Activity Dashboard [.2403 - .2503]

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Tool Search: Activity Dashboard

The Activity Dashboard allows primary and secondary activity owners to manage their activities. This tool also allows users, who have the correct tool rights, to create and submit proposed activities for approval.

What can I do? What do I need to know?

Screenshot of the Activity Dashboard

Important Information About this Tool

  • Secondary Activity Owners only have a read-only view of the activity to which they are assigned unless they are the creator of the proposed activity. The Remove and Recall buttons will not display for them even if they are given the Delete tool right.
  • When a Primary Owner is not the person who created the activity and changes the Primary Owner to another person, they will not have access to the activity after they save their changes.
  • When a Primary Owner is not the person who created the activity and adds themselves as the Activity Owner (Secondary), they will only have read-only access to the activity after they save their changes.
  • Activities that are In Review cannot be edited.
  • Declined activities appear in the Previous area with the status Declined and comments from the reviewer.
  • Returned activities appear in the Proposed area, can be edited, and can be re-submitted for approval.

View Activities

The initial view provided by the Activity Dashboard is a summary view of all Current activities. However, you can view other activities by using the following options.

Screenshot of the Activity Dashboard filters

Option Description
Previous All activities in a Complete, Canceled, or Declined status.
Declined activities include comments from the reviewer that can be seen here.
Current All activities in a Registration Open, Registration Closed, Active- Registration Open, or Active - Registration Closed status.
Upcoming All activities in Ready or Approved status.
Proposed All activities in a Draft - Proposal, Pending, In Review, or Returned status.
  • Users can only view activities they submit or view activities for which they are listed as the primary or secondary activity owner. 
  • Activities that are In Review cannot be edited.
  • Activities in a Returned status can be edited and re-submitted for approval.
Filters You can further narrow the number of activities that display by using the following filters:
  • Activity Name
  • Type (Activity, Athletics, Field Trip)
  • Status
Prior Year Only When this checkbox is marked, only activities from the prior calendar year display.
This checkbox only displays on the Previous tab.

Create and Submit an Activity Proposal

You must have Add rights for the Activity Dashboard to complete these steps.

Step 1. Create Activity

The first step is to define parameters for the activity. To add an activity, click the New button in the action bar.

Click here to expand...

screenshot of step one of an activity proposal

Use the following field descriptions to complete the Create Activity screen.

Field Description
Activity Name A name for the activity you are creating.
This is a required field.

The Activity Name can be changed until registration is closed. If you have already associated a Product with this activity and the product has the same name, Campus gives you the option to change the product name too.

Please note that if you change the Activity Name, any completed purchases/registrations that exist when you change the name will still use the original name (name at the time the purchase was made) in School Store reports.

Type The activity Type is provided by Campus. Options include the following:
  • Activity
  • Athletics
  • Field Trip

This is a required field.

Activity Level Activity Levels are another way to identify different kinds of activities.
This field only displays in if you have added Activity Levels in the Attribute Dictionary and is optional unless the Required checkbox is also marked in the Attribute Dictionary.
International The International checkbox only displays when the activity Type is Field Trip. If your district uses the Preapproval process, marking this checkbox ensures Campus routes your activity request to the correct approver(s).
Status The Activity status. This is a read-only field.
School(s) The school(s) to which you can associate the Activity. Only schools to which you have tool rights display. This is a required field.
Activity Owners (Primary) The primary person(s) responsible for the Activity. To appear in this field, the person must have an active assignment in the selected school and

You may select more than one person in the field.

For access to attendance and messaging options, the person must also have Teacher marked on their District Assignment or be assigned the Teacher role on their Work Assignment (HR Only).

When a Primary Owner is not the person who created the activity and changes the Primary Owner to another person, they will not have access to the activity after they save their changes.

When a Primary Owner is not the person who created the activity and adds themselves as the Activity Owner (Secondary), they will only have read-only access to the activity after they save their changes.

This is a required field.

Activity Owners (Secondary) The secondary person(s) responsible for the Activity.
To appear in this field, the person must have an active assignment in the selected school and

You may select more than one person in the field.

