
Maintain CRDC Survey Results
Provides information on maintaining CRDC Survey Results.
CRDC - DIND: COVID-Related Directional Indicator Questions
This article provides information on CRDC COVID-Related Directional Indicator Questions
CRDC - NBIN: Nonbinary Student Indicator
Tool Search: Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) > Maintain Survey Results The following questions are part of the CRDC - NBIN: Nonbinary questions for CRDC: Note:  Results for the SCHR: School Characteristics module must be generated at least...
CRDC - PENR: Program Enrollment (Gifted & Talented, Dual Enrollment, Credit Recovery) Questions
This article provides information on CRDC PENR Questions.
CRDC - APIB: Advanced Placement (AP) & International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) Enrollment Questions
This article provides information on CRDC APIB Questions.
CRDC - EXPD: School Expenditures (Personnel and Non-Personnel) Questions
This article provides information on CRDC EXPD Questions.
CRDC - STAF: School & School Support Staff Questions
This article provides information on CRDC STAF Questions.
CRDC - SECR: School Security Staff Questions
This article provides information on CRDC SECR Questions.
CRDC - ATHL: Single-Sex Interscholastic Athletics Questions
This article provides information on CRDC ATHL Questions.
CRDC - DISC: Student Discipline (Suspension, Expulsion, Corporal Punishment) Questions
This article provides information on CRDC DISC Questions.
CRDC - ARRS: Student Discipline (Referrals to Law Enforcement & School-Related Arrests) Questions
This article provides information on CRDC ARRS Questions.
CRDC - OFFN: Offenses Questions
This article provides information on CRDC OFFN Questions.
CRDC - HIBS: Harassment or Bullying Questions
This article provides information on CRDC HIBS Questions.
CRDC - RSTR: Restraint & Seclusion Questions
This article provides information on CRDC RSTR Questions.
CRDC - JUST: Justice Facilities Questions
This article provides information on CRDC JUST Questions.
CRDC - INET: Internet Access and Devices Questions
This article provides information on CRDC INET Questions.