CRDC - OFFN: Offenses Questions

Tool Search: Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) > Maintain Survey Results

The following questions are part of the OFFN: Offenses questions for CRDC:

Note: Results for the SCHR: School Characteristics module must be generated

 at least once for a given school prior to independently generating results for other modules. If override or calculated answers to grades in SCHR-3 are “No”, COUR: Courses & Classes will be skipped. Selecting the Exclude checkbox in SCHR-3 does not affect COUR questions.

When skip logic is provided: 

  • If the skip logic criteria is met, data are required in the field for a complete submission.  
  • If the skip logic criteria is not met, LEAs may omit the data.

Module Instructions

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The data reported should be based on the entire 2021-22 regular school year, not including intersession or

When to Report Zero (0) and When to Use Blanks (i.e., NULL Values)

Zeroes represent an actual count or number for fields that are applicable to a given school or LEA. Report a zero ("0") only if the LEA has collected the information and the amount to report for that field is zero. Do not report a "0" for data not collected. Leave a field blank if the LEA does not collect data for that field, if the amount asked is unknown, or if the question does not apply to the LEA.

Not Applicable (NA) and Zero (0) Autofills in Tables

The online tool remembers information that has been entered in other tables and modules and uses that
information to fill related tables with either a Not Applicable (NA) code or zero (0) where appropriate. For
example, if it is reported that a school does not have any female students who are EL, then other tables that ask for counts of female students who are EL will be automatically filled with a zero.

Key Definitions

  • An allegation is a claim or assertion that someone has done something wrong or harmful.
  • Firearm or explosive device refers to any weapon that is designed to (or may readily be converted to) expel a projectile by the action of an explosive. This includes guns, bombs, grenades, mines, rockets, missiles, pipe bombs, or similar devices designed to explode and capable of causing bodily harm or property damage.
  • An incident refers to a specific criminal act involving one or more victims and offenders. For example, if two students are robbed without a weapon, at the same time and place, then this is classified as two robbery victimizations but only one robbery without a weapon incident.
  • Physical attack or fight refers to an actual and intentional touching or striking of another person against his/her will, or the intentional causing of bodily harm to an individual. Physical attack or fight does not include rape.
  • Rape is the penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without consent, including when a person is unable to give consent. All students, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity, can be victims of rape.
  • Robbery is taking or attempting to take anything of value that is owned by another person or organization, under confrontational circumstances by force or threat of force or violence and/or by putting the victim in fear. A key difference between robbery and theft/larceny is that robbery involves a threat or assault.
  • Sexual assault is any sexual act directed against another person without consent, including when a person is unable to give consent. It includes threatened rape, fondling, indecent liberties, or child molestation. All students, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity, can be victims of sexual assault. Classification of these incidents should take into consideration the age and developmentally appropriate behavior of the offender(s).
  • School staff member refers to any person employed at a school, volunteering at a school on a temporary or permanent basis, or third parties who are contracted to provide services for the school. Note that the definition for "school staff" in this module is the same as the definition for "school employees" in the Harassment or Bullying module.
  • Termination refers to the act of an employer discontinuing a school staff member’s employment permanently. Terminations are involuntary and are initiated by the employer, including layoffs with no intent to rehire, and firings or other discharges for cause.
  • A threat refers to an act where there was no physical contact between the offender and victim, but the victim felt that physical harm could have occurred based on communication by the offender. This includes nonverbal and verbal threats of physical harm, which may or may not be made in person. A threat may be communicated nonverbally (e.g., brandishing a weapon; aggressive body gestures) or verbally (e.g., transmitted in writing, such as through written notes and letters, and written messages on objects; and transmitted electronically, such as by telephone, mobile phone, email, chats, and social media).
  • A threat of physical attack with a weapon includes displaying, brandishing, or discharging a weapon, but with no actual physical contact of any person. A threat may or may not be made in person. A threat of physical attack using words that refer to a weapon would not be considered a threat with a weapon.
  • A threat of physical attack without a weapon refers to a threat without any display, brandishment, or discharge of a weapon, and with no actual physical contact of any person. A threat may or may not be made in person. A threat of physical attack using words that refer to a weapon would be considered a threat without a weapon.
  • A weapon is any instrument or object used with the intent to threaten, injure, or kill. This includes look-alikes if they are used to threaten others.

