Tool Search: Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) > Maintain Survey Results
The following questions are part of the DISC: Student Discipline (Suspension, Expulsion, Corporal Punishment) questions for CRDC:
Note: Results for the SCHR: School Characteristics module must be generated at least once for a given school prior to independently generating results for other modules.
When skip logic is provided:
- If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.
- If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data.
Module Instructions
The data reported should be based on the entire 2021-22 regular school year, not including intersession or summer.
When to Report Zero (0) and When to Use Blanks (i.e., NULL Values)
Zeroes represent an actual count or number for fields that are applicable to a given school or LEA. Report a zero ("0") only if the LEA has collected the information and the amount to report for that field is zero. Do not report a "0" for data not collected. Leave a field blank if the LEA does not collect data for that field, if the amount asked is unknown, or if the question does not apply to the LEA.
Not Applicate (NA) and Zero (0) Autofills in Tables
The online tool remembers information that has been entered in other tables and modules and uses that information to fill related tables with either a Not Applicable (NA) code or zero (0) where appropriate. For example, if it is reported that a school does not have any female students who are EL, then other tables that ask for counts of female students who are EL will be automatically filled with a zero.
Key Definitions (Preschool and Grades K-12)
- Corporal punishment refers to paddling, spanking, or other forms of physical punishment imposed on a child.
- Out-of-school suspension
- For students with disabilities served under IDEA: Out-of-school suspension is an instance in which a child is temporarily removed from his/her regular school (in-person or remote setting) for at least half a day for disciplinary purposes to another setting (e.g., home, behavior center). Out-of-school suspensions include both removals in which no individualized family service plan (IFSP) or individualized education plan (IEP) services are provided because the removal is 10 days or less as well as removals in which the child continues to receive services according to his/her IFSP or IEP.
- For students without disabilities and students with disabilities served solely under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act: Out-of-school suspension is an instance in which a child is temporarily removed from his/her regular school (in-person or remote setting) for at least half a day (but less than the remainder of the school year) for disciplinary purposes to another setting (e.g., home, behavior center). Out-of-school suspensions include removals in which no educational services are provided, and removals in which educational services are provided (e.g., school-provided at home instruction or tutoring).
Key Definitions (Preschool Only)
- Preschool refers to preschool programs and/or services for children ages 3 through 5.
- Preschool expulsion refers to the permanent termination of a preschool child’s participation in a preschool program at a school or facility (in-person or remote setting) for disciplinary purposes. A preschool child who is transitioned directly from the classroom (in-person or remote setting) to a different setting deemed to be more appropriate for the child (e.g., special education, transitional classroom, or therapeutic preschool program) is not considered an expelled preschooler.
Key Definitions (Grades K-12 Only)
- Alternative school is a public elementary or secondary school that addresses the needs of students that typically cannot be met in a regular school program, and is designed to meet the needs of students with academic difficulties, students with discipline problems, or both students with academic difficulties and discipline problems.
- Expulsion with educational services refers to an action taken by the local educational agency of removing a child from his/her regular school (in-person or remote setting) for disciplinary purposes, and providing educational services to the child (e.g., school-provided at home instruction or tutoring; transfer to an alternative school) for the remainder of the school year (or longer) in accordance with local educational agency policy. Expulsion with educational services also includes removals resulting from violations of the Gun Free Schools Act that are modified to less than 365 days.
- Expulsion without educational services refers to an action taken by the local educational agency of removing a child from his/her regular school (in-person or remote setting) for disciplinary purposes, and not providing educational services to the child for the remainder of the school year or longer in accordance with local educational agency policy. Expulsion without services also includes removals resulting from violations of the Gun Free Schools Act that are modified to less than 365 days.
