Maintain CRDC Survey Results

Tool Search: Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) > CRDC Maintain Survey Results

The CRDC Maintain Survey Results tool allows users to view, edit and export survey results for CRDC Mappings.

The CRDC tool is available for the 2021-2022 version.

Screenshot of Maintain Survey Results tool for 2021-2022 with school search and school names.CRDC Maintain Survey Results - School Results  

Tool Rights

In order to use the Maintain Survey Results tool, users must have rights to the tool within their own district.

Image showing selection options for CRDC tool rights.CRDC Tool Rights Options  

Read - View survey results.
Write- Generate and edit survey results.
Add- Generate and edit survey results.
Delete - Generate and Edit Survey Results.

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article.

CRDC Maintain Survey Results

This section describes how to view, edit, and export CRDC Results.

To select a version, school year and school:

  1. Select the Version in which to view/edit survey results.
  2. Select the School Year in which to view and/or edit survey results. The School Search field can be used to find a school, if necessary.
  3. Select the School Name in which to view and/or edit survey results.

Image showing Maintain Survey Results tool.CRDC Maintain Survey Results  

School Results Editor

VersionAllows the user to select the CRDC version in which to view/edit Survey Results.
School YearAllows the user to select the school year in which to view/edit Survey Results.
School SearchAllows the user to search for a school.
School Name

Allows the user to select the school in which to view the survey results for the selected School Year. Schools in which the user has tool rights to and have at least one active calendar display.

Note: If a mapping for a school has changed, the 'Mapping Changed' message appears next to the school.


Select the module in which to view/edit survey results:

1. Select the module in which to view/edit survey results. The results are shown by module with each question listed below each module.

Note: Results for the SCHR: School Characteristics module must be generated at least once for a given school prior to independently generating results for other modules.

2. If results have been modified, the Refresh button can be used to update the results.

3. Select the appropriate question to view/edit results.

Maintain Survey Results - Select Section and Question

Maintain Survey Results - Select Section and Question

To view, edit, or export Survey Results:

Users with the appropriate tool rights are allowed to view, edit, and/or export survey results for the selected question.

 Maintain Survey Results - View Survey Results Maintain Survey Results - View Survey Results  

View Survey Results Editor

Allows the user to view the survey results for questions. If results have previously been modified, the date and time the mapping was last modified displays. Clicking the link in the Results column displays the results in a side panel on the screen. The results can be exported by clicking the Export button, if desired.
Exclude ResultAllows the user to exclude the survey result from the flat file.

Allows the user to override the results for the selected question.

CommentsAllows the user to enter comments regarding the survey results.
SaveSaves the changes made by the user.
Save & NextSaves the changes made by the user and advances to the next question.
CancelChanges are not saved.
Edit MappingAllows the user to edit the category mapping. Modifying category mappings may result in changes to survey results.
PreviousAdvances the user to the survey results for the previous question.
NextAdvances user to the survey results for the next question.

If results for a question are not calculated by the CRDC tool:

Users are able to select a value from the Override column in order to report results for a question, if desired.

 Maintain Survey Results - Override Maintain Survey Results - Override   

To view and export Survey Results:

  1. Select the link in the Results column to view the results for the selected question. A side panel displays on the screen which allows the user to view the survey results. The Override column can be used to override the results for the selected question. The Exclude Result checkbox can be used to exclude the results from reporting in the flat file.

    If results totals are different than the totals on the Details screen, return to the Generate CRDC Survey Results screen to generate new results and update the totals.

    Question with Survey ResultsQuestion with Survey Results    

  2. If desired, Export the results. The results are displayed in an Excel file.

    Image of exported results
  3. Click Close.

To edit Category Mappings:

  1. Select the School Year in which to view and/or edit survey results. The School Search field can be used to find a school, if necessary.
  2. Select the School Name in which to view and/or edit survey results.
  3. Select the module in which to view/edit survey results. The results are shown by module with each question listed below each module.
  4. Select the appropriate question to view/edit results.
  5. Click Edit Mapping.
    Image showing how to Edit a Mapping
  6. Select the mapping that is being modified.
  7. Make the necessary changes to the mapping.
  8. Click Save.
  9. A message displays indicating that changing a category mapping may impact survey results. Users can choose to update the mappings now or later. Selecting Update Later directs the user back to the Question Detail screen. Selecting Update Now directs the user to a new pop-up message.
    Update Results message

  10. After clicking Update Now, a message indicating that results for all questions that use the selected category mapping will be updated. Users can elect to retain or delete all manually entered data from the Overrides, Excludes, and Comments fields.
    Confirm Update message

  11. Click Continue. A Mappings Changed icon displays on the Question Detail screen indicating Category Mappings have changed.
  12. Navigate back to the Select a question to view or edit results screen and click Refresh to update the results for the question.

