Process an Online Application

The Online Applications tool allows district FRAM processors to process online Meal Benefits Applications submitted to the district via the Portal

Before you begin:

  • Only district employees marked as a FRAM Processor on their District Assignment can process Educational Benefits or Meal Benefits Applications. FRAM Processors will receive a Process Alert message when an application is ready for processing 
  • The FRAM Processor Locked Time in FRAM Preferences sets the number of minutes a FRAM Processor can work on processing an Online Meal Benefits Application before other FRAM Processors can open it.

Process an Online Application

Screenshot of pending online applications.
  1. Select an application from the Online Applications window or search for a specific application.
  2. Click the Review button to open the application.
  3. Enter or select the Effective Date.
  4. If needed, modify the Expiration Date. This date defaults to the date set in FRAM Preferences, but can be changed if needed.Screenshot of a pending application, the application type radio buttons are called out.
  5. If your district has one or more schools participating in the Community Eligibility Provision program AND Provision Preferences are set in FRAM Preferences, verify the correct Application Type is set.
  6. Review the Student Details.
    • Current Eligibility for any students on the application will be listed. Processing this application will update their eligibility.
    • The Student Indicator will show if the application signer indicated any students are Foster, Homeless, Migrant or Runaway.
  7. If the Manually Added Students section displays, the applicant added a person they indicated was a student. Completing this process is required.
    Click here to expand...

    Tool Search: Online Applications

    If the application signer added a student who is not part of the household to the online application, the student must be added to the application when it is processed.

    1. Click Find Person to open the Add Student from Census side panel.
    2. Search for the student.

      If the student is not found in the Search Results, do not process the application. The student must be added in Census and have an enrollment created before processing the application.

    3. Select the student in the search results.
    4. Click Replace Student.
    5. In the confirmation pop-up, click OK. The student will be added to the Student Details.
  8. Review the Household Details. Added individuals who are not students are counted in the household for determining eligibility based on income but are not added to the household in Campus.
    Household Details Field Descriptions
    Click here to expand...

    Display of the Annual frequency option is controlled by an option in FRAM Preferences and may not be available in your site.




    The names of household members included on the application.

    Work Income

    The household member's regular earnings from employment. The amount is entered in the Income field, and the Frequency is selected to indicate how often the amount is received:

    • Annual

    • Monthly

    • Twice Per Month Semi-monthly (24 payments annually)
    • Every Two Weeks Bi-weekly (26 payments annually)
    • Weekly

    Welfare, Child Support, or Alimony Income

    The amount of welfare, child support or alimony the household member receives. The amount is entered in the Income field, and the Frequency is selected to indicate how often the amount is received:

    • Annual

    • Monthly 

    • Twice Per Month Semi-monthly (24 payments annually)
    • Every Two Weeks Bi-weekly (26 payments annually)
    • Weekly

    Pension, Retirement, or Social Security Income

    The amount of pension, retirement or social security benefits the household member receives. 

    The amount is entered in the Income field, and the Frequency is selected to indicate how often the amount is received:

    • Annual

    • Monthly 

    • Twice Per Month Semi-monthly (24 payments annually)
    • Every Two Weeks Bi-weekly (26 payments annually)
    • Weekly

    Other Income

    The miscellaneous income the household member receives. The amount is entered in the Income field, and the Frequency is selected to indicate how often the amount is received:

    • Annual

    • Monthly 

    • Twice Per Month Semi-monthly (24 payments annually)
    • Every Two Weeks Bi-weekly (26 payments annually)
    • Weekly
    Child IncomeA lump sum total of all income the children in the household receive.

    The amount is entered in the Income field, and the Frequency is selected to indicate how often the amount is received:

    • Annual

    • Monthly 

    • Twice Per Month Semi-monthly (24 payments annually)
    • Every Two Weeks Bi-weekly (26 payments annually)
    • Weekly

  9. Review the Eligibility Status and Other Details.
  10. Once the application is reviewed, select the Process button.
  11. Select if you wish to Print the Approval/Denial Letter.

The processed application now appears in the Processed Applications tab where users can review application details and print a detailed report of application information. The information displayed is the original information submitted by the application signer. By law, this information cannot be deleted or edited.

The student eligibilities are saved in the Eligibility tool, and the application is also visible on Household Applications.