- Expulsion under zero tolerance policies refers to an action taken by the local educational agency of removing a child from his/her regular school (in-person or remote setting) for the remainder of the school year or longer because of zero-tolerance policies. A zero tolerance policy is a policy that results in mandatory expulsion of any student who commits one or more specified offenses (e.g., offenses involving guns, or other weapons, or violence, or similar factors, or combinations of these factors). A policy is considered "zero tolerance" even if there are some exceptions to the mandatory aspect of the expulsion, such as allowing the chief administering officer of a local
educational agency to modify the expulsion on a case-by-case basis. - In-school suspension is an instance in which a child is temporarily removed from their regular classroom(s) physical school setting or remote setting (e.g., online classroom) where remote learning takes place] for at least half a day for disciplinary purposes, but remains under the direct supervision of school personnel. Direct supervision means school personnel are in the same physical school setting or remote setting as students under their supervision.
- Nonbinary means not exclusively male or female. Transgender students may be reported as male, female, or nonbinary.
Special Instructions
- Students cannot be counted in both the "only one" and "more than one" tables for a particular violation or disciplinary action, but they can be counted multiple times for different violations or disciplinary actions. For example, a student cannot be counted in the "only one out-of-school suspension" and "more than one out-of-school suspension" tables. However, a student can be counted in both an "out-of-school suspension" table and an "expulsion" table.
- For justice facilities, only the following discipline categories apply: corporal punishment, out-of-school suspension, expulsion without education services, and expulsion under zero tolerance policies.
- For schools that complete Directional Indicator 1 (DIND-1) and select option "B. We offered only remote instruction because of the coronavirus pandemic," AND complete Directional Indicator 2 (DIND-2) and select option "B. Students were not physically in the school setting," the corporal punishment items in the Student Discipline module do not apply.
- For schools that complete the SCHR-1: Fully Virtual School Indicator and select "Yes," the corporal punishment items in the Student Discipline module do not apply.
- For a school that already disaggregates student enrollment data to include nonbinary students, the nonbinary category in the Student Discipline module is OPTIONAL.
- For a school that does NOT already disaggregate student enrollment data to include nonbinary students, the nonbinary category in the Student Discipline module is SKIPPED.
DISC-1: Preschool Corporate Punishment Indicator
Instructions: Only for schools reporting greater than zero preschool enrollment.
During the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, did this school use
corporal punishment to discipline preschool children?
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: Preschool
Skip Logic:
1) Preschool
2) SCHR-3.1. Grades with Students Enrolled: School had at least one student enrolled in preschool (SCH__GRADE_PS is YES)
3) SCHR-1. Fully Virtual School Indicator (SCH_VIRT_IND) is NO.
4) DIND-1. Directional Indicator - Instruction Type (SCH_DIND_INSTRUCTIONTYPE) is A, C, or D AND DIND-2. Directional Indicator - Remote Instruction (SCH_DIND_REMOTETYPE) is A or C.
5) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO
1) Schools that answer Yes for SCHR-1. Fully Virtual School Indicator (SCH_VIRT_IND) skip the corporal punishment items in the Student Discipline module.
2) For schools that complete Directional Indicator 1 (DIND-1) and select option "B. We offered only remote instruction because of the coronavirus pandemic," AND complete Directional Indicator 2 (DIND-2) and select option "B. Students were not physically in the school setting," the corporal punishment items in the Student Discipline module do not apply.
3) Schools that answer No for DISC-1. Preschool Corporal Punishment Indicator (SCH_PSCORP_IND) skip all preschool corporal punishment items in the Discipline module.
Logic |
The results column willnot show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Yes, No, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-2: Preschool Instances of Corporal Punishment
Instructions: Only for schools reporting greater than zero preschool enrollment, and using corporal punishment for disciplinary purposes.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of instances of corporal punishment for all preschool children and for preschool children with disabilities (IDEA).
- An instance refers to a single disciplinary occurrence.
- Report the number of instances of corporal punishment, not the number of children who received corporal punishment.
- For a preschool child who receives multiple corporal punishment sessions, each corporal punishment session should be counted as an instance of corporal punishment. For example, for a child who receives corporal punishment one time in the fall, and corporal punishment one time in the spring, the corporal punishment would be considered two instances.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: Preschool
Skip Logic:
1) Preschool
2) SCHR-1. Fully Virtual School Indicator (SCH_VIRT_IND) is NO.