Question Results Logic

Shared Logic Questions:

Fall Snapshot Student Enrollment/Grade Level Logic

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All enrollment logic must be met in order to be reported in the Fall Snapshot logic.

Students will report in the School in which they are enrolled:

  • The student's enrollment must overlap the Fall Snapshot Count Date if reporting in a category not in IDEA.
  • The student's enrollment must overlap the Fall Snapshot IDEA Count date if populated, else the Fall Snapshot Count Date if reporting in an IDEA category.
  • The students Enrollment Service Type must not be selected in the Exclude Enrollment Service Types field in the Report Options to report for the school that is being generated.

Consider the following logic for the CRDC School of Accountability field:

  • If the CRDC School of Accountability field is NULL or = to the School of Enrollment the student will report in that school.
  • If the CRDC School of Accountability school is not = to the enrolled school, the student will report in the CRDC School of Accountability school.

Use the CRDC Grade level mapping to determine which grade level a student should report:

  • If the student has more than 1 enrollment in the reporting school and the grade levels are different, report the grade level from the primary enrollment.
  • If no primary enrollment or service types are the same, report from the enrollment with the earliest start date or enrollment id.
  • Do not count a student if their enrollment Grade Level is not mapped to a CRDC Grade Level.
  • If the student has a primary enrollment not mapped to a CRDC Grade Level and has a secondary enrollment that is mapped to a CRDC grade level, report the student in the secondary enrollment.

Regular School Year Enrollment/Grade Level Logic

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All enrollment logic must be met in order to be reported in the Regular School Year logic.

  • Students will report in the School in which they are enrolled.
  • The students enrollment must occur in the reporting school year.
  • Do not include students that are in calendars marked as Summer School
  • The students Enrollment Service Type must be selected in the Report Options in order to report for the school that is being reported

Consider the following logic for the CRDC School of Accountability field:

  • If the CRDC School of Accountability field is NULL or = to the School of Enrollment the student will report in that school.
  • If the CRDC School of Accountability school is not = to the enrolled school, the student will report in the CRDC School of Accountability school.
Do not count a student if their enrollment Grade Level is not mapped to a CRDC Grade Level.

Fall Snapshot & Regular School Year IDEA/504/EL/EL Students Enrolled in EL Programs Logic

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Count distinct students saved in each category mapping for the school being reported.

Student Race/Ethnicity Logic

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Count students in the following race categories based on values selected in Race/Ethnicity on Demographics tab.

Students can only report in 1 of the Race/Ethnicity categories listed below:

  • Hispanic or Latino of any race:  will report when the "Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?" question is set to Yes.
  • American Indian or Alaska Native:  will report when the "Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?" question is set to No and only the American Indian or Alaska Native checkbox is checked.
  • Asian:  will report when the "Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?" question is set to No and only the Asian checkbox is checked.
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander:  will report when the "Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?" question is set to No and only the Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander checkbox is checked.
  • Black or African American:  will report when the "Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?" question is set to No and only the Black or African American checkbox is checked.
  • White:  will report when the "Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?" question is set to No and only the White checkbox is checked.
  • Two or more races:  will report when the "Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?" question is set to No and more than 1 race is checked
  • Use the pescLabel column in the RaceEthnicity table to determine which race/ethnicity the student belongs to
  • If the student hast two or more races that are mapped to the same pescLabel, do not report the student as two or more races.
Do not count a student if their Race/Ethnicity is NULL.

If reporting results for Fall Snapshot, use the identity record that overlaps the report count date.:

  • If an identity record cannot be found that overlaps the count date, use the earliest identity record.

If reporting results for Regular School Year, use the identity record that overlaps the last instructional day of the reporting year.

  • Do not use calendars marked as Summer School to determine the last instructional day.

Gender Logic

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First check the Protected Identity
  • Report a student in the Male gender category when their Legal Gender is = M
  • Report a student in the Female gender category when their Legal Gender is = F
  • Report a student in the Nonbinary gender category when their Legal Gender IS NOT (M, F, NULL)

If Legal Gender is NULL on Identities, report from Gender on Census.

