Scheduling Components (California)

The Course, Section, and Roster Batch Edit tabs all contain fields that are specific to the state of California. These fields can be used for district-tracking purposes or these fields may directly affect state reporting. The information below further defines these state-specific fields to provide guidance in entering data.

If your district uses Course Masters, the same fields display on the Course Master editor and Course editor.

The Course and Section editors have duplicate fields, e.g., Content Alignment Standards Code or Distance Learning Indicator. The Course editor fields apply to all of the Sections of the course and should be populated when all of the Sections are identical. 

The Section editor fields only need to be populated if a particular section needs to report differently than the Course. Perhaps one section is for a particular group of students only and there are separate codes used for that group. In this situation, the field(s) should be populated at the Section level. 

Reports use the values on the Section editor first, if populated; if not populated, the values from the Course editor report. 

Course Fields

Tool Search: Course Information

The Course tab contains information about courses attached to this calendar or school. Many of the Course fields are unique to the state of California. These fields are further described below. All other fields in Course tab do not require unique, state-specific data. However, many of these fields are required and data entry in these fields is necessary. For more information on these fields, see the Course article.

Screenshot of the Course Information tool, located at Scheduling & Courses, Courses. Course Information Tool

State Code

A coded value representing a state-level Course Group. Course Group State is defined as a state-level coding structure used to group a number of local-level course descriptions by major subject areas (e.g., English/Language Arts, Mathematics, etc.) or to indicate individual-level courses.

A course MUST have a State Code in order to report to CALPADS.
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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > courseInfo.stateCode

Course > Course Information > courseInfo.courseMasterStateCode

Course > Course Information > Assessments > Course > assessmentCourse.stateCode

Course > Course Information > Assessments > Course > assessmentCourse.courseMasterStateCode



Cal Grant is a financial aid program administrated by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) providing aid to California undergraduates, vocational training students, and those in teacher certification programs. Cal Grant gives funds to students who meet grade point average and parent income requirements. See below for more information.

Click here to expand...

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > Custom Course > courseCustom.calGrantGPA


  • Mark the Cal Grant GPA checkbox to indicate the transcript should be included in the student's Cal Grant GPA calculation. By default, this option is marked. Districts may leave this option marked for courses meant for: grades 9 and below or middle/elementary courses.
  • Be sure to EXCLUDE the following Course types from the Cal Grant GPA calculation (Cal Grant GPA checkbox is unmarked):
    • Physical Education
    • Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC)
    • Remedial Courses  (Remedial courses are those that aren’t counted toward high school graduation.)
  • The Cal Grant GPA is calculated on a 4.00 scale (to two decimal places). Extra weight is not added for honors, Advanced Placement, or International Baccalaureate classes.
  • The GPA must include all grades from a student's: sophomore year, the summer following sophomore year, junior year, and the summer following junior year except those for physical education, Reserve Officers Training Corps and remedial courses. (Remedial courses are those that aren’t counted toward high school graduation.)
  • Failing grades for classes not repeated before a verified GPA is submitted must also be included.
  • This GPA is calculated using courses taken in grades 10 and 11 with a check in CalGrant GPA. If there are multiple courses with the same course number and one is flagged as a repeat, only the repeat course is used in the calculation, as long as the repeat was taken in grade 10 or 11. The unweighted GPA value is used.


CalGrant GPA Verification

ASES Not Funded

This After School Education & Safety (ASES) Program provides funds to schools and districts that collaborate with community partners to provide safe and educationally enriching alternatives for children and youths during non-school hours. Marking this field indicates this course is NOT funded through ASES.  

Click here to expand...

Database Location:

Course.altState Code

Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > courseInfo.altStateCode



Use the Type field to indicate the type of course this is. 

Click here to expand...

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > courseInfo.type


Academic Level 1

Academic Level 1 is used only for district-tracking purposes and is not used for state reporting.

Click here to expand...