3) DIND-1. Directional Indicator - Instruction Type (SCH_DIND_INSTRUCTIONTYPE) is A, C, or D AND DIND-2. Directional Indicator - Remote Instruction (SCH_DIND_REMOTETYPE) is A or C.
4) DISC-1. Preschool Corporal Punishment Indicator: School used corporal punishment to discipline preschool children (SCH_PSCORP_IND is YES)
5) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO
1) Schools that answer Yes for SCHR-1. Fully Virtual School Indicator (SCH_VIRT_IND) skip the corporal punishment items in the Student Discipline module.
2) For schools that complete Directional Indicator 1 (DIND-1) and select option "B. We offered only remote instruction because of the coronavirus pandemic," AND complete Directional Indicator 2 (DIND-2) and select option "B. Students were not physically in the school setting," the corporal punishment items in the Student Discipline module do not apply.
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-3: Instances of Preschool Corporal Punishment - Children Without Disabilities and With Disabilities (IDEA and Section 504 Only)
Instructions: Only for schools reporting greater than zero preschool enrollment, and using corporal punishment for disciplinary purposes.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of instances of corporal punishment for preschool children without disabilities and for preschool children with disabilities (IDEA and Section 504 only).
- An instance refers to a single disciplinary occurrence.
- Report the number of instances of corporal punishment, not the number of children who received corporal punishment.
- For a preschool child who receives multiple corporal punishment sessions, each corporal punishment session should be counted as an instance of corporal punishment. For example, for a child who receives corporal punishment one time in the fall, and corporal punishment one time in the spring, the corporal punishment would be considered two instances.
- Children with disabilities refers to children with disabilities served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or both.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: Preschool
Skip Logic:
1) Preschool
2) SCHR-1. Fully Virtual School Indicator (SCH_VIRT_IND) is NO.
3) DIND-1. Directional Indicator - Instruction Type (SCH_DIND_INSTRUCTIONTYPE) is A, C, or D AND DIND-2. Directional Indicator - Remote Instruction (SCH_DIND_REMOTETYPE) is A or C.
4) DISC-1. Preschool Corporal Punishment Indicator: School used corporal punishment to discipline preschool children (SCH_PSCORP_IND is YES)
5) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO
1) Schools that answer Yes for SCHR-1. Fully Virtual School Indicator (SCH_VIRT_IND) skip the corporal punishment items in the Student Discipline module.
2) For schools that complete Directional Indicator 1 (DIND-1) and select option "B. We offered only remote instruction because of the coronavirus pandemic," AND complete Directional Indicator 2 (DIND-2) and select option "B. Students were not physically in the school setting," the corporal punishment items in the Student Discipline module do not apply.
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. Add the Permitted values shown in the override droplist (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-4: Preschool Corporal Punishment
Instructions: Only for schools reporting greater than zero preschool enrollment, and using corporal punishment for disciplinary purposes.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of preschool children who received corporal punishment.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: Preschool
Skip Logic:
1) Preschool
2) SCHR-1. Fully Virtual School Indicator (SCH_VIRT_IND) is NO.
3) DIND-1. Directional Indicator - Instruction Type (SCH_DIND_INSTRUCTIONTYPE) is A, C, or D AND DIND-2. Directional Indicator - Remote Instruction (SCH_DIND_REMOTETYPE) is A or C.
4) DISC-1. Preschool Corporal Punishment Indicator: School used corporal punishment to discipline preschool children (SCH_PSCORP_IND is YES)
5) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO
1) Schools that answer Yes for SCHR-1. Fully Virtual School Indicator (SCH_VIRT_IND) skip the corporal punishment items in the Student Discipline module.
