Tool Search: KRA/ELA Extract
The KRA and ELA Extracts report a record for each kindergarten or preschool student with a primary enrollment on the MSDE Transfer Exemption Date and still enrolled on the Effective date of report generation. If a student is enrolled after the MSDE Transfer Exemption Date, enrollment start status must not equal state enrollment entry codes of E14-E18, E24, R01, R08, R09, R14-R18, or R24 for reporting.
Report Logic
- Students are NOT included if their
- Enrollment record is marked as State Exclude;
- Enrollment record is marked as No Show;
- Grade Level of enrollment is marked as State Exclude;
- Calendar of enrollment is marked as State Exclude;
- Local student number or state student ID is blank;
- Enrollment start date is after the MSDE Transfer Exemption Date and Enrollment > Start Status = E14-E18, E24, R01, R08, R09. R14-R18 and R24; or
- they were enrolled on the MSDE Transfer Effective Date and are NOT enrolled on the Effective Date.
- Teachers or principals whose local staff ID is blank do not report.
- Teachers only report a record for a school if they are assigned to a Course/Section with at least one student who meets the grade criteria.
- A teacher record still reports when the teacher is assigned to a course with students who do not have state IDs.
- KRA Only
All kindergarten students, state grade level = 91, enrolled on the report's Effective Date with a primary enrollment (enrollment service type = P: Primary) report. - ELA Only
All preschool students, state grade levels 92,93, or 94, enrolled on the report's Effective Date with a primary enrollment (enrollment service type = P: Primary) report. - There are two reporting populations:
Population Description Students who are enrolled on the MSDE Transfer Exemption Date through the Effective Date These students never left the school between these dates. These students report no matter what their enrollment start status is.
Reports all students with an Enrollment Start Date that is less than or equal to the report’s MSDE Transfer Exemption Date and less than or equal to the report's Effective Date. The student’s enrollment End Date must be greater than or equal to the Effective Date or blank/null.
The student's Enrollment Start Status's Standard Code can be null or any value.
Students who are enrolled after the MSDE Transfer Exemption Date and are enrolled on or after the Effective Date These students report when their Enrollment Start Status Standard Code does NOT equal E14-E18, E24, R01, R08, R09. R14-R18 and R24.
Reports all students with an Enrollment Start Date that is greater than the report's MSDE Transfer Exemption Date and greater than or equal to the report’s Effective Date. The student’s enrollment End Date must be greater than or equal to the Effective Date or blank/null.
Report Editor
Field | Description |
Report Type | The following subgroups are available.
Version |
Data Collection Token | This field displays for the Enrollment Data report type only. The value you enter here reports in the Data Collection Token element in the Enrollment Data Report. |
Format | The format in which the report generates. Options include HTML and CSV. |
MSDE Transfer Exemption Date | This field is used to enforce the guidelines for the administration of the assessment with students who transfer into the District:
Effective Date | The date on which the report is effective. |
Exclude Cross-Site Data | Cross-site section enrollment data is not included in the report when checked.
Ad Hoc Filter | Users can select an Ad Hoc Filter to further narrow report results. |
Select Calendars | The calendar(s) from which data is pulled for the report. |
Generate Report Submit to Batch | Users can submit the report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process allows larger reports to be generated in the background without disrupting Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article. |
Report Layout
Student Data Report Layout
This data is used to populate the system with Kindergarten students in the district.
Element | Logic | Campus Location | ||||||||||||||
District ID | The name of the district reporting student data. Numeric, 3 digits | District Information > State District Number School.number | ||||||||||||||
District Student ID | The number assigned to the student by the LEA. Numeric, 10 digits | Demographics > Student Number Identity.studentNumber | ||||||||||||||
State Student ID | The state-assigned student identification number. Numeric, 10 digits | Demographics > Student State ID Person.stateID | ||||||||||||||
School ID | The four-digit code assigned to the school building that is tied to the student's enrollment record. Numeric, 4 digits | School Information > State School Number School.number | ||||||||||||||
Student First Name | The student's first name. Reports the first name from the current Identity record. Legal First Name reports. If Legal First Name is null, the First Name reports. Alphanumeric, 15 characters | Identities > Current Identity > Legal First Name or First Name Identity.legalFirstName Identity.firstName | ||||||||||||||
Student Middle Name | The student's middle name. Reports the middle name from the current Identity record. Legal Middle Name reports. If Legal Middle Name is null, the Middle Name reports. Alphanumeric, 15 characters | Identities > Current Identity > Legal Middle Name or Middle Name Identity.legalMiddleName Identity.middleName | ||||||||||||||
Student Last Name | The student's last name. Reports the last name from the current Identity record. Legal Last Name reports. If Legal Last Name is null, the Last Name reports. Alphanumeric, 15 characters | Identities > Current Identity > Legal Last Name or Last Name Identity.legalLastName Identity.lastName | ||||||||||||||
DOB | The student's date of birth. Date field, 10 characters MM/DD/YYYY | Identities > Current Identity > Birth Date Identity.birthDate | ||||||||||||||
Race 7 | Identifies whether the student is Hispanic/Latino and/or another race.
