number of student requests. Each assigned teacher has a maximum section value of 3 (this is default value that can be changed if needed). That means at least three teachers are needed to have a complete (green) Progress Dial.

No Assigned TeachersOne Assigned Teacher
Screenshot of the Course Planner Side Panel for a course with no assigned teachers. Screenshot of the Course Planner Side Panel for a course with one assigned teacher.
Two Assigned TeachersThree Assigned Teachers
Screenshot of the Course Planner Side Panel for a course with two assigned teachers. Screenshot of the Course Planner Side Panel for a course with three assigned teachers.


Rooms that are already assigned to the course always display at the top of the list, whether or not they are part of any filtering that is done for teachers.

Filter the list of rooms by Room (name or number) or Room Type (lab, gym, etc.). The filter fields are dynamic, meaning any text entered into them instantly filters the options to list matching results.

Screenshot of the Rooms editor on the Course Planner Side Panel. Assigning Rooms to Courses

When creating rooms, a Name is required entry, but a Room Type can also be added. Room Types are created in the Attribute/Dictionary and are more descriptive than just a room number or name. It could be LAB or GYM or POOL, for example. When a school has multiple labs or multiple gyms, the Room Type would be LAB and the Room Number might be LAB A. 

Room Priority is used to place a section into the room with a Priority of 1. This is automatically entered when the FIRST room number is selected. When more than one room is selected for a particular course, or there are several rooms in which the teacher can teach that course, select all appropriate rooms and add a priority. Priority is also automatically assigned; a value of 1 indicates that is the preferred room and was selected first.


Course rules can be assigned to courses to assist with the planning and placement of courses across multiple years. When a rule is assigned to a course, its complementary rule is applied to the course’s pair. For example, when Algebra I has a rule that is must be taken BEFORE Geometry, a rule is added to Geometry that it must be taken AFTER Algebra I.

To aid with Academic Planning, there are different types of rules that can be added to courses - Scheduling Rules and Planning Rules:

  • Scheduling Rules tie different courses together in a variety of ways which affect the flexibility of the Scheduling Board. The rule only takes affect when a student requests both courses during the same scheduling year.
  • Planning Rules define relationships between courses across years. Planning rules are NOT used in the Scheduling process.

In the Course Planner, only Scheduling Rules can be added to courses. To add Planning Rules to a course, use the Course Rules tool.

Use rules only when absolutely necessary to achieve the education goals of the district. 

Screenshot of the Course Planner Rules editor. Course Planner Rules

See the Scheduling Rule Descriptions and Examples for detailed explanation of the available rules. 

A course cannot have a rule tied to itself. Meaning, the Course field does not include an option to select the course that is being viewed. 

Placement Restrictions 

The Placement Restrictions section creates a constraint on that period and term. This restriction can be for a selected period, a term or a schedule, or a combination of each. The restriction indicates a section is not placed in that period, schedule, or term. 

Use the Filter by Term field to change the schedule grid to only display the entered Term number. Use the Filter by Period Schedule to only display that particular period schedule. Or, use them together to only display Term 3 and the Daily Period Schedule. These filter selections remain when moving to the next course.

Screenshot of the Placement Restrictions sectionPlacement Restrictions

When a restriction is added, the No Symbol ( ) is added to the period. Restrictions can be added for a period across all terms by clicking the period number row; to a period schedule by clicking that schedule name; for an entire term by clicking the term number; for a single period.

Restrictions are added for any period schedule or term that is not displayed due to filtering by term or schedule. When saved, a validation message displays to alert the user that changes were made to hidden terms/period schedules.

A label displays on the main Course Planner view when a placement restriction exists.

Screenshot of the Placement Restriction label on the main view of the Course Planner. Placement Restriction Label

Modify Course Planner Information

Change Sections, Students, etc.

 All of the information displayed in the Main Course Planner view can be modified in the side panel, EXCEPT the number of students who have requested the course. 

  1. Open the side panel by clicking in the row or clicking the chevron on the far right side of the row for the appropriate course.
  2. Enter the appropriate values for the selected course for the following fields by typing in the field or selecting an option from the dropdown list: 
    • Sections (To Build)
    • Students (Max)
    • Terms
    • Schedules
    • Periods
    • Section Template
    • Room Types
    • Priority
  3. Mark the Exclude from Build checkbox to have the build logic in the Schedule Board ignore this course.
  4. If this is the only update that needs to be made, click Save & Next, Save & Stay or Save & Close button. Otherwise, continue making adjustments for this course.

When returning to the main view, the changes are reflected in the Sections and Courses tallies.