Special Instructions

  • Rape is not included in the definition of a physical attack or fight.
  • Incidents that could be classified in multiple categories should be reported in the most egregious category.
  • Allegations can be reported by anyone (e.g., alleged victim; parents of alleged victim). Alleged victims can be
    students or non-students. 

OFFN-1: Offenses - Number of Incidents

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Instructions: All schools and justice facilities, preschool-grade 12, UG.

For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of documented incidents of offenses that occurred at school. 

  • Incidents at the school refer to incidents that occurred in school buildings, on school grounds, on school buses, or during any school-sponsored event or activity (in-person or remote). Incidents also refer to incidents that occurred during any related travel to and from any school activity or event.
  • Count all incidents that occurred before, during, or after normal school hours or during times when school activities/events (in-person or remote) were in session.
  • Count incidents regardless of whether any disciplinary action was taken, and regardless of whether
    students or non-students were involved.
  • Documented incidents refer to incidents, which have been recorded in an incident report or database, or have otherwise been reported to the school.
  • Incidents that could be classified in multiple categories should be reported only in the most egregious
  • Drawings, pictures, or gestures are not weapons.
  • For schools that provide remote instruction, a threat made during remote instruction should be included in the count of incidents.

Category Mapping: N/A 

Grade Levels: All Grade Levels

Skip Logic: 1) Preschool-grade 12, UG

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override.
The user can enter any of the permitted values (Integer).

Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - OFFN - Offenses Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.

OFFN-2: Offenses - Shooting

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Instructions: All schools and justice facilities, preschool-grade 12, UG.

For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, was there at least  one incident at the school that involved a shooting with a firearm or explosive device (regardless of whether anyone was hurt)?  

  • Incidents at the school refer to incidents that occurred in school buildings, on school grounds, on school buses, or during any school-sponsored event or activity (in-person or remote). Incidents also refer to incidents that occurred during any related travel to and from any school activity or event.
  • Consider incidents that occurred before, during, or after normal school hours or during times when school activities/events (in-person or remote) were in session.
  • Consider those incidents that occurred at school, regardless of whether a student or non-student used the firearm or explosive device. 

Category Mapping: N/A 

Grade Levels: All Grade Levels

Skip Logic: 1) Preschool-grade 12, UG

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override.
Add the Permitted values shown in the override droplist (Yes, No, NULL).

Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - OFFN - Offenses Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.

OFFN-3: Offenses - Homicide

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Instructions: All schools and justice facilities, preschool-grade 12, UG.

For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, did any of the school’s students, faculty, or staff die as a result of a homicide committed at your school? 

  • Homicides at the school refer to homicides committed in school buildings, on school grounds, on school buses, or during any school-sponsored event or activity (in-person or remote). Homicides also refer to homicides that occurred during any related travel to and from any school activity or event.
  • Consider any homicides that occurred before, during, or after normal school hours or during times when school activities/events (in-person or remote) were in session.
  • Consider those homicides that occurred at school, regardless of whether a student or non-student committed the homicide. 

Category Mapping: N/A 

Grade Levels: All Grade Levels

Skip Logic: 

1) Preschool-grade 12, UG

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override.
Add the Permitted values shown in the override droplist (Yes, No, NULL).

Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - OFFN - Offenses Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.

OFFN-4: Offenses - Shooting and Homicide Incidents

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Instructions: All schools and justice facilities, preschool-grade 12, UG.

For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of documented incidents of offenses that occurred at school.

  • Count incidents that involved a shooting that occurred at school, regardless of whether anyone was hurt or whether a student or non-student used a firearm or explosive device.
  • Count incidents of students, faculty, or staff deaths as a result of a homicide that occurred at school, regardless of whether a student or non-student committed the homicide.
  • Incidents at the school refer to incidents that occurred in school buildings, on school grounds, on school buses, or during any school-sponsored event or activity (in-person or remote). Incidents also refer to incidents that occurred during any related travel to and from any school activity or event.
  • Count all incidents that occurred before, during, or after normal school hours or during times when school activities/events (in-person or remote) were in session.
  • Count incidents regardless of whether any disciplinary action was taken.
  • Documented incidents refer to incidents, which have been recorded in an incident report or database, or have otherwise been reported to the school. 

