Scheduling & Course


 Blended Learning July 2020 - Video [.2028]
This video explains how to create Blended Learning Groups as a preparatory step towards tracking and managing groups of students who will need to alternate virtual and onsite attendance.
Trials [.2223 - .2311]
This document provides information on using the Trials tool.
Lunches [.2231 - .2339]
This article provides information on adding lunch group options.
Perform the auto grade calculation to determine a composite grade - [.2211 - .2247] - Video
Users can use the Auto Grade tool to automatically generate scores for a composite grading task. This video demonstrates how to perform the auto grade calculation to determine composite grades.
 Course Grading Tasks [.2211 - .2251] - Video
How to add grading tasks
 Trials - Video [.2223 - .2311]
How to use the Trials tool in Campus.
Course Planner [.2315 - .2319]
This article provides information on using the stand-alone Course Planner tool, first released in April 2023.
Course Planner [.2323]
This article provides information on using the stand-alone Course Planner tool, first released in April 2023.
Cross-Site Enrollment Overview - Video
This video gives a brief overview of the Cross-Site Enrollment tools that Campus is developing to provide a solution for schools with a need to share students and educational resources. ...
Perform the auto grade calculation to determine a composite grade - [.2211 - .2247] - Simulation
The Auto Grade Wizard can be used to post scores for courses that utilize composite grading. In this lesson, a school administrator would like to post student scores for courses set up as using a composite grade.
Edit grades for a selected student for grading task(s) and/or standard(s) - Video [.2032 - .2152]
From a course section's Grading By Student tab, users can modify a student's scores for grading tasks and/or standards. This video demonstrates how to edit grades for a selected student.
 Course Standards [.2211 - .2247] - Video
This video shows how to align standards to a course.
Scheduling Board [.2315 - .2319]
This article provide information on using Scheduling Trials and Scheduling Board to complete student schedules for the next school year.
Staff Planner [.2303 - .2319]
This article provides information on using the NEW stand-alone Staff Planner tool.
Staff Planner [.2323 - .2327]
This article provides information on using the NEW stand-alone Staff Planner tool.
 Push Tools for Updates to Courses and Sections - Video [.2211 - .2311]
How to use the Push tools to push changes to courses and course sections for schools not using a course catalog.
Push course grading setup to sections - Video [.2211 - .2311]
This video demonstrates how to push course grading setup to sections.
Course Information [.2124 - .2239]
This article provides information on the Course tab in the Scheduling module.
Create Course Catalog - Simulation [.2001 - .2052]
A course catalog holds a collection of course masters that is maintained by the district and shared by schools. This simulation demonstrates how to create a course catalog.
Define System Required Calendar Data Elements - [.2211 - .2251] - Video
This video explains how Calendar Information Data Fields are used.
Calendar Information [.2315 - .2327]
This article provides information on creating and managing the school calendar.
Walk-In Scheduler [.2335 - .2343]
This article provides overview information on the Walk-In Scheduler.
Walk-In Scheduler [.2231 - .2331]
This article provides overview information on the Walk-In Scheduler.
 Schedule Wizard, Oracle JAVA and OpenWebStart JDK - Video [.2032 - .2148]
This video contains information regarding use of Oracle JAVA and OpenWebStart JDK with Campus's Schedule Wizard.
Define Period Schedules for a Calendar Year - Video [.2012-.2036]
Period schedules define the names and meeting times of class periods during a school day. This video demonstrates how to create a new period schedule, copy a period schedule, and copy section placements from one period schedule to another.
Categories (Scheduling) [.2211 - .2247]
Classic View:  Scheduling > Courses > Categories   Search Terms:  Course Categories Categories are used in Campus Instruction to sort assignments into groups. Categories need to be created before assignments...
Grade Calc Options (Scheduling) [.2211 - .2247]
Classic View:  Scheduling > Courses > Grade Calc Options Search Terms:  Grade Calc Options Grade Calculation Options determine how In Progress Grades for grading tasks and standards calculate in the Grade Book. Before ...
Grading Tasks (Courses) [.2211 - .2247]
Classic View:  Scheduling > Courses > Grading Tasks Search Terms:  Grading Tasks The Grading Tasks tab lists the items the teachers grade as part of the grading process. These tasks include mid-term grades, quarter grade...
Standards (Course) [.2211 - .2247]
Classic Path:  Scheduling > Courses > Standards   Search Terms:  Standards The Standards Alignment Editor lists the standards that the teacher needs to administer and/or grade for the selected course. To add stand...
Push to Sections [.2211 - .2311]
This article describes using the Push to Sections button on the Course tab to push grading setup to sections.
Course Information - Video [.2211 - .2311]
How to view and change information for a course.
Staff History [.2211 - .2319]
This document provides information on assigning staff members to a section.