Student Education Organization Association (Indiana v3.6)

This association represents student information that is specific to a student’s relationship with an Education Organization. 

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.

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When an enrollment is created and saved for a person and the enrollment overlaps a configured year.

  • Do not send a record if enrollment is in a calendar marked as State Exclude.
  • Do not send a record if enrollment is in a School marked as State Exclude.
  • Do not send a record if the No Show checkbox is checked on the enrollment.
  • Do not send a record if students Enrollment Type is 'N: Special Ed Services' AND the Membership Exclude box on enrollment is checked.

When any student data is edited for the person in the Data Elements fields below.

  1. When a student's locked Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) disability information changes.
  2. When a student's test scores are created or added.
  3. When a student's address information changes on any of the following fields:
    • Apt
    • City
    • County
    • Direction
    • Number
    • P.O. Box
    • Prefix
    • State
    • Street
    • Tag
    • Zip
  4. When a student's contact information changes on any of the following fields:
    • Email
    • Email Private
    • Secondary Email
    • Secondary Email Private
    • Cell Phone
    • Cell Phone Private
    • Other Phone
    • Other Phone Private
    • Work Phone
    • Work Phone Private
    • Pager
    • Pager Private
  5. When a student's Household Location information changes on any of the following fields:
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Physical
    • Private
  6. When a student's Household Membership information changes on any of the following fields:
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Private
    • LocationID
  7. When a student's current identity or demographic information changes on any of the following fields:
    • Hispanic Ethnicity
    • Home Primary Language
    • Gender
    • Legal Gender
    • Date Entered US School
    • RaceID
  8. When a student's Limited English Proficiency (LEP) (Also known as English Learners (EL) or Multilingual Learners (ML)) information changes on any of the following fields:
    • Exit Date
    • Identified Date
    • Parent Declined
    • Program Status
  9. When a test setup information is changed on any of the following fields:
    • Assessment Type
    • Code
    • State Code
  10. When a student's Digital Equity program information is changed on the following fields:
    • Internet Access in Residence
DeleteThis record deletes if the student no longer has an eligible enrollment in the District.
DeleteThis record deletes if the enrollment is marked as a No Show.

Resource Toggle and Resync Logic

This table describes the Resource Toggle and Trigger logic of this object.


Business Rule

NoneIf a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data will remain in the ODS but no new data will send.
ResyncIf a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it will be deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table.
ResyncIf a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it will be deleted from the ODS.
ResyncIf a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync will need to be done to reflect the changes.

Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic

This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.


Business Rule

Post/DeleteNatural Key Changes
  • If the District Number/Ed-Fi District Number changes, a delete/post will occur with the cascading deletes from the LEA ID Change triggers.   
  • If an Ed-Fi ID changes, this will happen with the cascading deletes from the Ed-Fi ID Change trigger.
DeleteCascading Deletes:  N/A - no dependent resources

Scope Year Logic

This table describes scope year logic of this object.


A record reports when an enrollment that is aligned to a scoped year is created and saved.

  • The enrollment must overlap with the scope year to report.
  • Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.
  • Enrollment must be enrollmentType = S or P.
  • Enrollment with enrollmentType = N and 'Membership Exclude' checked will NOT report.

When using data in Campus that has a single date, the following logic will be applied to determine the scope year(s) to report the data to:

  • Current Year:  Records will be compared to today's date to determine if the record is eligible to report.
  • Previous Years: The record's date must be on or before the schools year's end date defined in the School Years editor. If blank, the default date of 6/30/xxxx is used.
  • Future Years:  The record's date must be on or after the schools year's start date defined in the School Years editor. If blank, the default date of 7/01/xxxx is used.

When using data in Campus that have start and end dates, the following logic will be applied to determine the scope year(s) to report the data to:

  • Current Year: The records start date must be on or before today's date and the records end date must be on or after today's date.
  • Previous Years: The record's start date must be on or before the school year's end date and the record's end date must be after the school year's end date defined in the School Years editor. If blank, the default date of 6/30/xxxx is used.
  • Future Years: The record's start date must be on or before the schools year's start date and the record's end date must be on or after the school year's start date defined in the School Years editor. If blank, the default date of 7/01/xxxx is used.

Identity Mapping Object Key

This table describes the Identity Mapping Object Key of this object.


Object Key Data Source


Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements sent within the Student Education Organization Association resource. Data Element Labels in bold are part of the Natural Key and are required for Data to send to Ed-Fi.

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Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementsLogicM, C, or OLocation
idThe unique identifier of the resource.N/AMN/A

The identifier assigned to an education organization.

See reference section below.


See reference section below.

studentReferenceA unique alphanumeric code assigned to a student.

Reports the student's Student State ID.

MSee reference section below.
addressesThe set of elements that describes an address, including the street address, city, state, and ZIP code.
  • Reports the most current Primary address that is marked as 'Physical'.
    • If more than 1 Primary Address marked as Physical, reports address with most recent Household Membership Start Date
      • Otherwise, reports the address with most recent Address Start Date.
    • Does not report if the Address Location Detail or Household Membership is marked as 'Private'.
  • See Business Rule S3 in Scope Year logic to determine the eligibility of records.
  • See array section below for data logic for each field.