  • Report a student in the Male gender category when their Legal Gender is = M
  • Report a student in the Female gender category when their Legal Gender is = F
  • Report a student in the Nonbinary gender category when their Legal Gender IS NOT (M, F)

NOTE: On the UI, Identity gender is required however, the database schema allows null, if Identity gender is NULL the student will report as Nonbinary.

Use the following date logic to determine which identity record to use:

  • If reporting results for Fall Snapshot, use the identity record that overlaps the report count date.
  • If reporting results for Regular School Year, use the identity record that overlaps the last instructional day of the reporting year.
  • If an identity record cannot be found that overlaps the count date or last instructional day, use the earliest identity record.
  • Do not use calendars marked as Summer School to determine the last instructional day.

Course Count Logic

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The total number of courses offered by a school is determined by how many sections of the course are offered in which there are students enrolled.  Count the total number of classes with the following criteria:
Use the Selected Courses in the Category Mapping(s) used for a question to determine which courses should be considered in the count.

Sum the total number of sections for each course that have a section schedule placement that overlaps with the Count Date that is entered on the Course Category Mapping.

  • If a section has multiple section schedule placements and more than 1 overlap a Count Date, only count the section as 1 instance.
If the same course is used in multiple mappings that are used for a question, they will be counted multiple times.
If Advanced options are used in a category mapping, do not count any section that is marked as excluded.
There must be at least 1 student scheduled into the section on the Schedule Type Count Date to be counted.

Student Roster Count Logic for Courses

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For Regular School Year, Count a student as enrolled in a course when their enrollment and roster both overlap the last term end date in a section .

For Fall Snapshot, Count a student as enrolled in a course when their enrollment and roster both overlap the fall snapshot count date.

If the student has more than 1 enrollment that overlap the term end date, use the Primary enrollment.

  • If the enrollment start dates are the same, use the highest enrollment ID.
  • If the enrollment start dates are not the same, use the enrollment with the most recent start date.

Refer to Fall Snapshot Enrollment or Regular School Year Enrollment logic based on the time frame of the question.

Only count the student 1 time per course category.

Only include Courses with a section placement that overlap at least 1 of the Schedule Type Count Dates
If Advanced options are used in a category mapping, do not count any section that is marked as excluded.

School Form General Instructions

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For Fall Snapshot questions, report data based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1), unless otherwise noted.

For Regular School Year questions, count should be cumulative based on the entire regular school year.

Counts by race/ethnicity by sex are unduplicated counts (i.e., a student is counted only once in the race/ethnicity columns).

Students counted in the race/ethnicity category may also be counted in the Students with Disabilities (IDEA), Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only), and Students who are English Learners (EL) categories.  For example, the following may occur:
  • A Hispanic/Latino student with a disability served under IDEA and who is EL will be counted three times in some tables, once under race/ethnicity, once under Students with Disabilities (IDEA), and once under Students who are EL.  
  • A student with a disability served under section 504 and who is EL will be counted in both the Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only) category and the Students who are EL category.  

If the question does not apply to a school the question will report "NULL".  If a question does apply to a school but there are not results for a data element, a value must report ("0", No, etc).

Student enrollment counts by course are unduplicated counts unless noted otherwise (i.e. a student is counted only once in Algebra I even if they take more than 1 course in that category).

Module Questions Logic:

Click on the module name to view question logic for the module.
DIND: COVID-related Directional Indicators
SCHR: School Characteristics

PSCH: Preschool

NBIN: Nonbinary Student Indicator

ENRL: Enrollment
PENR: Program Enrollment
COUR: Courses & Classes

APIB: Advanced Placement (AP) & International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) Enrollment

EXAM: SAT/ACT & Advanced Placement (AP) Exams
STAF: School & School Support Staff
SECR: School Security Staff
RETN: Retention
ATHL: Single-Sex Interscholastic Athletics
DISC: Student Discipline (Suspension, Expulsion, Corporal Punishment)

ARRS: Student Discipline (Referrals to Law Enforcement & School-Related Arrests)

OFFN: Offenses
HIBS: Harassment or Bullying
RSTR: Restraint & Seclusion
JUST: Justice Facilities
INET: Internet Access and Devices