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > Custom Course > courseInfo.academicLevel

Academic Level 2

A coded value representing the Course Non Standard Instructional Level. A Course Non-Standard Instructional Level is a level at which the content of a specific course is taught that is either above or below a “standard” course instructional level. These levels may be identified by the actual level of instruction, for example, “remedial” or “college-level.” They may also be identified by equating the course content and level of instruction with a state-or nationally-recognized advanced course of study such as International Baccalaureate or Advanced Placement.

Click here to expand...
23College Credit Only
24Dual Credit
35Remedial (Pre K-12)The level of course content and instruction has been approved by the local governing board as intended to correct or improve one's knowledge in a specified content area
33Gifted and TalentedThe level of course content and instruction has been approved by the local governing board as meeting the criteria for designation as a Gifted and Talented course
39UC Certified HonorsThe level of course content and instruction has been identified by the University of California System as meeting the criteria for designation as a UC-Certified Honors course
34Other honors (non-UC certified)The level of course content and instruction has been approved by the local governing board as meeting the criteria for designation as an Honors course. These honors courses are not the same as UC-Certified Honors courses.
40College LevelA college-level, college credit bearing course in which a student receives college credit upon successful completion. These courses may also count toward the high school graduation requirements (i.e. the student receives both college credit and high school credit). These are not Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) courses (AP and IB courses have their own Course Group State Codes).
30AssociateThis is an Associate degree. The degree could be an AA, AS, AAS (Associate of Applied Sciences), or ASN (Associate of Science Nursing). The degree is indicated on the transcripts submitted by the applicant and the exact degree will vary by institution. We refer to the degree in general terms as an Associate degree.
31Basic (Pre K-12)The level of course content and instruction has been identified as meeting the criteria for designation as a Basic (pre-k - grade 12) course
32General (Pre K-12)The level of course content and instruction has been identified as meeting the criteria for designation as a General (pre-k - grade 12) course
36Special EducationAn instructional strategy using the individually planned and systematically monitored arrangement of physical settings, special equipment and materials, teaching procedures, and other interventions designed to help learners with special needs achieve the greatest possible personal self-sufficiency and success in school and community.
37IB- Higher LevelA Bachelor's Degree plus 30 or more additional semester units.
38IB- Standard LevelThe International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program (DP) is a two-year comprehensive and rigorous pre-university curriculum leading to an IB diploma. Successful IB candidates are typically granted advanced placement credit at the finest universities and colleges in the nation. The IB DP curriculum sets out the requirements for study that is composed of three core elements that aim to broaden students' educational experience and challenge them to apply their knowledge and skills.

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > courseInfo.honorsCode


Activity Code

Use the Activity Code field to determine the after-school activity. This field is not used in state reporting and is used only for district-tracking purposes.

Click here to expand...

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > courseInfo.activityCode

Vocational Course

Use the droplist to determine the type of vocational course (a course emphasizing skills and knowledge required for a particular job function or a trade). 

Click here to expand...

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > courseInfo.vocationalCode


Distance Learning

Indicates an instructional method in which the pupil and instructor are in different locations and interact through the use of computer and communications technology. Distance learning may include video or audio instruction in which the primary mode of communication between pupil and instructor is instructional television, video, telecourses, or any other instruction that relies on computer or communications technology.

Options are:

  • Yes - course is always provided as a Distance Learning course
  • No - course is always provided as an In Person course
  • Hybrid.  - course is sometimes provided as a Distance Learning course and sometimes as an In Person course
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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > courseInfo.distanceCode


CALPADS Course Section

GSSM Category

The Golden State Seal Merit Diploma (GSSMD) insignia is awarded jointly by the State Board of Education and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to recognize students who have demonstrated mastery of the high school curriculum in at least six subject areas.

Students must meet the eligibility requirements in the following subjects:

  • English-language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • U.S. History
  • Two subject matter areas selected by the student

Use the Golden State Seal Merit (GSSM) Category to identify the subject area in which the course should be used when calculating the student's eligibility for GSSM.

Click here to expand...