Household Addresses > Mailing

Household Membership > Start Date

Household Addresses > Start Date





An unordered collection of student Education Organization Association Ancestry Ethnic Origins. The original peoples or cultures with which the individual identifies.

This is optional, does not report.


An indication of the barrier to having internet access in the student's primary place of residence.

This is optional, does not report. 

State does not have a list of currently valid descriptors for this element.

cohortYearsThe type and year of a cohort (e.g., 9th grade) the student belongs to as determined by the year that student entered a specific grade.

This is optional, does not report

disabilitiesThe disability condition(s) that best describes an individual’s impairment, as determined by evaluation(s) conducted by the education organization.

See array section below.


See array section below.

electronicMailsThe numbers, letters, and symbols used to identify an electronic mail (e-mail) user within the network to which the individual or organization belongs.
  • Reports the email address entered for that person
    • Does not report if Email is marked as 'Private'.
  • If blank, does not report.
  • See array section below for data logic for each field.
OCensus > People > Demographics > Email
hispanicLatinoEthnicityAn indication that the individual traces his or her origin or descent to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central and South America, and other Spanish cultures, regardless of race. The term, ""Spanish origin,"" can be used in addition to ""Hispanic or Latino.""
  • Report "Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?" from the student's current identity:
    • If drop list = Yes, reports "true".
    • If drop list  = No, reports "false".
OCensus > People > Identities > Is the Individual Hispanic or Latino?

internationalAddressesThe set of elements that describes an international address.

This is optional, does not report.


An indication of whether the student is able to access the internet in their primary place of residence.

  • If the student has a currently active Digital Equity program association where Internet Access in Residence is set to: Yes: Yes-Internet Access in Residence.
    • Reports 'TRUE'.
  • If the student has a Digital Equity program association where Internet Access in Residence is set to any other value other than Yes or Blank/NULL.
    • Reports 'FALSE'.
  • If no Digital Equity program association or Internet Access in Residence is blank, does not report.

The primary type of internet service used in the student s primary place of residence.

This is optional, does not report. 

State does not have a list of currently valid descriptors for this element.


An indication of whether the student can complete the full range of learning activities, including video streaming and assignment upload, without interruptions caused by poor internet performance in their primary place of residence.

This is optional, does not report. 

State does not have a list of currently valid descriptors for this element.

languagesThe language(s) the individual uses to communicate. It is strongly recommended that entries use only ISO 639-3 language codes.

See array section below.

limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptorAn indication that the student has been identified as limited English proficient by the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC), or English proficient.

An EL record must be present for student EL assessment data to send.

EL Assessment selection logic is then processed to find the assessment to pull data from. Only assessments with a State Test and State Code 1-6, 05, 06, 10, 11, 12 OR a District Test and Code 7-9 may be selected:

  1. Select the most recent assessment with assessment type 'LPF' where EL Assessment Date <= 6/30
  2. If the above is not found, select the most recent assessment with assessment type 'LID' where EL Assessment Date <= 6/30
  3. If multiple 'LPF' or 'LID' assessments exist on the same EL Assessment Date, then use the assessment with the highest ID

Once a valid EL assessment has been identified for the student, check to see if the following override logic can be applied:

  • If the student is in State Grade 'PK', reports 0.
  • If the student has Birth Country not equal to 'USA', Home Primary Language of 'English', and State Grade other than 'PK', reports NES.

If the above override logic does not apply to the student, report based on the Result Code:

  • e.g. Result Code of 'FNA' reports 'FNA'
  • e.g. Result Code of '3.4' reports '3.4'
  • If the Result Code is not a valid value, use the next most recent valid assessment.
  • If no valid assessments exist and no other value is determined, reports blank.
OStudent Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL)





loginIdThe login ID for the user; used for security access control interface.

This is optional, does not report

oldEthnicityDescriptorPrevious definition of Ethnicity combining Hispanic/latino and race 1 - American Indian or Alaskan Native 2 - Asian or Pacific Islander 3 - Black, not of Hispanic origin 4 - Hispanic 5 - White, not of Hispanic origin

This is optional, does not report


An indication of whether the primary learning device is shared or not shared with another individual.

This is optional, does not report. 

State does not have a list of currently valid descriptors for this element.


The type of device the student uses most often to complete learning activities away from school.

This is optional, does not report. 

State does not have a list of currently valid descriptors for this element.


The provider of the primary learning device.

This is optional, does not report. 

State does not have a list of currently valid descriptors for this element.

profileThumbnailFile name for the ProfileThumbnail photograph

This is optional, does not report


Key programs the student is participating in or receives services from.

This is optional, does not report

racesThe general racial category which most clearly reflects the individual’s recognition of his or her community or with which the individual most identifies. The data model allows for multiple entries so that each individual can specify all appropriate races.

See array section below.