Appendix A: Questions by Grade Level

QuestionGrade Level(s)
DIND-1: Directional Indicator – Instruction TypeAll Grade Levels
DIND-2: Directional Indicator – Remote InstructionAll Grade Levels
DIND-3: COVID-related Item - Remote Instruction AmountAll Grade Levels
DIND-4: COVID-related Item - Remote Instruction PercentageAll Grade Levels

SCHR-1:  Fully Virtual School Indicator

All Grade Levels

SCHR-2:  Justice Facility Indicator

All Grade Levels

SCHR-3:  Grades with Students Enrolled

All Grade Levels
SCHR-4:  Ungraded DetailUngraded
SCHR-5:  School CharacteristicsAll Grade Levels
SCHR-6: Magnet School DetailAll Grade Levels
SCHR-7: Alternative School DetailAll Grade Levels

PSCH-1:  Preschool Age for Non-IDEA Children


PSCH-2:  Preschool Enrollment

PSCH-3a: Preschool Enrollment of English Learner StudentsPreschool
PSCH-3b: Preschool Enrollment of English Learner Students - EL Students in EL ProgramsPreschool
PSCH-4: Preschool Enrollment of Students with Disabilities - IDEAPreschool
PSCH-5: Preschool Enrollment of Students with Disabilities - Section 504 OnlyPreschool
NBIN: NonbinaryAll Grade Levels

ENRL-1:  Student Enrollment

Grades K-12, UG

ENRL-2a:  Enrollment of English Learner Students - All EL Students

Grades K-12, UG
ENRL-2b:  Enrollment of English Learner Students - EL Students in ProgramsGrades K-12, UG

ENRL-3:  Enrollment of Students with Disabilities - IDEA

Grades K-12, UG
ENRL-4:  Enrollment of Students with Disabilities - Section 504 OnlyGrades K-12, UG
PENR-1:  Gifted and Talented Programs IndicatorAll Grade Levels
PENR-2:  Gifted/Talented Student EnrollmentAll Grade Levels
PENR-3:  Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit Program Indicator