GIF of how to adjust course information on the Course Plalner Side Panel.Adjust Course Information

Assign Teachers to Courses

  1. Expand the Teacher & Rooms card. 
  2. Filter the Teachers and Rooms, if desired. 
  3. Click anywhere in the row for the teacher to be assigned to the course. A blue checkmark displays next to a teacher when it has been assigned, and a green alert message displays in the upper right corner. To remove teachers from a course, click the blue checkmark next to their name.
  4. If needed, modify the Max value. This is the maximum number of sections of the course the staff person can teach. 
  5. If this is the only update that needs to be made, click Save & Next, Save & Stay or Save & Close. Otherwise, continue making adjustments for this course.

When returning to the main view, the number of teachers is updated to reflect the number of teachers added to the course.

GIF of adding teachers to courses.Assign Teachers to Courses

Assign Rooms to Courses

  1. Filter the list of rooms to those appropriate for the selected course. 
  2. Select the desired rooms for the teacher's courses by clicking in that room row. A blue checkmark displays next to selected rooms. To remove rooms from a course, click the blue checkmark next to its name.
  3. If this is the only update that needs to be made, click Save & Next, Save & Stay or Save & Close. Otherwise, continue making adjustments for this course.

When returning to the main view, the number of rooms is updated to reflect the number of rooms added to the course.

GIF of assigning rooms to courses.Assign Rooms to Courses

Assign Rules to Courses

  1. Click Add Rule. A blank Rule Type field and Course field display.
  2. Select the Rule Type from the dropdown. To remove a rule, click Delete.
  3. Locate the correct Course to which to assign the rule.
  4. If this is the only update that needs to be made, click Save & Next, Save & Stay or Save & Close. Otherwise, continue making adjustments for this course.

When returning to the main view, the number of rules assigned to the course updates to reflect the number of rules added.

Both the Rule Type and the Course fields must be populated in order to save the record. 

GIF showing how to assign course rules. Add Rules

Add Placement Restrictions

Click to add a placement restriction in the desired term(s) and periods). To remove a restriction, click in that space again.

When this is the only update that needs to be made, click Save & Next, Save & Stay or Save & Close. Otherwise, continue making adjustments for this course.

When returning to the main view, the Placement Restriction label displays. Details of that restriction are not displayed.

GIF showing the addition of placement restrictionsAdd Placement Restrictions

Previous and Next Course

When finished modifying the course with teachers, rooms and placement restrictions, use the Previous and Next buttons in the bottom right to add teachers, rooms and placement restrictions to other courses without leaving the Side Panel view. Changes do need to be saved before viewing another course. 

Screenshot of the Previous and Next Courses buttons to navigate to the next course in the list. Previous and Next Courses 

Modify Course Planner Information Using Batch Functionality

Prior to using either of the Batch Edit options, filter the list of courses in the selected calendar to a limited number using one or all of the available Filter options - by Course Number or Name, by Department or by Ad hoc. Then, the batch process affects a limited number of records. 

Screenshot of the filtered records statement in the Batch Edit Coruse Information side panel. Batch Edit Course - Filtered Records

These two Batch Edit options replace the following tools:

Batch Edit Course

The same values that can be modified on the Course Planner Side Panel for one course can also be modified for multiple courses using the Batch Edit Course option.

Screenshot of the course information fields that can be modified using the Batch Edit Course option. Available Course Information Fields

When adding values to the fields in the side panel, make sure the Include checkbox is marked. This selection ensures the item is updated with the entered value. Also note that when Include is marked but the Fill Value is not populated, existing information is replaced with no value (e.g., the value is deleted).

Add Course Information

Adding course information ADDS the entered values to those courses that do not already have values. For example, the Social Studies courses need the same amount of sections as were built for last year, allow up to 25 students, and meet in all four terms. Batch Edit Course can be used to ADD those values and update all Social Studies courses simultaneously. 

  1. Click Batch Edit Course in the Action Row. The Batch Edit Course Information side panel displays.
  2. Enter the desired value for each listed field. Not every field needs a value.
  3. Mark the Include checkbox to apply the entered value to the field.
  4. Click the Add button.

GIF showing how to add course values using Batch Edit CourseAdd Course Values Using Batch Edit Course

Replace Course Information

Replacing course information UPDATES the entered values to those courses where values already exist. For example, the Social Studies courses currently have a Sections to Build value that matches last year's section, which needs to be updated to the Sections Needed value, and the Max Student value needs to be updated to 30. Using Batch Edit Course to REPLACE those values for all Social Studies courses updates those items simultaneously.

When a course has existing data, using Replace OVERWRITES that data and replaces it with the newly entered values.  

