Tool Search: Enrollments
The Enrollment tool displays all occurrences of a student’s enrollment in the district. Because this is an historical view, this list could be long.
By default, enrollments are first sorted by grade level and sorted by enrollment start date second. To reorder the list of enrollments, click the blue headers in the Enrollments Editor list. The list of enrollments can be sorted by Grade, Calendar, Start Date or End Date.
See the core Enrollments article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Enrollment records.
Read - View Enrollment records.
Write - Edit Enrollment records.
Add - Create Enrollment records.
Delete - Delete Enrollment records.
For more information, see this Tool Rights article.
General Enrollment Information
Under General Enrollment Information, both the Start and End Status fields are unique to the state of Missouri. These fields are further described below. All other fields in General Enrollment Information do not require unique, state-specific data. However, many of these fields are required and data entry in these fields is necessary. For more information on these fields, see the Enrollments page.
General Enrollment Information Editor
Field | Description | Additional Information | Report(s) |
Start Status | Start Status indicates the reason for beginning the student enrollment, whether entering the school or district or continuing on from another grade. When creating an enrollment for a student, students must have a Start Date and a Start Status. An enrollment cannot be saved without an entry in these fields.
See the Start Status section below for options available in this dropdown. |
Database Location: Enrollment.localStartStatusTypeID
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > Core Elements > localStartStatusTypeID
Student > All Enrollments > Core Elements > localStartStatusTypeID |
MOSIS Student Enrollment and Attendance (June) |
Start Date | The date the student entered the attending school. |
Database Location: Enrollment.startDate
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > core Elements > startDate
Student > All Enrollments > Core Elements > startDate |
N/A |
End Status |
The End Status indicates the reason a prior year student in grade 7-12 has not enrolled in the district during the current school year. All students with an end-dated enrollment must also have an End Status assigned to the end-dated enrollment. Users are not allowed to save an end-dated enrollment without an assigned End Status.
End Status is required when an End Date is entered. |
Database Location: Enrollment.localEndStatusTypeID
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > Core Elements > localEndStatusTypeID
MOSIS Student Enrollment and Attendance (June) |
End Date |
The date the student left the attending school.
Database location: Enrollment.endDate
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > Core Elements > endDate
Student > All Enrollments > Core Elements > endDate |
N/A |
No Show |
A no-show student is defined as a student who is enrolled in the school but never attends class and does not officially withdraw from the school.
These enrollment records are ended after a certain number of school days, depending on district and/or state policy. |
Database Location: Enrollment.noShow
Ad hoc Inquiries: N/A |
N/A |
Transfer to District | DESE-assigned 6-digit county district code of the district to where the student is confirmed to be transferred. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.transferToDistrict
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > transferToDistrict
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized Elements > transferToDistrict |
MOSIS Student Enrollment and Attendance |
Transfer to School | DESE-assigned 4-digit school code of the school to where the student is confirmed to be transferred. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.transferToSchool
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > transferToSchool
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized Elements > transferToSchool | |
CRDC School of Accountability |
Database Location: Enrollment.schoolOfAccountability
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > Core Elements > schoolOfAccountability
Student > All Enrollments > Core Elements > schoolOfAccountability |
N/A | |
School Choice |
Identifies a student is eligible, has been offered, applied for but was denied, or received School Choice. Children enrolled in a Title I school are eligible for school choice when their school is in the first and subsequent years of school improvement, corrective action, or restructuring. Any child attending such a school must be offered the option of transferring to a public school in the district not identified for school improvement unless such an option is prohibited by state law. ESEA requires that in some circumstances, priority in providing school choice be given to the lowest achieving children from low-income families. This checkbox is used only for district-tracking purposes and is NOT used in state reporting. See School Choice in the State Reporting Fields Section for information on the collection of state-reported School Choice data. |
Database Location: Enrollment.nclbChoice
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Reporting Elements > nclbChoice
Student > All Enrollments > State Reporting Elements > nclbChoice |
MOSIS Student Enrollment and Attendance |
Service Type | The Service Type indicates the type of enrollment and the intended service the student receives. Service Types include (P) Primary, (S) Partial, and (N) Special Education Services.
See the Service Type section below for options available in this dropdown. |
Database Location: Enrollment.serviceType
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Core elements > serviceType
Student > Learner > All Enrollments > Core elements > serviceType
Student > Learner > Enrollment History > serviceType |
N/A |
State Reporting Fields
Data entries made in the State Reporting Fields section of the Enrollments tab are unique to the state of Missouri and may directly affect the way students are reported to the State Department of Education.
Missouri State Reporting Fields Editor
Field | Description | Additional Information | Report(s) |
State Exclude | Excludes a student from reporting on all Missouri state reporting extracts.
