Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) - Quick Start Guide

Tool Search: Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

The Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) conducted by the U.S. Department of Education collects data on key education and civil rights issues in our nation's public schools. The CRDC collects a variety of information regarding student enrollment, educational programs and services, race/ethnicity, English Learners, sex, and disability. The CRDC can be found here. It is important to review the instructions for each item and the definitions of the terminology used within the CRDC.

The CRDC tools are available for 2021-2022. Users will need to select the version and school year from which to report data. The categories will vary depending on the version selected.

CRDC Setup and Category Mappings

The majority of the CRDC Survey results ask for aggregate totals by Gender, Race/Ethnicity/and IDEA/504/EL subgroups. The CRDC Setup tool is a mapping tool that districts/schools use to identify which students belong in each of the IDEA/504/EL/EL Program subgroups for the defined reporting period (Fall Snapshot vs. Regular School Year). Any student not in a mapping is not counted in that category. The Setup tool also offers multiple course mappings for Middle and High Schools so courses can be identified for the proper course subject area (ex:  Algebra I – 7 & 8 Grades). Category mappings must be defined for each individual school in order to generate the results.

District vs School Category Mappings

The CRDC Setup tool offers flexibility so each district/school can determine how they want to create the category mappings for each school. The Category Mappings section under District Preferences can be used to identify students or courses for each category by selecting an option to use core logic or an ad hoc filter. Once an option is selected, the “Push” button can be used and will create a mapping for that category for all active schools in the district for the reporting year. A district Push will overwrite all data for all schools' category mappings.  

The School Preferences section can be used either to create school level category mappings and/or to review or modify results from a district push.  

CRDC School of Accountability and/or Service Type on Report Options

The CRDC rules state that only one school can report information on a student and there are a variety of ways a student can be enrolled at multiple schools within a district. We have added a hidden field to the Enrollment editor called the CRDC School of Accountability that districts can unhide and use if they choose that will allow the user to define which school the student should report under for the CRDC results, regardless of the school in which their enrollment is aligned. This field also has its own sub-rights so access can be given to a limited number of users. A Service Type field has been added to the Report Options under District Preferences that districts can use to exclude any enrollment with that Service Type. A student only reports for a school if they have an enrollment in the school with a service type that is not excluded.

Grade Levels

Grade Level category mappings are used to determine which category mappings are needed for a school to complete for the CRDC Survey results. If a grade level mapping is removed from a school in the school mapping or via a district push down, any category mapping that grade level was aligned to will be deleted.  

How to Report Courses Students Completed at a Different School

If a school needs to report courses that students completed at a different school within the district, the reporting school needs to add the other school’s courses to their course mapping for that course category. This can be done by going to the Quick Search tab for the school and changing the school droplist to the school that has the course. The reporting school can then search for the other school’s courses and add them to the mapping.

The following describes all tools found within the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) folder:



CRDC Setup

The CRDC Setup tool allows districts to complete category mappings for each school for grade levels, students in subgroups (IDEA, 504, EL etc.), and Courses. Users are able to capture all SIS related data elements required to report for the CRDC. Users will also be able to generate reports to match the CRDC data collection templates.

Generate Survey Results
The Generate Survey Results tool allows users to generate and view the results for each question based on the Category Mapping.
Maintain Survey Results
The Maintain Survey Results tool allows users to view and edit survey results for Category Mappings.
Submission Flat File
Users will be able to generate a CSV report in the accepted flat file format that can be uploaded to the CRDC system.