2) For schools that complete Directional Indicator 1 (DIND-1) and select option "B. We offered only remote instruction because of the coronavirus pandemic," AND complete Directional Indicator 2 (DIND-2) and select option "B. Students were not physically in the school setting," the corporal punishment items in the Student Discipline module do not apply.
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. Add the Permitted values shown in the override droplist (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-5: Preschool Expulsions
Instructions: Only for schools reporting greater than zero preschool enrollment.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of preschool children who received an expulsion.
- A preschool child may be counted in both an "out-of-school suspension" table and the "expulsion" table.
- The definition of preschool expulsion differs from the definition of K-12 expulsion.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: Preschool
Skip Logic:
1) Preschool
2) SCHR-3.1. Grades with Students Enrolled: School had at least one student enrolled in preschool (SCH__GRADE_PS is YES)
3) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-6: Instances of Preschool Suspension
Instructions: Only for schools reporting greater than zero preschool enrollment.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of instances of out-of-school suspension for all preschool children and for preschool children with disabilities (IDEA).
- An instance refers to a single disciplinary occurrence.
- Report the number of instances of out-of-school suspensions, not the number of children who received out-of-school suspensions.
- For a preschool child who receives multiple out-of-school suspensions, each out-of-school suspension occurrence should be counted as an instance of out-of-school suspension. For example, for a child who receives a one-day out-of-school suspension in the fall, and a three-day out-of-school suspension in the spring, the out-of-school suspensions would be considered two instances.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: Preschool
Skip Logic:
1) Preschool
2) SCHR-3.1. Grades with Students Enrolled: School had at least one student enrolled in preschool (SCH__GRADE_PS is YES)
3) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-7: Instances of Preschool Suspension - Children Without Disabilities and With Disabilities (Section 504 Only)
Instructions: Only for schools reporting greater than zero preschool enrollment.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of instances of out-of-school suspension for preschool children without disabilities and for preschool children with disabilities (Section 504 only).
- An instance refers to a single disciplinary occurrence.
- Report the number of instances of out-of-school suspension, not the number of children who received out-of-school suspensions.
- For a preschool child who receives multiple out-of-school suspensions, each out-of-school suspension occurrence should be counted as an instance of out-of-school suspension. For example, for a child who receives a one-day out-of-school suspension in the fall, and a three-day out-of-school suspension in the spring, the out-of-school suspensions would be considered two instances.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: All Grade Levels
Skip Logic:
1) Preschool
2) SCHR-3.1. Grades with Students Enrolled: School had at least one student enrolled in preschool (SCH__GRADE_PS is YES)
3) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-8: Preschool Suspension - Only One Out-of-School Suspension
Instructions: Only for schools reporting greater than zero preschool enrollment.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of preschool children who received only one preschool out-of-school suspension.
- A preschool child may not be counted in both the "only one out-of-school suspension" table and the "more than one out-of-school suspension" table.
- A preschool child may be counted in both an "out-of-school suspension" table and the "expulsion" table.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: Preschool
Skip Logic:
1) Preschool
2) SCHR-3.1. Grades with Students Enrolled: School had at least one student enrolled in preschool (SCH__GRADE_PS is YES)
3) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-9: Preschool Suspension - More than One Out-of-School Suspension
Instructions: Only for schools reporting greater than zero preschool enrollment.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of preschool children who received more than one preschool out-of-school suspension.
- A preschool child may not be counted in both the "only one out-of-school suspension" table and the "more than one out-of-school suspension" table.
- A preschool child may be counted in both an "out-of-school suspension" table and the "expulsion" table.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: Preschool
Skip Logic:
1) Preschool
2) SCHR-3.1. Grades with Students Enrolled: School had at least one student enrolled in preschool (SCH__GRADE_PS is YES)
3) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-10: Corporal Punishment Indicator
Instructions: Schools and justice facilities, grades K-12, UG.
During the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, did this school use corporal punishment to discipline students in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent)?