OCensus > People > Identities > Race/Ethnicity




sexDescriptorA person's gender.
  • Reports the Gender from the student's current identity record
    • If legal information is populated, use legal gender.
    • If legal information is not populated, use preferred gender.
  • Reports the following based on the value selected in the drop list:
    • Female reports 'Female'.
    • Male reports 'Male'.

Note: IDOE only accepts 'Male' and 'Female.' 

MCensus > People > Identities > Gender

studentCharacteristicsReflects important characteristics of the student’s home situation: Displaced Homemaker, Immigrant, Migratory, Military Parent, Pregnant Teen, Single Parent, and Unaccompanied Youth.

This reports under Student Program Associations for Indiana.

studentIdentificationCodesA coding scheme that is used for identification and record-keeping purposes by schools, social services, or other agencies to refer to a student.

This is optional, does not report.


See array section below.


Indicator(s) or metric(s) computed for the student (e.g., at risk) to influence more effective education or direct specific interventions.

This is optional, does not report.


See array section below.

telephonesThe 10-digit telephone number, including the area code, for the person.

See array section below.


See array section below.

tribalAffiliationsAn American Indian tribe with which the student is affiliated.

This is optional, does not report

_etagA unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource.N/AON/A
_extIDOE extension array.

See array section below.


See array section below.

Array / Reference Data Elements

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Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementsLogicM, C, or OLocation

The type of address listed for an individual or organization. For example: Physical Address, Mailing Address, Home Address, etc.)

All addresses report as 'Home'.


The abbreviation for the state (within the United States) or outlying area in which an address is located.

Reports the State for the address being reported.

MHouseholds > Address Info > State


The name of the city in which an address is located.

Reports the City for the address being reported.

MHouseholds > Address Info > City

The five or nine digit zip code or overseas postal code portion of an address.

Reports the Zip Code for the address being reported.

MHouseholds > Address Info > Zip Code

The street number and street name or post office box number of an address.

Reports Address PO Box + Number + Street + Tag + Prefix + Dir

MHouseholds > Address Info








A general geographic indicator that categorizes U.S. territory (e.g., City, Suburban).

This is optional, does not report.


The apartment, room, or suite number of an address.

Reports the value entered in Apt field if populated

OHouseholds > Address Info > Apt


The number of the building on the site, if more than one building shares the same address.

This is optional, does not report.


The congressional district in which an address is located.

This is optional, does not report.

countyFIPSCodeThe Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) numeric code for the county issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Counties are considered to be the "first-order subdivisions" of each State and statistically equivalent entity, regardless of their local designations (county, parish, borough, etc.) Counties in different States will have the same code. A unique county number is created when combined with the 2-digit FIPS State Code.

This is optional, does not report.


An indication that the address should not be published.

This is optional, does not report.

latitudeThe geographic latitude of the physical address.

This is optional, does not report.


The geographic longitude of the physical address.

This is optional, does not report.

nameOfCountyThe name of the county, parish, borough, or comparable unit (within a state) in 'which an address is located.

Reports the Name of County for the address being reported.

MHouseholds > Address Info > Name of County

periods arrayAn unordered collection of studentEducationOrganization AssociationAddressPeriods. The time periods for which the address is valid. For physical addresses, the periods in which the person lived at that address.

See logic below.


The month, day, and year for the start of the period.

Reports the start date of the household membership for this address.


The month, day, and year for the end of the period.

Reports the end date of the household membership for this address.


Electronic Mails

Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementLogicM, C, or OLocation

The type of email listed for an individual or organization. For example: Home/Personal, Work, etc.)

Hard Code Report 'Organization'
  • Full descriptor list in Descriptors below.


The electronic mail (e-mail) address listed for an individual or organization.

Reports email from the Demographics tab.
  • If both email and secondary email are populated, only reports email (ignore secondary email)
  • Does not report reportable email if marked Private.
OCensus > People > Search > Demographics > Personal Contact Info

An indication that the electronic email address should not be published.

This is optional, do not report


An indication that the electronic mail address should be used as the principal electronic mail address for an individual or organization.

  • Reports TRUE if email is in Email.
  • Reports FALSE if email reporting is in Secondary Email.


Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementsLogicM, O, or CLocation

A specification of which written or spoken communication is being used.

Reports the Language from the Home Primary Language saved on the student's current identity record.
  1. Look for a mapping saved to the Language Descriptor Override section in preferences. If there is a mapped value, report that mapping.
  2. If an override is not there, look to see if the language standard code matches an Ed-Fi code, if yes reports that value.
  3. Reports default value if saved on the Attribute and the standard code matches an Ed-Fi code

Otherwise, reports NULL.

MCensus > People > Identities > Home Primary Language

An unordered collection of studentEducationOrganization AssociationLanguageUses. A description of how the language is used (e.g. Home Language, Native Language, Spoken Language).

See 'languageUseDescriptor' logic.


A description of how the language is used (e.g. Home Language, Native Language, Spoken Language).

If Home Primary Language = NOT NULL, reports ‘Home Language’.



Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementsLogicLocation

The general racial category which most clearly reflects the individual's recognition of his or her community or with which the individual most identifies.

  1. Reports the Ed-Fi code mapped to the race selected in the checkboxes on the person's current identify record.
  2. Reports 'Multiracial (two or more races)' if multiple checkboxes are marked.
  3. Reports 'Hispanic Ethnicity and of any race' if Is the individual Hispanic/ Latino? is Yes.
  4. Reporting Priority
    • Hispanic Ethnicity and of any race
    • Multiracial (two or more races
    • Ed-Fi Code mapped to the single checkbox selection
  5. Does not report if the person does not have a Race/Ethnicity checked or there is not a corresponding mapping in Resource Preferences.
Census > People > Identities > Race/Ethnicity





ReferenceBusiness RulesExampleLogicLocation
A reference tying the district to the student.

  "educationOrganizationReference": {
    "educationOrganizationId": 0,
    "link": {
      "rel": "string",
      "href": "string"

  • Reports the District State Number in the following format: 10+District#+0000
    • Example: 1010000000
  • If there are multiple keys and secrets (multiple connections)
    • Report from 'District Number' on the connection credentials for each connection made.

Combination of District Number and School Number

System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number


System Administration > Ed-Fi > Ed-Fi Configuration > Connection > District Number


A reference tying the student to the education organization.

  "studentReference": {
    "studentUniqueId": "string",
    "link": {
      "rel": "string",
      "href": "string"

Reports the student's Student State ID.

Census > People > Demographics > Ed-Fi ID


Data Element Label

Business Requirement

Business Rules

M, C or O



The instrument used to measure the English proficiency level.

An EL record must be present for student EL assessment data to send.

EL Assessment selection logic is then processed to find the assessment to pull data from. Only assessments with a State Test and State Code 1-6, 05, 06, 10, 11, 12 OR a District Test and Code 7-9 may be selected:

  1. Select the most recent assessment with assessment type 'LPF' where EL Assessment Date <= 6/30
  2. If the above is not found, select the most recent assessment with assessment type 'LID' where EL Assessment Date <= 6/30
  3. If multiple 'LPF' or 'LID' assessments exist on the same EL Assessment Date, then use the assessment with the highest ID

Once a valid EL assessment has been identified for the student, check to see if the following override logic can be applied:

Reports '7' if:

  • The student is in State Grade 'PK'. 


  • The student has Birth Country not equal to 'USA', Home Primary Language of 'English', and State Grade other than 'PK'.

If the above override logic does not apply to the student, report based on the following logic:

  1. If the EL assessment selected has a Result Code of 1 - 4.9, OR a valid alphanumeric result ('A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'A5'):

    a. Reports based on the table below

    State Test State CodeReport
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 64
    10, 11, 12

    The 'State Test State Code'

    (e.g. State Test State Code of '10', reports 10)

    (e.g. State Test State Code of '11', reports 11)

    None (District Test)

    The 'Code'

    (e.g. District Test, Code of '8', reports 8)

    (e.g. District Test, Code of '9', reports 9)

  2. If the EL assessment selected has an assessment type of 'LPF' and a Result Code of 5 - 6:
    • Reports based on the table above in Step 1a.
  3. Reports '7' if the EL assessment selected has an assessment type of 'LID' and a Result Code of 5 - 6:
  4. Reports '7' if the EL assessment selected has a Result Code of '8' or 'FNA'.:
  5. Reports blank if no assessment exists and no other value is determined.
OStudent Information > General > Assessment > Result

US initial school entry date

Reports date in 'Date Entered US School'. 

Reports date of first enrollment if no date is present.


Index > Census > People > Demographics > Date Entered US School


Index > Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Date


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CodeShort DescriptionDescriptionNamespace
Corporation TreasurerCorporation TreasurerCorporation Treasureruri://
Special Education ContactSpecial Education ContactSpecial Education Contacturi://
Test CoordinatorTest CoordinatorTest Coordinatoruri://


