DIRS Extract (Minnesota)

Tool Search: DIRS Extract

The Disciplinary Incident Reporting System (DIRS) extract reports information about behavior data including suspensions, expulsions, and weapons.

Screenshot of the DIRS Extract editor.DIRS Extract Editor

Report Logic


The DIRS extract reports a record per behavior Incident that meet the following requirements: 

  • Has a valid State Event Code mapping.
  • Has a resolution mapped to a State Code.
  • Has at least one participant with a Role of Offender. The Offender must have a Primary enrollment active on the Date of Incident and must have at least one resolution record mapped to a valid State Code.
  • Has a Relationship to School valued of 1 or 4 selected.
  • Falls within the Date Range or calendar selected in the extract editor.

If multiple events exist for an incident, the event with the lowest event code reports, indicating the most severe. Victim records are reported if the event has a State Event Code of 3, 12, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, or 32, unless the Exclude Victim Records checkbox is marked on the extract editor.

Generating the Extract

  1. Enter a Date Range to limit records to those with a Date of Incident on or within the range. The End Date defaults to the current date.
  2. A Format of XML is selected by default.
  3. Mark Report District Wide to generate the extract for all calendars in the current School Year.
  4. Mark Exclude Victim Records to exclude participants with a Role of Victim from the extract if Victim records should not be included in the extract.
  5. Enter a Number of Habitually Truant Students from Previous School Year to report that value in the extract. If a number is not entered in this field, a value of 000 reports and should be updated manually.
  6. Select an Ad hoc Filter to limit records reports.
  7. Select the Calendar(s) to be included in the report.
  8. Click the Generate Extract button to generate the report in the indicated format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report will generate.

Users can submit an extract request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process will allow larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

DIRS Extract Layout

Element Name

Description & Format

Campus Location

District Number

The identification number of the reporting district.


System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number


District TypeThe code that identifies the type of school district.


System Administration > Resources > District Information > Type


SchoolReports the total count of schools in the report.
School NumberThe number of the school where the incident occurred.

System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number

Safety SpecialistThe email address of the school safety specialist.

System Administration > Resources > School > Safety Specialist Email

Habitual Truants

The number of habitually truant students for previous school year entered in the extract editor, or 000 if blank.


MN State Reporting > DIRS Extract > Number of Habitually Truant Students for Previous School Year

Not dynamically stored
Safety Plan

Indicates if the school has a Safety Plan policy in place.

If a policy record exists with a value of 01 with a Start Date on or before extract editor Start Date and End Date is null or after extract End Date, report "1".
  1. If multiple policy records exist with a value of 01, report from record with most recent Start Date where End Date is null or after extract End Date.
  2. Otherwise, report "0".
System Administration > Resources > School > School Policy > Policy

Anti-Violence Policy

Indicates if the school has an Anti-Violence policy in place.

If a policy record exists with a value of 03 with a Start Date on or before extract editor Start Date and End Date is null or after extract End Date, report "1".
  1. If multiple policy records exist with a value of 03, report from record with most recent Start Date where End Date is null or after extract End Date.
  2. Otherwise, report "0".
System Administration > Resources > School > School Policy > Policy

Drug Education

Indicates if the school has an Alcohol/Drug Education policy in place.

If a policy record exists with a value of 06 with a Start Date on or before extract editor Start Date and End Date is null or after extract End Date, report "1".

  1. If multiple policy records exist with a value of 06, report from record with most recent Start Date where End Date is null or after extract End Date.
  2. Otherwise, report "0".
System Administration > Resources > School > School Policy > Policy

Zero Tolerance Policy

Indicates if the school has a Zero/No Tolerance policy in place.

If a policy record exists with a value of 02 with a Start Date on or before extract editor Start Date and End Date is null or after extract End Date, report "1".
  1. If multiple policy records exist with a value of 02, report from record with most recent Start Date where End Date is null or after extract End Date.
  2. Otherwise, report "0".
System Administration > Resources > School > School Policy > Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy

Indicates if the school has a Anti-Bullying/Anti-Intimidation policy in place.

If a policy record exists with a value of 04 with a Start Date on or before extract editor Start Date and End Date is null or after extract End Date, report "1".
  1. If multiple policy records exist with a value of 04, report from record with most recent Start Date where End Date is null or after extract End Date.
  2. Otherwise, report "0".
System Administration > Resources > School > School Policy > Policy

Crisis Plan

Indicates if the school has a Crisis Plan policy in place.

If a policy record exists with a value of 05 with a Start Date on or before extract editor Start Date and End Date is null or after extract End Date, report "1".
  1. If multiple policy records exist with a value of 05, report from record with most recent Start Date where End Date is null or after extract End Date.
  2. Otherwise, report "0".
System Administration > Resources > School > School Policy > Policy

Discipline Complaint Procedure
Indicates that the school implements a discipline complaint procedure.

