CRDC - APIB: Advanced Placement (AP) & International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) Enrollment Questions

Tool Search: Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) > Maintain Survey Results

Note: Results for the SCHR: School Characteristics module must be generated at least once for a given school prior to independently generating results for other modules.

When skip logic is provided:

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data.

The following questions are part of the APIB: Advanced Placement (AP) & International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) Enrollment questions for CRDC:

Module Instructions

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Report data from the 2021-22 school year. For most tables, the data reported should be as of October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1), unless otherwise noted. This is known as a "Fall snapshot." LEAs should use the same Fall snapshot date to report data in this module.
For schools with block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count reported should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block.

When to Report Zero (0) and When to Use Blanks (i.e., NULL Values)

Zeroes represent an actual count or number for fields that are applicable to a given school or LEA. Report a zero ("0") only if the LEA has collected the information and the amount to report for that field is zero. Do not report a "0" for data not collected. Leave a field blank if the LEA does not collect data for that field, if the amount asked is unknown, or if the question does not apply to the LEA.

Not Applicable(NA) and Zero (0) Autofills in Tables

The online tool remembers information that has been entered in other tables and modules and uses that
information to fill related tables with either a Not Applicable (NA) code or zero (0) where appropriate. For
example, if it is reported that a school does not have any female students who are EL, then other tables that ask
for counts of female students who are EL will be automatically filled with a zero.

Key Definitions

  • Advanced Placement (AP) refers to a program, sponsored by the College Board, through which students may earn college credit and advanced college placement by successfully completing AP courses and standardized AP exams.
  • Advanced Placement (AP) course is an advanced, college-level course designed for students who achieve a specified level of academic performance. Upon successful completion of the course and a standardized AP exam, a student may be qualified to receive college credit and/or placement into advanced college courses.
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme, sponsored by the International Baccalaureate Organization, is designed as an academically challenging and balanced program of education with final examinations that prepares students, usually aged 16 to 19, for success at university and life beyond. The Programme is typically taught over two years. IB Diploma Programme students study six courses at higher level or standard level. Students must choose one subject from each of groups 1 to 5, thus ensuring breadth of experience in languages, social studies, the experimental sciences and mathematics. The sixth subject may be an arts subject chosen from group 6, or the student may choose another subject from groups 1 to 5. Additionally, IB Diploma Programme students must meet three core requirements: the extended essay, the theory of knowledge course, and a creativity/action/service experience.
  • Nonbinary means not exclusively male or female. Transgender students may be reported as male, female, or nonbinary.

Special Instructions

  • A course is considered a grouping of one or more classes covering the same content. A school may offer several different courses in a specific subject area. For example, Biology is considered a science course for the CRDC collection. A school may also offer several different Biology courses. For AP courses, the College Board publishes a list, available at
  • A class (or section) refers to a specific group of students taking a course during a specified time, or during different times and listed on one roster that a single teacher is assigned. There may be one or more classes for each course offered at a school. For example, a school may have two classes of Biology I, one during second period and one during fourth period; and one class for Genetics, during fifth period. In this example, the school should report a total of three Biology classes (two for Biology I and one for Genetics).
  • Count each course separately. For example, AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC are different courses. But multiple classes in AP Calculus AB are not different courses.
  • Do not include students scheduled to take a course, but not yet enrolled.
  • For a school that already disaggregates student enrollment data to include nonbinary students, the nonbinary category in the AP & IB Enrollment module is OPTIONAL.
  • For a school that does NOT already disaggregate student enrollment data to include nonbinary students, the nonbinary category in the AP & IB Enrollment module is SKIPPED. 

APIB-1: International Baccalaureate(IB) Diploma Programme

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Instructions: For schools with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students.

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, did this school have any students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme?

Category Mapping: N/A 

Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

2) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO

Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - APIB - Advanced Placement (AP) & International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) Enrollment Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override.
Add the Permitted Values in the override droplist (Yes, No, NULL).

APIB-2: Student Enrollment in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme

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Instructions: For schools with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students enrolled in an IB Diploma Programme.

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, enter the number of students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme.

  • For students with disabilities (IDEA), report data based on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1). For all other entries, report data based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1). 

Category Mapping: N/A 

Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

2) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO

3) For Nonbinary questions only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

4) APIB-1. International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme: School had students enrolled in IB Diploma Programme (SCH_IBENR_IND is YES)

Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - APIB - Advanced Placement (AP) & International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) Enrollment Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override.
The Permitted Values (Integer, NULL) will be allowed in the text box.