CodeShort DescriptionDescriptionNamespace
001AchineseRegion: Indonesiauri://
005AfarRegion: Africauri://
007AfganRegion: Afghanistanuri://
010AfrikaansRegion: South Africauri://
012AguacatecoRegion: Guatemalauri://
015AkanRegion: West Africauri://
017Akateco (Qanjobal/Kanjobal)Region: Guatemalauri://
020AlbanianRegion: Albania/Greeceuri://
025AlemannicRegion: Liechtensteinuri://
030AmharicRegion: Ethiopiauri://
035AmoyRegion: China/Taiwanuri://
037AnuakRegion: South Sudanuri://
038ApacheRegion: USAuri://
040ArabicRegion: Middle East/Africauri://
041Arakanese (Rakhine)Region: Burmauri://
043ArgentineanRegion: Argentinauri://
045ArmenianRegion: Eastern Europeuri://
046AssameseRegion: Indiauri://
047AssyrianRegion: Assyriauri://
050AymaraRegion: Bolivia/Peruuri://
055AzerbaijaniRegion: Azerbaijan/Iranuri://
056Bahamian English (Creole)Region: Bahamasuri://
060Bahasa MalayRegion: Malaysiauri://
065BaluchiRegion: Middle East/Omanuri://
067Bandi/BandeRegion: West Africauri://
068BangladashaRegion: Bangladeshuri://
070BantuRegion: South Africa/Angolauri://
072BambaraRegion: Maliuri://
073BariRegion: Sudanuri://
075BasqueRegion: Spain/Franceuri://
077BassaRegion: Liberiauri://
080BatakRegion: Bangladesh/Indiauri://
083Bemba (Lunda)Region: Zambiauri://
085BengaliRegion: Bangladesh/Indiauri://
086BhojpuriRegion: (India/Nepal)uri://
088BembeRegion: Congo/Africauri://
090BerberRegion: Algeriauri://
091Bete (Bette)Region: Nigeriauri://
092BisayaRegion: Bruneiuri://
093BosnianRegion: Bosniauri://
095BretonRegion: Franceuri://
100BugiRegion: Indonesiauri://
105BulgarianRegion: Bulgariauri://
106Buli (Panga)Region: Ghana/Indonesiauri://
110BurmeseRegion: Burmauri://
112BurundiRegion: Africauri://
113Burushaski (Biltum)Region: Pakistanuri://
115BuyiRegion: Chinauri://
120Byelorussian (Belorussian)Region: Belarusuri://
125CantoneseRegion: Chinauri://
127CastellanoRegion: Guatemalauri://
130CatalanRegion: Spain/France/Andorrauri://
133CebuanoRegion: Philippinesuri://
134ChaldeanRegion: Iraquri://
135ChamRegion: Thailand/Vietnamuri://
136ChatinoRegion: Mexicouri://
137ChamorroRegion: Central Americauri://
138ChavacanoRegion: Philippinesuri://
139CherokeeRegion: USAuri://
140Chichewa (Chewa)Region: Malawiuri://
143Chiluba (Tshiluba)Region: Zaireuri://
144CheyenneRegion: USAuri://
145ChinRegion: Burmauri://
147Chippewa (Ojibwa)Region: USAuri://
148ChoctawRegion: USAuri://
150ChuangRegion: Chinauri://
152ChujRegion: Guatemalauri://
154Chuuk (Chuukese)Region: Micronesiauri://
155ChuvashRegion: Russiauri://
156ComancheRegion: USAuri://
157CreekRegion: USAuri://
160Creole (Patois)Region: Africauri://
165CriouloRegion: Genia-Bissauuri://
170CroatianRegion: Austria/Croatiauri://
171CrowRegion: USAuri://
173CutchiRegion: Kenyauri://
175CzechRegion: Czech Republicuri://
177DagaareRegion: Ghanauri://
180DagbaniRegion: West Africauri://
183Dan (Gio)Region: Liberia, Guinea, Ivory Coasturi://
185DanishRegion: Denmarkuri://
190DariRegion: Afghanistanuri://
191Daro-MatuRegion: Malaysiauri://
193Adhola/DhapadholaRegion: Ugandauri://
194DinkaRegion: Sudanuri://
195DioulaRegion: Africauri://
200DjermaRegion: Africauri://
205DutchRegion: Netherlandsuri://
209Ebira/EgbiraRegion: Nigeriauri://
210DzongkhaRegion: Bhutanuri://
211EnglishRegion: ALLuri://
213EskimoRegion: USA/Canadauri://
215EdoRegion: West Africauri://
217EfikRegion: Nigeriauri://
219Esan/IshanRegion: Nigeriauri://
220EstonianRegion: Estoniauri://
221FalamRegion: Burma/Indiauri://
225EweRegion: West Africauri://
230FangRegion: Guinea/Africauri://
233Fanti (Fante)Region: Africauri://
234FilocoRegion: Portugaluri://
235FinnishRegion: Finlanduri://
240FlemishRegion: Belgium/Franceuri://
245FonRegion: Beninuri://
250FrenchRegion: France/Africa/Canadauri://
255FrisianRegion: Netherlandsuri://
260FriulianRegion: Italyuri://
265FukieneseRegion: Chinauri://
270Fula (Fulah or Fulani)Region: West Africauri://
275Fulani (Pulaar)Region: Guinea/West Africauri://
277FuzhouneseRegion: Chinauri://
279GaRegion: Ghanauri://
280GaelicRegion: United Kingdom/Irelanduri://
285GalicianRegion: Spainuri://
290GallinyaRegion: Ethiopiauri://
295GandaRegion: East Africauri://
296GbagyiRegion: Nigeriauri://
298GeorgianRegion: Georgia (Russia)uri://
300GermanRegion: Germany/Austriauri://
301German (Amish/ Pennsylvania Dutch)Region: USA/Canadauri://
305GhegRegion: Albaniauri://
310GitakiRegion: Iranuri://
311GreboRegion: Liberiauri://
315Greek (Eretria)Region: Greece/Cyprusuri://
317GreenlandicRegion: Greenlanduri://
320GuaraniRegion: South Americauri://
325GujaratiRegion: Indiauri://