All Grade Levels

PENR-4:  Student Enrollment in Dual Enrollment Programs

All Grade Levels

PENR-5:  Credit Recovery Program Indicator

All Grade Levels

PENR-6:  Credit Recovery Program Student Participation

All Grade Levels

COUR-1:  Grade 7/8 Algebra I ClassesGrades 7 & 8, UG
COUR-2:   Grade 7 Algebra I Enrollment IndicatorGrade 7, UG
COUR-3:  Grade 8 Algebra I Enrollment IndicatorGrade 8, UG
COUR-4a:  Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8
Grades 7 & 8, UG
COUR-4b:  Student who Passed  Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8Grades 7 & 8, UG
COUR-5::  Grade 8 Geometry Enrollment IndicatorGrade 8, UG
COUR-6:  Student Enrollment in Geometry in Grade 8Grade 8, UG
COUR-7: Classes in Mathematics Courses in High School
Grade 9-12, UG
COUR-8a:  High School Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 9 & 10Grades 9 & 10
COUR-8b:  High School Students who Passed Algebra I - Grades 9 & 10Grades 9 & 10, UG 
COUR-9a:  High School Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 11 & 12
Grades 11 & 12
COUR-9b:  High School Students who Passed Algebra I - Grades 11 & 12Grades 11 & 12
COUR-10: Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Geometry
Grades 9-12, UG
COUR-11:  Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Algebra IIGrades 9-12, UG
COUR-12:  Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School  - Advanced MathematicsGrades 9-12, UG
COUR-13:  Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - CalculusGrades 9-12, UG
COUR-14:  Classes in Science CoursesGrades 9-12, UG
COUR-15:  Student Enrollment in Science Courses - BiologyGrades 9-12, UG
COUR-16:  Student Enrollment in Science Courses - ChemistryGrades 9-12, UG
COUR-17:  Student Enrollment in Science Courses - PhysicsGrades 9-12, UG
COUR-18:  Classes in Computer Science CoursesGrades 9-12, UG
COUR-19:  Student Enrollment in Computer Science CoursesGrades 9-12, UG
COUR-20:  Classes in Data Science Courses
Grades 9-12, UG
COUR-21:  Student Enrollment in Data Science Courses
Grades 9-12, UG
COUR-22:  Single-Sex Academic Classes Indicator
Grades 9-12, UG
COUR-23:  Single-Sex Academic Classes Detail
Grades 9-12, UG
APIB-1:  International Baccalaureate(IB) Diploma ProgrammeGrades 9-12, UG
APIB-2:  Student Enrollment in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma ProgrammeGrades 9-12, UG
APIB-3:  Advanced Placement (AP) Program IndicatorGrades 9-12, UG
APIB-4:  Different Advanced Placement (AP) CoursesGrades 9-12, UG
APIB-5:  Advanced Placement (AP) Course Self-SelectionGrades 9-12, UG
APIB-6:  Advanced Placement (AP) Student EnrollmentGrades 9-12, UG
APIB-7:  Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Enrollment IndicatorGrades 9-12, UG
APIB-8:  Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) MathematicsGrades 9-12, UG
APIB-9:  Advanced Placement (AP) Science Enrollment IndicatorGrades 9-12, UG
APIB-10:  Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) ScienceGrades 9-12, UG
APIB-11:  Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science Enrollment IndicatorGrades 9-12, UG
APIB-12:  Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Computer ScienceGrades 9-12, UG
APIB-13:  Advanced Placement (AP) Other Subjects Enrollment IndicatorGrades 9-12, UG
APIB-14:  Student Enrollment in Other Advanced Placement (AP) SubjectsGrades 9-12, UG
EXAM-1:  Student Participation in the SAT Reasoning Test or ACTGrades 9-12, UG
RETN-1: Student Retention IndicatorGrades K-12
RETN-2 GRK:  Retention of Students in KindergartenGrades K
RETN-2 GR1:  Retention of Students in Grade 1Grades 1
RETN-2 GR2:  Retention of Students in Grade 2Grades 2
RETN-2 GR3:  Retention of Students in Grade 3Grades 3
RETN-2 GR4:  Retention of Students in Grade 4Grades 4
RETN-2 GR5:  Retention of Students in Grade 5Grades 5
RETN-2 GR6:  Retention of Students in Grade 6Grades 6
RETN-2 GR7:  Retention of Students in Grade 7Grades 7
RETN-2 GR8:  Retention of Students in Grade 8Grades 8
RETN-2 GR9:  Retention of Students in Grade 9Grades 9
RETN-2 GR10:  Retention of Students in Grade 10Grades 10
RETN-2 GR11:  Retention of Students in Grade 11Grades 11
RETN-2 GR12:  Retention of Students in Grade 12Grades 12
ATHL-1: Interscholastic Athletics IndicatorGrades 9-12, UG
ATHL-2:  Interscholastic Athletics Sports and Teams and ParticipantsGrades 9-12, UG
ATHL-3: Interscholastic Athletics Participants
Grades 9-12, UG
DISC-1:  Preschool Corporal Punishment Indicator
DISC-2:  Preschool Instances of Corporal Punishment
DISC-3:  Instances of Preschool Corporal Punishment - Children Without Disabilities and With Disabilities (IDEA and Section 504 Only)
DISC-1c:  Preschool Suspensions and Expulsions - ExpulsionsPreschool