APIB-3: Advanced Placement (AP) Program Indicator

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Instructions: For schools with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students.

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, did this school have any students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded
equivalent) who were enrolled in Advanced Placement (AP) courses?

Category Mapping: N/A 

Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

2) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO

Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - APIB - Advanced Placement (AP) & International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) Enrollment Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override. Add the Permitted Values in the override droplist (Yes, No, NULL).

APIB-4: Different Advanced Placement (AP) Courses

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Instructions: For schools with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students enrolled in AP.

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, enter the number of different Advanced Placement (AP) courses
that were offered at this school.

  • Count each course separately. For example, AP Biology and AP Chemistry are different courses; AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC are different courses. But multiple classes in AP Calculus AB are not different courses. For a list of AP courses, go to
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block. 

Category Mapping: N/A

Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12

Skip Logic:

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

2) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO

3) APIB-3. Advanced Placement Program Indicator: School had students enrolled in Advanced Placement courses (SCH_APENR_IND is YES)

Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - APIB - Advanced Placement (AP) & International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) Enrollment Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override.
The Permitted Values (Integer, NULL) Will be allowed in the text box.

APIB-5: Advanced Placement (AP) Course Self-Selection

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Instructions: For schools with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students enrolled in AP.

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, were students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) allowed to enroll in all Advanced Placement (AP) courses offered at this school via self-selection?

  • Advanced Placement (AP) course self-selection refers to a student enrolling in any AP course offered by a school without needing a recommendation or without meeting other criteria (except for any necessary course prerequisites).

Category Mapping: N/A

Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

2) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO

3) APIB-3. Advanced Placement Program Indicator: School had students enrolled in Advanced Placement courses (SCH_APENR_IND is YES)

Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - APIB - Advanced Placement (AP) & International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) Enrollment Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override.
Add the Permitted Values in the override droplist (Yes, No, NULL).

APIB-6: Advanced Placement (AP) Student Enrollment

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Instructions: For schools with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students enrolled in AP.

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, enter the number of students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded
equivalent) who were enrolled in one or more AP courses.

  • Report an unduplicated count of students taking AP courses. A student taking several AP courses should be counted once.
  • Include students enrolled in the school who are enrolled in online or remote AP courses.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1). For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block. For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block.

Category Mapping: N/A

Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

2) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO

3) For Nonbinary fields only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

4) APIB-3. Advanced Placement Program Indicator: School had students enrolled in Advanced Placement courses (SCH_APENR_IND is YES)

Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - APIB - Advanced Placement (AP) & International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) Enrollment Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override.
Add the Permitted Values in the override droplist (Integer, NULL).

APIB-7: Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Enrollment Indicator

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Instructions: For schools with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students enrolled in AP.

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, did this school have any students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were enrolled in an AP Mathematics course?

  • AP mathematics courses include Precalculus, Calculus (AB and BC), and Statistics.

Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

2) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO

3) APIB-3. Advanced Placement Program Indicator: School had students enrolled in Advanced Placement courses (SCH_APENR_IND is YES)

Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - APIB - Advanced Placement (AP) & International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) Enrollment Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override.
Add the Permitted Values in the override droplist (Yes, No, NULL).

APIB-8: Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics

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Instructions: For schools with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students enrolled in AP mathematics.

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, enter the number of students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded
equivalent) who were enrolled in at least one AP mathematics course.

  • Report an unduplicated count of students taking AP courses. A student taking several AP mathematics courses should be counted once.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1). For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block. For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block.

Category Mapping: N/A

Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

2) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO

3) For Nonbinary fields only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

4) APIB-7. Advanced Placement Mathematics Enrollment Indicator: School had students enrolled in Advanced Placement mathematics courses (SCH_APMATHENR_IND is YES)

Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - APIB - Advanced Placement (AP) & International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) Enrollment Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override.
The Permitted Values (Integer, NULL) will be allowed in the text box.

APIB-9: Advanced Placement (AP) Science Enrollment Indicator

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Instructions: For schools with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students enrolled in AP.

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, did this school have any students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded
equivalent) who were enrolled in an AP Science course?

  • AP science courses include Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Environmental Science.

