Wisconsin State Reporting


CTEERS Extract (Wisconsin)
Provides information on generating the CTEERS Extract.
Direct Certification (Wisconsin)
This article provides information on generating the Direct Certification Extract.
End of Year Report (Wisconsin)
Provides information on generating the End of Year Report.
P-EBT Upload (Wisconsin)
This article provides information on using the P-EBT Upload for Wisconsin districts.
PI-1441 School Food Authority Report
Provides information on generating the PI-1441 Report.
PI-1563 Pupil Reconciliation Report (Wisconsin)
This article provides information on generating the Reconciliation Report.
PI-1563 Pupil Head Count (Wisconsin)
This article provides information on generating and submitting the PI-1563 Head Count Report.
PI-1804 Summer School Report (Wisconsin)
This article provides information on generating the PI-1804 Summer School Report.
Pupil Transportation Extract (Wisconsin)
This article provides information on generating the Pupil Transportation Extract.
WISE Attendance Audit
This article provides information on generating the WISE Audit Attendance Extract.
WISEid Extract
Provides information on using the WISEid Extract.
WISEid Import
This article provides information on using the WISEid Import.