Course Transcripts (Indiana v3.6)


This entity is the final record of a student's performance in their courses at the end of a semester or school year.

Object Triggering Logic


Report a record when transcript records are posted for a student in the current configuration year. OR  When the student is in a non-high school course (State Code format is ####.## which is alphanumeric) and is eligible to report a Student Section Association.

  • Do not send a record if any of the following exclusions are present:

    • Course is marked as inactive
    • Transcript's score is NULL
    • School Exclude is checked
    • Calendar Exclude is checked
    • Student's Enrollment is State Exclude
    • Student's Enrollment is No Show
  • The transcript record can be posted through the Transcript Post tool or through a manual entry.
  • If reporting through a non-high school course, reports one Course Transcript record per Student Section Association record that is reporting.
  • For a manual transcript entry to post a record without error, all of the below fields must be populated on the transcript:

    • School Year
    • School Number
    • District Number
    • Grade
    • Course Number
    • Course Name
    • State Code
    • Score
    • Unweighted GPA Value
    • Credits Earned
    • Credits Attempted
    • Ed-Fi Term Type (or have a mapped override)
  • Important: Indiana DOE has a Tier 2 validation that states you must have a 1:1 relationship between Student Section Association records and Course Transcript records.
    • If you are reporting 1 Student Section Association for a given student, IDOE expects 1 Course Transcript for that student.
    • If you are reporting 2 Student Section Associations for a given student, IDOE expects 2 Course Transcripts for that student.
    • Etc.



A DELETE / POST will be performed if the data element being altered is part of the resource's natural key. A PUT will be performed otherwise.

  • When the following information is changed on a transcript entry:

    • Transcript ID (New Transcript Entry)
    • Course Name
    • Course Number
    • District Number
    • End Year
    • Grade
    • School Number
    • Score
    • Score ID
    • Unweighted GPA Value
    • Credit Earned Method
    • Credits Attempted
    • Credits Earned
    • Ed-Fi Term Override
    • Dual Credit
    • Applied Units
    • Ed-Fi Course Result Override
  • When any information is changed on a Section Student Detail record.
  • When the following information is changed on an Enrollment:
    • End Date
    • Grade
    • No Show
    • Start Date
    • State Exclude
  • When the following information is changed on a Course:
    • Active
    • State Code
    • State Exclude
  • When the following information is changed on a Section:
    • Section Placement (Terms the Section is scheduled into)
  • When the following information is changed on the Roster for the student:
    • Start Date
    • End Date


Business Rule

  • When the transcript record is deleted.
  • When the student is somehow excluded now.
  • When the section is somehow excluded now.
    • Only for non-high school courses logic.

Required Resources (Upstream)

The following resources must be sent prior to this resource:

  • Courses (Pre-populated)
  • Students
  • Student School Associations
  • Student Academic Records

Dependent Resources (Downstream)

The following resources are dependent on this resource (must be sent after this resource):

  • N/A

Error Log

Error Possible Causes / How to Correct


Object Data Elements

Data element labels below in BOLD are part of the natural key of this resource and are required data elements for the record to send through Ed-Fi.

  • The Mandatory / Conditional / Optional column indicates what the state requires for each data element.
Data Element Label Business Rules Mandatory (M), Conditional (C), or Optional (O)

Data Source Path

Database Field

Descriptor (string)

The result from the student's attempt to take the course.

Report the Ed-Fi Course Result Override.

  • If NULL, follow the logic below.

If reporting from a Transcript Entry:

Report based on the Ed-Fi Code mapped to each specific description. The default settings are listed below (but the mappings can be changed in Resource Preferences):

  • Report No Grade Awarded when the sum of Credits Attempted is 0.
  • Report Fail when the sum of Credits Earned is 0.
  • Report Incomplete when the sum of Credits Earned < the sum of Credits Attempted.
  • Report Pass when the sum of Credits Earned >= the sum of Credits Attempted.

If reporting from a non-high school course (K-8 Outcomes):

  • Report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the value selected for Course Outcome on the student's most recent (latest Start Date) Section Student Detail record.
    • This outcome will be used for all Course Transcript records generated for this Section.
    • The Section Student Detail record will not be considered if it is excluded.
  • Report Pass in all other situations.