For access to attendance and messaging options, the person must also have Teacher marked on their District Assignment or be assigned the Teacher role on their Work Assignment (HR Only).

Secondary Activity Owners only have a read-only view of the activity to which they are assigned unless they are also the creator of the proposed activity. Secondary owners on an activity do not have the Remove button for delete/cancel functions even if the Delete tool right is assigned.

Registration Open Date
The first day on which the Activity displays in the School Store and people can register for the Activity. The date must be prior to the Activity Start Date and Registration Close Date. This is a required field.
Registration Close Date The last day on which the Activity displays in the School Store. The date must be after the Registration Open Date and prior or equal to the Activity End Date. If you do not enter a date, Campus automatically uses the Activity End Date.
Activity Start Date The date on which the Activity begins. The date cannot be prior to the Registration Open Date or after the Activity End Date. This is a required field.
Activity End Date The date on which the Activity ends. The date cannot be prior to the Activity Start Date or Registration Close Date. This is a required field.

Step 2. Build Roster

Define eligible participants by selecting a saved Ad Hoc filter and/or entering a description of the group. 

Click here to expand...

screenshot of step two of an activity proposal

Use the following field descriptions to complete the Build Roster screen.

Field Description
School(s) This field displays the school(s) that were selected in Step 1 - Create Activity.
Description of group to be created A description of the eligible participants.
Ad Hoc Filter The Ad Hoc filter for selecting eligible students. Campus only allows students who are included in the Ad Hoc filter to register for the activity.
If you do not have rights to Ad Hoc, this field does not display.
Preview Click this button to preview roster information in a side panel. The panel displays an estimate of the total number of students listed by school then provides the student's names. If a student has multiple enrollments and Campus cannot identify the primary enrollment, an asterisk (*) displays behind the student's name.

If you do not have access to ad hoc or to the ad hoc filter that is assigned to the activity by a reviewer, the Preview button does not display.

Step 3. Form Selection

Adding a form is optional.

Select the appropriate forms for registration and indicate whether the form is considered required. Forms must be active during the full registration period to be selected.

Once a form has been assigned out, it can no longer be edited for the Activity.

Click here to expand...

screenshot of step three of an activity proposal

Use the following field descriptions to complete the Form Selection screen.

Field Description
Activity Type This field displays the Activity Type that were selected in Step 1 - Create Activity.
  • Activity
  • Athletics
  • Field Trip
Registration Dates This field displays the Registration Dates that were selected in Step 1 - Create Activity.
Form Title This field displays the custom forms associated with the Activity Type. You can add multiple forms by clicking the Add Form button.

Tip: If the form title is grey and cannot be selected, check the form's active dates. The form must be active for the full time that your activity has registration open.

Additional Forms Pending Mark this checkbox if you are not ready to select forms or have additional forms you want to add later. When this checkbox is marked, the Activity cannot be approved. Campus requires the approver in the Activity Monitor to Return the proposed activity to you so that you can add the forms or they can Decline the activity. You can mark this checkbox and have custom forms associated at the same time.
Required Some forms may require information or an eSignature from the parent or student before it can be purchased in the School Store. Select an option from the Required dropdown list to determine whether information or signatures are required.
Option Description
No The default. The form does not require information or a signature. The form is optional, meaning it does not have to be opened or reviewed before purchasing the activity in School Store.
Yes When Yes is selected, the guardian or student must open the form and review it before the activity can be added to the cart within the School Store.
Guardian Registration The Guardian Registration option works the same as Yes, except, the guardian ONLY can initiate the registration process. The form MUST be signed by the guardian before it can be added to the cart in the School Store. Read the topic Declining a Signed Form if a guardian does NOT sign the form.

Depending on the option selected, one or two red stars appear next to the form in the School Store. The following image demonstrates how this appears in the store.Screenshot of required forms, which are indicated by adjacent red stars

Step 4. Portal Information

On this screen, configure how the activity should display in the School Store and set up the associated costs.

Once an Activity has been purchased, the Associated Costs cannot be modified.

Click here to expand...

screenshot of step four of an activity proposal

Field Description
Image Upload
This option allows you to add a picture of the product.
Consent Marking this checkbox indicates that you are aware of the Acceptable Use Policies of your district and Infinite Campus.
Product Description and Special Instructions
Detailed information about the product. This description appears below the picture of the product.