DISC-2:  Preschool Instances of SuspensionPreschool
DISC-3:  Corporal Punishment IndicatorAll Grade Levels
DISC-4:  Preschool Corporal Punishment
DISC-5:  Preschool Expulsions
DISC-6:  Instances of Preschool Suspension
DISC-7:  Instances of Preschool Suspension - Children Without Disabilities and With Disabilities (Section 504 Only)
DISC-8:  Preschool Suspension - Only One Out-of-School Suspension
DISC-9:  Preschool Suspension - More than One Out-of-School Suspension
DISC-10:  Corporal Punishment Indicator
Grades K-12, UG
DISC-11:  Instances of Corporal Punishment - Students Without Disabilities and With Disabilities (IDEA and Section 504 Only) Discipline of Students without Disabilities - Expulsions with Educational ServicesGrades K-12, UG
DISC-12:  Discipline of Students without Disabilities - Corporal Punishment
Grades K-12, UG
DISC-13:  Discipline of Students with Disabilities - Corporal Punishment
Grades K-12, UG
DISC-14a:  Discipline of Students without Disabilities - Expulsions with Educational Services
Grades K-12, UG
DISC-14b:   Discipline of Students without Disabilities - Transfer to Alternative School
Grades K-12, UG
DISC-15a:  Discipline of Students with Disabilities - Expulsions with Educational Services
Grades K-12, UG
DISC-15b:   Discipline of Students with Disabilities - Transfer to Alternative School
Grades K-12, UG
DISC-16:  Discipline of Students without Disabilities - Expulsions without Educational Services
Grades K-12, UG
DISC-17:  Discipline of Students with Disabilities - Expulsions without Educational Services
Grades K-12, UG
DISC-18:  Discipline of Students without Disabilities - Expulsions Under Zero-Tolerance of Students with Disabilities - Expulsions without Educational ServicesGrades K-12, UG
DISC-19:  Discipline of Students with Disabilities - Expulsions Under Zero-Tolerance
Grades K-12, UG
DISC-20:  Discipline of Students without Disabilities - In-School Suspensions
Grades K-12, UG
DISC-21:  Discipline of Students with Disabilities - One or More In-School Suspensions
Grades K-12, UG
DISC-22:  Instances of Out-of-School Suspension
Grades K-12, UG
DISC-23:  Discipline of Students without Disabilities - Only One Out-of-School Suspension
Grades K-12, UG
DISC-24:  Discipline of Students with Disabilities - Only One Out-of-School Suspension
Grades K-12, UG
DISC-25:  Discipline of Students without Disabilities - More than One Out-of-School Suspension
Grades K-12, UG
DISC-26:  Discipline of Students with Disabilities - More than One Out-of-School Suspension
Grades K-12, UG
DISC-27:  School Days Missed Due to Out-of-School Suspension    
Grades K-12, UG
ARRS-1: Instances of Referrals to Law Enforcement
Grades K-12, UG
ARRS-2: Students without Disabilities - Referred to Law Enforcement
Grades K-12, UG
ARRS-3: Students with Disabilities - Referred to Law Enforcement
Grades K-12, UG
ARRS-4:  Instances of School-Related Arrests
Grades K-12, UG
ARRS-5:  Students without Disabilities - School-Related Arrest
Grades K-12, UG
ARRS-6:  Students with Disabilities - School-Related Arrest
Grades K-12, UG
OFFN-1:  Offenses – Number of IncidentsGrades K-12, UG
OFFN-2:  Offenses - Shooting
Grades K-12, UG
OFFN-3:  Offenses - HomicideGrades K-12, UG
OFFN-4: Offenses - Shooting and Homicide Incidents
Grades K-12, UG
OFFN-5: Offenses - Rape and Sexual Assault
Grades K-12, UG
HIBS-1:  Allegations of Harassment or Bullying
Grades K-12, UG
HIBS-2:  Allegations of Harassment or Bullying - Gender Identity
Grades K-12, UG
HIBS-3:  Allegations of Harassment or Bullying - By Religion Type
Grades K-12, UG
HIBS-4:  Students Reported as Harassed or Bullied - Sex
Grades K-12, UG
HIBS-5:  Students Reported as Harassed or Bullied - Race, Color, or National Origin
Grades K-12, UG
HIBS-6:  Students Reported as Harassed or Bullied - Disability
Grades K-12, UG
HIBS-7:  Students Disciplined for Harassment or Bullying - Sex
Grades K-12, UG
HIBS-8:  Students Disciplined for Harassment or Bullying - Race, Color, or National Origin
Grades K-12, UG
HIBS-9:  Students Disciplined for Harassment or Bullying - Disability
Grades K-12, UG
RSTR-1:  Instances of Restraint or Seclusion
Grades K-12, UG
RSTR-2:  Non-IDEA Students Subjected to Restraint or Seclusion - Mechanical Restraint
Grades K-12, UG
RSTR-3:  IDEA Students Subjected to Restraint or Seclusion - Mechanical Restraint
Grades K-12, UG
RSTR-4:  Non-IDEA Students Subjected to Restraint or Seclusion - Physical Restraint
Grades K-12, UG
RSTR-5:  IDEA Students Subjected to Restraint or Seclusion - Physical Restraint
Grades K-12, UG
RSTR-6:  Non-IDEA Students Subjected to Restraint or Seclusion - Seclusion
Grades K-12, UG

