Scheduling & Course


Trials [.2223 - .2311]
This document provides information on using the Trials tool.
Lunches [.2231 - .2339]
This article provides information on adding lunch group options.
 Scheduling Build Constraints - Video [.2431 and previous]
The Scheduling Build Constraints wizard is used to batch create and remove restrictions on how course sections are placed.
 Course Build Constraints - Video [.2431 and previous]
The Course Build Constraints tool allows users to view Section Builder Constraints that have been applied to the selected course. Users with rights to do so can access the Mass Edit Constraints tool from here to build or remove constraints on sele...
 Section Roster Batch Edit - Video [.2431 and previous]
How to change start and end date for students on a roster and indicate if any of them will repeat or receive no credit for a course.
Course Planner [.2315 - .2319]
This article provides information on using the stand-alone Course Planner tool, first released in April 2023.
Course Planner [.2323]
This article provides information on using the stand-alone Course Planner tool, first released in April 2023.
Cross-Site Enrollment Overview - Video
This video gives a brief overview of the Cross-Site Enrollment tools that Campus is developing to provide a solution for schools with a need to share students and educational resources. ...
Perform the auto grade calculation to determine a composite grade - [.2211 - .2247] - Simulation
The Auto Grade Wizard can be used to post scores for courses that utilize composite grading. In this lesson, a school administrator would like to post student scores for courses set up as using a composite grade.
Scheduling Board [.2315 - .2319]
This article provide information on using Scheduling Trials and Scheduling Board to complete student schedules for the next school year.
Staff Planner [.2303 - .2319]
This article provides information on using the NEW stand-alone Staff Planner tool.
Staff Planner [.2323 - .2327]
This article provides information on using the NEW stand-alone Staff Planner tool.
Requests and Rosters: Remove Course Requests - Video [.2411-.2447]
This video shows how to remove course requests.
Course Information [.2124 - .2239]
This article provides information on the Course tab in the Scheduling module.
Requests and Rosters: Copy Rosters - Video [.2411-.2447]
This video shows how to copy rosters from one course section to another.
Requests and Rosters: Manually Build Roster - Video [.2411-.2447]
Learn how to manually search for and select a group of students, then add them to a specific course section roster.
Other Scheduling Tools [.2431 and previous]
Listed below are links to other available tools for schedulers that may aid when building the schedule for the school year. To use these tools correctly, the trial that satisfies most student requests should be made active. Tool Prima...
Create Course Catalog - Simulation [.2001 - .2052]
A course catalog holds a collection of course masters that is maintained by the district and shared by schools. This simulation demonstrates how to create a course catalog.
Calendar Information [.2315 - .2327]
This article provides information on creating and managing the school calendar.
Requests and Rosters: Student Repeat or No Credit - Video [.2411-.2447]
This video demonstrates how to locate a course section in Requests and Rosters and indicate whether one or more students on the roster is repeating the course or receiving no credit for it.
Walk-In Scheduler [.2335 - .2343]
This article provides overview information on the Walk-In Scheduler.
Walk-In Scheduler [.2231 - .2331]
This article provides overview information on the Walk-In Scheduler.
 Schedule Wizard Videos (Campus.2431 and Prior)
This article contains all the videos associated with the Schedule Wizard. For districts still using Campus.2431 and prior.
Scheduling: Trials - Video [.2431 and previous]
Trials are versions of the school's schedule (courses, sections, rosters, teachers, etc.). A trial is created when the school's calendar is rolled and/or the Schedule Wizard is used to build the schedule.
Schedule Wizard: Add or Delete Sections - Video [.2431 and previous]
Using the Schedule Wizard, course sections can be added or deleted manually or automatically. This video demonstrates the different ways to build and edit courses in the Schedule Wizard.
Schedule Wizard: Autoloader Config - Video [.2431 and previous]
This video explains how to use the Autoloader configuration tool in the Schedule Wizard, which gives users the ability to configure preferences for loading student requests prior to running the Schedule Wizard.
Schedule Wizard: Builder Configuration - Video [.2431 and previous]
The Builder Configuration tool in the Schedule Wizard helps to determine how course sections will be built when we run a full build in the Wizard. This video explains how to use this tool.
 Schedule Wizard: Course Planner - Video [.2431 and previous]
The course planner allows users to mass edit values, restrictions and constraints in the Scheduling Wizard. This video demonstrates how to use the course planner tools to set values, restrictions and constraints.
Schedule Wizard: Course Planner/Audit Schedule Data - Video [.2431 and previous]
The Schedule Wizard provides a way for a user to view scheduling data for a school and school year. This video demonstrates how to audit data that may impact the master schedule and viewing historical requests and section data.
 Schedule Wizard: Course Planner Grid - Video [.2431 and previous]
The Course Planner allows the user to view and manage all the course data, requests from the walk in scheduler, section information and constraints that exist. This video demonstrates how to use the course planner.
Schedule Wizard: Course Planner Rules and Constraints - Video [.2431 and previous]
The rules and constraints on the course planner allow users to select specific rules, teachers, rooms or to block out periods where course sections should not meet. This video demonstrates how to manage rules and constraints for a selected course.
Schedule Wizard: Load Student Requests - Video [.2431 and previous]
We can use the Schedule Wizard to load and retain student course requests when building a master schedule. This video demonstrates how to do so.
Schedule Wizard: Section Balancing Configuration Preferences - Video [.2431 and previous]
The Section Balancing Config tool in the Schedule Wizard allows users to set preferences for balancing course sections with regards to total number of students, student gender balance, minority balance, behavior event balance, and special ed balance.
Schedule Wizard: Staff Planner Grid - Video [.2431 and previous]
This video explains how to use the Staff Planner grid to edit a teacher’s course load information as well as what the different fields of the grid represent.
Schedule Wizard: Staff Planner Tools - Video [.2431 and previous]
When creating a new schedule, the Staff Planner tool allows users to set up teacher to course, teacher to room, and teacher placement constraints. This video demonstrates how to do so.
Schedule Wizard: Student Constraints - Video [.2431 and previous]
The Student Constraints tool is used to create restrictions between students. This video demonstrates how to prevent students from being scheduled in the same section with both strict and non-strict constraints.
 Section Roster Setup - Video [.2431 and previous]
How to set up, copy or change a roster for a selected course section
Categories (Scheduling) [.2211 - .2247]
Classic View:  Scheduling > Courses > Categories   Search Terms:  Course Categories Categories are used in Campus Instruction to sort assignments into groups. Categories need to be created before assignments can be created. Course Ca...
Grade Calc Options (Scheduling) [.2211 - .2247]
Classic View:  Scheduling > Courses > Grade Calc Options Search Terms:  Grade Calc Options Grade Calculation Options determine how In Progress Grades for grading tasks and standards calculate in the Grade Book. Before setting grade ca...
Grading Tasks (Courses) [.2211 - .2247]
Classic View:  Scheduling > Courses > Grading Tasks Search Terms:  Grading Tasks The Grading Tasks tab lists the items the teachers grade as part of the grading process. These tasks include mid-term grades, quarter grades, semester grades, e...
Standards (Course) [.2211 - .2247]
Classic Path:  Scheduling > Courses > Standards   Search Terms:  Standards The Standards Alignment Editor lists the standards that the teacher needs to administer and/or grade for the selected course. To add standards to a course, the...
Push to Sections [.2211 - .2311]
This article describes using the Push to Sections button on the Course tab to push grading setup to sections.
Staff History [.2211 - .2319]
This document provides information on assigning staff members to a section.