Be aware that some reports may not recognize State Exclude preferences. Some reports may specify that all enrollments, even those marked as State Exclude, be included. In that case, the enrollment would be reported in that specific report regardless of what is selected in the State Exclude checkbox.
Database Location: Enrollment.stateExclude
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > State Reporting elements > stateExclude
Student > Learner > All Enrollments > State Reporting elements > stateExclude |
N/A |
Home Schooled | Mark this option when the student is home-schooled. This field is used only for district-tracking purposes and is not used in state reporting. |
Database Location: Enrollment.homeSchooled
Ad hoc inquiries: Student > Learner > State Reporting Elements > homeSchooled
Student > All Enrollments > State Reporting Elements > homeSchooled |
N/A |
Migrant Indicator | A Migrant is a student who has moved across school district boundaries within the preceding 36 months to seek or obtain (or to accompany or join a parent, spouse, or guardian who is seeking to obtain) temporary, seasonal employment in agriculture or fishing, or to work in a beef, poultry, or pork processing plant.
See the Migrant Indicator section below for options available in this dropdown. |
Database Location: Enrollment.migrant
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Reporting Elements > migrant
MOSIS Student Core Extract |
Immigrant | Designation for students who are aged 3 through 21, were not born in any state, and have not been attending one or more schools in any one or more states for more than three full academic years. |
Database Location: Enrollment.immigrant
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Reporting Elements > immigrant
Student > All Enrollments > State Reporting Elements > immigrant |
MOSIS Student Core Extract |
Title III Immigrant | Conditional and required when the Immigrant is RCV. Collects when the immigrant was Title III funded.
See the Title III Immigrant section below for options available in this dropdown. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.title3Immigrant
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > title3Immigrant
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized Elements > title3Immigrant |
MOSIS Student Core Extract |
Gifted/Talented | Gifted status of student (cumulative).
See the Gifted/Talented section below for options available in this dropdown. |
Database Location: Enrollment.giftedTalented
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Reporting Elements > giftedTalented
MOSIS Student Core Extract |
Title 1 | This identifies a student who has received Title I services during the school year. In a targeted assistance program, only students receiving direct Title I services should be designated. All students in a Title I school-wide program should be designated as Title I. When the school building does not receive Title I funds, none of the students in that school building should be designated as Title I. |
Database Location: Enrollment.title1
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Reporting Elements > title1
Student > All Enrollments > State Reporting Elements > title1 |
MOSIS Student Core Extract |
Title III EL | This identifies an ELL student who is receiving services funded through Title III-LEP.
The Title III EL value reports ONLY when the student has the designation of Receiving Services for EL (RCV). Be sure to enter values for the student in both areas. See the Title III EL section below for options available in this dropdown.
Database Location: Enrollment.title3
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Reporting Elements > title3
Student > All Enrollments > State Reporting Elements > title3 |
MOSIS Student Core Extract |
Percent Enrolled (Out of 100) | The percent of time the student enrolled in the school. |
Database Location: Enrollment.percentEnrolled
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Reporting Elements > percentEnrolled
Student > All Enrollments > State Reporting Elements > percentEnrolled |
Part Time Student | This field is used only for district-tracking purposes and is not used in state reporting. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.partTimeStudent
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > partTimeStudent
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized Elements > partTimeStudent |
N/A |
A+ Student | The A+ Scholarship Program provides scholarship funds to eligible graduates of A+ designated high schools who attend a participating public community college or vocational/technical school, or certain private two-year vocational/technical schools. Required when the student is in grade 09-12.
See the A+ Student section below for options available in this dropdown. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.aPlusStu
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > aPlusStu
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized Elements > aPlusStu |
Mo Option Prog | The Missouri Option Program permits the opportunity to earn a standard high school diploma for full-time, public school-enrolled students who are at least 17 years of age and at risk of dropping out or not graduating with their cohort group. Graduation through the Missouri Option Program is not dependent on Carnegie credit attainment. The Missouri Option Program is competency-based and approved by the State Board of Education. The program utilizes the high school equivalency exam as content mastery for graduation purposes. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.moOptionProg
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > moOptionProg
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized Elements > moOptionProg |
MOSIS Student Core Extract |
8th Tech Lit | Student meets or exceeds ESEA eighth-grade technology literacy requirements. No data are required to be reported in this field. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.eighthTechLit
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > eighthTechLit
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized Elements > eighthTechLit |
MOSIS Student Core Extract |
Residing District | DESE-assigned six-digit county-district code for the district of residence. E.g.,K-8 Resident II student attending high school in a different district would have Resident District Code populated with XXXXXX and the “Attending District Code” populated with YYYYYY representing the district of enrollment. |
Database Location: enrollment.residentDistrict
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Reporting Elements > residentDistrict
Student > All Enrollments > State Reporting Elements > residentDistrict |
Residing School | DESE-assigned four-digit school code for the school of residence. |
Database Location: Enrollment.residentSchool
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > State Reporting elements > residentSchool
Student > All Enrollments > State Reporting elements > residentSchool | |
Residing County | County in which the student resides. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.servingCounty
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > State Reporting elements > servingCounty
Student > All Enrollments > State Reporting elements > servingCounty |
MOSIS Student Core Extract |
Attending District | DESE-assigned six-digit county-district code for the district of attendance. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.servingDistrict
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Core elements > servingDistrict
Student > All Enrollments > Core elements > servingDistrict |
Attending School | DESE-assigned four-digit school code for the school of attendance. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.servingSchool
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > servingSchool
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > servingSchool |
First Date In District | The date on which the student was first enrolled in the district. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.firstDateInDistrict
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > firstDateInDistrict
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > firstDateInDistrict |
MOSIS Student Core Extract |
Reporting School | Use this field to select the DESE-assigned four-digit school code from which the student is being reported. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.reportingSchool
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > reportingSchool
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > reportingSchool |
State Aid | State Aid is referred to as Residency Status in Missouri. This is the DESE-assigned residency status code for the student being reported.
