Verification Screen Examples and Field Definitions (FRAM)

Tool Search: Verification

After saving a new verification, additional Verification Detail Editors display.

Screenshot of the Verification Detail Editors that appear after saving a new verification.

The columns and fields available on this screen are defined in the following tables, organized by the editor in which they appear.

Verification Toolbar

The toolbar provides the buttons that you click to perform specific Verification functions.

Screenshot of the buttons appearing the toolbar of the Verification tool.



Saves changes to an existing Verification sample.


Creates a Verification sample.


Deletes a Verification sample.

1st Pre-Notice

Creates a letter for each pending application in the Verification sample and is addressed to the application signer.

2nd Pre-Notice

Creates a 2nd letter for unresponsive households in which eligibilities are changing.

Summary Report

Creates the School Food Authority Verification Summary Report (Summary Report) that shows eligibility and verification statistics of the district for the purpose of federal reporting.

Sample List

Creates a PDF report where you can review a brief summary of the Verification sample.

No Response NoticeCreates a letter for unresponsive households.

Pool List

Creates a PDF report where you can review all applications from the Verification sample.

Free Reduced Verification Detail Editor

This editor sets the requirements and details of the verification sample.

Screenshot of the Free Reduced Verification Detail Editor.

The following table provides more information on the fields available in the Free Reduced Verification Detail editor.


Verification Type

The read-only selection in this area indicates which method of verification has been used. Please see the    Verification Types  article for logic and details on each option:

  • Standard Sample Size (Error Prone)
  • Alternate Sample Size One (Random)
  • Alternate Sample Size Two (Error Prone Plus Categorical)


The school year for which the verification is being performed. This field is read-only after the new verification has been saved.

Application Approved Date

The date by which all applications considered by this verification were approved. This field is read-only and will always be October 1st of the selected school Year.

 Exclude DRCT Applications 

This checkbox only applies to the Confirmation Review. The Confirmation Review will provide a list of applications that should be considered for exclusion.

 Exclude CEP When this checkbox is marked, applications from students enrolled at a CEP school are excluded from the verification pool.

Generated Date

Date on which the verification sample was created. This field is read-only.

Free Reduced Verification Application Detail Editor

This editor displays the outcome of the randomly selected applications from the verification pool based on the verification type selected.

  • Qualified - The total number of approved applications qualified for verification.
  • Used in Sample - The total number of applications actually selected for use in the verification sample. For more information, please refer to the Verification Types and Logic  article.

Screenshot of the Free Reduced Verification Application Detail Editor.

Application TypeDefinition of "Qualified" Column ValueDefinition of "Used in Sample" Column Value

Income Error Prone

The total number of "error-prone" applications included in the verification pool. Some or all of these applications may be used in the verification sample.

The total number of qualified "error-prone" applications actually used in the verification sample.

Income Non-Error Prone

The total number of income applications (not considered "error-prone") included in the verification pool. Some or all of these applications may be used in the verification sample.

The total number of qualified income applications (not considered "error-prone") actually used in the verification sample.

Categorical Applications

The total number of categorically-approved applications included in the verification pool. Some or all of these applications may be used in the verification sample.

The total number of qualified categorical applications actually used in the verification sample.

Total Applications

The total number of qualified applications included in the verification pool. Some of these applications are used in the verification sample.

The total number of qualified applications actually used in the verification sample.

Total Applications Allowed for


The total number of applications allowed for removal.

Per federal guidelines, 5% of the total number of applications in the verification pool are allowed for removal (a minimum of one application is always allowed for removal). The district may decide which applications to remove/replace with another from the verification pool.

Free Reduced Verification End Detail

Screenshot of the Free Reduced Verification End Detail Editor.


Verification Completed Date

Date on which the district completed the verification process.

End Verification

Clicking this button saves the Verification Completed Date and ends the verification process.

Free Reduced Verification Status Detail Editor (Pending Applications)

This editor indicates the status and details of all applications selected for the verification sample.
Screenshot of the Free Reduced Verification Status Detail Editor with pending applications.


Replace Application

For pending applications, a checkbox will appear in this column and it allows the user to choose which applications to remove/replace during verification. Removing/replacing applications must be done prior to printing pre-notice letters.

Only a certain number of applications are allowed to be removed/replaced. This number is indicated in the Total Applications Allowed for Removal field of the Free Reduced Verification Application Detail editor.

For verified applications, the Print icon will appear in this column, allowing the Verification Response letter for that household to be generated and printed.


Two links are available in this column:

  • View: The View link in this column allows the user to view the household application, including student, income and application status information.
  • (Verify): The (Verify) link in this column allows the user to amend the household application directly within the Verification tool.

Reference Number

The number link in this column allows the user to view the household application, including student, income and application status information.

App Name

Name of the application - either the household name or application signer's name, as set by the FRAM Preferences.

Verify Status

The current status of the application selected for verification. Possible values for this field include:

  • Pending
  • No Response
  • Free
  • Reduced
  • Reimbursable

Orig App Status

The initial eligibility determined for the household application before the verification process began.

Eligibility Type

The original approval determination of the application, before verification (i.e., categorical, error-prone, income).

First Contact Date

Date on which the 1st Pre-Notice letter was sent to household guardians.

Second Contact Date

Date on which the 2nd Pre-Notice letter was sent to household guardians.

Process Date

Date on which the verification was processed by a district staff member. If processed more than once, the most recent date will appear in this field.

Eligibility Eff Date

Date on which the final eligibility (as shown in the Verify Status) applies to the household.