Alphanumeric, 6 characters | Demographics > Race Ethnicity Identity.raceEthnicity | ||||||||||||||
Gender | Identifies the student's gender. 1: Male 2: Female X: Non-Binary Reports the numeric code for the student's gender from the current Identity record. Legal Gender reports. If Legal Gender is null, Gender reports.Alphanumeric, 1 character | Identities > Current Identity > Legal Gender or Gender Identity.legalGender Identity.gender | ||||||||||||||
IEP | Indicates whether a student is receiving special education services. Y reports when the most recent IEP has a Special Ed Start Date that is before or on the report Effective Date, the latest IEP Closed Date is before or on the System Date, AND one of the following items is true:
All others report N. Alphanumeric, 1 character | Special Ed > Documents > IEP | ||||||||||||||
Disability Code | If the student is receiving special education services, the Disability Code reports from the most recent locked IEP with a print format of MD SPED Data and when the IEP element is reporting Y. If the Disability Type is 00 or NULL or if the IEP element is N, then N reports. Valid Values
Numeric, 2 digits | Enrollment > Special Ed > Disability Code Enrollment.disability1 | ||||||||||||||
Low SES | If the student is eligible for Free or Reduced lunches, Y reports. Otherwise, N reports. Alphanumeric, 1 character | FRAM > Eligibility FreeReducedVerificationStatus.status | ||||||||||||||
English Learner | When EL is selected in the Program Status dropdown list, Y reports. Otherwise, N reports. Alphanumeric, 1 character | English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Status Lep.programStatus | ||||||||||||||
Economically Disadvantaged | Indicates whether the student meets the criteria for having an economic disadvantage. Y reports when the student has a FRAM record as of the Effective Date entered on the extract editor with an eligibility of Free or Reduced and Source of Direct. Otherwise, N reports. Alphanumeric, 1 character Y or N | FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility | ||||||||||||||
PC Informal Care | Indicates whether the student's prior care setting (the 12 months prior to starting school) was provided by parent(s), a relative, or babysitter.
Numeric, 1 digit | Early Learning > Half Day Prior Care Program OR Full Day Prior Care Program EarlyLearning.halfDayPCProgram EarlyLearning.enrollmentType | ||||||||||||||
PC Head Start | Indicates whether Head Start provided the student's prior care setting (the 12 months before starting school).
Numeric, 1 digit | Early Learning > Half Day Prior Care Program OR Full Day Prior Care Program EarlyLearning.halfDayPCProgram EarlyLearning.enrollmentType | ||||||||||||||
PC Prekindergarten Public School | Indicates whether a prekindergarten education program in a public school provided the student's prior care setting (the 12 months before starting school).
Numeric, 1 digit | Early Learning > Half Day Prior Care Program OR Full Day Prior Care Program EarlyLearning.halfDayPCProgram EarlyLearning.enrollmentType | ||||||||||||||
PC Child Care Center | Indicates whether the student's prior care setting (the 12 months prior to starting school) was provided by a child care center licensed by the MSDE.
Numeric, 1 digit | Early Learning > Half Day Prior Care Program OR Full Day Prior Care Program EarlyLearning.halfDayPCProgram EarlyLearning.enrollmentType | ||||||||||||||
PC Family Child Care | Indicates whether the student's prior care setting (the 12 months prior to starting school) was provided by family child care. Family child care is regulated care given to a child in place of parental care in a residence other than the child’s home and for which the provider is paid. This type of care is regulated by the MSDE.
Numeric, 1 digit | Early Learning > Half Day Prior Care Program OR Full Day Prior Care Program EarlyLearning.halfDayPCProgram EarlyLearning.enrollmentType | ||||||||||||||
PC Nonpublic Nursery School | Indicates whether the student's prior care setting (the 12 months before starting school) was provided by a nonpublic nursery school. A nonpublic nursery school is a type of Preschool program (part-day or full-day) with an education focus for 3—and 4-year-olds; it is approved or exempted by MSDE.