See the State Aid section below for options available in this dropdown. |
Database Location: Enrollment.stateAid
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > State Reporting elements > stateAid
Res 2 Hrs in Session | The total number of actual hours the student could have attended the attending school. This field is required for all Resident II students.
Users MUST populate this field for Resident II students.
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.res2HrsInSession
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > res2HrsInSession
MOSIS Student Enrollment and Attendance |
Regular Hours Attended Override | Number of full-time and part-time hours the student spent in attendance at the attending district.
When hours are entered, the value overrides the attendance calculations for reporting. Otherwise, the calculated value reports.
This field allows for four places before and after the decimal. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.regularHoursAttended
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > regularHoursAttended
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > regularHoursAttended
Regular Hours Absent Override |
Number of hours the student was absent at the attending district. When hours are entered, the value overrides the attendance calculations for reporting. Otherwise, the calculated value reports.
This field allows for four places before and after the decimal. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.regularHoursAbsent
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > regularHoursAbsent
MOSIS Student Enrollment and Attendance |
Remedial Hours | Number of remedial hours outside the normal school day the student spent in attendance at the attending district. See state documentation for more information. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.remedialHours
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > remedialHours
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > remedialHours |
MOSIS Student Enrollment and Attendance |
College Prep Certs | The College Prep Certificate is a program that enables high schools to endorse a certificate for students who meet certain standards that demonstrate they are "ready to work." The program is designed to be voluntary and for high school seniors who choose to participate. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.collegePrepCerts
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > collegePrepCerts
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > collegePrepCerts |
N/A |
Precode Teacher | N/A |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.precodeTeacher
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > precodeTeacher
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > precodeTeacher |
MOSIS Student Core Extract |
Neglected Delinquent |
Institutions for neglected children and youth are public or private residential facilities, other than a foster home, that operate primarily for the care of children and youth who have been committed to the institution or voluntarily placed in the institution under applicable state law due to (1) abandonment; (2) neglect; or (3) death of their parents or guardians and have had an average length of stay in the institution of at least 30 days.
Institutions for delinquent children and youth are public or private residential facilities, other than a foster home, that operate primarily for the care of children and youth who have been adjudicated delinquent or in need of supervision and have had an average length of stay in the institution of at least 30 days.
Leave this field blank when the student is neither neglected nor delinquent.
See the Neglected Delinquent section for options available in this dropdown. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.neglectedDelinquent
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > neglectedDelinquent
MOSIS Student Core Extract |
Disadvantaged | Disadvantaged is defined as students who are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch or Pell Grants. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.disadvantaged
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > disadvantaged
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > disadvantaged |
MPP | Marking this option indicates that the student is participating in the district's Missouri Preschool Program (MPP). It is required for PK students in districts with an approved MPP. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.mpp
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > mpp
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > mpp |
MOSIS Student Core Extract |
SES | Identifies a student is eligible, has been offered, applied for but was denied, or received Supplemental Educational Services (SES). Supplemental educational services provide additional academic instruction designed to increase the academic achievement of low-income students in Title I schools in their second and subsequent years of school improvement, corrective action, or restructuring. These services by DESE approved providers include academic assistance through tutoring that are consistent with the content and instruction used by the local educational agency (LEA) and are aligned with the state’s academic content standards. Supplemental educational services must be provided outside of the regular school day. See the SES section below for options available in this dropdown. |
Database Location: Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > ses
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > ses |
School Choice | Identifies a student is eligible, has been offered, applied for but was denied, or received School Choice. Children enrolled in a Title I school are eligible for school choice when their school is in the first and subsequent years of school improvement, corrective action, or restructuring. Any child attending such a school must be offered the option of transferring to a public school in the district not identified for school improvement unless such an option is prohibited by state law. ESEA requires that in some circumstances, priority in providing school choice be given to the lowest achieving children from low-income families.