326Guyanese Creole EnglishRegion: Guyanauri://
327Gwere (or Lugwere)Region: Ugandauri://
328HaidaRegion: British Columbia, Canada and Alaskauri://
330Haitian CreoleRegion: Haitiuri://
334Haka/Hakha/LaiRegion: Myanmar/Burmauri://
335HakkaRegion: China/Taiwanuri://
340HaniRegion: Southeast Asiauri://
345HausaRegion: West/Central Africauri://
347Hawaiian Creole (Pidgin)Region: Hawaiiuri://
348HawaiianRegion: Hawaiiuri://
350HebrewRegion: Israeluri://
355HindiRegion: India/Burmauri://
360HindustaniRegion: Indiauri://
365HmongRegion: Laosuri://
367Ho-LowRegion: Chinauri://
370Hungarian (Magyar)Region: Hungary/Austriauri://
374IbanRegion: Indonesiauri://
376IbibioRegion: Nigeriauri://
380Ibo (Igbo)Region: West Africauri://
385IcelandicRegion: Icelanduri://
386IgalaRegion: Nigeriauri://
387IdomaRegion: Nigeriauri://
388IsokoRegion: Nigeriauri://
390Ijaw (Ijo)Region: West Africauri://
395IlocanoRegion: Philippinesuri://
400IlokoRegion: Philippinesuri://
401IlonggoRegion: Philippinesuri://
405IndonesianRegion: Indonesia/Malaysiauri://
407IrishRegion: Irelanduri://
408IroquoisRegion: USAuri://
410ItalianRegion: Italyuri://
411Italian CreoleRegion: Italyuri://
412IxilRegion: Guatemalauri://
414JakhankeRegion: Senegambiauri://
415JapaneseRegion: Japanuri://
417Jamaican CreoleRegion: Jamaicauri://
418KabaRegion: Central Americauri://
420KachinRegion: Burmauri://
423KaqchikelRegion: Guatemalauri://
425KannadaRegion: Indiauri://
430KanareseRegion: Indiauri://
434KaondeRegion: Zambiauri://
435KanuriRegion: Central Africauri://
436KarakalpakRegion: Uzbekistanuri://
437KashmiriRegion: Indiauri://
438Kasem (West Africa)Region:uri://
439KeresRegion: USAuri://
440KatchiRegion: Indiauri://
441KarenRegion: Burmauri://
442Kazak (Kazakh)Region: Afghanistan/China/Iranuri://
443Kayah, KarenniRegion: Burmauri://
444Khana/OgoniRegion: Nigeriauri://
445KhatriRegion: Indiauri://
446Khmer (Cambodian)Region: Cambodia/Thailanduri://
450KikongoRegion: Maniangauri://
455KikuyuRegion: Kenya/East Africauri://
460KingwanaRegion: Zaireuri://
464KinyamulengeRegion: Rwandauri://
465KinyarwandaRegion: Rwanda/Africauri://
470Kiribati (Gilbertese)Region: Kiribatiuri://
471KirundiRegion: Burundi/Ugandauri://
472KiraRegion: Ghanauri://
473KissiRegion: Guinea/Northern Liberiauri://
474KodavaRegion: Regionuri://
475Kiswahili (Swahili)Region: Africauri://
479KiziguaRegion: Somaliuri://
480KonkaniRegion: Indiauri://
485KoreanRegion: Koreauri://
486KosraeanRegion: Micronesiauri://
487KpelleRegion: Guinea/Liberiauri://
488KrahnRegion: Liberiauri://
490Krio/SusuRegion: Africauri://
491Ku (Kung-Ekoka)Region: Angola/Namibiauri://
493KunamaRegion: Eritreauri://
495KurdishRegion: Iran/Iraq/Turkeyuri://
502KyrgyzRegion: Kyrgyzstanuri://
503LamsaRegion: Saudi Arabiauri://
505LadinRegion: Italyuri://
506Lakota (Lakhota)Region: USAuri://
510Lao (Laotian)Region: Laosuri://
515LappishRegion: Finland/Norway/Swedenuri://
516LautuRegion: Myanmaruri://
520LatvianRegion: Latviauri://
525LetzeburgishRegion: Luxembourguri://
530LingalaRegion: Congo/Africauri://
533LisuRegion: China/Burmauri://
535LithuanianRegion: Lithuaniauri://
536LomaRegion: Liberia/Guinea/Ivory Coasturi://
537French, Louisiana CreoleRegion: USAuri://
538LoziRegion: Africauri://
540LugandaRegion: Africauri://
545LuhyaRegion: Africauri://
550LuoRegion: Kenya/East Africauri://
555LuriRegion: Iranuri://
557Maay (MayMay)Region: Somaliauri://
560MacedonianRegion: Yugoslavia/Greeceuri://
565MadureseRegion: Indonesiauri://
567MaithiliRegion: Indiauri://
570MakuaRegion: Southeast Asiauri://
575Malagasy (Malgache)Region: Madagascaruri://
577Malecite-PassamaquoddyRegion: USA/Canadauri://
579MalayRegion: Malaysia, Indonesiauri://
580MalayalamRegion: Sri Lanka, Malaysiauri://
595MalteseRegion: Maltauri://
597MamRegion: Guatemalauri://
600Mandarin (All variants)Region: Chinauri://
601Mandinka (Mandingo)Region: Sierra Leone, Senegaluri://
603ManipuriRegion: Indiauri://
604Mann/ManoRegion: Liberiauri://
605MarathiRegion: Indiauri://
606MaraRegion: India/Burmauri://
607MarshalleseRegion: Marshall Islandsuri://
610MassaRegion: Chaduri://
612MaoriRegion: New Zealanduri://
613MangyanRegion: Philippinesuri://
614ManinkaRegion: Guineauri://
615MayaRegion: Central Americauri://
616MontenegrinRegion: Montenegrouri://
620MendeRegion: Papua New Guineauri://
621MicronesiaRegion: Micronesiauri://
622Miami/MyaamiaRegion: USAuri://
625Min (Hokkien)Region: Chinauri://
630MinaRegion: Beninuri://
632MizoRegion: Burmauri://
633MixtecoRegion: Mexicouri://
635MoldavianRegion: Romaniauri://
637MonRegion: Thailand/Vietnamuri://
