Step 1. Start a New Verification (FRAM)

Tool Search: Verification

Before You Begin

  1. Click New.
    The Free Reduced Verification Detail editor displays.
    Screenshot of the Verification tool after the New button is clicked. The Free Reduced Verification Detail editor is highlighted.
  2. Select a Verification Type.

    The standard selection for most districts is the Standard Sample Size (Error Prone). The Alternate Sample Size One (Random) and Alternate Sample Size Two (Error Prone Plus Categorical) options are alternative methods of verification that require special state permission. (Please see the Verification Types and Logic article for more information.)

  3. Select the school Year for which the verification should be performed.
  4. Verify the Application Approved Date.

    This read-only field is populated according to the school year selected in Step 3. Applications approved on or before this date are included in the verification pool.

  5. Mark the Exclude DRCT Applications checkbox to review which applications should be removed from the Verification process.

    When you select this checkbox and perform a Confirmation Review, the report will provide a list of applications that should be considered for exclusion.
    When you select this checkbox and select Generate Verification, the process will exclude the applications in the database.
  6. Mark the Exclude CEP checkbox to exclude applications from students enrolled at a CEP school from the verification pool.

     Only applications where all student enrollments are at a CEP school are excluded.
  7. Mark the Include Application Detail checkbox if you want the application details to be included on the confirmation and validation reports.
  8. Click Confirmation Review to perform a final review of all qualified applications prior to generating the Verification sample.
    The Confirmation Review Report (PDF) displays.
    Screenshot of the Confirmation Review Report with the Include Application Detail option selected.
  9. Click Generate Verification.
    The Validation Report displays and the Free Reduced Verification Status Detail editor (which displays all pending applications included in the verification sample) also displays on the Verification tab.

To continue the verification process, go to Step 2. Review and Replace Applications (FRAM). See the  Verification Screen Examples and Field Definitions  article for more information about the new editors and fields that display after generating a verification.