- Note: For justice facilities, only the following discipline categories apply: corporal punishment, out-of-school suspension, expulsion without educational services, and expulsion under zero tolerance policies.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: K-12
Skip Logic:
1) Grades K-12, UG
2) "SCHR-1. Fully Virtual School Indicator (SCH_VIRT_IND) is NO.
3) DIND-1. Directional Indicator - Instruction Type (SCH_DIND_INSTRUCTIONTYPE) is A, C, or D AND DIND-2. Directional Indicator - Remote Instruction (SCH_DIND_REMOTETYPE) is A or C.
1) Schools that answer Yes for SCHR-1. Fully Virtual School Indicator (SCH_VIRT_IND) skip the corporal punishment items in the Student Discipline module.
2) For schools that complete Directional Indicator 1 (DIND-1) and select option "B. We offered only remote instruction because of the coronavirus pandemic," AND complete Directional Indicator 2 (DIND-2) and select option "B. Students were not physically in the school setting," the corporal punishment items in the Student Discipline module do not apply.
3) Schools that answer No for DISC-10. K-12 Corporal Punishment Indicator (SCH_CORP_IND) skip all K-12 corporal punishment items in the Discipline module.
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. Add the Permitted values shown in the overide droplist (Yes, No, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-11: Instances of Corporal Punishment - Students Without Disabilities and With Disabilities (IDEA and Section 504 Only)
Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities (grades K-12, UG) reporting using corporal punishment for disciplinary purposes.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of instances of corporal punishment for students without disabilities in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) and the number of instances of corporal punishment for students with disabilities
(IDEA and Section 504 only).
- An instance refers to a single disciplinary occurrence.
- Report the number of instances of corporal punishment, not the number of children who received corporal punishment.
- For a student who receives multiple corporal punishment sessions, each corporal punishment session should be counted as an instance of corporal punishment. For example, for a student who receives corporal punishment one time in the fall, and corporal punishment one time in the spring, the corporal punishment would be considered two instances.
- Student with disabilities refers to students with disabilities served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or both.
- Note: For justice facilities, only the following discipline categories apply: corporal punishment, out-of-school suspension, expulsion without educational services, and expulsion under zero tolerance policies.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: K-12
Skip Logic:
1) Grades K-12, UG
2) "SCHR-1. Fully Virtual School Indicator (SCH_VIRT_IND) is NO.
3) DIND-1. Directional Indicator - Instruction Type (SCH_DIND_INSTRUCTIONTYPE) is A, C, or D AND DIND-2. Directional Indicator - Remote Instruction (SCH_DIND_REMOTETYPE) is A or C.
4) DISC-10. Corporal Punishment Indicator: School used K-12 corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORP_IND is YES)
1) Schools that answer Yes for SCHR-1. Fully Virtual School Indicator (SCH_VIRT_IND) skip the corporal punishment items in the Student Discipline module.
2) For schools that complete Directional Indicator 1 (DIND-1) and select option "B. We offered only remote instruction because of the coronavirus pandemic," AND complete Directional Indicator 2 (DIND-2) and select option "B. Students were not physically in the school setting," the corporal punishment items in the Student Discipline module do not apply.
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-12: Discipline of Students without Disabilities - Corporal Punishment
Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities (grades K-12, UG) reporting using corporal punishment for disciplinary purposes.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of students without disabilities in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who received corporal punishment.
- Report the number of students receiving corporal punishment, not the instances of corporal punishment.
- Note: For justice facilities, only the following discipline categories apply: corporal punishment, out-of-school suspension, expulsion without educational services, and expulsion under zero tolerance policies.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: K-12
Skip Logic:
1) Grades K-12, UG
2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).
3) SCHR-1. Fully Virtual School Indicator (SCH_VIRT_IND) is NO.
4) DIND-1. Directional Indicator - Instruction Type (SCH_DIND_INSTRUCTIONTYPE) is A, C, or D AND DIND-2. Directional Indicator - Remote Instruction (SCH_DIND_REMOTETYPE) is A or C.
