Academic Planning

Tool Search: Academic Planning

Academic Planning allows schools to create an academic plan that encompasses a student's entire high school career, from 8th grade students moving into 9th grade all the way through their senior year.

Think of  Academic Planning as a Process that requires the use of several tools in Campus and several roles in a school.

Best Practices and Things to Know

It is not required to use Academic Planning functionality, but if you do, there are certain things to consider.

  • The articles linked in the Tools column below contain a Best Practices section for these considerations.
  • Academic Planning considers all enrollment types.
  • Only one credit group is allowed per academic program.
  • The Credit Summary report can only be generated from the student's Credit Summary tab, but you can see this information on the student's Transcript, by building an Ad hoc Filter, or generating other Grading and Standards Reports.
  • Course Catalogs used in different schools (for example, the middle school and high school) should have different course numbers.
  • The Course Plan tool is used by counselors to populate the student's academic plan. Students can see this academic plan on their Academic Planner in the Portal. In turn, counselors can see the changes the student may have made on the Academic Planner by viewing the Course Plan tool.
  • If a student is scheduled (has a roster entry) into a course, grades for that course need to be posted to the transcript using the Transcript Post tool, instead of being manually entered.

Suggested Academic Planning Tool Rights

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The following tool rights are suggested tool rights for each type of user (role) when incorporating Academic Planning into your school's process. As always, additional tool rights may be given to allow a specific user or user group the ability to successfully perform the tasks of his/her job.

For more information on tool rights, see the Tool Rights article.

Description of Tool Rights

Tool Rights determine the level of access users have to tools throughout Campus. This article refers to tool rights in abbreviated form (i.e., R, W, A, D or any combination of the four). In general, user rights are cumulative; therefore, a user who has A rights always has RW rights, unless otherwise noted. Sub-rights appear as italicized.



R (Read)

The R right indicates the information on the corresponding tool may be viewed by the user. When applicable, the user is also allowed to print information. The user will NOT have access to the Save, Add or Delete icons in the action bar.

W (Write)

The W right indicates the user may view and modify the information on the corresponding tool. The Save icon in the action bar will be functional. This right allows the user to modify only existing data in the area since adding new data is controlled by the A right. This right includes the ability to change or remove data from a specific field. A user always has R rights if they have W rights.

A (Add)

The A right indicates the user may view, modify and add to the information on the corresponding tool. The New and Add icons in the action bar will be functional.
This right allows the user to add new data/records. A user will generally have RW rights if they have A rights. Details and exceptions are noted in this article.

D (Delete)

ASSIGN THIS RIGHT WITH CAUTION. The D right indicates the information on the corresponding tool may be deleted. The Delete icon in the action bar will be functional. This right provides the ability to completely remove an existing record, including all data contained within the record. The ability to change/remove data from a field is controlled through the W right. A user will generally have RWA rights if they have D rights. Details and exceptions are noted in this article.

RWAD Rights assigned at the module or folder level give those rights to all features within the module. For example, giving RW rights to the System Administration Calendar folder assigns RW rights to all tools within that folder, including any subrights.

Campus Administrators

ModuleAreaAssigned Tool Rights
Grading and StandardsCredit GroupsRWAD
Course MasterRWAD
Course CatalogRWAD
Scheduling  CourseRWD
Grading TasksRWAD
Course RulesRWAD
Student InformationStudent TranscriptsRWAD
System Administration Calendar WizardR
Portal Display OptionsRW
Ad hoc ReportingAll ToolsRWAD, where applicable
Programs   Graduation ProgramsRWAD
Academic ProgramsRWAD
Flags/Academic Program Assignment ToolR
Course Plan AdminR


ModuleAreaTool Rights
Student Information Academic Planning  Academic ProgramRWAD
Grad ProgressR
Course PlanRW
Student Information GeneralCredit SummaryR
Programs   Graduation ProgramsRWAD

Academic ProgramsRWAD
Flags/Academic Program Assignment ToolR
Course Plan AdminR
Ad hoc ReportingAll ToolsRWAD, where applicable
Scheduling ReportsCourse ProjectionsR


ModuleAreaTool Rights
Campus InstructionStudent Course RecommendationsRW

Students and Parents

Students and parents need an account to access the Portal.

Academic Planning Workflow

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Before beginning this process, gather the necessary documents for:

  • State Graduation Requirements
  • District Graduation Requirements
  • Course Requirements
  • Course Prerequisites
  • School Course Catalog
  • Student Handbook

Also, verify and/or assign tool rights for appropriate staff.

TaskCampus Location
Curriculum Director
1.Set up Credit Groups and Credit Types.Grading and Standards > Credit Groups
2.Create Course Masters and Course Catalogs.

