School Connections

Tool Search: School Connections

For intradistrict Cross-Site Enrollment participation, School Connections allows the district administrator to determine which school within the district can offer courses to other schools and which schools can accept offerings from other schools. For example, in a district with three high schools, those high schools might be marked to offer and accept from the other high schools but not from the elementary schools. 

Screenshot of the School Connections tool, located at Scheduling & Courses , Cross-Site EnrollmentSchool Connections

Read - Access the School Connections tool, view the main and side panels, and filter by school and grade level.
Write - Mark Offer To and Accept From to share offerings.
Add - N/A
Delete - N/A

Once marked here, the Cross-Site Enrollment Setup tool displays only those schools configured for offering to and accepting from:

  • When the Accept From option is not selected in the Home School's School Connections tool for a given Serving School, that Serving School and its courses do not display on the Home School's Serving Panel. 
  • When the Offer To option is not selected in a Serving School's School Connections tool for a given Home School, that Serving School and its courses are not displayed on the Home School's Serving Panel. 

Setting the School Connections Offer To/Accept From is done after determining which schools in the district are marked for Cross-Site Enrollment participation. For more information, see the Cross-Site Configuration article. 

Filter Schools

The list of schools can be filtered by school name or grade level. Multiple options can be selected for each filter field, and matching results alter the list of schools immediately. 

Screenshot of the School Connections tool, with the Filter by School and Filter by Grade Level fields highlighted.School Connections - Filter Fields

Offer To, Accept From 

The following steps must be performed for every school in the district marked for Cross-Site Enrollment participation. 

  1. Click the arrow to the far right of the school name to open the Edit School Connections side panel.
  2. Click the plus sign next to School Interactions. The list of schools in the district that have been marked for Cross-Site Enrollment display.
  3. Mark the Offer To checkbox for each school with which the selected school can offer courses. 
  4. Mark the Accept From checkbox for each school with which the selected school can accept courses.
  5. Remove the Offer To and Accept From checkboxes for each school where the selected cannot offer courses or accept courses.
  6. Click Save when finished.