If a policy record exists with a value of 07 with a Start Date on or before extract editor Start Date and End Date is null or after extract End Date, report "1".
  1. If multiple policy records exist with a value of 07, report from record with most recent Start Date where End Date is null or after extract End Date.
  2. Otherwise, report "0".
System Administration > Resources > School > School Policies Tab > Policy

IncidentReports one behavior event per incident with a valid State Event Code mapping and a State Code mapped Resolution within the extract Date Range or school year. Must have a participant with a Role of Offender and a Relationship to School of 1 or 4. Reports the must severe (lowest Code) event.
External Incident IDThe Incident ID for events with mapped State Event Codes.Student Information > Behavior > Event > Incident Number
School NumberThe School ID of the school reporting the incident.

System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number

Incident DateThe date the incident took place.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Date of Incident

Time of IncidentThe time the incident took place.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Context

Cost to Property

The cost the school incurred by this event.

  • If zero, reports as 1
  • If 500 or less, reports as 2
  • If greater than 500, reports as 3.


Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Damages
Incident LocationReports the total number of locations listed.
Incident LocationThe location of the incident

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Location

Number of Unknown OffendersThe total number of unknown offenders.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Event > Number of Unknown Offenders

OffenderReports the total number of offenders. Students must have a Primary enrollment active on the Date of Incident with at least one State Code mapped Resolution.
MARSS Number

The state identification number of the student offender.

Student must have a Role of Offender and a Relationship to School of Student


Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID

Was Under Current Suspension

Indicates if the offender was suspended at the time of the incident.

Report "1" if a previous Behavior Resolution record exists for the reported Offender when Role = Offender with a Resolution Type = 1 or 2 and Resolution End Date of previous record is null or > Date of Incident being reported.

  1. Otherwise, report "0".
Behavior > Behavior Management > Resolution

Was Referred Law EnforcementIndicates if the Offender was referred to law enforcement.

If checked, report "1" when Role = Offender.

If unchecked, report "0".

Behavior > Behavior Management > Resolution > Referred to Law Enforcement

Was Arrested Law EnforcementIndicates if the offender was Arrested by Law Enforcement.

Reports Yes or No based on whether the student's behavior resolution has been flagged as an arrest was made.

If "Arrest Made" is checked, report "1". If "Arrest Made" is unchecked, report "0".

Behavior > Behavior Management > Resolution > Arrest Made

Offender ActivityReports the total count of Offender activity records.
Offender Activity TypeReports the State Event Code of the reported incident when the participant has a Role of Offender.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Event > Event Name

Offense TypeThe Offense Type code. Reports if the Role is Offender and the Offender Activity Type State Event Code is 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, or 13.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Participant > Offense Type

WeaponReports the total count of weapons recorded.
Weapon TypeThe type of weapon used. Reports the Weapon Type if the Event Type is 22 and Role is Offender.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Participant > Weapon Type

Number Weapons InvolvedThe number of weapons used. Reports the Weapon Type if the Event Type is 22 and Role is Offender.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Participant > Weapon Type

Was Used as a Dangerous Weapon StateIndicates if the weapon used meets the state statute to be a dangerous weapon.

If Dangerous Weapon = 02 or 03 and Role = Offender, report "1". Otherwise, report "0".

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Participant > Dangerous Weapon

Was Used as a Dangerous Weapon FedIndicates if the weapon used meets the federal statute to be a dangerous weapon. If Dangerous Weapon is 02 or 03 and Role is Offender, reports as true. Otherwise reports as false.
Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Participant > Dangerous Weapon

Bullying Harassment Type
The type of harassment committed by the offending participant. Reports the Harassment Type code(s) selected on the Event with a Role of Offender. Does not report if no Harassment Type is selected.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Participant > Harassment Type

Is Gun LoadedIf a gun was part of the incident, indicates if the gun was loaded.

If Weapon Status = 01, 03, 05, or 07 and Role = Offender, report "1". Otherwise, report "0".

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Participant > Weapon Status

Is Gun CasedIf a gun was part of the incident, indicates if the gun was cased.

If Weapon Status = 02, 03, 06, or 07 and Role = Offender, report "1". Otherwise, report "0".
Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Participant > Weapon Status

Is Gun in TrunkIf a gun was part of the incident, indicates if the gun was in the trunk.

If Weapon Status = 04, 05, 06, or 07 and Role = Offender, report "1". Otherwise, report "0".

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Participant > Weapon Status

Drug TypeReports the total count of drugs reported.
Drug TypeIf the Event Type is 13 and Role is Offender, reports the Drug Type selected.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Participant > Drug Type

Drug Type Other DescriptionCurrently not reported. N/A
Disciplinary ActionReports a Disciplinary Action record when the following conditions are met:
  1. Role = Offender
  2. Relationship to School = 1 or 4
  3. Incident Event Type has a state event code mapping (not null)
  4. Resolution Type state code = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15
Disciplinary Action Type

Reports the State Code of the Resolution if Role is Offender, Relationship to School is 1 or 4, the Incident Event Type is mapped to a State Event Code and the Resolution is mapped to a State Resolution Code of 1-13.

A value of 12 only reports if either of the following is true: 

  • Extract fields report as follows: Victim Type reported as 2 or 3, Physical Assault State reported as F and Offender Activities reported as 3 with an Offense Type of 1. 
  • Extract fields report as follows: Victim Type reported as 2 or 3 and Offender Activity is 2, 4, 22, or 28.


Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Resolution Type

No Response ExplanationExplanation for instances of no school disciplinary action.

When Behavior Resolution Type state code = 11 or 13, report Details. Otherwise, do not report.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Details

Was DAT Through YearIndicates if the expulsion lasted through the end of the current school year.

Report "1" when Behavior Resolution Type state code = 3, Role = Offender, and Relationship to School = 1 or 4. Otherwise, report "0". If Behavior Resolution Type state code <> 3, do not report.
Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Resolution Type

Num DaysEnter the number of whole or half School days (.5, 1, 1.5, etc.)

If Behavior Resolution Type state code = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, report the value in Duration in School Days. Otherwise, do not report.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Resolution Details > Duration in School Days
Start DateStart Date of resolution.

Report the Start Date of the reported Behavior Resolution when Resolution Type state code = 3 or 4; otherwise, do not report.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Resolution Start Date

End DateEnd Date of the resolution.

Report the End Date of the reported Behavior Resolution when Resolution Type state code = 3 or 4. Otherwise, do not report.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Resolution End Date

Was Expulsion ModifiedIndicates if the student returned to school prior to the end date on a school board resolution.

Report "1" if Behavior Resolution Type state code = 3 and Number Days Reduced is populated. Otherwise report "0". If Behavior Resolution Type state code <> 3, do not report element.
Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Number of Days Reduced

Num Days Expulsion ReducedThe number of days the expulsion was reduced from the original resolution. If Type is 2 and the expulsion was modified, reports the Number of Days Reduced.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Number of Days Reduced
Did Return Before End School YearIndicates if the student returned before the end of the school year.

Report "1" if the Behavior Resolution End Date < school year End Date and wasExpulsionModified = 1. Otherwise, report "0". If wasExpulsionModified = 0, do not report.
Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Resolution End Date

AES TypeIndicates the student was suspended from school for more than 5 days. Reports the Alternate Education Setting if Resolution Type is 2 - 6 and the Duration in School Days is greater than 5.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Alternate Education Settings

AES No Service Proved Explanation
Reports the Resolution Details if the Alternate Education Setting of 15 is selected, the Behavior Resolution was mapped to a state code of 2, 3, 5, or 6, and the Duration was greater than 5 days. Otherwise reports as blank.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Details

Non-Exclusionary Discipline Type
Identified Non-Exclusionary discipline (NED) alternative interventions.

Report the code selected for the Behavior Resolution where Role = Offender and the Behavior Resolution Type = 3, 4, or 15.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Resolution Details > Non-Exclusionary Discipline Type

Non-Exclusionary Discipline Explanation
Specific interventions implemented for the student for the incident.

When Behavior Resolution Type state code = 3, 4 or 15, report Details. Otherwise, do not report.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Resolution Details > Details
VictimReports the total count of victims.
Victim TypeReports the Relationship to School of the participant with a Role of Victim.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Participant > Relationship to School

Multiple Victim CountReports the Total count of Number of Unknown Victims, Number of Student Victims, and Number of School Personnel Victims when Relationship to School is 2-5.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Participant > Relationship to School, Number fields

Estimated Victims Enrolled
Reports the Number of Student Victims entered on the event.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Number of Student Victims

Estimated Victims Not Enrolled
Reports the Number of Unknown Victims entered on the event.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Number of Unknown Victims

MARSS NumberReports the Student State ID of the participant with a Role of Victim and a Relationship to School of 1.

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID

Did Injury OccurrIndicates whether an injury occurred related to the incident.

Report "1" if Injury = 2, 3, or 4 when Role = Victim. Otherwise, report "0".

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Participant > Injury

Was Serious Bodily InjuryIndicates if injury qualified as serious bodily injury based on federal law.

Report "1" if Injury = 4 when Role = Victim. Otherwise, report "0".

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Participant > Injury

Aware Reporting Assault

Indicates that the reported is aware that the incident included a victim who is a district employee, but that the incident is not being reported as such based on 121A.53. 

To report, export fields must report as follows:

Reports as 1 if the Not Reported 121A.53 checkbox is marked and either of the following are true: 

  • Extract fields report as follows: Victim Type reported as 2 or 3, Physical Assault State reported as F and Offender Activities reported as 3 with an Offense Type of 1. 
  • Extract fields report as follows: Victim Type reported as 2 or 3 and Offender Activity is 2, 4, 22, or 28.

If checkbox is not marked, reports as 0. 


Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Participant > Not Reported 121A.53

Cost to Victim

The medical cost to the victim incurred by the event.

  • If zero, reports as 1
  • If 500 or less, reports as 2
  • If greater than 500, reports as 3.


Behavior > Behavior Management > Participant > Cost to Victim

Physical Assault State

Are you reporting this incident to fulfill your requirement to report assault of a district employee as set forth under Minn Stat 121A.53.

Note: Required if VictimType = Teacher or District Employee, offenderActivity (event) = assault and offenseType = Physical Assault OR offenderActivity = 2, 4, 22, or 28.

When physicalAssualt = true, report "1". Otherwise, report "0".

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Participant > Physical Assault of District Employee
