Step 2. Review and Replace Applications (FRAM)

Tool Search: Verification

Once a verification has been saved, the Free Reduced Verification Status Detail editor (which displays all pending applications included in the verification sample) should be reviewed. Applications may be reviewed and replaced at this time.

Reviewing Applications

All applications pending verification (appearing in the Free Reduced Verification Status Detail Editor) should be reviewed.

Two-part screenshot of a pending application and the actual application after the Reference Number link is clicked.

  1. Select the application number link from the Reference Number column to review an application.
  2. Review the application (this view is a read-only copy).
  3. Click the Back button to the Verification tool.

Repeat these steps to review each application in this editor. If an application should be removed/replaced for any reason, please see the next section before proceeding.

Replacing Applications

When appropriate, applications in the verification sample may be replaced.

The Total Applications Allowed for Removal field (on the Free Reduced Verification Application Detail editor) indicates how many applications can be removed/replaced. If an application is removed, it is replaced by a new application from the verification pool.

  1. Mark the checkbox next to all application(s) to be replaced in the Replace App column.

    Screenshot of the Total Applications Allowed for Removal field on the Free Reduced Verification Application Detail editor.

    These applications will be removed/replaced when the page is saved and cannot be verified or edited once removed.

  2. Click the Save button.
    Changes are saved and the Verification tool is refreshed with new information. Each removed application is replaced with a new application from the verification pool. New applications should be reviewed. Removed applications display at the bottom of the screen in the Replaced Applications editor. Screenshot of the Replaced Applications editor where a removed application is highlighted.  

If you need to replace an application after printing pre-notice letters, click the Delete button next to the application. The checkbox in the Replace App column is only available before pre-notice letters are printed. This should only be used if a household leaves the district prior to verification being completed and verification information cannot be gathered.

Screenshot of the Delete button next to an application in the Pending Applications editor.