See the School Choice section for options available in this dropdown. |
Database Location: Enrollment.nclbChoice Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > State Reporting elements > nclbChoice
Student > All Enrollments > State Reporting elements > nclbChoice |
MOSIS Student Enrollment and Attendance |
K-8 Graduate District Code | This is the DESE six-digit district code of the K8 district from which the student graduated eighth grade and has remained a resident. It is required for grade 9 and 10 non-resident students who graduated eighth grade from a K-8 district. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.k8GradDistCode Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > k8GradDistCode
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > sek8GradDistCodes |
MOSIS Student Enrollment and Attendance |
PK Eligible State Aid | Required when an eligible district has selected the PK student to have attendance hours claimed for state aid. PK students must meet all required criteria for eligibility. Maximum PK students selected not to exceed 4% of the district’s 5-18-year-old FRL (Free and Reduced Lunch) population. |
Database Location: CustomStudent Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Custom Enrollment > pkEligibleStateAid
Student > All Enrollments > Custom Enrollment > pkEligibleStateAid |
MOSIS Student Core Extract |
PK Replacement ID | Report the MOSIS ID for the PK, PKA, PKP student already claimed for state aid that this PK, PKA, PKP student is replacing.
See the PK Replacement ID section for options available in this dropdown. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.pkReplacementId Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > pkReplacementId
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > pkReplacementId |
MOSIS Student Core Extract |
CTE Fields
Missouri Career and Technical Education combines academics and occupational skill training to prepare students of all ages. Training programs are offered in Agriculture, Business, Health Sciences, Family and Consumer Sciences, Skilled Technical Sciences, Technology and Engineering, and Marketing and Cooperative Education.
Missouri CTE Fields Editor
Field | Description | Additional Information | Report(s) |
Career Ed | Designation for students in grades 9-12 who have completed or are currently taking a Career Education course approved by DESE. Data elements are not allowed to be reported unless the student is in one of these grades (09, 10, 11, and 12).
See the Career Ed section for options available in this dropdown. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.careerEd Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > careerEd
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > careerEd |
Career Cluster | Identifies the career education path for a student who has at least one credit of approved career education instruction. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.careerCluster Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > careerCluster
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > careerCluster |
MOSIS Student Core Extract |
CTE Tech Skills Attainment | Use this field to provide the Technical Skill Attainment result or circumstance associated with the student’s technical assessment.
See the CTE Tech Skills Attainment section for options available in this dropdown. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.cteTechSkills Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > cteTechSkills
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > cteTechSkills |
MOSIS Student Core Extract |
CTE Program Type | Use this field to select the program type of CTE-approved program. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.cteProgramType Ad hoc Inquiries: Student >Learner > State Localized elements > cteProgramType
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > cteProgramType |
CTE Attending Distric | The DESE-assigned six-digit county-district code of the district where the student received career technical education when applicable. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.cteAttendingDistrict Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > cteAttendingDistrict
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > cteAttendingDistrict |
MOSIS Student Graduate Follow Up |
CTE Attending School | This field is used to select the DESE-assigned four-digit school code of the school where the student received career technical education when applicable. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.cteAttendingSchool Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > cteAttendingSchool
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > cteAttendingSchool |
MOSIS Student Graduate Follow Up |
CTE Adult | Indicates whether a student is considered an adult student taking a special adult program. |
Database Location: Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > State Reporting elements > adult
Student > All Enrollments > State Reporting elements > adult |
MOSIS Student Assignment |
CTE Other Barriers | Individuals who under previous career education legislation were considered educationally disadvantaged (scores at or below 25th percentile on a standardized test). |
Database Location: enrollmentMO.otherBarriers Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > otherBarriers
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > otherBarriers |
MOSIS Student Graduate Follow Up |
Vocational/COOP | This field is used only for district-tracking purposes and is not used in state reporting. |
Database Location: Enrollment.vocationalCode Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > State Reporting elements > vocationalCode
Student > All Enrollments > State Reporting elements > vocationalCode |
N/A |
CTE Certificate | Mark this option for CTE Concentrators who graduate and meet all set criteria.
Only CTE Concentrators (with 3 credits in a program of study) who graduate and meet all of the criteria set forth by the State Board of Education are eligible to receive a CTE Certificate. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.cteCertification Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > cteCertification
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > cteCertification |
MOSIS Student Core Extract |
Non Trad Student | Defined as a person entering a career education training program or occupation nontraditional to their gender. An enrollment of 75% of one gender is considered traditional. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.nonTradStudent Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > nonTradStudent
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > nonTradStudent |
Displaced Homemaker | Classification is defined as an individual who has worked primarily without remuneration to care for a home and family and for that reason has diminished marketable skills; or has been dependent on the income of another family member but is no longer supported by that income; or is a parent whose youngest dependent child will become ineligible to receive assistance under social security; and is unemployed or underemployed and is experiencing difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment.