Use this area to provide more information about the activity like meeting times, locations, and contact information. You could also provide special instructions such as how to turn in the forms.

Restrict to Associated School Enrollments When this checkbox is marked, the Recipient dropdown list will only display students who have an enrollment in the active school year at the school to which the activity is attached. This includes primary, secondary, and enrollments with a future end date.

If you have an Activity attached to the High School only and this checkbox is marked, parents will only be able to select their student(s) with primary and secondary High School enrollments in the active school year as well as enrollments with a future end date. Please note that if the same Activity is associated with multiple schools; e.g., a middle school and a high school, parents can select both middle and high school students in both stores.

Include Future Enrollments When this checkbox is marked, this will allow users to look ahead for future enrolled students that also meet the criteria of the Ad Hoc filter from Step 2.
Restrict to Associated School Enrollments must be selected to use Include Future Enrollments.
Days from Registration End Date The number of days (between 1 and 365) into the future that enrollments can be viewed.
Associated Costs
Item Name The Product Name automatically displays here but can be changed. This is a required field.
If more than one option is available for users to select, this is the name of the option that displays under the Product in the School Store.
Selling Price The price customers see and pay in the School Store. The price can be $0.00. This is a required field.
Reduced Price The price students with a Reduced eligibility status whose guardians have given permission to share it with the School Store and Activity Registration pay and see in the School Store. The price can be $0.00.
To use this feature, the Allow Free and Reduced Pricing checkbox must be marked in the School Store Setup and the Campus Product Permission must be enabled in FRAM Preferences.
Free Price The price students with a Free eligibility status whose guardians have given permission to share it with the School Store and Activity Registration pay and see in the School Store. The price can be $0.00.
To use this feature, the Allow Free and Reduced Pricing checkbox must be marked in the School Store Setup and the Campus Product Permission must be enabled in FRAM Preferences.
Add (button) Click the Add button to add another item that may be purchased for this product. In the following example, an option was added that includes an activity bus.

Step 5. Finish

You can NOT complete this step if your activity requires preapproval.
See the Submit an Activity Request for Preapproval topic for more information.

Review how the Activity Registration product will display for the Campus School Store. Click Finish to complete creating the activity and submit the activity for approval. A Notification is sent to users who have Activity Approval tool rights.

After you click Finish, the Activity is in a Pending status until the review begins. While it is Pending, you can Edit the activity or Recall the activity. Once your proposed activity is In Review, you cannot make changes.

Click here to expand...

Screenshot of step five of an activity proposal

Recall a Proposed Activity

After you submit a proposed activity for approval, the activity is in a Pending status until the review begins. While it is Pending, you can Edit the activity or Recall the activity. When you Recall a proposed activity, you can delete the activity or rescind your request. When you rescind your request, the activity status returns to Draft - Proposal and you can make any necessary changes before re-submitting the activity for approval. Recalling an activity removes the activity from the Activity Monitor Proposed screen.

Remove and Recall buttons do not display for Secondary Activity owners even if they are given the Delete tool right.

Screenshot of activity recall button

  1. Click Recall.
    The Recall Details panel displays.
    screenshot of the recall details panel
  2. Select Delete to permanently delete the proposed activity or select Rescind Request to recall the proposed activity.
  3. Click Remove.
    If you selected Delete, Campus permanently deleted the activity. If you selected Rescind Request, Campus returned the activity to Draft - Proposal status and you can make any necessary changes.

Edit an Activity

You can edit an activity if it is in one of the following statuses: Draft - Proposal, Pending, Returned, Ready, Active - Registration Closed, or Registration Open. To edit an activity, click the Edit button. Depending on the filter you are using; i.e., Current, Upcoming, or Proposed, the Activity Builder or the Activity Proposal screens will display and you can make any necessary changes.

screenshot of the edit button

Comments are available if a proposed activity is Returned (or Declined) and may help you edit your activity.