Numeric, 1 digit | Early Learning > Half Day Prior Care Program OR Full Day Prior Care Program EarlyLearning.halfDayPCProgram EarlyLearning.enrollmentType | ||||||||||||||
PC Kindergarten Repeated | Indicates whether the student is repeating kindergarten.
Numeric, 1 digit | Early Learning > Half Day Prior Care Program OR Full Day Prior Care Program EarlyLearning.halfDayPCProgram EarlyLearning.enrollmentType |
Enrollment Data Report Layout
This data is used to match teachers to students in the system.
Element | Logic | Campus Location |
Data Collection Token | Reports the value entered in the Data Collection Token field on the report editor. | MD State Reporting > KRA/ELA Extract > Data Collection Token |
District ID | The name of the district reporting student data. Numeric, 3 digits | District Information > State District Number School.number |
District Student ID | The number assigned to the student by the LEA. Numeric, 10 digits | Demographics > Student Number Identity.studentNumber |
State Student ID | The state-assigned student identification number. Numeric, 10 digits | Demographics > Student State ID Person.stateID |
School ID | The four-digit code assigned to the school building associated with the student's enrollment record. Numeric, 4 digits | School Information > State School Number School.number |
Student First Name | The student's first name. Reports the first name from the current Identity record. Legal First Name reports. If Legal First Name is null, the First Name reports. Alphanumeric, 15 characters | Identities > Current Identity > Legal First Name or First Name Identity.legalFirstName Identity.firstName |
Student Last Name | The student's last name. Reports the last name from the current Identity record. Legal Last Name reports. If Legal Last Name is null, the Last Name reports. Alphanumeric, 15 characters | Identities > Current Identity > Legal Last Name or Last Name Identity.legalLastName Identity.lastName |
DOB | The student's date of birth. Date field, 10 characters MM/DD/YYYY | Identities > Current Identity > Birth Date Identity.birthDate |
Teacher ID | The ID for the primary teacher in the Course's homeroom as of the Effective Date. If the course is over, the latest teacher reports. Numeric, 10 digits | Demographics > Local Staff Number Person.staffNumber |
Teacher First Name | The first name of the primary teacher in the Course's homeroom as of the Effective Date. If the course is over, the latest teacher reports. Reports the first name from the current Identity record. Legal First Name reports. If Legal First Name is null, the First Name reports Alphanumeric, 15 characters | Identities > Current Identity > Legal First Name or First Name Identity.legalFirstName Identity.firstName |
Teacher Last Name | The last name of the primary teacher in the Course's homeroom as of the Effective Date. If the course is over, the latest teacher reports. Reports the last name from the current Identity record. Legal Last Name reports. If Legal Last Name is null, the Last Name reports. Alphanumeric, 15 characters | Identities > Current Identity > Legal Last Name or Last Name Identity.legalLastName Identity.lastName |
Teacher Data Report Layout
This data is used to create and update user accounts for teachers and principals in the system.
Element | Logic | Campus Location |
District ID | The name of the district reporting student data. Numeric | District Information > State District Number School.number |
Teacher ID | The ID for the primary teacher in the Course's homeroom. If the course is over, the latest teacher reports. Numeric | Demographics > Local Staff Number Person.staffNumber |
School ID | The four-digit code assigned to the school building that is tied to the student's enrollment record. Numeric | School Information > State School Number School.number |
The primary teacher's email address. Alphanumeric | Demographics > Personal Contact Information > Email | |
Teacher First Name | The teacher's first name. Reports the first name from the current Identity record. Legal First Name reports. If Legal First Name is null, the First Name reports. Alphanumeric | Identities > Current Identity > Legal First Name or First Name Identity.legalFirstName Identity.firstName |
Teacher Last Name | The teacher's last name. Reports the last name from the current Identity record. Legal Last Name reports. If Legal Last Name is null, the Last Name reports. Alphanumeric | Identities > Current Identity > Legal Last Name or Last Name Identity.legalLastName Identity.lastName |
Local Administrator Data
Reports the principal of the school.
Element | Logic | Location |
District ID | The name of the district reporting student data. Numeric, 3 digits | School Information > State School Number School.number |
School ID | The four-digit code assigned to the school building tied to the student's enrollment record. Numeric, 4 digits | School Information > State School Number School.number |
The principal's email address. Alphanumeric, 25 characters | Demographics > Personal Contact Information > Email |