Category Mapping: N/A

Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

2) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO

3) APIB-3. Advanced Placement Program Indicator: School had students enrolled in Advanced Placement courses (SCH_APENR_IND is YES)

Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - APIB - Advanced Placement (AP) & International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) Enrollment Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override.
Add the Permitted Values in the override droplist (Yes, No, NULL).

APIB-10: Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Science

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Instructions: For schools with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students enrolled in AP science.

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, enter the number of students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded
equivalent) who were enrolled in at least one AP science course.

  • Report an unduplicated count of students taking AP courses. A student taking several AP science courses should be counted once.
  • AP science courses include Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Environmental Science.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1). For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block. For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block.

Category Mapping: N/A

Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

2) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO

3) For Nonbinary fields only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

4) APIB-9. Advanced Placement Science Enrollment Indicator: School had students enrolled in Advanced Placement science courses (SCH_APSCIENR_IND is YES)

Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - APIB - Advanced Placement (AP) & International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) Enrollment Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override.
The Permitted Values (Integer, NULL) will be allowed in the text box.

APIB-11: Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science Enrollment Indicator

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Instructions: For schools with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students enrolled in AP.

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, did this school have any students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were enrolled in one or more AP computer science courses?

  • AP computer science courses include Computer Science A and Computer Science Principles.

Category Mapping: N/A

Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

2) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO

3) APIB-3. Advanced Placement Program Indicator: School had students enrolled in Advanced Placement courses (SCH_APENR_IND is YES)

Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - APIB - Advanced Placement (AP) & International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) Enrollment Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override.
Add the Permitted Values in the override droplist (Yes, No, NULL).

APIB-12: Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science

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Instructions: For schools with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students enrolled in AP computer

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, enter the number of students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded
equivalent) who were enrolled in at least one AP computer science course.

  • A student enrolled in two or more AP computer science courses should be counted only once.
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1). For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block. For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block.

Category Mapping: N/A

Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

2) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO

3) For Nonbinary fields only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

4) APIB-11. Advanced Placement Computer Science Enrollment Indicator: School had students enrolled in Advanced Placement computer science courses (SCH_APCOMPENR_IND is YES)

Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - APIB - Advanced Placement (AP) & International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) Enrollment Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override.
The Permitted Values (Integer, NULL) will be allowed in the text box.

APIB-13: Advanced Placement (AP) Other Subjects Enrollment Indicator

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Instructions: For schools with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students enrolled in AP.

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, did this school have any students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were enrolled in one or more AP courses in other subjects?

  • "Other subjects" include all AP courses other than those in mathematics, science, or computer science. For example,
    AP world languages and cultures are included in "other subjects."

Category Mapping: N/A

Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students.

2) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO

3) APIB-3. Advanced Placement Program Indicator: School had students enrolled in Advanced Placement courses (SCH_APENR_IND is YES)

Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - APIB - Advanced Placement (AP) & International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) Enrollment Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override.
Add the Permitted Values in the override droplist (Yes, No, NULL).

APIB-14: Student Enrollment in Other Advanced Placement (AP) Subjects

Click here to expand...

Instructions: For schools with any grade 9-12, UG high school age students enrolled in AP courses in
other subjects.

For the Fall 2021 snapshot date, enter the number of students in grades 9-12 (or the ungraded equivalent) who were enrolled in one or more AP courses in other subjects.

  • Report an unduplicated count of students taking AP courses. A student taking several other AP subject courses should be counted once.
  • "Other subjects" include all AP courses other than those in mathematics, science, or computer science. For example, AP world languages and cultures are included in "other subjects."
  • For schools that use regular scheduling, the count should be based on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1). For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1).
  • For schools that use block scheduling that allows a full-year course to be taken in one semester, the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block. For students with disabilities (IDEA), the count should be based on the sum of a count taken on either the IDEA child count date or on October 1 (or the closest school day to October 1) in the first block, and around March 1 in the second block.

Category Mapping: N/A

Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12

Skip Logic: 

1) Grade 9-12, UG high school age students

2) Justice Facility Indicator (SCH_JUST_IND) is NO

3) For Nonbinary fields only. NBIN-1. Nonbinary Student Indicator: School had any nonbinary students in its enrollment records (SCH_NBS_IND is YES).

4) APIB-13. Advanced Placement Other Subjects Enrollment Indicator: School had students enrolled in Advanced Placement courses in other subjects (SCH_APOTHENR_IND is YES)

Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - APIB - Advanced Placement (AP) & International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) Enrollment Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override.
The Permitted Values (Integer, NULL) will be allowed in the text box.