5) DISC-10. Corporal Punishment Indicator: School used K-12 corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORP_IND is YES)
1) Schools that answer Yes for SCHR-1. Fully Virtual School Indicator (SCH_VIRT_IND) skip the corporal punishment items in the Student Discipline module.
2) For schools that complete Directional Indicator 1 (DIND-1) and select option "B. We offered only remote instruction because of the coronavirus pandemic," AND complete Directional Indicator 2 (DIND-2) and select option "B. Students were not physically in the school setting," the corporal punishment items in the Student Discipline module do not apply.
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-13: Discipline of Students with Disabilities - Corporal Punishment
Instructions: Only for schools and justice facilities (grades K-12, UG) reporting using corporal punishment for disciplinary purposes.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of students with disabilities in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) by IDEA, EL or Section 504 status as specified, who received corporal punishment.
- Report the number of students receiving corporal punishment, not the instances of corporal punishment.
- Note: For justice facilities, only the following discipline categories apply: corporal punishment, out-of-school suspension, expulsion without educational services, and expulsion under zero tolerance policies.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: K-12
Skip Logic:
1) Grades K-12, UG
2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).
3) SCHR-1. Fully Virtual School Indicator (SCH_VIRT_IND) is NO.
4) DIND-1. Directional Indicator - Instruction Type (SCH_DIND_INSTRUCTIONTYPE) is A, C, or D AND DIND-2. Directional Indicator - Remote Instruction (SCH_DIND_REMOTETYPE) is A or C.
5) DISC-10. Corporal Punishment Indicator: School used K-12 corporal punishment to discipline students (SCH_CORP_IND is YES)
1) Schools that answer Yes for SCHR-1. Fully Virtual School Indicator (SCH_VIRT_IND) skip the corporal punishment items in the Student Discipline module.
2) For schools that complete Directional Indicator 1 (DIND-1) and select option "B. We offered only remote instruction because of the coronavirus pandemic," AND complete Directional Indicator 2 (DIND-2) and select option "B. Students were not physically in the school setting," the corporal punishment items in the Student Discipline module do not apply.
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-14a: Discipline of Students without Disabilities - Expulsions with Educational Services
Instructions: Schools, grades K-12, UG.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of students without disabilities in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who received expulsion with educational services.
- A student may NOT be counted in both the "expulsions with educational services" table and the "expulsions without educational services" table.
Grade Levels: K-12
Skip Logic:
1) Grades K-12, UG
2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).
3) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-14b: Discipline of Students Without Disabilities - Transfer to Alternative School
Instructions: Schools, grades K-12, UG.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of students without disabilities in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons.
- Transfer to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons is a subset of expulsion with educational services (i.e., the students who were reported in DISC-14a). Therefore, a student counted in the "transfer to alternative school" table should also be counted in the "expulsion with educational services" table.
- Include only students who were transferred due to disciplinary reasons as decided by the school.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: K-12
Skip Logic:
1) Grades K-12, UG
2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).
3) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-15a: Discipline of Students with Disabilities - Expulsions with Educational Services
Instructions: Schools, grades K-12, UG.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of students with disabilities in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) by IDEA, EL or Section 504 status as specified, who received an expulsion with educational services.
- A student may not be counted in both the "expulsion with educational services" table and the "expulsion without educational services" table.
- "EL Students with Disabilities" refers to EL students with disabilities served under IDEA only, Section 504 only, or both.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: K-12
Skip Logic:
1) Grades K-12, UG
2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).
3) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-15b: Discipline of Students with Disabilities - Transfer to Alternative School
Instructions: Schools, grades K-12, UG.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of students with disabilities in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) by IDEA, EL or Section 504 status as specified, who were transferred to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons.
- Transfer to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons is a subset of expulsion with educational services (i.e., the students who were reported in DISC-15a). Therefore, a student counted in the "transfer to alternative school" table should also be counted in the "expulsion with educational services" table.
- Include only students who were transferred due to disciplinary reasons as decided by the school.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: K-12
Skip Logic:
1) Grades K-12, UG
2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).
3) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-16: Discipline of Students Without Disabilities - Expulsions without Educational Services
Instructions: Schools and justice facilities, grades K-12, UG.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of students without disabilities in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who received expulsion without educational services.
- A student may NOT be counted in both the "expulsions with educational services" table and the "expulsions without educational services" table.
- Note: For justice facilities, only the following discipline categories apply: corporal punishment, out-of-school suspension, expulsion without educational services, and expulsion under zero tolerance policies.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: K-12
Skip Logic:
1) Grades K-12, UG
2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-17: Discipline of Students with Disabilities - Expulsions Without Educational Services
Instructions: Schools and justice facilities, grades K-12, UG.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of students with disabilities in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) by IDEA, EL or Section 504 status as specified, who received an expulsion without educational services.
- A student may NOT be counted in both the "expulsions with educational services" table and the "expulsions without educational services" table.
- Note: For justice facilities, only the following discipline categories apply: corporal punishment, out-of-school suspension, expulsion without educational services, and expulsion under zero tolerance policies.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: K-12
Skip Logic:
1) Grades K-12, UG
2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-18: Discipline of Students Without Disabilities - Expulsions Under Zero-Tolerance
Instructions: Schools and justice facilities, grades K-12, UG.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of students without disabilities in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who received an expulsion under zero tolerance policies.
A student may be counted as expelled under zero tolerance policies and one of the other expulsion tables about educational services.
Expulsion under zero tolerance policies is a subset of expulsion with educational services and expulsion without educational services. Therefore, a student counted in the "expulsion under zero tolerance policies" table should also be counted in the "expulsion with educational services" table or the "expulsion without educational services" table, depending on which of the two types of expulsion the student received.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: K-12
Skip Logic:
1) Grades K-12, UG
2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-19: Discipline of Students With Disabilities - Expulsions Under Zero-Tolerance
Instructions: Schools and justice facilities, grades K-12, UG.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of students with disabilities in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) by IDEA, EL or Section 504 status as specified, who received an expulsion under zero tolerance.
A student may be counted as expelled under zero tolerance policies and one of the other expulsion tables about educational services.
Expulsion under zero tolerance policies is a subset of expulsion with educational services and expulsion without educational services. Therefore, a student counted in the "expulsion under zero tolerance policies" table should also be counted in the "expulsion with educational services" table or the "expulsion without educational services" table, depending on which of the two types of expulsion the student received.
- Note: For justice facilities, only the following discipline categories apply: corporal punishment, out-of-school suspension, expulsion without educational services, and expulsion under zero tolerance policies.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: K-12
Skip Logic:
1) Grades K-12, UG
2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-20: Discipline of Students Without Disabilities - In-School Suspensions
Instructions: Schools, grades K-12, UG.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of students without disabilities in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who received one or more in-school suspensions.
- Report the number of students receiving one or more in-school suspensions, not the instances of in-school suspension.
- A "regular classroom" may be a physical school setting or a remote setting where remote learning takes place. Also, "direct supervision" means school personnel are in the same physical school setting or remote setting as students under their supervision.
- For in-school suspensions of students who are learning remotely, count students who are temporarily
blocked from their typical remote classroom(s) and are transitioned to another supervised remote setting.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: K-12
Skip Logic:
1) Grades K-12, UG
2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).
3) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-21: Discipline of Students With Disabilities - One or More In-School Suspensions
Instructions: Schools, grades K-12, UG.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of students with disabilities in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) by IDEA, EL or Section 504 status as specified, who received one or more in-school suspensions.
- Report the number of students receiving one or more in-school suspensions, not the instances of in-school suspension.
- A "regular classroom" may be a physical school setting or a remote setting where remote learning takes place. Also, "direct supervision" means school personnel are in the same physical school setting or remote setting as students under their supervision.