Appendix B: Questions by Category Mapping

Category MappingQuestion
Grade Levels

SCHR-1:  Grades with Students Enrolled

PSCH-1:  Preschool Age for Non-IDEA Children 

PSCH-3a: Preschool Enrollment of English Learner Students

PSCH-3b:   Preschool Enrollment of English Learner Students - EL Students in EL Programs

PSCH-4:   Preschool Enrollment of Students with Disabilities - IDEA
PSCH-5:   Preschool Enrollment of Students with Disabilities - Section 504 Only

COUR-3: Grade 8 Algebra I Enrollment Indicator

COUR-4a: Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8

COUR-4b: Students who Passed Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8

COUR-5: Grade 8 Geometry Enrollment Indicator

COUR-6: Student Enrollment in Geometry in Grade 8

COUR-8a: High School Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 9 & 10

COUR-8b: High School Students who Passed Algebra I - Grades 9 & 10
COUR-9a: High School Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 11 & 12
COUR-9b: High School Students who Passed Algebra I - Grades 11 & 12
COUR-10: Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Geometry
COUR-11: Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Algebra II
COUR-12: Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Advanced Mathematics
COUR-13: Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Calculus
COUR-15: Student Enrollment in Science Courses - Biology
COUR-16: Student Enrollment in Science Courses - Chemistry
COUR-17: Student Enrollment in Science Courses - Physics

COUR-19: Student Enrollment in Computer Science Courses

COUR-21: Student Enrollment in Data Science Courses
EXAM-1:  Student Participation in the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT
RETN-1: Student Retention Indicator

RETN-2 GRK:  Retention of Students in Kindergarten

RETN-2 GR1:  Retention of Students in Grade 1
RETN-2 GR2:  Retention of Students in Grade 2
RETN-2 GR3:  Retention of Students in Grade 3
RETN-2 GR4:  Retention of Students in Grade 4
RETN-2 GR5:  Retention of Students in Grade 5
RETN-2 GR6:  Retention of Students in Grade 6
RETN-2 GR7:  Retention of Students in Grade 7
RETN-2 GR8:  Retention of Students in Grade 8
RETN-2 GR9:  Retention of Students in Grade 9
RETN-2 GR10:  Retention of Students in Grade 10
RETN-2 GR11:  Retention of Students in Grade 11
RETN-2 GR12:  Retention of Students in Grade 12
Fall Snapshot IDEA Students

PSCH-1:  Preschool Age for Non-IDEA Children

PSCH-2:  Preschool Enrollment

PSCH-4: Preschool Enrollment of Students with Disabilities - IDEA

ENRL-1:  Student Enrollment

ENRL-3: Enrollment of Students with Disabilities - IDEA

COUR-9a:  Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Algebra II
COUR-9b:  Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School  - Advanced Mathematics
COUR-10: Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Geometry
COUR-11:  Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Algebra II
COUR-12:  Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School  - Advanced Mathematics
COUR-13:  Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Calculus
COUR-15:  Student Enrollment in Science Courses - Biology
COUR-16:  Student Enrollment in Science Courses - Chemistry
COUR-17:  Student Enrollment in Science Courses - Physics
COUR-19:  Student Enrollment in Computer Science Courses
COUR-21:  Student Enrollment in Data Science Courses
Regular School Year IDEA Students

COUR-4a:  Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8

COUR-4b:  Students who Passed Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8

COUR-8a:  High School Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 9 & 10
COUR-8b:  High School Students who Passed Algebra I - Grades 9 & 10
COUR-9a:  High School Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 11 & 12
COUR-9b:  High School Students who Passed Algebra I - Grades 11 & 12
EXAM-1:  Student Participation in the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT

RETN-2 GRK:  Retention of Students in Kindergarten

RETN-2 GR1:  Retention of Students in Grade 1
RETN-2 GR2:  Retention of Students in Grade 2
RETN-2 GR3:  Retention of Students in Grade 3
RETN-2 GR4:  Retention of Students in Grade 4
RETN-2 GR5:  Retention of Students in Grade 5
RETN-2 GR6:  Retention of Students in Grade 6
RETN-2 GR7:  Retention of Students in Grade 7
RETN-2 GR8:  Retention of Students in Grade 8
RETN-2 GR9:  Retention of Students in Grade 9
RETN-2 GR10:  Retention of Students in Grade 10
RETN-2 GR11:  Retention of Students in Grade 11
RETN-2 GR12:  Retention of Students in Grade 12

Fall Snapshot 504 Students

ENRL-1:  Student Enrollment

ENRL-4:  Enrollment of Students with Disabilities - Section 504 Only

Regular School Year 504 Students

RETN-2 GRK:  Retention of Students in Kindergarten

RETN-2 GR1:  Retention of Students in Grade 1
RETN-2 GR2:  Retention of Students in Grade 2
RETN-2 GR3:  Retention of Students in Grade 3
RETN-2 GR4:  Retention of Students in Grade 4
RETN-2 GR5:  Retention of Students in Grade 5
RETN-2 GR6:  Retention of Students in Grade 6
RETN-2 GR7:  Retention of Students in Grade 7
RETN-2 GR8:  Retention of Students in Grade 8
RETN-2 GR9:  Retention of Students in Grade 9
RETN-2 GR10:  Retention of Students in Grade 10
RETN-2 GR11:  Retention of Students in Grade 11
RETN-2 GR12:  Retention of Students in Grade 12
Fall Snapshot EL Students