Grading and Standards > Course Masters

Grading and Standards > Course Catalogs

3.Set Credit Overflow Override on the Course Grading Task or on the Course Master Grading Tasks.

Scheduling > Courses > Grading Task

Grading and Standards > Course Masters > Grading Task

5.Review the Transcript Report Preferences.System Administration > Preferences > Reports > Transcript
6.Set Course Planning Rules.Scheduling > Courses > Course Rules > Planning Rules
7.Set Course Editor checkboxes related to Academic Planning.Scheduling > Courses > Course
8.Roll calendars forward.System Administration > Calendar > Calendar Wizard > Create New Calendars by Rolling Forward
9.Create an ad hoc report to see Course Rule information.Ad hoc Reporting > Filter Designer

Create Graduation Programs:

Program Admin > Programs > Graduation Programs

Create Academic Programs:

Program Admin > Programs > Academic Programs

When the program has been assigned:

Student Information > Academic Planning > Programs

Program Admin > Batch Assignment Tool

Campus Administrator
12.Mark the Academic Planner to display in the Portal/Campus Student.System Administration > Portal > Preferences > Display Options
Student and Parent/Guardian
13.Review progress towards graduation in the PortalPortal > Academic Progress

(Student) Create or update the academic plan in the Portal

(Parent) Review and approve the child's academic plan in the Portal

Portal > Academic Planner
15.Print the Academic Plan Progress report.Portal > Academic Planner

View the student's approved course plan.

Work with the student to establish a course plan for the next years of enrollment.

  • If a student cannot be scheduled into a desired course, courses marked as alternate can be added to the course plan.
  • For students who transfer to another school in the district and have already planned courses, their course plan can be modified to fit the courses at the new school.
  • For students new to the school after the start of the school year, courses can be planned for the current year.
Student Information > Academic Planning > Course Plan
17.Calculate the student's on-track status.Program Admin > Course Plan Admin
18.Generate the following reports to assist in the management of student academic plans: 

Program Admin > Reports > Academic Plan Status Report

Program Admin > Reports > Academic Plan Progress Batch

Program Admin > Reports > Course Plan Batch

19.Enter Student Course Recommendations.

Campus Instruction > Student Course Recommendations


Prepare for scheduling students into courses for the next school year by:

Program Admin > Programs

Program Admin > Course Plan Admin

Scheduling > Reports > Course Projections

21.Post diplomas for graduating students.Program Admin > Course Plan Admin

Reset course plans for future changes by:

Program Admin > Course Plan Admin

Use Basic Academic Planning Functionality

Using all available Academic Planning tools requires time to set up the information in Campus and it is understood some districts might not want to tackle that process right away. The procedures below provide information on using the basic functionality of academic planning.

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Create and Assign a Basic Academic Plan

If your school has not set up academic programs and you need to use Credit Summary with the option of Completed/Required, follow these steps. See the Create Graduation Programs or the Create Academic Programs for complete instructions.

Step 1. Create New Program

  1. Navigate to the Programs tool.
  2. Select the New Program icon. A Program Detail editor will appear to the right.
  3. Enter the Name of the Graduation or Academic Program.
  4. Select the Credit Group assigned to High School for graduation
  5. Click the Save icon.

Step 2. Enter Credit Requirements

After saving the new program, expand it and choose Credit Requirements.

  1. In grade 12, enter minimum amount of credits required to receive a diploma.
  2. Enter a Sequence value. Only credit types with an assigned credit requirement will display in alphabetical order on Grad Progress unless a sequence is entered.
  3. Click the Save icon.

Step 3. Assign students to the new program

  1. Navigate to the Batch Assignment Tool.
  2. Select the Program (ex., HS Graduation) to add to the student's information.
  3. Enter a Start Date.
  4. Select the grade to assign the program.
  5. Click the Update Flag/Academic Program button.

Step 4. Calculate Student Status

  1. Navigate to the Course Plan Admin tool.
  2. Select Calculate on-track status mode.
  3. Click the Submit to Batch button.

View Student Graduation Progress when assigned a Basic Academic Plan

A student must be assigned an Academic Program to see remaining credits toward graduation.

  1. Navigate to Student Information and search for and select the desired student. 
  2. Expand the Academic Planning option and select the Progress tab.

Report Student Graduation Progress when assigned a Basic Academic Plan

  1. Navigate to the Academic Plan Status Report.
  2. Select the Student Filters:
    1. Select the Academic Program assigned to students
    2. Select the grade level (optional).
    3. Select a Status (All students, On-track only, Off-track only).
  3. Click the Generate Report button.