LAP Student Growth File (Q) Extract (Washington)

PATH: WA State Reporting > LAP Student Growth File (Q)

The LAP Student Growth File (Q) reports academic growth for students participating in a Learning Assistance Program.

LAP Student Growth File Q Extract Editor 

Report Logic

  • One record reports per active LAP plan in the report range.
    • Reporting range is the earliest calendar start date to As-of date entered on the extract editor.
  • A student must have at least one active enrollment record on at least one day on/between the reporting range in the calendar(s) selected on the extract editor.
  • No LAP records are reported if all active student enrollment records in the reporting range are flagged No Show, State Exclude, mapped to a State Grade that is flagged as State Exclude, or in a calendar marked State Exclude.

See the LAP Plan article for more information about setting up the PLP from which many fields in this file report.

Generating the Extract

  1. Enter an As of Date in mmddyyyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date.
  2. Select which students will be included in the report:
    1. Grade - Select which grades will be reported.
    2. Ad Hoc Filter - Select an Ad hoc filter to further narrow report results.
  3. Select the Format in which the report will be generated. Use CSV when submitting data to the state; otherwise use HTML to review data.
  4. Select the Calendars to be included on the report. 
  5. Click Generate Extract to generate the report in the indicated format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report will generate.

Users have the option of submitting report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process will allow larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. The generated extract is available in the Process Inbox For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article. 


LAP Student Growth File (Q) Extract - HTML

Report Layout

Data Element LabelDescriptionFormat, Type, and Length

Campus UI Location

School Year

The 4-digit end year of the calendar (i.e., 2017 if the school year is 2016-2017).

Char, 4 digits


System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Calendar Info > End Date
Serving County District Code

The Serving District selected on the student's active Primary enrollment record.

If the student does not have a Primary enrollment record, their S: Parial enrollment record is used. If both do not exist, the State District Number is reported.

Char, 5 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Serving County District Code

System Administration > Resources > School > State District Number

District Student ID

The Student Number of the reporting LAP student.

Char, Max 50 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Local Student Number

The reporting student's Student State ID number.

Char, 10 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Student State ID
Location ID

The state code of school selected in the Location ID field on the LAP record.

Varchar, 4 digits

Student Information > PLP > Documents > LAP > Location ID
Program Code

The student's LAP Program Code.

  • 37 – LAP English Language Arts
  • 6 – LAP Math
  • 7 – LAP Academic Readiness (K-2)
  • 38 – LAP Behavior
  • 44 – WA Reading Corps Literacy Support


Student Information > PLP > Documents > LAP > LAP Program Code

The student's LAP program Start Date.

Datefield, 10 characters


Student Information > PLP > Documents > LAP > Start Date
Identification Assessment

The LAP Identification Assessment State Code entered on the student's LAP record.


Student Information > PLP > Documents > LAP > Identification Assessment State Code

Academic Growth

The student's amount of academic growth.


A code of -1 must report

Student Information > PLP > Documents > LAP > Amount of Academic Growth
Progress Monitoring Assessment

The Progress Monitoring Assessment State Code from the most recent record based on the As-of Date entered on the extract editor is reported.


Student Information > PLP > Documents > LAP > Progress Monitoring Assessment State Code 

Beginning Score

The Scale Score from the Identification Assessment is reported.

  • If a code is not selected or a scale score is NOT available, report the Scale Score from the oldest (first entered) Progress Monitoring Assessment with a scale score available.

Only whole numbers are reported (normal rounding rules apply).


Student Information > PLP > Documents > LAP > Identification Assessment that most heavily influences eligibility: Progress Monitoring Assessment

Date Beginning

The student's Test Date of the assessment selected in the Identification Assessment that most heavily influences eligibility is reported.

  • If a date is not entered on this test record, report as null/blank.
  • If an identification assessment is not selected, and a value reports in Beginning Score field.
    • If an assessment is not selected in either field, leave as null/blank.

Datefield, 10 characters


Student Information > PLP > Documents > LAP > Identification Assessment that most heavily influences eligibility: Progress Monitoring Assessment

End Score

The Scale Score from the Progress Monitoring Assessment identified in the Progress Monitoring Assessment field is reported.

Only whole numbers are reported (normal rounding rules apply).


Student Information > PLP > Documents > LAP > Select Progress Monitoring Assessment

Date End

The Test Date from the most recent (last entered) progress monitoring assessment record based on the As-of Date entered on the extract editor is reported.

Datefield, 10 characters


Student Information > PLP > Documents > LAP > Select Progress Monitoring Assessment

Extended Learning Time

Reports the Primary Extended Learning Time Intervention entered on the LAP record.

  • BA – Before/After school instruction
  • HC – Homework Club
  • BP – Book Programs
  • CI – Computer-Based or Online Instruction
  • SP – Saturday Programs
  • SS – Anticipated Summer School Participation
  • NE – No Extended Learning Programs offered
  • SD – Student Declined Services
  • O – Other

Char, 2 digits

Student Information > PLP > Documents > LAP > Primary Extended Learning Time Intervention


Reports the Primary Tutoring Intervention entered on the LAP record.

  • DD: Double Dosing
  • ATIS: Push-In, 1on1 Adult, Specialist
  • ATTT: Push-In, 1on1 Adult, Teacher
  • ATP: Push-In, 1on1 Adult, Para
  • ATV: Push-In, 1on1 Adult, Volunteer
  • GTIS: Push-In, Sm Grp with Adult, Specialist
  • GTTT: Push-In, Sm Grp with Adult, Teacher
  • GTP: Push-In, Sm Grp with Adult, Para
  • GTV: Push-In, Sm Grp with Adult, Volunteer
  • ATIP: Pull-Out, 1on1 Adult,Specialist
  • ATTP: Pull-Out, 1on1 Adult, Teacher
  • ATPP: Pull-Out, 1on1 Adult, Para
  • ATVP: Pull-Out, 1on1 Adult, Volunteer
  • GTIP: Pull-Out, Sm Grp with Adult, Specialist
  • GTTP: Pull-Out, Sm Grp with Adult, Teacher
  • GTPP: Pull-Out, Sm Grp with Adult, Para
  • GTVP: Pull-Out, Sm Grp with Adult, Volunteer
  • PTS: Peer - Same age
  • PTC: Peer - Cross age
  • NTP: No tutoring programs offered
  • SDS: Student Declined Services
  • O: Other

Varchar, Max 4-digits

Student Information > PLP > Documents > LAP > Primary Tutoring Intervention
Met Learning Goal

Indicates if the learning goal was met. If marked, a value Y is reported. Otherwise, a value of N is reported.

Char, 1 digit

Student Information > PLP > Documents > LAP > Met Learning Goal