Category Mapping: N/A 

Grade Levels: All Grade Levels

Skip Logic: 

1) Preschool-grade 12, UG 

2) OFFN-2. Offenses - Shooting: School had at lease one incident that involved a shooting with a firearm or explosive device (SCH_FIREARM_IND is YES)

3) OFFN-3. Offenses - Homicide: School had at lease one incident that involved a student, faculty, or staff death as a result of a homicide that occurred at the school (SCH_HOMICIDE_IND is YES)

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override.
Add the Permitted values shown in the override droplist (Integer).

Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - OFFN - Offenses Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.

OFFN-5: Offenses - Rape and Sexual Assault

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Instructions: All schools and justice facilities, preschool-grade 12, UG.

For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of documented incidents of offenses that occurred at school.

  • For the first table, count incidents regardless of whether any disciplinary action was taken. Also, count incidents regardless of whether students or non-students were involved.
  • For the second table, count all incidents of the specific offense that were committed by one or more students, regardless of whether any disciplinary action was taken. Also, count incidents regardless of whether non-students were involved.
  • For the third table, count all incidents of the specific offense that were committed by one or more school staff members, regardless of whether any disciplinary action was taken. Also, count incidents regardless of whether students were involved.
  • Incidents at the school refer to incidents that occurred in school buildings, on school grounds, on school buses, or during any school-sponsored event or activity (in-person or remote). Incidents also refer to incidents that occurred during any related travel to and from any school activity or event.
  • Count all incidents that occurred before, during, or after normal school hours or during times when school activities/events (in-person or remote) were in session.
  • Documented incidents refer to incidents, which have been recorded in an incident report or database, or have otherwise been reported to the school.
  • Incidents that could be classified in multiple categories should be reported only in the most egregious category. 

Category Mapping: N/A 

Grade Levels: All Grade Levels

Skip Logic: 

1) Preschool-grade 12, UG

2) OFFN-5.1: Offenses - Rape and Sexual Assault. Number of incidents of rape or attempted rape (SCH_OFFENSE_RAPE > 0)

3) OFFN-5.2: Offenses - Rape and Sexual Assault. Number of incidents of sexual assault (SCH_OFFENSE_BATT > 0)

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override.
Add the Permitted values shown in the override droplist (Integer, NULL).

Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - OFFN - Offenses Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.

OFFN-6: Offenses - Allegations Against School Staff (Resignation or Retirement)

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Instructions: All schools and justice facilities, preschool-grade 12, UG.

For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of allegations against a school staff member of offenses that occurred at school, which were followed by a resignation or retirement prior to final discipline or termination. 

  • Count allegations that were followed by the school staff member’s resignation or retirement, before any final disciplinary action was taken, or before the school staff member was terminated.
  • The number of allegations should be based on school staff members who resigned or retired before any final disciplinary actions were taken or before the school staff members were terminated. Also, final disciplinary actions and terminations may or may not be based on the result of an investigation.
  • Count allegations regardless of whether students were involved. Allegations against school staff can be reported by anyone, and alleged victims can be students or non-students.
  • Offenses at the school refer to offenses that occurred in school buildings, on school grounds, on school buses, or during any school-sponsored event or activity (in-person or remote). Offenses also refer to offenses that occurred during any related travel to and from any school activity or event.
  • Count all allegations of offenses that occurred before, during, or after normal school hours or during times when school activities/events (in-person or remote) were in session.
  • Resignation refers to a school staff member formally giving up his or her job, and no longer being employed by the employer.
  • Retirement refers to a school staff member leaving his or her career permanently. 

Category Mapping: N/A 

Grade Levels: All Grade Levels

Skip Logic: 

1) Preschool-grade 12, UG 

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override.
Add the Permitted values shown in the override droplist (Integer, NULL).

Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - OFFN - Offenses Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.

OFFN-7: Offenses - Allegations Against School Staff (Determined Responsible)

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Instructions: All schools and justice facilities, preschool-grade 12, UG.

For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of allegations against a school staff member of offenses that occurred at school, which were followed by a determination that the school staff member was responsible for the offense.

  • Count allegations that were followed by a determination that the school staff member was responsible for the offense.
  • Count allegations regardless of whether students were involved. Allegations against school staff can be reported by anyone, and alleged victims can be students or non-students.
  • Offenses at the school refer to offenses that occurred in school buildings, on school grounds, on school buses, or during any school-sponsored event or activity (in-person or remote). Offenses also refer to offenses that occurred during any related travel to and from any school activity or event.
  • Count all allegations of offenses that occurred before, during, or after normal school hours or during times when school activities/events (in-person or remote) were in session.
  • Determination that a school staff member was responsible refers to a decision made by the LEA that the school staff member was responsible for the offense. 