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > courseInfo.gssmCategory

Course > Course Information > Assessments > Course > assessmentCourse.gssmCategory

Course > Course Information > Scheduling Rules > Course > ruleCourse.gssmCategory

Course > Course Information > Planning Rules > Course > planCourse.gssmCategory


GSSM Report

Course Content Area Subcategory

The Content Area Subcategory appears for state codes that require a subcategory, listed below. When the selected State Code field is NOT one of the following, the Course Content Area Subcategory list is empty.

  • 9000: Visual Art
  • 9051: Business
  • 9080: Dance
  • 9130: World Languages I
  • 9131: World Languages II
  • 9132: World Languages III
  • 9133: World Languages IV
  • 9134: World Languages for Native Speakers I
  • 9135: World Languages for Native Speakers II
  • 9136: World Languages for Native Speakers II
  • 9137: World Languages for Native Speakers IV
  • 9155: Middle School World Language
  • 9156: World Languages V
  • 9157: World Languages for Native Speakers V
  • 9222: Applied Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
  • 9223: Humanities
  • 9291: Music - Instrumental (Performance Based)
  • 9292: Music - Instrumental (Non-Performance Based)
  • 9293: Music - Vocal (Performance Based)
  • 9294: Music - Vocal (Non-Performance Based)
Click here to expand...

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > courseInfo.embeddedCourseNumber

Course > Course Information > Assessments > Course > assessmentCourse.embeddedCourseNumber

Course > Course Information > Scheduling Rules > Course > ruleCourse.embeddedCourseNumber

Course > Course Information > Planning Rules > Course > planCourse.embeddedCourseNumber


CALPADS Course Section

Grade Level Range Code

The Grade Level Range Code is a coded value representing the content standards taught in a course.

  • ELM: Elementary K-4
  • MID: Middle Grades 5-8
  • SEC: Secondary 9-12
  • NOT: Not Applicable
Click here to expand...

Database Location:



CALPADS Course Section

Content Standards Alignment Code

The Course Standards Alignment Code represents which content standards were used to develop the content of the course. 

This field exists on both the Course Editor and the Course Section editor. The CALPADS Course Section Extract reports this information first from the Section editor; if the field is not populated there, information reports from the Course editor.

Click here to expand...

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > courseInfo.contentStandard


CALPADS Course Section

Charter Non-Core, Non-College Prep

This field indicates whether a charter school has identified a course as non-core, non-college preparatory. Y means that the course is non-core, non-college prep. N means that the course is a core or college prep course.

Click here to expand...

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > courseInfo.charterNonCoreCollegePrep


CALPADS Course Section

AP/IB Course Code Cross Reference

The State Course Code of an Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate course that is part of a career technical education pathway. This field provides a cross reference when the State Course Code field is populated with the CTE course code.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > courseInfo.wblCoursetype

Course > Course Information > Assessment > Course > assessmentCourse.wblCoursetype

Course > Course Information > Scheduling Rules > Course > ruleCourse.wblCoursetype

Course > Course Information > Planning Rules > Course > planCourse.wblCoursetype


CALPADS Course Section

Online Course Instruction Type

This field indicates how online courses are taught - by the instructor, by a facilitator, or by the learners.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > courseInfo.teachingMethod

Course > Course Information > Assessment > Course > assessmentCourse.teachingMethod

Course > Course Information > Scheduling Rules > Course > ruleCourse.teachingMethod

Course > Course Information > Planning Rules > Course > planCourse.teachingMethod


CALPADS Course Section

Middle School Core Course Indicator

When marked, this field indicates whether a course is being taught in a middle school core setting (two blocked periods of math and science taught by a teacher in grades 5-8, for example).

This field displays on the Course Section editor as well. If this field is marked at the Course level, it is also marked at the section level.

