Step 7. Print the Summary Report (FRAM)

Tool Search: Verification

The School Food Authority Verification Summary Report (Summary Report) can be printed after verification is complete. This report shows eligibility and verification statistics of the district for the purpose of federal reporting. The student and school counts on this report display application counts as of October 1st and enrollment counts as of October 31st, per USDA Verification guidelines.

Campus FRAM does not encompass Direct Verification. Districts may complete Direct Verification outside of Campus. If your district completed Direct Verification, you may leave the  5-6 checkbox unmarked. Otherwise, if your district did not complete Direct Verification, please mark the 5-6 checkbox.

If your School Food Authority directly certifies students for reduced-price meals with Medicaid, according to USDA guidance, they are not included in Sections 3 or 4 of Form FNS-742.  Follow your State Agency instructions for reporting these numbers separately.

Important Information About this Report

  • The 1-1: Total Schools row reports the total number of schools that have School Breakfast Program or National School Lunch Program selected on the school’s original or most recent record within System Administration > Resources > School.
  • Checkbox 3-1 is selected if all schools in the district are CEP 5 schools.
  • If checkbox 3-1 is selected, totals in section 3 and 4 will all be 0.
  • The following sections do not display numbers connected with any school that has a current CEP provision: 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, 4-1a, 4-1b, 4-2a, 4-2b, 4-3a, and 4-3b.
  • Section 4a calculates the number of applications submitted as of Oct 1st. If a student's FRAM eligibility ends after 10/1, if they change schools, or if they are no longer enrolled in the district after Oct 1st but were on an application made before Oct 1st, their application is still counted on the report in Section 4a Number of Applications.
  • The following sections report blank: 5-6, and 5-7.

To generate the report, click the Summary Report button:

Screenshot of the Verification tool where the Summary Report button is highlighted.

Screenshot of the Summary Report. A text box next to the report explains how the number of Total Schools is reported.

Summary Report