A reference to the Courses resource associated with the Course Transcript being reported.

Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Course resource.

  • courseCode = State Code
  • educationOrganizationId = 1088000000 (Hard-Coded)
    • This is IDOE's educationOrganizationId. IDOE owns all courses.
Reference (reference)

A reference to the Schools resource associated with the Course Transcript being reported if taken at an external organization.

Report the code value associated with the value selected for Post Secondary Institution on the transcript entry.

  • Example: If Post Secondary Institution was set to the value '2000000174: Anderson University' then we would report 2000000174 for the educationOrganizationId.
M Transcript

Reference  (reference)

A reference to the Student Academic Records resource associated with the Course Transcript being reported.

Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Student Academic Record resource.


The local code assigned by the school that identifies the course offering, the code from an external educational organization, or other alternate course code.

Reports the Course Number on the transcript entry.

M Transcript

attemptedCredits (number)

The value of credits or units of value awarded for the completion of a course.

Report the Credits Attempted on the transcript entry.

M Transcript

 courseTitle (string)

The descriptive name given to a course of study offered in a school or other institution or organization. In departmentalized classes at the elementary, secondary, and postsecondary levels (and for staff development activities), this refers to the name by which a course is identified (e.g., American History, English III). For elementary and other non-departmentalized classes, it refers to any portion of the instruction for which a grade or report is assigned (e.g., reading, composition, spelling, language arts).

Reports the Course Name on the transcript entry.

C Transcript

earnedCredits (number)

The value of credits or units of value awarded for the completion of a course.

If reporting from a Transcript Entry:

  • Report the Credits Earned.

If reporting from a non-high school course (K-8 Outcomes):

  • Report 0.
M Transcript 

earnedCreditTypeDescriptor (string) The type of credits or units of value awarded for the completion of a course.
  • Report as Dual Credit if Post Secondary Institution has a value that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Code.
  • Report as Applied Unit if Applied Units is set to Y: Attempted Applied Units
  • Report as Regular Credit in all other scenarios.

The priority for reporting is Dual Credit > Applied Unit > Regular Credit

C Transcript 



NameOfInstitution (string)

Name of the external institution where the student completed the course; to be used only when the reference external education organization is not available.

If externalEducationOrganizationReference fails to send because the code that attempted to send does not match a pre-populated record in the postSecondaryInstitutions resource, then report the Name of the value selected for Post Secondary Institution on the transcript entry.

  • Example: If Post Secondary Institution was set to the value '00: Not Applicable' then we would report Not Applicable for the externalEducationOrganizationNameOfInstitution.



finalLetterGradeEarned (string) The final indicator of student performance in a class as submitted by the instructor.

Report the Score.

C Transcript

finalNumericGradeEarned (number) The final indicator of student performance in a class as submitted by the instructor.

Report the Unweighted GPA Value:

  • Only report in format N.N or 0.
  • Only report on a scale from 0 to 4.0
  • Round up to the nearest tenth decimal if the reported score is N.N5 or higher.
    • Example: 3.651 should round up to report as 3.7.
  • Round down to the nearest tenth decimal if the reported score is less than N.N5
    • Example: 3.649 should round down to report as 3.6.
  • Anything above a 4.0 will report as 4.0.
C Transcript

The method the credits were earned.

If reporting from a Transcript Entry:

  • Report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the value selected in Credit Earned Method on the transcript entry.

If reporting from a non-high school course (K-8 Outcomes):

  • Report Classroom Credit.
C Transcript

Student's grade level at time of course.

Report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the value selected for Grade on the transcript entry.
C Transcript

academicSubjects This is optional, does not report. O N/A
This is optional, does not report. O N/A
alternativeCourseTitle This is optional, does not report. O N/A
This is optional, does not report. O N/A
attemptedCreditConversion This is optional, does not report. O N/A
attemptedCreditTypeDescriptor This is optional, does not report. O N/A
courseCatalogURL This is optional, does not report. O N/A
courseRepeatCodeDescriptor This is optional, does not report. O N/A
creditCategories This is optional, does not report. O N/A
earnedAdditionalCredits This is optional, does not report. O N/A
earnedCreditConversion This is optional, does not report. O N/A
partialCourseTranscriptAwards This is optional, does not report. O N/A