District Student File (B) Extract (Washington)

PATH: WA State Reporting > District Student File (B)

The District Student File (B) generates a record(s) for each student served in the district during the current school year. Information regarding student enrollment, along with the basic demographic data associated with the student (including those children aged birth through two receiving services through an Individualized Family Service plan) report.

Multiple enrollment records within one district in which the student entered, exited, and re-entered a district can cause multiple records to report. Entry and exit dates may not overlap for individual students.

District Student File (B) Extract Editor

Report Logic

A record reports for every primary enrollment in the selected calendar(s) that was active at least one day on or between the calendar Start Date and the As of Date entered in the extract editor.

  • If multiple primary enrollments occur more than one record reports.
    • Campus recommends that if a student exits their Primary enrollment and the secondary enrollment is active at the time of the exit becomes the new Primary enrollment, both enrollments should be End Dated and a new enrollment created and flagged as Primary.
  • Student enrollments, Calendars, and Grade Levels marked as State Exclude, as well as students marked as No Show do not report.

Generating the Extract

  1. Enter an As of Date. This field defaults to the current date. Enter a new date in mmddyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date.
  2. Select which Grades will be included in the report OR
  3. Choose an Ad Hoc Filter.
  4. Select the Format in which the report will generate.
  5. Select the Calendars to include in the report.
  6. Click Generate Extract to generate the report in the indicated format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report will generate.

Users have the option of submitting report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process will allow larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. The generated extract is available in the Process Inbox For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article. 

Only the header row will report if there are no records reported in the extract.

Example of District Student File Extract - HTML Format

Report Layout



Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Location

School Year

The ending year of the current school year for the school.

Date Field, 4 characters



System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > End Date

Serving County District Code

The county-district code for the district in which the student receives instruction.

If Serving District Code is null, the State District Number is reported.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters



Student Information > General > Enrollment > Serving County District Code

System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number

Resident Count District Code

The County-District Code where the student physically resides. This is the unique 5-digit number that combines the 2-digit county code and the 3-digit district code.

If Resident District Code is null, the State District Number is reported.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters



Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting > Resident District Code

System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number

District Student ID

The student identification number assigned by the district.

Varchar, 50 digits


Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number


The unique number assigned to a student by the Washington Department of Education.

Char, 10 digits


Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID

Last Name

The student's last name.

If the student has an active identity on the As-of date selected on the extract editor:

  1. Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name is reported.
  2. If Legal Last Name is null, Identities > Identity Information > Last Name is reported.

Varchar, 60 characters


Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name

Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Last Name

First Name

The student's first name.

If the student has an active identity on the As-of date selected on the extract editor:

  1. If Legal Last Name contains a value, the Legal First Name is reported.
    1. If Legal First Name is null, a null value is reported.
  2. If Legal Last Name is null, the First Name value is reported.
    1. If First Name is null, a null value is reported.

Varchar, 60 characters


Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name

Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > First Name

Middle Name

The student's middle name.

If the student has an active identity on the As-of date selected on the extract editor:

  1. If Legal Last Name contains a value, the Legal Middle Name is reported.
    1. If Legal Middle Name is null, a null value is reported.
  2. If Legal Last Name is null, the Middle Name value is reported.
    1. If Middle Name is null, a null value is reported.

Varchar, 60 characters


Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Middle Name

Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Middle Name

Birth Date

The student's birth date.

Date Field, 10 characters



Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date

Birth Country

The country in which the student was born.

Required for students participating in or receiving services from the Title III Immigrant Program. If the Program Code, is 15: Title III Immigrant, a valid Birth Country reports.

If null, reports the default value for the attribute based on the Identity record active on the As-of Date.

Char, 3 digits


Census > Demographics > Birth Country

CSRS Ethnicity Code






The student's gender.

  • Reports F if Female
  • Reports if Male

Alphanumeric, 1 character


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Gender

Grade Level

The grade level in which the student is enrolled.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters



System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Level > State Grade Level Codes

District Enrollment Date

The date on which the student's enrollment begins.

Date Field, 8 characters



Student Information > General > Enrollments > Start Date

District Exit Date

The date on which the student's enrollment ends.

An enrollment is only reported if the record is end dated on or before the effective date selected on the extract editor and the End Status does NOT = t1.

This field will report as null if the enrollment record is any of the following:

  • Is not end dated
  • The end date is after the As-of date selected on the extract editor
  • The end date is on or before the As-of date selected on the extract editor and the End Status = T1

Date Field, 8 characters



Student Information > General > Enrollments > End Date

Disability Code 

The student's disabling condition. 

Reports the Disability entered on the active WA SPED record.

Currently reports as null for all records. 

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

BIEWASped. primaryDisability

Student Information > Special Ed > WA SPED > Disability

Primary Language Code

The first learned language spoken by the student.