- For in-school suspensions of students who are learning remotely, count students who are temporarily
blocked from their typical remote classroom(s), and are transitioned to another supervised remote
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: K-12
Skip Logic:
1) Grades K-12, UG
2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).
3) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-22: Instances of Out-of-School Suspension
Instructions: Schools and justice facilities, grades K-12, UG.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of
instances of out-of-school suspension for all students in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent).
- An instance refers to a single disciplinary occurrence.
- Report the number of instances of out-of-school suspension, not the number of students who received out-of-school suspensions.
- For a student who receives multiple out-of-school suspensions, each out-of-school suspension occurrence should be counted as an instance of out-of-school suspension. For example, for a student who receives a one-day out-of-school suspension in the fall, and a three-day out-of-school suspension in the spring, the out-of-school suspensions would be considered two instances.
- Note: For justice facilities, only the following discipline categories apply: corporal punishment, out-of-school suspension, expulsion without educational services, and expulsion under zero tolerance policies.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: K-12
Skip Logic:
1) Grades K-12, UG
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-23: Discipline of Students Without Disabilities - Only One Out-of-School Suspension
Instructions: Schools and justice facilities, grades K-12, UG.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of students without disabilities in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who received only one out-of-school suspension.
- A student may NOT be counted in both the "only one out-of-school suspension" table and the "more than one out-of-school suspension" table.
- Note: For justice facilities, only the following discipline categories apply: corporal punishment, out-of-school suspension, expulsion without educational services, and expulsion under zero tolerance policies.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: K-12
Skip Logic:
1) Grades K-12, UG
2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-24: Discipline of Students With Disabilities - Only One Out-of-School Suspension
Instructions: Schools and justice facilities, grades K-12, UG.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of students with disabilities in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) by IDEA, EL or Section 504 status as specified, who received only one out-of-school suspension.
- A student may NOT be counted in both the "only one out-of-school suspension" table and the "more than one out-of-school suspension" table.
- Note: For justice facilities, only the following discipline categories apply: corporal punishment, out-of-school suspension, expulsion without educational services, and expulsion under zero tolerance policies.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: K-12
Skip Logic:
1) Grades K-12, UG
2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-25: Discipline of Students Without Disabilities - More Than One Out-of-School Suspension
Instructions: Schools and justice facilities, grades K-12, UG.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of students without disabilities in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who received more than one out-of-school suspension.
- A student may NOT be counted in both the "only one out-of-school suspension" table and the "more than one out-of-school suspension" table.
- Note: For justice facilities, only the following discipline categories apply: corporal punishment, out-of-school suspension, expulsion without educational services, and expulsion under zero tolerance policies.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: K-12
Skip Logic:
1) Grades K-12, UG
2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-26: Discipline of Students with Disabilities - More than One Out-of-School Suspension
Instructions: Schools and justice facilities, grades K-12, UG.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of students with disabilities in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) by IDEA, EL or Section 504 status as specified, who received more than one out-of-school suspension.
- A student may NOT be counted in both the "only one out-of-school suspension" table and the "more than one out-of-school suspension" table.
- Note: For justice facilities, only the following discipline categories apply: corporal punishment, out-of-school suspension, expulsion without educational services, and expulsion under zero tolerance policies.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: K-12
Skip Logic:
1) Grades K-12, UG
2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
DISC-27: School Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspension
Instructions: Schools and justice facilities, grades K-12, UG.
For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the total number of school days that were missed by students in grades K-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who received one or more out-of-school suspensions.
- Count days when students were dismissed early from school, but school staff were not, as full days.
- Do not count days when school staff were required to be present at school (in-person or remotely), but students were not.
- Each day missed from a part-day program (e.g., part-day kindergarten) should be counted as one full day.
- Note: For justice facilities, only the following discipline categories apply: corporal punishment, out-of-school suspension, expulsion without educational services, and expulsion under zero tolerance policies.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: K-12
Skip Logic:
1) Grades K-12, UG
2) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).
Logic |
The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer, NULL). |
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - DISC - Student Discipline Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.