When replacing values to the fields in the side panel, make sure the Include checkbox is marked. This selection ensures the item is updated with the entered value. Also note that when Include is marked but the Fill Value is not populated, existing information is replaced with no value (e.g., the value is deleted).

  1. Click Batch Edit Course in the Action Row. The Batch Edit Course Information side panel displays.
  2. Enter the desired value for each listed field. Not every field needs a value.
  3. Mark the Include checkbox to apply the entered value to the field. 
  4. Click the Replace button.

GIF showing how to update course values using the Replace option in Batch Edit Course. Replace Course Values - Batch Edit Courses

Batch Edit Constraints

Batch Edit Constraints modifies the Teacher and Room Constraints and Placement Restrictions for the filtered courses by adding constraints where values did not previously exist (blank values); by replacing existing values with new values; or by removing existing values. 

Use the Collapse All/Expand All button to view the Teacher, Room and Placement Restriction cards at one time.  

Add Constraints

Adding constraints updates a teacher assignment, room assignment or placement restriction updates the filtered courses to contain a value where a teacher, room or placement was not previously assigned or adds an additional teacher, room or placement.

In the example below, the filtered list of courses currently has no teachers, rooms or placement restrictions assigned.

Screenshot of courses not having teachers, rooms or placement restrictions assigned. Course Planner - No Assignments

To add teacher, room and placement restrictions:

  1. Click Batch Edit Constraints. 
  2. In the Batch Edit Course Constraints side panel:
    • Click next to the desired teacher's name to add them to the courses.
    • Click next to the desired room numbers to add those rooms to the courses.
    • Click in any period row, term row, or period schedule row to add a placement restriction for the courses.
  3. Click AddThe courses are now assigned teachers, rooms and placement restrictions.

Repeat the same steps to add any missed teachers, rooms or placements. 

Screenshot of the added course constraintsCourse Planner - Add Constraints

Replace Constraints

Replacing constraints updates previous selections of teachers, rooms and placements to different teachers, rooms and placements. 

Instead of the four teachers and three rooms that are currently assigned to these courses, there needs to be three different teachers and three different rooms assigned. 

Screenshot of the currently assigned values prior to replacing them using Batch Edit Constraints. Course Planner - Currently Assigned Values

To update current placements:

  1. Click Batch Edit Constraints. 
  2. In the Batch Edit Course Constraints side panel:
    • Click next to the desired teacher's name to add them to the courses.
    • Click next to the desired room numbers to add those rooms to the courses.
    • Click in any period row, term row, or period schedule row to add a placement restriction for the courses.
  3. Click ReplaceThe courses are now assigned teachers, rooms and placement restrictions. 

Screenshot of the Batch Edit Constraints panel with the Replace button highlighted. Batch Edit Constraints - Replace Option

Remove Constraints

Removing teacher, room or placement restrictions values selected in the side panel from the filtered courses (i.e., the user selected the exact values that ought to be removed from existing records). 

For the list of filtered courses, each course is assigned four teachers and three rooms and cannot be placed during Period 00. That information is visible on the main view of the Course Planner. 

Screenshot showing the exising placement restrictions assigned to a courseCourse Planner - Existing Values

To remove those assignments and placement restrictions:

  1. Click Batch Edit Constraints. 
  2. In the Batch Edit Course Constraints side panel:
    • Select the same teachers that are currently assigned to the courses.
    • Select the same rooms that are currently assigned to the courses.
    • Click to add the No Symbol from Period 00.
  3. Click Remove. All previously assigned constraints are now removed and set back to zero (0).

Next Steps

Additional Tool Rights Information

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article.

Access to the Course Planner requires the following:

Read Rights:

  • Access Course Planner.
  • View Course Planner cards, including detail information (list of courses, etc.).
  • Filter list of courses.
  • Open and view the Course Planner Side Panel.
  • Navigate records in the Course Planner Side Panel.
  • Print a CSV download of the courses.
  • Use the Full Screen option.

Write Rights: 

  • Edit and save changes to the Course Planner Side Panel.
  • Update multiple courses at one time using the Batch Edit Course and Batch Edit Constraints options. 

Add and Delete rights provide no additional functionality.

Tool Rights Conversion

As part of the Campus.2323 release, a script was included to modify tool rights to Course Planner.

  • Users assigned tool rights to the new Course Planner as of the release of Campus.2315 and prior to the release of Campus.2323 were not modified when they were also assigned rights to Scheduling Board.
  • Users who were not assigned any tool rights to Course Planner but did have tool rights to Scheduling Board are now assigned full tool rights (RW) to Course Planner. 

Previous Versions

Course Planner [.2323]
Course Planner [.2315 - .2319]