ENRL-1:  Student Enrollment

PSCH-2:  Preschool Enrollment

ENRL-2a: Enrollment of English Learner Students - All EL Students

ENRL-3: Enrollment of Students with Disabilities - IDEA

ENRL-4: Enrollment of Students with Disabilities - Section 504 Only

COUR-10: Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Geometry
COUR-11:  Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Algebra II
COUR-12:  Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School  - Advanced Mathematics
COUR-13:  Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Calculus
COUR-15:  Student Enrollment in Science Courses - Biology
COUR-16:  Student Enrollment in Science Courses - Chemistry
COUR-17:  Student Enrollment in Science Courses - Physics
COUR-19:  Student Enrollment in Computer Science Courses
COUR-21:  Student Enrollment in Data Science Courses
Regular School Year EL Students

COUR-4a:  Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8

COUR-4b:  Students who Passed Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8

COUR-8a:  High School Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 9 & 10
COUR-8b:  High School Students who Passed Algebra I - Grades 9 & 10
COUR-9a:  High School Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 11 & 12
COUR-9b:  High School Students who Passed Algebra I - Grades 11 & 12

RETN-2 GRK:  Retention of Students in Kindergarten

RETN-2 GR1:  Retention of Students in Grade 1
RETN-2 GR2:  Retention of Students in Grade 2
RETN-2 GR3:  Retention of Students in Grade 3
RETN-2 GR4:  Retention of Students in Grade 4
RETN-2 GR5:  Retention of Students in Grade 5
RETN-2 GR6:  Retention of Students in Grade 6
RETN-2 GR7:  Retention of Students in Grade 7
RETN-2 GR8:  Retention of Students in Grade 8
RETN-2 GR9:  Retention of Students in Grade 9
RETN-2 GR10:  Retention of Students in Grade 10
RETN-2 GR11:  Retention of Students in Grade 11
RETN-2 GR12:  Retention of Students in Grade 12
Fall Snapshot Students Enrolled in EL Programs

ENRL-2b: Enrollment of English Learner Students - EL Students in Programs

Advanced Mathematics

COUR-7:  Classes in Mathematics Courses in High School.
COUR-12:  Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School  - Advanced Mathematics
Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8

COUR-1:  Grade 7/8 Algebra I Classes

COUR-2:   Grade 7 Algebra I Enrollment Indicator

COUR-3:  Grade 8 Algebra I Enrollment Indicator

COUR-4a:  Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8

COUR-4b:  Students who Passed Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8

COUR-5:  Grade 8 Geometry Enrollment Indicator

COUR-6:  Student Enrollment in Geometry in Grade 8

Algebra I - High School

COUR-7:  Classes in Mathematics Courses in High School

COUR-8a:  High School Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 9 & 10
COUR-8b:  High School Students who Passed Algebra I - Grades 9 & 10
COUR-9a:  High School Student Enrollment in Algebra I - Grades 11 & 12
COUR-9b:  High School Students who Passed Algebra I - Grades 11 & 12
Algebra II

COUR-7:  Classes in Mathematics Courses in High School
COUR-11:  Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Algebra II

COUR-7:  Classes in Mathematics Courses in High School
COUR-13:  Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Calculus
Geometry - Grade 8

COUR-5:  Grade 8 Geometry Enrollment Indicator

COUR-6:  Student Enrollment in Geometry in Grade 8

Geometry - High School

COUR-7:  Classes in Mathematics Courses in High School

COUR-10: Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School - Geometry

COUR-14:  Classes in Science Courses

COUR-15:  Student Enrollment in Science Courses - Biology


COUR-14:  Classes in Science Courses

COUR-16:  Student Enrollment in Science Courses - Chemistry


COUR-14:  Classes in Science Courses

COUR-17:  Student Enrollment in Science Courses - Physics

Computer Science

COUR-18:  Classes in Computer Science Courses

COUR-19:  Student Enrollment in Computer Science Courses

Data Science

COUR-20:  Classes in Data Science Courses

COUR-21:  Student Enrollment in Data Science Course