Category Mapping: N/A 

Grade Levels: All Grade Levels

Skip Logic: 

1) Preschool-grade 12, UG 

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override.
Add the Permitted values shown in the override droplist (Integer, NULL).

Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - OFFN - Offenses Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.

OFFN-8: Offenses - Allegations Against School Staff (Determined Not Responsible)

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Instructions: All schools and justice facilities, preschool-grade 12, UG.

For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of allegations against a school staff member of offenses that occurred at school, which were followed by a determination that the school staff member was not responsible for the offense.

  •  Count allegations that were followed by a determination that the school staff member was not responsible for the offense.
  • Count allegations regardless of whether students were involved. Allegations against school staff can be reported by anyone, and alleged victims can be students or non-students.
  • Offenses at the school refer to offenses that occurred in school buildings, on school grounds, on school buses, or during any school-sponsored event or activity (in-person or remote). Offenses also refer to offenses that occurred during any related travel to and from any school activity or event.
  • Count all allegations of offenses that occurred before, during, or after normal school hours or during times when school activities/events (in-person or remote) were in session.
  • Determination that a school staff member was not responsible refers to a decision made by the LEA that the school staff member was not responsible for the offense. 

Category Mapping: N/A 

Grade Levels: All Grade Levels

Skip Logic: 

1) Preschool-grade 12, UG 

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override.
Add the Permitted values shown in the override droplist (Integer, NULL).

Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - OFFN - Offenses Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.

OFFN-9: Offenses - Allegations Against School Staff (Determination Pending)

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Instructions: All schools and justice facilities, preschool-grade 12, UG.

For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of allegations against a school staff member of offenses that occurred at school, which had a determination that remained pending.

  • Count allegations that had a determination that remained pending during the regular school year.
  • Count allegations regardless of whether students were involved. Allegations against school staff can be reported by anyone, and alleged victims can be students or non-students.
  • Offenses at the school refer to offenses that occurred in school buildings, on school grounds, on school buses, or during any school-sponsored event or activity (in-person or remote). Offenses also refer to offenses that occurred during any related travel to and from any school activity or event.
  • Count all allegations of offenses that occurred before, during, or after normal school hours or during times when school activities/events (in-person or remote) were in session.
  • Determination that remained pending refers to an allegation previously made, which remains pending a final decision by the LEA as of the end of the regular school year on whether the school staff member was responsible for the offense. 

Category Mapping: N/A 

Grade Levels: All Grade Levels

Skip Logic: 

1) Preschool-grade 12, UG 

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override.
Add the Permitted values shown in the override droplist (Integer, NULL).

Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - OFFN - Offenses Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.

OFFN-10: Offenses - Allegations Against School Staff (Duty Reassignment)

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Instructions: All schools and justice facilities, preschool-grade 12, UG.

For the regular 2021-22 school year, not including intersession or summer, enter the number of allegations against a school staff member of offenses that occurred at school, which were followed by a duty reassignment prior to final discipline or termination. 

  • Count allegations that were followed by the school staff member’s duty reassignment, before any final disciplinary action was taken, or before the school staff member was terminated.

  • The number of allegations should be based on school staff members who were reassigned to a different position before any final disciplinary actions were taken or before the school staff members were terminated. Also, final disciplinary actions and terminations may or may not be based on the result of an investigation.

  • Count allegations regardless of whether students were involved. Allegations against school staff can be reported by anyone, and alleged victims can be students or non-students.

  • Offenses at the school refer to offenses that occurred in school buildings, on school grounds, on school buses, or during any school-sponsored event or activity (in-person or remote). Offenses also refer to offenses that occurred during any related travel to and from any school activity or event.

  • Count all allegations of offenses that occurred before, during, or after normal school hours or during times when school activities/events (in-person or remote) were in session.

  • Duty reassignment refers to the changing of placement of a school staff member, from one position to another without promotion or demotion. 

Category Mapping: N/A 

Grade Levels: All Grade Levels

Skip Logic: 

1) Preschool-grade 12, UG 

The results column will not show but the user can enter an override.
Add the Permitted values shown in the override droplist (Integer, NULL).

Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - OFFN - Offenses Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.