640MongolianRegion: Mongoliauri://
645MontagnardRegion: Vietnamuri://
650Mossi (Moore)Region: Burkina Fasouri://
655MotuRegion: Papua New Guineauri://
660NahuatiRegion: Central Americauri://
663NavajoRegion: USAuri://
665NdebeleRegion: Africauri://
670NdongoRegion: Angolauri://
675NepaliRegion: Nepal/Bhutan/Indiauri://
680NewariRegion: Nepaluri://
685NgalaRegion: P.N.Guri://
690NgoniRegion: Tanzaniauri://
692NingboRegion: Chinauri://
695NorwegianRegion: Norwayuri://
700Nyanja (Chinyanja)Region: Africauri://
702NuerRegion: Sudanuri://
703NzemaRegion: Ghanauri://
705OriyaRegion: Indiauri://
709OromiffaRegion: Ethiopiauri://
710OromoRegion: Ethiopiauri://
712PatwinRegion: USAuri://
713OttawaRegion: USA/Canadauri://
714PalauRegion: Palauan Islandsuri://
715Persian (Farsi)Region: Iran/Asiauri://
718Liberian Pidgin English (Kru)Region: Liberiauri://
720PolishRegion: Polanduri://
721Ponape (Pohnpeian)Region: Ponape Isles/Micronesiauri://
723PoqomchiRegion: Guatemalauri://
725PortugueseRegion: Portugal/Braziluri://
727PotawatomiRegion: USAuri://
729PulaarRegion: Senegaluri://
730PunjabiRegion: India/Pakistanuri://
733Pushtu (Pashto)Region: Afghanistanuri://
735Quechua (Kechua)Region: Central/South Americauri://
736QuicheRegion: Guatemalauri://
740Rumanian (Romanian)Region: Rumaniauri://
741RohingyaRegion: Burmauri://
745RomanschRegion: Switzerlanduri://
747RomanyRegion: Yugoslaviauri://
748RongmeiRegion: Indiauri://
750RwandaRegion: Rwandauri://
753RunyoroRegion: Uganda/Zaireuri://
760RussianRegion: Russiauri://
761Rutooro/TooroRegion: Ugandauri://
763SamoanRegion: American Samoauri://
765SangoRegion: Central Africauri://
767Sapo (Sarpo/Southern Krahn)Region: Liberiauri://
768SantaliRegion: Indiauri://
769SenecaRegion: USA, Canadauri://
770SerbianRegion: Serbiauri://
775Serbo-CroatianRegion: Croatia/Serbiauri://
780SesothoRegion: Lesotho/Africauri://
785Setswana (Tswana)Region: Botswanauri://
790ShanRegion: Burmauri://
795ShangzhaiRegion: Chinauri://
800ShonaRegion: East Africauri://
801ShughniRegion: Tajikistanuri://
802ShoshoneRegion: USAuri://
805SiameseRegion: Thailanduri://
810SindhiRegion: India/Pakistanuri://
815Sinhalese/SinhalaRegion: Asia/Africauri://
817SiouxRegion: USAuri://
820SlovakRegion: Slovakiauri://
823SlovenianRegion: Italy/Sloveniauri://
825SomaliRegion: Somaliauri://
830SonghayRegion: Maliuri://
832SoninkeRegion: Mali/West Africauri://
833SaurashtraRegion: Indiauri://
835SpanishRegion: Ctl and So. America/Spainuri://
837SupanRegion: Malaysiauri://
840SwahiliRegion: Tanzaniauri://
843Swazi (Siswati)Region: Swaziland/Africauri://
845SwedishRegion: Swedenuri://
847Tajik/Tajiki/TadzhikRegion: Tajikistanuri://
850Tagalog/Filipino/PilipinoRegion: Philippinesuri://
853TaiwaneseRegion: Taiwanuri://
855Taki TakiRegion: Surinameuri://
857TanggaRegion: Papua New Guineauri://
860TamashekRegion: Niger/Africauri://
865TamilRegion: India/Burma/Africauri://
870Tatar (Tartar)Region: Russiauri://
871TedimRegion: India/Burmauri://
873TeginaRegion: Africauri://
875TeluguRegion: Indiauri://
877Teso (Ateso)Region:uri://
880ThaiRegion: Thailanduri://
885TibetanRegion: Tibeturi://
890TigrinyaRegion: Ethiopiauri://
893Trinidad EnglishRegion: Trinidaduri://
895TivRegion: Central/West Africauri://
897TonganRegion: Tongauri://
898TriqueRegion: Mexicouri://
902Tsonga/ShanganRegion: South Africauri://
904TshilubaRegion: Demo Republic of Congouri://
905TswanaRegion: Botswanauri://
910TuluRegion: Indiauri://
915TumbukaRegion: India/Africauri://
920TurkishRegion: Turkey/Eastern Europeuri://
921TurkmenRegion: Turkmenistanuri://
923Twi (Twi-Fante, Ashanti)Region: Northern Africauri://
930UkrainianRegion: Ukraine/Rumaniauri://
932UrhoboRegion: Nigeriauri://
935UrduRegion: India/Middle Easturi://
937UyghurRegion: Chinauri://
940UzbekRegion: Uzbekistanuri://
943VaiRegion: Liberia/Sierra Leoneuri://
945VietnameseRegion: Vietnamuri://
950VisayanRegion: Philippinesuri://
951WaliRegion: Ghanauri://
952Waray-Waray/WarayRegion: Philippinesuri://
955Welsh/IrelandRegion: United Kingdomuri://
957WolaitaRegion: Ethiopiauri://
960WolofRegion: Senegaluri://
965WuRegion: Chinauri://
970XhosaRegion: South Africauri://
971XiangRegion: Chinauri://
975YaoRegion: Africauri://
980YiRegion: Chinauri://
985YiddishRegion: Central/Eastern Europeuri://
990YorubaRegion: Nigeria/Africauri://
991ZaghawaRegion: Sudanuri://
992Zarma (Djerma/Zarna)Region: Nigeruri://
994ZomiRegion: Burma/Myanmaruri://
995ZhuangRegion: Chinauri://
996Zophei/ZypheRegion: Burmauri://
997ZuluRegion: South Africauri://
998ZuniRegion: USAuri://
999ZotungRegion: Burmauri://


