Student School Associations (Indiana v3.6)

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This association represents the school in which a student is enrolled.

Object Triggering Logic


When a new enrollment is saved for a student.

  • A record reports for each distinct enrollment in a School and enrollment start date.
  • When a student has two enrollments in the same School, Calendar, and Schedule Structure with the same start date, report from the enrollment service type in the following order:
    • P: Primary Enrollment
    • S: Partial/Ancillary
    • N: Special Ed Services
  • When a student has two Primary enrollments in the same school with the same start date, post the record with the highest enrollment ID.
  • Do not send a record if any of the following exclusions are present:
    • Enrollment State Exclude
    • Enrollment No Show
    • Enrollment Grade Exclude from State Reporting
    • Calendar Exclude
    • School Exclude
    • Enrollment End Status mapped to State Code of '000'


A DELETE/POST will be performed when the natural key of the record is changed. A PUT will be performed otherwise:

  • When a student's enrollment is changed on any of the following fields:

    • End Action
    • End Date
    • Local End Status
    • End Year
    • Grade
    • Service Type
    • Start Date
    • Local Start Status
    • State Exclude
    • No Show
  • When a student's graduation tab is changed on any of the following fields:

    • NCLB Cohort End Year
  • When an enrollment is deleted.
  • When an enrollment is excluded in some way (State Exclude, No Show, etc.).

Error Log


Possible Causes / How to Fix

The Grade Level associated with this student's enrollment is not mapped in Resource Preferences. Map the grade levels in Resource Preferences and resync this student.The JSON is attempting to send with a blank entryGradeLevelDescriptor or without an entryGradeLevelDescriptor. Map the Grade Levels in Resource Preferences and then resync the Student School Association resource for the student who errored.

Object Data Elements

Any data elements not listed here are not sent with the Ed-Fi record in Indiana. Data elements in bold are part of the natural key.

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Data Element LabelBusiness RulesMandatory (M), Conditional (C), or Optional (O)Data Source Path
Database Field
entryDateReports the Start Date.
  • Does not report if the Local End Status is 000: SEOA Start.
    • 000 statuses "join" enrollments together. For these joined enrollments, we will report the Start Date of the enrollment that does NOT have a Local Start Status of 000: SEOA Start.
MStudent Information > General > Enrollments > Start Date


Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Calendar resource.

  • If the calendar the student is associated with (Calendar A) is mapped to a different calendar (Calendar B) using the Calendar Override Mapping Tool (found in Resource Preferences), report the information of the different calendar
Reports the NCLB Cohort End Year.OStudent Information > General > Graduation > NCLB Cohort End Year


Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Schools resource.

  • educationOrganizationId = 10 + State District Number + State School Number

District Information > State District Number

School Information > State School Number



Reports the End Year of the associated calendar.MN/A
studentReferenceReports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Students resource.MN/A
Reports the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the value selected for Grade.MEnrollments > Grade

exitWithdrawDateReports the End Date.
  • Does not report if the Local End Status is 000: SEOA End.
    • 000 statuses "join" enrollments together. For these joined enrollments, we will report the End Date of the enrollment that does NOT have a Local End Status of 000: SEOA End.
CEnrollments > End Date

Reports the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the value selected for End Status.C Enrollments > End Status

  • Reports True when Service Type is P: Primary.
  • Reports False in all other situations.

MEnrollments > Service Type



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Entry Grade Level Descriptors

Code ValueDescriptionName SpaceShort Description
01Grade 1 1
02Grade 2 2
03Grade 3 3
04Grade 4 4
05Grade 5 5
06Grade 6 6
07Grade 7 7
08Grade 8 8
09Grade 9 9
10Grade 10 10
11Grade 11 11
12Grade 12 12
13Used for an individual assigned to a class or program that does not have standard grade designations. This may include students who remain enrolled in school after completing high school in order to earn additional high school credits and students with disabilities. 13
KGKG - Full Day - Full Day
KG - AfternoonKG - Afternoon - Afternoon
KG - MorningKG - Morning - Morning
PKPrekindergarten ages3-5 ages 3 - 5

Exit Withdraw Type Descriptors

Code ValueDescriptionNamespaceShort Description
01Record of School Failure of School Failure
02Disinterest in Curriculum in Curriculum
03Interpersonal Problems Problems
05Need to Earn Money (financial hardship and the individual must be employed to support the individuals family or a dependent) to Earn Money
10Poor Health - Students who are unable to attend school (or to receive instruction through alternate means) due to a long-term medical condition can be exited from the cohort due to poor health. Health
12Armed Services Enlistment - Students whose enlistment has been verified by a recruiter. Services Enlistment
13Court Ordered to Dropout - Student ordered to drop out of school (or obtain a High School Equivalency) by a court that has jurisdiction over the student. Ordered to Dropout
14Unknown or No Shows (Age 18+) - Code 14 (Unknown or No Show) can only be reported for a student 18 years of age or older. A student reported under this code will have a status of 'dropout' on the graduation cohort report. or No Shows (Age 18+)
15Truancy (Underage No Shows) - If a student has not completed an exit interview and has not shown up to school then the student should be reported under Code 15, Truant. Code 15 (truancy) can only be reported for a student under the age of 18. (Underage No Shows)
16Expulsion, Did Not Return Students who did not return to school after the term of an expulsion. Code 16 is for expelled students who do not return to any educational setting when their expulsion is over; they are considered dropouts., Did Not Return
17Missing but Located but Located
18Failure of Graduation Qualifying Exam (GQE) of Graduation Qualifying Exam (GQE)
19Transferred - One of the primary reasons a student is mobile is because the student has transferred to another school.
20Removed by parents to provide Home-Schooled instruction - A parent who removes their student from school in order to provide instruction equivalent to that given in a public school should be reported as code 20, Removal to Homeschool. by parents to provide Home-School instruction
22Incarcerated or placed in protective custody or placed in protective custody
25Transferred out of state -  Code 25 can be used for a student of any grade who moves out of the state (including those moving out of the country) and enrolls in another school. Out of State
26Missing, students who cannot be located and have been reported to the Clearinghouse for Information on Missing Children., students who cannot be located
27Foreign exchange student who returns to country of origin-  A student who attended a school through a foreign exchange program and left to return to the student's  home county should be reported as Foreign Exchange. exchange student who returns to country of origin
28A student who has been removed from school for religious purposes should be reported as code 28. An example of a student removed for religious purposes is an Amish student. Beliefs
29Special education student becomes ineligible due to age - Student reaches the age of 22 but does not graduate from high school and does not return by October 1. education student becomes ineligible due to age
30Earned High School Equivalency (replaced GED) High School Equivalency (replaced GED)
31Transferred to a non-state-accredited non-public school or a non-state-accredited nonpublic virtual school to a non-state-accredited non-public school
33Serving Expulsion Expulsion
34Midyear Graduate (or midyear recipient of Certificate of Completion, Course Completion or diploma) Graduate
35Participation in the HSE Pilot Program in the HSE Pilot Program
50End of School Year - If the student is expected to return to the same school or next school (based on grade promotion) in the same corporation, use this code. of School Year
51Non-Compulsory Attendance Age
A parent who removes their student who is less than 7 years of age from school and is not being provided educational instruction. 

Examples: PK or KG students not ready for school and parents decide to exit the student. PK students no longer receiving services from the school. Attendance Age