This field is required for secondary career education students.
Database Location: Enrollment.displacedHomemaker Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > State Reporting elements > displacedHomemaker
Student > All Enrollments > State Reporting elements > displacedHomemaker |
Single Parent | Classification is defined as an individual who is unmarried or separated from their spouse and is pregnant or has sole or joint custody of a minor child or children.
This data is only collected for adult students taking special adult programs. |
Database Location: Enrollment.singleParent Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > State Reporting elements > singleParent
Student > All Enrollments > State Reporting elements > singleParent |
Industry Cred | The department-approved industry-recognized credential/certification received by the student. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.cteIndustryCred Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > cteIndustryCred
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > cteIndustryCred |
MOSIS Student Core Extract |
Stackable Cred 1 | Department-approved series of aligned, recognized, preferred, and/or required credentials (stackable) within an industry orsector that support an individual’s ability to obtain related, career employment. Two stackable credentials equate to one IRC. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.stackableCred1 Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > stackableCred1
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > stackableCred1 |
MOSIS Student Core Extract |
Stackable Cred 2 | Department-approved series of aligned, recognized, preferred, and/or required credentials (stackable) within an industry or sector that support an individual’s ability to obtain related career employment. Two stackable credentials equate to one IRC. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.stackableCred2 Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > stackableCred1
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > stackableCred2 |
MOSIS Student Core Extract |
ECO - Early Child Outcomes Fields
Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO) provides a comprehensive approach to childhood care and education in Missouri. It includes programs related to child care, home visiting, early learning, and early intervention for children birth to age five, as well as afterschool programs for school-age children.
Missouri ECO Fields Editor
All the fields below report on the MOSIS Student Core Extract.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
ECSE Entry Date | Use this field to enter the date of entry into Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) program. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.ecoEntryDate Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > ecoEntryDate
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > ecoEntryDate |
ECO Early Indicator 1 | Rating at entry into Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) for Positive social-emotional skills.
See the ECO Early Indicator 1 section for options available in this dropdown. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.ecoEntryInd1 Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > ecoEntryInd1
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > ecoEntryInd1 |
ECO Early Indicator 2 | Rating at entry into Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) for Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills.
See the ECO Early Indicator 2 section for options available in this dropdown. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.ecoEntryInd2 Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > ecoEntryInd2
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > ecoEntryInd2 |
ECO Early Indicator 3 | Rating at entry into Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) for Use of appropriate behaviors to meet needs.
See the ECO Early Indicator 3 section for options available in this dropdown. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.ecoEntryInd3 Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > ecoEntryInd3
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > ecoEntryInd3 |
ECSE Exit Date | Date of exit from Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) program. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.ecoExitDate
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > ecoExitDate
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > ecoExitDate |
ECO Exit Indicator 1 | Rating at exit from Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) for Positive social-emotional skills.
See the ECO Exit Indicator 1 section below for options available in this dropdown. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.ecoExitInd1
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > ecoExitInd1
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > ecoExitInd1 |
ECO Exit Indicator 2 | Rating at exit from Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) for Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills.
See the ECO Exit Indicator 2 section below for options available in this dropdown. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.ecoExitInd2 Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > ecoExitInd2
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > ecoExitInd2 |
ECO Exit Indicator 3 | Rating at the exit from Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) for the use of appropriate behaviors to meet needs.
See the ECO Exit Indicator 3 section below for options available in this dropdown. |
Database Location: EnrollmentMO.ecoExitInd3 Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Learner > State Localized elements > ecoExitInd3
Student > All Enrollments > State Localized elements > ecoExitInd3 |
Codes and Descriptions
Start Status
Click this Start Status link to return to the field description table above.
