Student Academic Records (Indiana v3.6)


This educational entity represents the cumulative record of academic achievement for a student.

Object Triggering Logic

Action Trigger

Report a record for each unique Ed-Fi termDescriptor in the current configuration year in which the student has a transcript record OR When the student has a Diploma Type and Diploma Date in the current configuration year.

  • Do not report a record if any of the following exclusions are present:
    • Enrollment State Exclude
    • Enrollment No Show
    • Enrollment Grade Exclude from State Reporting
    • Calendar Exclude
    • School Exclude
    • Transcript's Score is NULL
  • The transcript can be posted manually or through the Transcript Post tool.
  • Students in Grades K-8 report Student Academic Records without the need for a transcript.
    • These are automatically created based on the termDescriptors the associated Sections are in.
  • When the Ed-Fi termDescriptor cannot be determined on a Transcript record, provide an error with the following message: "Could not identify a valid term type for transcript record."
  • If a student has an enrollment with a Local Start Status mapped to the State Start Status of 999: Past Year School Graduate AND that enrollment is marked as State Exclude, perform a POST regardless of whether the Diploma Date is within the configured year.

A DELETE / POST is performed if the data element being altered is part of the resource's natural key. A PUT is performed otherwise.

  • When the following transcript-related information is updated:

    • Transcript ID (New Transcript Entry)
    • Score
    • Ed-Fi Term Override
    • End Year
    • GPA Value
    • GPA Weight
    • School Number
    • Unweighted GPA Value
    • Credits Attempted
    • Credits Earned
  • When the following enrollment-related information is updated:

    • End Status
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Grade
    • No Show
    • State Exclude
  • When the following graduation-related information is updated:

    • Diploma Date
    • Diploma Period
    • Diploma Type
    • Employability Skills
    • Local Pathway
    • Postsecondary-Ready Competencies
    • Graduating School
  • When all transcript records related to the termDescriptor being reported are deleted.
  • When all sections are now somehow excluded for a student in grades K-8 where the Student Academic Record was reporting solely from the K-8 logic.
  • When the diploma date/diploma type is removed, and the student has no transcript records associated with the termDescriptor being reported.
  • When all of the reportable enrollments for the student are deleted.

Required Resources (Upstream)

The following resources must be sent prior to this resource:

  • Schools (Pre-populated)
  • Students

Dependent Resources (Downstream)

The following resources are dependent on this resource (must be sent after this resource):

  • Course Transcripts

Error Log

The following are potential Tier 1 (Ed-Fi API generated) or custom (Campus generated) errors you may receive when posting, updating, or deleting this resource. Please keep in mind that the "Error Message" below may not match your exact error message.

Error MessagePossible Causes/How to Fix

Object Data Elements

Data element labels below in BOLD are part of the natural key of this resource and are required data elements for the record to send through Ed-Fi.

  • The Mandatory / Conditional / Optional column indicates what the state requires for each data element.

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Data Element Label
Business Rules
Mandatory (M), Conditional (C), or Optional (O)

Data Source Path

Database Field

termDescriptor (string) The term for the session during the school year.
  • When reporting Transcript records posted using the Transcript Post tool (have an associated scoreID):
    • Report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the value selected for Ed-Fi Term Type on the transcript entry.
    • If Transcript Ed-Fi Term Type is NULL, report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the value selected for the Section Ed-Fi Term Descriptor Override (Sessions Resource Preferences override mapping).
    • If Section Ed-Fi Term Descriptor Override is NULL, report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the value selected for the Course Ed-Fi Term Descriptor Override (Sessions Resource Preferences override mapping).
    • If the Course Ed-Fi Term Descriptor Override is NULL, report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the Term the course is being offered in (Sessions Resource Preferences main mapping).
    • If the Ed-Fi Code cannot be determined for the Term, report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the Ed-Fi Transcript Term Override (Student Academic Records Resource Preferences).
    • If no Ed-Fi Code can be determined, provide the error: "Could not identify a valid term type for transcript record."
  • When reporting Transcript records that are manually added (no scoreID):
    • Report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the value selected for Ed-Fi Term Type on the transcript record.
    • If the transcript Ed-Fi Term Type is NULL, report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the Ed-Fi Transcript Term Override (Student Academic Records Resource Preferences).
    • If no Ed-Fi Code can be determined, provide the error: "Could not identify a valid term type for transcript record."
  • When reporting from a Graduation Record because there are no Course Transcript records for the student:
    • Report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the term in Sessions Resource Preferences that the Diploma Date overlaps.
    • If the Diploma Date does not overlap a term, or the term does not have an Ed-Fi Code mapped, use the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the term with the latest end date.
    • If there is more than one term schedule, reports from the Primary term schedule.
    • If the Diploma Date overlaps more than one term, report the value from the term with the highest termID.
  • When reporting for students whose enrollment has a Local Start Status that is mapped to a State Start Status of 999: Past School Year Graduate:
    • Report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the earliest term in the school/calendar the student's enrollment is associated with.




