Eligibility Import Report

The following image is an example of the Eligibility Import Report that users can generate at the end of the Eligibility Import Wizard.

Screenshot of the Eligibility Import Report that users can generate at the end of the Eligibility Import Wizard.

Report Section Description


This section indicates the anticipated success of the import as related to the number of records that will be updated. The anticipated number of new, ended, removed and existing eligibilities, as well as errors/warnings will be displayed.

Error/Warning This section indicates anticipated problems with the import, such as non-matching student identifiers / unique IDs (e.g., last name, first name, birth date, state ID, student number), missing data, incorrect file lengths, etc.

Updated Records

This section indicates the records that will be inserted into the Campus database. This section will only appear when the "Include Updated Records Details on Report" checkbox is marked before testing. Overlapping records are not allowed. If the eligibility record in the file includes a record that is the same rank as the pre-existing record but is a different Certified Type, Campus updates the pre-existing record to the new Certified Type. For example, if a child's current Certified Type is Foster (Free Direct) and the import file includes an eligibility record that is Runaway (Free Direct), Campus updates the Certified Type to Runaway. See the FRAM Eligibility Standards and Guidelines article for more information.  

The following types of updated records are available:

  •  New  - No eligibility exist in the database for the current year; therefore, the new eligibility status from the source file will be imported. Carryover eligibilities will be appropriately ended on the day prior to the start date indicated by the import file.
  •  New / Ended  - An eligibility exists in the database for the current year; therefore, the new eligibility status will be imported and the existing current year eligibility will be ended. (For example, an income/categorical/foster application with a start date prior to the start date of the import file was already entered in the database for a student, so the existing eligibility must be ended the day prior to the start date of the imported eligibility. This is due to the USDA requirement that Direct Certification eligibilities take precedence over income/categorical/foster applications for the same school year. An application should not have been processed.)
  •  New / Removed  - An eligibility exists in the database for the current year. The new eligibility status from the import file will be used to replace the (removed) existing record. (For example, if an existing income/categorical/foster application has a start date that is the same as or later than the start date of the import file eligibility it must be removed as two eligibilities with the same start date are not allowed. This is due to the USDA requirement that Direct Certification files take precedence over income/categorical/foster applications existing in the current year. An application should not have been processed.)
  • Postponed - Campus assigns this status when there is an eligibility record that has a start date postponed to a later date. 

Existing Eligibility Records

This section indicates an eligibility record already exists for the indicated student. If an eligibility record exists for the student, it will not be overwritten by the import. Additional follow-up may be required after importing to determine the proper eligibility types to be assigned to these students.

Not Excluded

This section indicates which applications of students with Direct Certification eligibilities will not be excluded from the Verification process (even though the "Exclude Applications" checkbox was flagged in Step 5. Test and Import). An application may not be excluded for one of the following reasons:

  • If the household application has more or less students than the import file, it cannot be excluded. The import file must contain the same students as the application to be allowed for exclusion.
  • If the household application start date is prior to the start date of the import file, the application cannot be excluded, as the eligibility will end one day prior to the start date set in the import file.


This section indicates that the "Exclude Applications" checkbox was flagged and that students in the import file matched students on the household application. These students/applications will not be included in the Verification process.

Additional Direct Certified Eligible Students

This section indicates the "Extend Direct Certification Status to Additional Students in Household" checkbox was flagged and that additional students listed on the same application as students in the import file will have their existing eligibilities updated to a Free / Direct Certification eligibility status.