Code | Description | Definition |
E100 | Initial Entry | Initial entry into education. Such as entering pre-school or kindergarten. |
R104 | Remained Changed a Grade | Student remains in the same district and building, but changed grade. |
R101 | Remained: Advanced | Remained in same school and advanced grade or advanced grade and moved onto the next school following natural progression, e.g., moving from middle school to junior high school. |
R102 | Remained: Retained | Remained in same school and was retained in the grade level. |
R103 | Remained: Other | Student has remained in the building but has changed one or more of the following statuses. Residency Status, Full-Time/Part-Time Status. |
S100 | Stopout | Entry is used when a student initially recorded as a dropout returns to school prior to the fall count date (last Wednesday in September) of the subsequent school year. |
S101 | Stopout Suspension | Entry is used when a student initially recorded as exiting as a stopout due to a long term suspension (S001) returns to school after the fall count date (last Wednesday in September) of the subsequent school year. If the student returns before the fall count date do not use this code, they can be recovered from the dropout status by using the regular StopOut Entry code (S100). |
T100 | Tran In (UNK) | (This code is temporary and will be removed in the future.) Use this code for students transferred in. Use this code only if you cannot populate one of the more detailed options. |
T101 | Tfer from pub schl outside district in state | Transfer from another public school district in state. |
T102 | Tfer from pub schl within district | Transfer from another public school within the district. This entry code is not intended to be used to indicate natural progression of a student, e.g., moving from middle school to junior high school. |
T103 | Tfer from home Schl in state | Transfer from home school in state. |
T104 | Tfer from private Schl in state | Transfer from private school in state. |
T105 | Tfr from pub schl out of state | Transfer from public school out of state. |
T106 | Tfr from private schl out of state | Transfer from private school out of state. |
T107 | Tfr from home school out of state | Transfer from Home Schooled out of state. |
T108 | Tfr from drop-out | Transfer from drop-out (non-recovered). |
T109 | Tfr from another country | Transfer from another country. |
T110 | Enroll from MOCAP host district (disengagement) | MOCAP host unenrollment (disengagement) |
T111 | Enroll in MOCAP after full-time MOCAP host district | MOCAP host district (full-time) to MOCAP course |
End Status
Click this End Status link to return to the field description table above.
Code | Description | Definition |
D01 | Dropped Out: Other | Dropped Out: Other |
D02 | Dropped Out: Expulsion | Dropped Out: Expulsion |
D03 | Dropped Out: Received Cert | Received Cert - Students with disabilities who exited an educational program through the receipt of a certificate of attendance. This includes students who reached age 21 or otherwise terminated their education and who have met the district’s attendance requirements. |
D04 | Dropped Out: Reached Max Age | Reached Max Age - Students with disabilities who exited an educational program because they reached the maximum age for receipt of educational services and did not receive a diploma or certificate of attendance. |
D05 | Dropped Out: GED Program | Dropped Out: Moved not known continuing |
D06 | Dropped Out: Moved not known continuing | Dropped Out: Moved not known continuing |
G01 | Graduated | Graduated by earning all required credits through regular or modified classes aligned with state standards. No credits were earned by meeting IEP goals. |
G03 | Graduated-Alternate Standards | Graduated by earning some or all required credits through modified classes aligned with alternate state standards or by meeting IEP goals. This would generally be limited to those students with the most significant cognitive disabilities whose IEP teams have determined that this method of graduation provides FAPE to the individual student. |
R001 | Remained: Advanced | Remained in same school and advanced grade or advanced grade and moved onto the next school following natural progression, e.g., moving from middle school to junior high school. |
R002 | Remained: Retained | Remained in same school and was retained in the grade level. |
R003 | Remained: Other | Student has remained in the building but has changed one or more of the following statuses. Residency Status, Full-Time/Part-Time Status. |
R004 | Remained Changed a Grade | Student remains in the same district and building, but changed grade. |
S000 | Stopout | Exit is used when a student initially recorded as a dropout returns to school prior to the fall count date (last Wednesday in September) of the subsequent school year. The initially recorded dropout code is changed to StopOut: Exit. |
S001 | Stopout Suspension | Exit is used when a student is placed on long term suspension and the student will not return to school until after the subsequent fall count date (last Wednesday in September). |
T001 | Tfer to pub schl outside district in state | Transfer to another public school district in state |
T002 | Tfer to pub schl within district | Transfer to another public school within the district during the school year. This exit code is not intended to be used to indicate natural progression of a student, e.g., moving from middle school to junior high school. |
T003 | Tfer to home Schl in state | Transfer to Home Schooled in state |
T004 | Tfer to private Schl in state | Transfer to Private School in state |
T005 | Tfr to pub schl out of state | Transfer to Public School out of state |
T006 | Tfr to private schl out of state | Transfer to Private School out of state. |
T007 | Tfr to home schl out of state | Transfer to Home Schooled out of state. |
T008 | Tfr to another country | Transfer to another country (assumed continuing) |
T009 | Deceased | Deceased (Transferred Out) |
T010 | MOCAP host unenrollment (disengagement) | Enroll from MOCAP host district (disengagement) |
T011 | MOCAP host district (full-time) to MOCAP course | Enroll in MOCAP after full-time MOCAP host district |
Service Type
To ensure you are assigning the proper service types to enrollments, please see your state documentation for more information.
Click this Service Type link to return to the field description table above.
Code | Description | Notes |
P | Primary | This type of enrollment is a student's primary enrollment. This is the school the student attends all or most of the time. System settings determine whether a student can have multiple active primary enrollments at one time. |
S | Partial |
A partial enrollment indicates a student attends a school part of the time. One example might be a middle school student who attends a high school class and has a partial enrollment at the high school. |
N | Special Ed Services |
A Special Education enrollment indicates the student ONLY attends the school to receive special educations services. |
Migrant Indicator
Click this Migrant Indicator link to return to the field description table above.