Screenshot of comments on a returned activity

Copy an Activity

To save time, click the Copy button to copy an existing activity and create a new Activity Proposal. After you click Copy, Campus displays the Activity Proposal tool in copy mode. See the Create and Submit an Activity Proposal topic (above) for details about each step in the Activity Proposal tool.

When you copy an activity, Campus creates a new Activity Proposal by duplicating most of the information from the existing activity.

  • Registration and Activity dates are not copied. 
  • Campus verifies Activity Owners, Ad Hoc filters and Custom Forms are still active and requires you to update that information if necessary.
  • You cannot copy an activity if its Status is one of the following: Draft, In Review, Returned, Declined, Cancelled, or any state of Preapproval.
  • You must have Add rights for the Activity Dashboard to copy an activity.
  • Once you start the Copy process, progress is not saved. So, do not stop until you have finished.
  • You can NOT finish copying an activity if your activity requires preapproval. See the Submit an Activity Request for Preapproval topic for more information.

Screenshot of activity copy button

Cancel or Delete an Activity

Upcoming activities in Ready status or Proposed activities in Draft - Proposal status can be permanently removed from the Activity Dashboard.

To Delete or Cancel an Activity, you must have Delete tool rights for the Activity Dashboard and Calendar rights for the school associated with the activity. You cannot Delete or an Cancel an activity in Preapproval Pending - Proposal status. 

There are two options for removing an activity from the Activity Dashboard:

  • Delete completely removes the activity from the Activity Dashboard.
  • Cancel assigns the Canceled status and automatically moves the activity to the Previous view on the Activity Dashboard. After canceling an activity, you can see who canceled the activity, the date on which it was canceled, and the cancelation reason by clicking the Edit button. 
  1. Click the Remove button.screenshot of the remove buttonResult
    The Remove Details panel displays.
  2. Select Delete or Cancel.
    screenshot of the delete or cancel Remove Type
  3. Enter a Cancellation Reason. This field is required for Canceled activities.
  4. Click Remove.

    A Confirmation message displays

Submit an Activity Request for Preapproval

If your activity requires preapproval before it can be submitted for review, a yellow banner displays under the progress tracker after Step 1. Create Activity or it displays on the Proposed tab with the status Preapproval Required - Proposal. You can submit your activity request for preapproval at any time but the activity must be approved before you can complete Step 5. Finish and submit your activity for review.

  1. Click the Preapparoval link in the banner.
    screenshot of the preapproval link
    Result: The Preapproval panel displays.
    Click here to expand...

    screenshot of the preapproval panel
  2. Click the links for the Preapproval Form(s) (there may be more than one), fill in the required fields, and then click Save in the action bar. Repeat this step for each form.
    Click here to expand...

    screenshot of a preapproval form

    Result: The status changes to Pending.
  3. Click Submit.
    Result: The status changes to Submitted.
  4. Click Close to close the panel and return to the activity.
    Result: The activity status changes to Preapproval Pending - Proposal. You can continue setting up your activity or click Cancel to return to the Activity Dashboard.
    Tip: You can click the Rescind button to make changes or cancel the activity until the Activity Approver opens the activity preapproval in the Activity Preapproval tool.
    If your activity request is... Then...

    you will receive a notification that your activity request was approved and you may finish your Activity Request. The Activity Request is also assigned the Preapproval Complete - Proposal status.


    you will receive a notification that your activity request was returned. The activity request is assigned the Preapproval Returned - Proposal status and Campus unlocks the custom form(s) so that you can make changes and submit the activity request again for preapproval.

    Declined you will receive a notification that your activity request was declined. The activity request is assigned the Preapproval Declined Status and moved to the Previous tab in the Activity Dashboard.

Tool Rights

Tool Read Write Add Delete
Activity Dashboard Users can view any activities they submit or view activities for which they are listed as the activity owner. Users may edit proposed activities. Users may submit proposals for new activities and copy existing activities. Users can remove activities that are in the Ready (Upcoming) or Draft - Proposal (Proposed) status or recall proposed activities after they are sent for approval.
Secondary Activity Owners will have a read-only view of the activity to which they are assigned unless they are the creator of the proposed activity. The Remove and Recall buttons will not display for them even if they are given the Delete tool right.