Numeric, 3 digits


Census > People  > Identities > Home Primary Language

Language Spoken At Home

The primary language the student speaks at home.

Numeric, 3 digits


Census > People  > Identities > Communication Language


The student's Social Security Number.

Numeric, 9 digits


Census > People > Person Information > Social Security Number

Zip Code

The student's five digit postal code, and the four digit extension (no hyphen), if available.

Numeric, 5 or 9 digits


Census > Mailing Address > Zip Code

Is Homeless

Indicates whether the student is considered homeless.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Y or N


Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields >  Homeless

Is Approved Private School
Student Attending Part Time

Indicates whether the student is enrolled in an approved private school and is attending class(es) part time. The following codes report:

  • 1: participating in public sch courses - not ALE funded
  • 2: participating in public sch ALE courses - claimed <= 0.8 FTE
  • 3: participating in public sch courses - ALE claimed > 0.8 FTE

Numeric, 1 digit


Student Information > general > Enrollments > State Reporting > Private Schooled

Is Home Based Student
Attending Part Time

Indicates whether or not the student is a home-schooled student attending class(es) part time. The following codes report:

  • 1: participating in public sch courses - not ALE funded
  • 2: participating in public sch ALE courses - claimed <= 0.8 FTE
  • 3: participating in public sch courses - ALE claimed > 0.8 FTE

Numeric, 1 digit


Student Information  > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Home Schooled

Is F1 Visa Foreign Exchange Student

Indicates whether or not the student is a foreign exchange student:

  • F: Foreign Exchange Student
  • N: Null

Alphanumeric, 1 character


Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Foreigner with F1 Visa

Is Student In Foster Care

Indicates whether the student is in foster care.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Foster Care Student

Grad Requirements Year

The year for which the student is held accountable for meeting graduation requirements.

Required for students in grade 9-12.

Date Field, 4 characters



Student Information > General > Graduation (tab) > NGA Cohort End Year

Expected Grad Year

The year in which the student is expected to graduate.

Students shall be assigned an expected grad year 4 school years after the student begins 9th grade, or for transfer students (out-of-district or out-of-state), based on a transcript evaluation.

Date Field, 4 characters



Student Information > Genera > Graduation (tab) > Graduation Year


The student's cumulative grade point average as reported on the state standardized transcript. See GPA Calculation for more information

A numerical range from 0.000 to 4.000 is reported. If a student has a zero grade point average because of failure in all classes, the GPA would be reported as 0.000. Value is rounded to three decimal places.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters



Student Information > General > Credit Summary (tab) > Transcript Credit Summary > Cum GPA

Credits Attempted

The total cumulative number of credits the student has attempted for courses earning HS credit. Value is rounded to two decimal places.

Alphanumeric, 7 digits



Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Credit > Credits Attempted

Credits Earned

The total cumulative number of credits the student has earned for HS credit courses. Value is rounded to two decimal places.

Alphanumeric, 7 digits



Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Credit > Earned

Is Student Immigrant 

Indicates whether the student meets the definition of Immigrant.

Currently reports as null for all records. 

Alphanumeric, 1 character


Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Immigrant

Initial USA Placement Date

Indicates the date a student entered the US for the first time. This is NOT the date the student enrolled in a US school for the first time.

Date Field, 8 characters



Census > People > Person Information > Date Entered US

Num Months US Attendance 

Identifies the number of months a student attended public school in US (grades K-12) prior to enrolling in this district. 

Calculated based on date value entered in Census > People > Demographics > Date Entered US School, and the As-of Date entered on the Extract Editor.

Currently reports as null for all records. 

Numeric, 2 digits

Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored

Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored

Num Months Non US Formal Education

Identifies the number of months the student received formal education in their native language prior to enrolling in this district. This number reflects the school months in a year and excludes summer months.

This field will report any data entered in the Months Non US School Attendance regardless of the student's Birth Country.

Alphanumeric, 3 digits


Census > People > Demographics > Months Non US School Attendance

Military Family IndicatorIndicates if the student has a parent/guardian(s) in the military.Alphanumeric, 1 characterEnrollment.militaryFamilyStudent Information > General > Enrollments > Military Family Indicator
Preferred Last NameLogic reports the Last Name (Identities > Identity Information > Last Name) from the active Identity record on the As-of Date selected on the extract editor.Varchar, 60 digitsIdentity.lastNameCensus > People > Identities > Identity Information > Last Name
Preferred First NameLogic reports the First Name (Identities > Identity Information > First Name) from the active Identity record on the As-of Date selected on the extract editor.Varchar, 60 digitsIdentity.firstNameCensus > People > Identities > Identity Information > First Name
Preferred Middle NameLogic reports the Middle Name (Identities > Identity Information > Middle Name) from the active Identity record on the As-of Date selected on the extract editor.Varchar, 60 digitsIdentity.middleNameCensus > People > Identities > Identity Information > Middle Name