Code | Description | Definition |
NM | Not Migrant | Student is not considered to be migrant. |
NN | Not Priority for Services | Student is considered to be migrant and the student did not receive instructional or support services through Title I.C – Migrant Education Program funds. |
NP | Not Priority for Services Served | Student is considered to be migrant and the student has received instructional or support services through Title I.C – Migrant Education Program funds. |
PS | Priority for Services | Student is considered to be migrant “priority for services”. Migratory children who are classified as having “priority for services” are those who are failing, or most at risk of failing to meet the State’s challenging content standards and student academic achievement standards, and whose education has been interrupted during the regular school year. |
PN | Priority for Services Served | Student is considered to be migrant “priority for services” and served if the student received instructional or support services through Title I.C – Migrant Education Program funds. Migratory children who are classified as having “priority for services” are those who are failing, or most at risk of failing to meet the State’s challenging content standards and student academic achievement standards, and whose education has been interrupted during the regular school year. |
CA | Continuation of Services - Additional Year | Student is considered to be migrant and the student received instructional or support services through Title I.C – Migrant Education Program funds during the regular school year served under the continuation of services authority Section 1304(e)(2)-These children would be those who are no longer a migratory child that may continue to receive services for 1 additional school year, but only if comparable services are not available through other programs and secondary school students who were eligible for services in secondary school that may continue to be serviced through credit accrual programs until graduation. |
CR | Continuation of Services - Regular School Year | Student is considered to be migrant and the student received instructional or support services through Title I.C – Migrant Education Program funds during the regular school year served under the continuation of services authority Section 1304(e)(1). These children would be those children who cease to be a migratory child during a school term who are eligible for services until the end of such term. |
Title III Immigrant
Click this Title III Immigrant link to return to the field description table above.
Code | Description | Definition |
TF | Funded | Title III activities are funded. |
NF | Not Funded | Title III activities are not funded. |
NE | Not Eligible | Not eligible for Title III funding. |
Click this Gifted/Talented link to return to the field description table above.
Code | Description | Definition |
GN | Identified in any district but not served in current district | Identified in any Missouri public school district but not currently served in a state-approved gifted program. |
GS | Identified and served in current district | Identified in any Missouri public school district and currently served in a state-approved gifted program. |
NI | Not Identified | Not Identified |
Title III EL
Click this Title III EL link to return to the field description table above.
Code | Description | Definition |
NE | Not Eligible | Not eligible for Title III funding. |
NF | Not Funded | Title III activities are not funded. |
TF | Funded | Title III activities are funded. |
A+ Student
Click this A+ Student link to return to the field description table above.
Code | Description | Definition |
C | Complete | Student has completed the A+ program. |
N | No | Student is not participating in A+ program. |
Y | Yes | Student is participating in A+ program. |
State Aid
Click this State Aid link to return to the field description table above.
Code | Description | Definition |
DI | Desegregated - In | Desegregation students transferred in from another district to the reporting district where both districts previously were within the jurisdiction of a desegregation court order. |
FL | Federal Lands |
NR | Non-Resident | Student that does not reside in the attending district for which the district is receiving tuition from the sending district. |
PT | Parent Tuition |
R1 | Resident I | Student resides and attends school in the district. |
R2 | Resident II | Student residing in the district but legally attending school in another district for whom the resident district is paying full tuition. |
Neglected Delinquent
Click this Neglected Delinquent link to return to the field description table above.
Code | Description | Definition |
NEG | Neglected | Student is neglected. |
DEL | Delinquent | Student is delinquent. |
Click this SES link to return to the field description table above.
Code | Description | Definition |
A | Applied for Supplemental Services | Indicates the student has applied for supplemental education services, but was denied. By default this code also indicates the student was eligible and/or offered. |
E | Eligible Supplemental Services | Indicates the student was eligible for supplemental education services. This code indicates that a student was eligible, but was not offered supplemental education services. This might occur if a student joins a district late in the year. |
O | Offered Supplemental Services | Indicates the student was eligible for supplemental education services and was offered the option. |
R | Received Supplemental Services | Indicates the student has received supplemental education services. By default this code also indicates the student was eligible, offered, and/or applied. |
School Choice
Click this School Choice link to return to the field description table above.
Code | Description | Definition |
A | Applied | Indicates the student has applied for school choice, but was denied. By default this code also indicates the student was eligible and/or offered. |
E | Eligible | Indicates the student was eligible for school choice. This code indicates that a student was eligible, but was not offered school choice. This might occur if a student joins a district late in the year. |
O | Offered | Indicates the student was eligible for school choice and was offered the option. |
R | Received | Indicates the student has received school choice and is reported by the school which has received the student. By default this code also indicates the student was eligible, offered, and/or applied. |
PK Replacement ID
Click this PK Replacement ID link to return to the field description table above.