CodeShort DescriptionDescriptionNamespace
Home languageHome languageHome languageuri://
Native languageNative languageNative languageuri://
Spoken languageSpoken languageSpoken languageuri://


CodeShort DescriptionDescriptionNamespace
0Immigrant Student who is PKPK assessments are not required and should not be reported.uri://
8No assessment and student no longer available.No assessment and student no longer available.uri://
A5English Learner who scored Level 5 or higher on a Tier A assessment.English Learner who scored Level 5 or higher on a Tier A assessment.uri://
FNAFluent so Not AssessedStudent scored as fluent in English prior to January 1 of the current year so no longer annually assessed.uri://
NESNative English SpeakerImmigrant Student with only English Reported on Home Language Survey.uri://


CodeShort DescriptionDescriptionNamespace
4Other Nonpublic School AssessmentEnglish language proficiency assessment not funded by State DOE or other ELP assessment completed by Nonpublic School. ONLY used by non-public schools; Nonpublic English language proficiency assessment Not Funded by State DOE or other ELP assessment- ONLYuri://
5WIDA ACCESS for ELLsCode 5 is accepted for English learners who participated in the required annual English language proficiency assessment in the spring of 2017.uri://
6Kindergarten ScreenerCode 6 may also be used for W-APT administered in the spring of 2017 for students entering school after the WIDA ACCESS for ELLs window has closeduri://
7N/AFor use with Proficiency Level codes 0 [for PK], 5, 6 or 8, FNA and NES. Code 7 is accepted for FEP students not included in proficiency testing (e.g. Pre-K students, former LEP students, and native English speakers).uri://
8Not assessed as required, without external causeStudent assessment was not completed and none of the allowable causes listed below apply.uri://
9Not assessed, With Cause (due to uncontrollable circumstances).Allowable causes are limited to: Student was out of state throughout Assessment Window. Student was expelled/suspended throughout Assessment Window. School Closed due to snow, floods, etc. throughout Assessment Window. Student was being home schooled uri://
10WIDA Alternate ACCESS (As determined by IEP Committee)This code is only used for students that do not have a 2014-15 or 2015-16 WIDA ACCESS or Alternate ACCESS and have a 2015-2016 score from the annual LAS Links Assessment or a non-public school that chooses to utilize Las Links.uri://
11Annual LAS Links AssessmentAnnual LAS Links Assessmenturi://
12WIDA Screener (Grades 1-13)WIDA Screener (Grades 1-13)uri://