Tool Search: Early Learning
The Early Learning tool lists student information related to programs designed to improve the health, social-emotional and cognitive outcomes for all students from birth through third grade, using Hawaii Revised Statute §302A-1166.
See the core Early Learning article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Early Learning records.
Early Learning Editor
Early Learning Detail Editor
The Early Learning tool includes the following fields.
Attended Early Learning Program
Indicates if the student attended an Early Learning program.
When the Attended Early Learning Program is No, all the fields below are hidden and the Start Date defaults to 01/01/1901.
Early Learning Program
The code of the Early Learning program.
Early Learning Program Name
The name of the Early Learning program.
This text field only displays when "NFL: Not found in list" is selected in the Early Learning Program dropdown.
Early Learning Program Address
The physical address of the Early Learning program.
This text field only displays when "NFL: Not found in list" is selected in the Early Learning Program dropdown.
Name Not Provided
Indicates the name of the program was not provided.
This text field only displays when "NFL: Not found in list" is selected in the Early Learning Program dropdown.
Address Not Provided
Indicates the address of the program was not provided.
This text field only displays when "NFL: Not found in list" is selected in the Early Learning Program dropdown.
Start Date
The date the student began Early Learning services.
The Start Date defaults to 01/01/1901 when the Attended Early Learning Program dropdown is set to No OR when the Start and/or End Date Not Provided checkbox is marked.
End Date
The date the student stopped receiving Early Learning services.
Start and/or End Date Not Provided
Indicates the start and/or end date was not provided.