CRDC - SECR: School Security Staff Questions
Last Modified on 03/10/2025 10:10 am CDT
Tool Search: Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) > Maintain Survey Results
The following questions are part of the SECR: School Security Staff questions for CRDC:
Module Instructions
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The data reported should be based on the entire 2021-22 regular school year, not including intersession or summer.
When to Report Zero (0) and When to Use Blanks (i.e., NULL Values)
Zeroes represent an actual count or number for fields that are applicable to a given school or LEA. Report a zero ("0") only if the LEA has collected the information and the amount to report for that field is zero. Do not report a "0" for data not collected. Leave a field blank if the LEA does not collect data for that field, if the amount asked is unknown, or if the question does not apply to the LEA.
Not Applicable (NA) and Zero (0) Autofills in Tables
The online tool remembers information that has been entered in other tables and modules and uses that information to fill related tables with either a Not Applicable (NA) code or zero (0) where appropriate. For example, if it is reported that a school does not have any female students who are EL, then other tables that ask for counts of female students who are EL will be automatically filled with a zero.
Key Definitions
- Full-time equivalent (FTE) is a unit that indicates the workload of an employed person in a way that makes workloads comparable across various contexts. FTE is used to measure a worker’s service in a place (e.g., school). FTE is the number of total hours the person is expected to work divided by the maximum number of compensable hours in a full-time schedule. An FTE of 1.00 means that the person is equivalent to a full-time worker; while an FTE of 0.50 signals that the worker is only half-time.
- A security guard is an individual who guards, patrols, and/or monitors the school premises to prevent theft, violence, and/or infractions of rules. A security guard may provide protection to individuals, and may operate xray and metal detector equipment. A security guard is not a sworn law enforcement officer.
- A law enforcement officer includes a sworn or unsworn law enforcement officer. A sworn law enforcement officer is a person who is authorized to make arrests while acting within the scope of explicit legal authority. This officer is responsible for safety and crime prevention and may respond to calls for service and document incidents that occur within their jurisdiction. This officer may be a school resource officer (who has specialized training and is assigned to work in collaboration with school organizations). An unsworn law enforcement officer typically does not have arrest authority, but otherwise holds limited law enforcement powers and responsibilities as part of their regular duties. This officer’s law enforcement powers and responsibilities may include investigative and enforcement activities. A law enforcement officer may be employed by any entity (e.g., police department, school district or school). An officer’s duties may include: motor vehicle traffic control; security enforcement and patrol; maintaining student discipline; identifying problems in the school and proactively seeking solutions to those problems; training teachers and staff in school safety or crime prevention; mentoring students; teaching a lawrelated education course or training students (e.g., drug-related education, criminal law, or criminal prevention courses); recording or reporting discipline problems to school authorities; and providing information to school authorities about the legal definitions of behavior for record-keeping or reporting purposes (e.g., defining assault for school authorities).
Special Instructions
- All security staff should be reported in full-time equivalency of assignment (FTE).
- Include staff for preschool, grades K-12, and comparable ungraded levels, regardless of how staff were funded (i.e., federal, state, and/or local funds or funds from another entity).
- FTE values should be entered as decimal numbers to the hundredths place (i.e., two decimal places; e.g., 4.00, 4.75).
SECR-1: Security Staff
Instructions: All schools, preschool-grade 12, UG.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) security staff (including law enforcement officers and security guards) for preschool and grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) that were assigned, as specified.
- Enter the number of FTE security staff present at the school, at least once a week, to perform his/her duties.
- Include only staff who were present at the school during normal school hours or during times when school activities/events were in session.
- Include staff regardless of how they were funded (i.e., federal, state, and/or local funds or funds from another entity).
- Values should be entered as decimal numbers to the hundredths place (i.e., two decimal places; e.g., 4.00, 4.75).
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: All Grades
Skip Logic:
1) Preschool-grade 12, UG
2) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Decimal (XX.XX), NULL). |

Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - SECR - Security Staff Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.