Abbreviation | Definition |
PK | Student in Pre-Kindergarten (3 and 4 year olds) |
PKA | Student in Pre-Kindergarten (3 and 4 year olds AM) |
PKP | Student in Pre-Kindergarten (3 and 4 year olds PM) |
Career Ed
Click this Career Ed link to return to the field description table above.
Code | Description | Definition |
NHS | Not Career Ed | Student has not completed a department-approved career and technical education program area. |
LTO | Less than one credit | A secondary student (grade 9-12) who at anytime has earned any amount of credit in a department-approved career and technical education program area and does not meet the definition of a Perkins Concentrator nor a Perkins Participant. |
PHS | Participant | A secondary student (grade 9-12) who has completed one or more credits in any department-approved career and technical education program area this school year. |
CHS | Concentrator | A secondary student (grade 9-12) who has completed at least two courses in a single career and technical education program of study. A course is defined as a series of lessons that equal one credit. The student has completed a department-approved career and technical education program area during the reporting school year and earned one or more credits. |
CNP | Concentrator Non-Participant | A secondary student (grade 9-12) who has completed at least two courses in a single career and technical education program of study. A course is defined as a series of lessons that equal one credit. The student has not participated in a department-approved career and technical education program area during the reporting school year. |
CTE Tech Skills Attainment
Click this CTE Tech Skills Attainment link to return to the field description table.
Code | Description | Definition |
PT | Passed Test | Student passed the Technical Skills Assessment. |
FT | Failed Test | Student failed to pass the Technical Skills Assessment. |
NT | Not Tested | Student is eligible for Technical Skills Attainment and an assessment was available, but the student did not take the assessment. |
NA | Not Available | Student is eligible for Technical Skills Attainment, but an assessment was not made available. |
NE | Not Eligible | Student is not eligible for Career Education Technical Skills Attainment. |
PR | Pending Results | Student has taken Technical Skills Assessment however, the results are not known yet. |
ECO Early Indicator 1
Click this ECO Early Indicator 1 link to return to the field description table above.
Code | Description | Definition |
1 | Not Yet | Not Yet (71-100% delay) |
2 | Emerging | Emerging (51-70% delay) |
3 | Occasionally | Occasionally (31-50% delay) |
4 | Frequently | Frequently (11-30% delay) |
5 | Completely | Completely (0-10% delay) |
ECO Early Indicator 2
Click this ECO Early Indicator 2 link to return to the field description table above.
Code | Description | Definition |
1 | Not Yet | Not Yet (71-100% delay) |
2 | Emerging | Emerging (51-70% delay) |
3 | Occasionally | Occasionally (31-50% delay) |
4 | Frequently | Frequently (11-30% delay) |
5 | Completely | Completely (0-10% delay) |
ECO Early Indicator 3
Click this ECO Early Indicator 3 link to return to the field description table above.
Code | Description | Definition |
1 | Not Yet | Not Yet (71-100% delay) |
2 | Emerging | Emerging (51-70% delay) |
3 | Occasionally | Occasionally (31-50% delay) |
4 | Frequently | Frequently (11-30% delay) |
5 | Completely | Completely (0-10% delay) |
ECO Exit Indicator 1
Click this ECO Exit Indicator 1 link to return to the field description table above.
Code | Description | Definition |
1 | Not Yet | Not Yet (71-100% delay) |
2 | Emerging | Emerging (51-70% delay) |
3 | Occasionally | Occasionally (31-50% delay) |
4 | Frequently | Frequently (11-30% delay) |
5 | Completely | Completely (0-10% delay) |
ECO Exit Indicator 2
Click this ECO Exit Indicator 2 link to return to the field description table above.
Code | Description | Definition |
1 | Not Yet | Not Yet (71-100% delay) |
2 | Emerging | Emerging (51-70% delay) |
3 | Occasionally | Occasionally (31-50% delay) |
4 | Frequently | Frequently (11-30% delay) |
5 | Completely | Completely (0-10% delay) |
ECO Exit Indicator 3
Click this ECO Exit Indicator 3 link to return to the field description table above.
Code | Description | Definition |
1 | Not Yet | Not Yet (71-100% delay) |
2 | Emerging | Emerging (51-70% delay) |
3 | Occasionally | Occasionally (31-50% delay) |
4 | Frequently | Frequently (11-30% delay) |
5 | Completely | Completely (0-10% delay) |
Previous Versions
Enrollments (Missouri) [.2323 - .2339]
Enrollments (Missouri) [.2319 and previous]