A reference to the Local Education Agencies resource associated with the Student Academic Record being reported.

Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Schools resource.

  • educationOrganizationId = 10 + State District Number + State School Number

District Information > State District Number

School Information > State School Number



A reference to the School Years resource associated with the Student Academic Record being reported.

Reports the End Year of the associated School Year selected.
A reference to the Students resource associated with the Student Academic Record being reported.

Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Students resource.

The value of credits or units of value awarded for the completion of a course.

Reports the total number of Credits Attempted for all time.

  • Reports 0 if the student does not have any Credits Attempted.
  • Does not report if the Student Academic Record is reporting only from Graduation information.
M  Transcript


The value of credits or units of value awarded for the completion of a course.

Reports the total number of Credits Earned for all time.

  • Reports 0 if the student does not have any Credits Earned.
  • Does not report if the Student Academic Record is reporting only from Graduation information.
M Transcript


A measure of average performance in all courses taken by an individual during his or her school career as determined for record-keeping purposes. This is obtained by dividing the total grade points received by the total number of credits attempted. This usually includes grade points received and credits attempted in his or her current school as well as those transferred from schools in which the individual was previously enrolled.

Reports the Cumulative GPA.

  • This will be the same value on all eligible Student Academic Record records that are eligible to report for the student regardless of the year it is reporting for.
  • Does not report if the Student Academic Record is reporting only from Graduation information.
M Credit Summary

diplomas (array)

An unordered collection of studentAcademicRecordDiplomas. Diploma(s) earned by the student.

Reports the below data element in an array when the student has a Diploma Date and a Diploma Type on their Graduation record:

  • diplomaTypeDescriptor
    • Reports Certificate of completion if Diploma Type is set to 06: Certificate of Completion (IEP program Completed).
    • Reports Certificate of attendance if Diploma Type is set to 07: Course Completion.
    • Reports Alternate Diploma if Diploma Type is set to 23: Alternate Diploma.
    • Reports Regular Diploma if Diploma Type is set to any other code than 06, 07, or 23.
  • diplomaAwardDate
    • Reports Diploma Date.
  • diplomaLevelDescriptor
    • Reports the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the value selected for Diploma Type.
  • The following data elements do not report:
    • achievementCategoryDescriptor
    • achievementCategorySystem
    • achievementTitle
    • criteria
    • criteriaURL
    • cteCompleter
    • diplomaAwardExpiresDate
    • diplomaDescription
    • evidenceStatement
    • imageURL
    • issuerName
    • issuerOriginURL

Additional Logic:

  • If the Graduating School field is populated, this array will only POST under that school.
    • This is for situations where the student has enrollments in different schools and the "graduating school" needs to be specified.
  • When reporting for student's whose enrollment has a Local Start Status that is mapped to a State Start Status of 999: Past School Year Graduate:
    • Always report the diplomas array, regardless of the Scope Year their Diploma Date falls under.

 Graduation > Diploma Type

 Graduation > Diploma Date



recognitions (array)

An unordered collection of studentAcademicRecordRecognitions. Recognitions given to the student for accomplishments in a co-curricular or extracurricular activity.

Reports the below data elements in an array when the student is given an Employability Skills or Postsecondary-Ready Competencies value mapped to an Ed-Fi Code. Reports a separate record in the array for each reportable instance:

  • recognitionAwareDate
    • Reports the Diploma Date.
  • recognitionTypeDescriptor
    • Reports Employability Skills (Hard-Coded) if reporting from the Employability Skills field.
    • Reports Post-Secondary Competencies (Hard-Coded) if reporting from the Postsecondary-Ready Competencies field.
  • achievementCategoryDescriptor
    • Reports the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the value selected for Employability Skills or Postsecondary-Ready Competencies.
  • achievementCategorySystem
    • Reports the Local Pathway.
      • This is only reported when reporting from Postsecondary-Ready Competencies when it has a value of 09: Locally Created Pathway.
      • 10000 = Not Applicable; Locally Created Pathway not utilized.
      • 10001 through 99999 = Approved Locally Created Pathway.
      • The approved Locally Created Pathways can be found on the IDOE site.
M Graduation






The value of credits or units of value awarded for the completion of a course.

Reports the total number of Credits Attempted for the session (term) reporting.

  • Reports 0 if the student does not have any Credits Attempted.
  • Does not report if the Student Academic Record is reporting only from Graduation information.
M Transcript

The value of credits or units of value awarded for the completion of a course.

Reports the total number of Credits Earned for the session (term) reporting.

  • Reports 0 if the student does not have any Credits Earned.
  • Does not report if the Student Academic Record is reporting only from Graduation information.
M Transcript

This is optional, does not report.
This is optional, does not report.
This is optional, does not report.
This is optional, does not report.

This is optional, does not report.
This is optional, does not report.
This is optional, does not report.
This is optional, does not report.
This is optional, does not report.
This is optional, does not report.
This is optional, does not report.
This is optional, does not report.
This is optional, does not report.
This is optional, does not report.
This is optional, does not report.
This is optional, does not report.