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Database Location:



Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > courseInfo.middleSchoolCoreCourseInd

Course > Course Information > Assessment > Course > assessmentCourse.middleSchoolCoreCourseInd

Course > Course Information > Scheduling Rules > Course > ruleCourse.middleSchoolCoreCourseInd

Course > Course Information > Planning Rules > Course > planCourse.middleSchoolCoreCourseInd

Course > Section Information > sectionInfo.middleSchoolCoreCourseInd


CALPADS Course Section

Local Assignment Option Code

This field is used as a reference to indicate which staff have the appropriate credentials to teach the course. This list includes the state-approved Education Code and the Title V Regulations Section codes.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > courseInfo.programType

Course > Course Information > Assessment > Course > assessmentCourse.programType

Course > Course Information > Scheduling Rules > Course > ruleCourse.programType

Course > Course Information > Planning Rules > Course > planCourse.programType


CALPADS Course Section

High Quality CTE Course Indicator

This field indicates whether the course section and teacher meet the High Quality CTE Course qualifications.

This field displays on the Course Section editor as well. If this field is marked at the Course level, it is also marked at the section level.

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Database Location:



Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > courseInfo.highQualityCTEInd

Course > Course Information > Assessments > Course > assessmentCourse.highQualityCTEInd

Course > Course Information > Scheduling Rules > Course > ruleCourse.highQualityCTEInd

Course > Course Information > Planning Rules > Course > planCourse.highQualityCTEInd

Course > Section Information >sectionInfo.highQualityCTEInd


CALPADS Course Section

CTE Fields on the Course Tab

These fields are used to help identify CTE courses and to determine necessary information about CTE courses. These fields are necessary to ensure CTE courses are accurately reported.

Postsecondary Articulate

An indication of whether or not a Career Technical Education course has been designated as a Postsecondary Articulated Course. A Postsecondary Articulated Course is a course within a CTE technical career pathway or program that has been articulated with a postsecondary education institution. Successful completion of an articulated course may result in the student meeting the prerequisite requirements for a higher-level course in this course sequence upon enrollment in a postsecondary institution. 

Click here to expand...

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries: 

Course > Course Information > Custom Course > customCourse.postSecondaryArticulate

Career Tech

Use this checkbox to indicate this is a CTE course.

Click here to expand...

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries: 

Course > Course Information > Custom Course > customCourse.careerTech

Capstone Course

In an established and coherent sequence of courses, this checkbox indicates this course is the final, most advanced course where students apply their learning from the preceding courses

Click here to expand...

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries: 

Course > Course Information > Custom Course > customCourse.capstoneCourse


The UC/CSU Code indicates a value representing University of California or California State University College Admission Course Requirement that a high school course has been determined to meet. This determination is made by the UC/CSU systems. This field auto-populates the UC/CSU Code field on the Transcript tab

Click here to expand...

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries: 

Course > Course Information > Custom Course > customCourse.ucUSCCourse


Use this field to select the proper code indicating the course meets one, or more, of the A-G course admission requirements. This is necessary to post to transcript.

CTE Funding Provider

A coded value representing the Career Technical Education Course Provider Category. A Career Technical Education Course Provider Category is a category best describing the entity that is providing a Career Technical Education course.

Click here to expand...
1Regional Occupational Center or Program (ROC/P)The Career Technical Education course is provided by the Regional Occupational Center or Program (ROC/P).
2DistrictThe Career Technical Education course is provided by the district.

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries: 

Course > Course Information > Custom Course > customCourse.cteFundProvider

Course Section Fields

Tool Search: Section Information

The Section tab within the Course folder is provided as a view screen, listing all sections for the selected course and basic identifying information about that section - the assigned primary teacher, where the section meets, in what term and for what period, and how many students are in each section.

Once the user selects the Edit link next to a Section number, additional tabs display, providing more details about that course section. Scheduling staff, principals, counselors, etc. can use the tools available in this view to manage course section information - entering grades, creating rosters, recording attendance, etc.

Many of the Section fields are unique to the state of California. These fields are further described below.  All other fields in Section tab do not require unique, state-specific data. However, many of these fields are required and data entry in these fields is necessary. For more information on these fields, see the Sections article.

