Tool Search: Academic Planning
Academic Planning allows schools to create an academic plan encompassing a student's entire high school career. This includes 8th-grade students moving into 9th grade all the way through their senior year.
Academic Planning is a process that requires the use of several tools in Campus and several roles in a school.
Best Practices and Things to Know
It is not required to use Academic Planning functionality, but if you do, there are certain things to consider.
- The articles linked in the Tools column below contain a Best Practices section for these considerations.
- Academic Planning considers all enrollment types.
- Only one credit group is allowed per academic program.
- The Credit Summary report can only be generated from the student's Credit Summary tab. However, this information can be viewed on the student's Transcript, by building an Ad Hoc filter or generating other Grading and Standards Reports.
- Course Catalogs used in different schools (for example, middle school and high school) should have unique course numbers.
- The Course Plan tool is used by counselors to populate the student's academic plan. Students can see this academic plan on their Academic Planner in the Portal. In turn, counselors can see the student's changes on the Academic Planner by viewing the Course Plan tool.
- If a student is scheduled (has a roster entry) into a course, grades for that course must be posted to the transcript using the Transcript Post tool. Grades may not be manually entered.
Suggested Academic Planning Tool Rights
Academic Planning Workflow
Use Basic Academic Planning Functionality
Using all available Academic Planning tools requires time to set up the information in Campus. Because of the time requirement, some districts may not want to wait to implement this process. The procedures below provide information on using the basic functionality of academic planning.