Student Race File (M) (Washington)

PATH: WA State Reporting > Student Race File (M)

The Student Race File (M) extract reports the race and identification information for students.

Image 1: Student Race File (M) Editor

Report Logic

  • Reports one record for each State Race Ethnicity selected for a student. Multiple records can report per student.
  • To be included in the extract, students must have an enrollment active during the extract Date Range.
    • At least one active enrollment must not be flagged No Show
    • At least one active enrollment must not be flagged State Exclude
    • At least one active enrollment must be in a State Grade Level that not flagged State Exclude.
    • At least one enrollment must be in a calendar not flagged State Exclude.

Generating a Race File

  1. Enter a Start and End Date indicating which students should be included.
  2. Select an Ad Hoc Filter.
  3. Indicate the Format in which the report should be generated. Use Tab Delimited for submission to the state and CSV or HTML for data review and verification.
  4. Select the Calendar(s) that should be included in the report.
  5. Click Generate Extract to generate the report in the indicated format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report will generate.

Users have the option of submitting report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process will allow larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. The generated extract is available in the Process Inbox For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article. 

Only the header row will report if there are no records reported in the extract.

Image 2: Student Race File - HTML Format

Report Layout



Format, Type and Length

Campus Database

Campus Interface

School Year

The year in which the school year ends. For example, the 2012-2013 year would report as 2013.  

Numeric, 4 digits


System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Calendar Info > End Date

Serving County District Code

The county-district code for the district providing services to the student. Reports the Service District code from the student's enrollment. Otherwise reports the 2-digit county code and the 3-digit district code. Leading zeros are added if needed.

Numeric, 5 digits

Enrollment.servingDistrict District.number

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Serving District; System Administration > Resources > District Information

District Student ID

Identifies the locally-assigned student identification number.

Numeric, 12 digits


Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student Number


Identifies the state-assigned student identification number.

Numeric, 10 digits


Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifier > State ID

Race Code

Code distinguishing whether the student is Hispanic or Non-Hispanic and if Hispanic, which Hispanic subgroups.

Logic reports the code selected in the State Hispanic Ethnicity dropdown list plus adds values from the State Race Ethnicity subgroups list.

Alphanumeric, 3 digitsIdentity.
Census > People > Identities > Identities Editor > Identities Information > Race/Ethnicity > Is the Individual Hispanic/Latino?, State Hispanic Ethnicity
Race Collection Method

Indicates how the student's ethnicity was reported/collected by the school.

  • 1 – Ethnicity reported by parent, guardian, or student
  • 2 – Observed, Ethnicity not reported by parent/guardian/student
  • 3 – Student has not yet been resurveyed

If Race/Ethnicity Determination - 01, 02, 03, or 04, a value of 3 is reported.

Numeric, 1 characterIdentity.raceEthnicity
Census > People > Identities > Identities Editor > Identities Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race/Ethnicity Determination