Screenshot of the Section Information editor, located at Scheduling & Courses, Coruses. Section Information Editor

Multiple Teacher

A coded value representing the Multiple Teacher Code. A Multiple Teacher Instruction Strategy is a category describing the strategy used when there is more than one Teacher teaching a Class.

Click here to expand...
1Team TeachingTwo or more teachers providing instruction to the class during the entire class session.
2Job SharingTwo or more teachers providing instruction to the class on an alternating basis, and not at the same time.

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Section Information > sectionInfo.multipleTeacherCode


Academic Term

A coded value representing an Academic Term. An Academic Term is the period of time into which the education institution divides the academic year for the purpose of instruction. This field automatically populates the Marking Period Code field on the Transcript tab.

For Academic Term, if the code cannot be calculated using the Section Schedule Placement, a choice should be made on the Course Section Editor. For Marking Period, if the code cannot be calculated using the Actual Term/Calendar Terms data, a choice should be made on the Transcript Course Record.

The Academic Term field is an override field. Please see the table below for more information on how this field is considered for state reporting.

Click here to expand...
FYFull YearA session that lasts the full academic year
H1First HexmesterThe first of six hexmesters in an Academic Year.
H2Second HexmesterThe second of six hexmesters in an Academic Year.
H3Third HexmesterThe third of six hexmesters in an Academic Year.
H4Fourth HexmesterThe fourth of six hexmesters in an Academic Year.
H5Fifth HexmesterThe fifth of six hexmesters in an Academic Year.
H6Sixth HexmesterThe sixth of six hexmesters in an Academic Year.
ISIntersessionAn academic session that occurs during a short break during the academic year (not necessarily a longer, summer break), typical of year-round schools
Q1First QuarterThe first  of four quarters an academic year
Q2Second QuarterThe second of four quarters an academic year
Q3Third QuarterThe third of four quarters an academic year
Q4Fourth QuarterThe fourth of four quarters an academic year
S1First SemesterThe first of two semesters in an academic year
S2Second SemesterThe second of two semesters in an academic year
SPSupplemental SessionA session that occurs on evenings, after school, or weekends
SSSummer SessionAn academic session that occurs during the summer break
T1First TrimesterThe first of three trimesters in an academic year
T2Second TrimesterThe second of three trimesters in an academic year
T3Third TrimesterThe third of three trimesters in an academic year
Z1Other First TermThe first term in a set of terms not otherwise defined in this code set
Z2Other Second TermThe second term in a set of terms not otherwise defined in this code set
Z3Other Third TermThe third term in a set of terms not otherwise defined in this code set
Z4Other Fourth TermThe fourth term in a set of terms not otherwise defined in this code set
Z5Other Fifth TermThe fifth term in a set of terms not otherwise defined in this code set
Z6Other Sixth TermThe sixth term in a set of terms not otherwise defined in this code set
Z7Other Seventh TermThe seventh term in a set of terms not otherwise defined in this code set
Z8Other Eighth TermThe eighth term in a set of terms not otherwise defined in this code set
Z9Other Ninth TermThe ninth term in a set of terms not otherwise defined in this code set

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Section Information > Custom Section > customSection.academicTerm


Program Funding Source

A coded value representing an Education Program that represents a particular source of previous or current funding. For example, if a course section is or was previously funded specifically with funding from the California Partnership Academies Program.

Click here to expand...

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Section Information > Custom Section > customSection.pgmFundingSrc


If the funding is, or was, by the California Partnership Academy Program, select 113: California Partnership Academy from the drop-list. If this is not who provided the funding, leave this field blank.


CALPADS Course Section

Instructional Strategy

Instructional Strategy is defined as a method used to deliver curriculum and instruction.

Click here to expand...
300Home and Hospital

Instruction provided to an individual pupil in the pupil's home, in a hospital or other residential health facility, excluding state hospitals, or under other circumstances prescribed by regulations adopted for that purpose by the State Board of Education.


Special Education

An instructional strategy using the individually planned and systematically monitored arrangement of physical settings, special equipment and materials, teaching procedures, and other interventions designed to help learners with special needs achieve the greatest possible personal self-sufficiency and success in school and community.

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Section Information > Custom Section > customSection.instructStrategy


EL Instruction Type

A coded value representing an Education Service. An Education Service is specific service or services that are performed within an Education Service Category. Every Education Program provides one or more services to students. Each of these services falls within an Education Service Category.

Click here to expand...
1Primary Language Instruction and Designated and Integrated ELD InstructionThis course section is providing primary language instruction, English Language Development (ELD), and Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English. Primary language instruction is an approach used to teach academic courses in and/or through a primary language other than English. The curriculum must be equivalent to that provided to fluent English proficient (FEP) and English only students. Instruction must be provided by an authorized teacher (either certified or in training for the type of service provided). ELD is an academic subject of English language instruction appropriate for the student's identified level of language proficiency. ELD is consistently implemented and designed to promote second language acquisition of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. ELD instruction must be provided by an authorized teacher (either certified or in training for the type of service provided). SDAIE is an approach used to teach academic courses to English learner (EL) students in English. SDAIE must be designed for non-native speakers of English and focused on increasing the comprehensibility of the academic courses normally provided to FEP and English-only students in the district. SDAIE must be provided by an authorized teacher (either certified or in training for the type of service provided).
2Designated ELD Instruction OnlyThis course section is providing only English Language Development (ELD) instruction, which is an academic subject of English language instruction appropriate for the student's identified level of language proficiency. ELD is consistently implemented and designed to promote second language acquisition of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. ELD instruction must be provided by an authorized teacher (either certified or in training for the type of service provided).
3Integrated ELD Instruction OnlyThis course section is providing only Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) services, which is an approach used to teach academic courses to English learner (EL) students in English. SDAIE must be designed for non-native speakers of English and focused on increasing the comprehensibility of the academic courses normally provided to FEP and English-only students in the district. SDAIE must be provided by an authorized teacher (either certified or in training for the type of service provided).
4Designated and Integrated ELD Instruction but Not Primary Language InstructionThe course section is providing English Language Development (ELD) instruction and Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) but NOT Primary Language Instruction. ELD is an academic subject of English language instruction appropriate for the student's identified level of language proficiency. ELD is consistently implemented and designed to promote second language acquisition of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. ELD instruction must be provided by an authorized teacher (either certified or in training for the type of service provided). SDAIE is an approach used to teach academic courses to English learner (EL) students in English. SDAIE must be designed for non-native speakers of English and focused on increasing the comprehensibility of the academic courses normally provided to FEP and English-only students in the district. SDAIE must be provided by an authorized teacher (either certified or in training for the type of service provided). The course section is NOT providing Primary Language Instruction.
5No English Learner ServicesThe course is not providing any instructional services designed specifically for English learners.
6Other English Learner ServiceThe course section is providing some type of instructional service, that, while specifically designed for ELs, is an instructional service that is not narrowly defined in the other English learner services (Primary Language Instruction, English language development, or Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English).  These instructional services vary either quantitatively or qualitatively from the other EL services. For example, use this code for courses providing ONLY services such as dictionaries or glossaries in the primary language to support learning; or for courses providing alternative EL services to severely disabled students in a special education setting.

Database Location: 


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Section Information > Custom Section > customSection.elInstructionType


Please note that if the section is assigned an EL Instructional Type of 1:Primary Language Instruction and ELD and/or SDAIE, the section MUST ALSO be assigned a Language of Instruction. 


CALPADS Course Section

Language of Instruction

The language in which instruction is provided or received. Language is defined as communication through ruled governed systems of spoken, signed, or written words common to a people of the same community or nation.

Click here to expand...

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Section Information > Custom Section > customSection.languageOfInstruction


Please note that if the section is assigned an EL Instructional Type of 1:Primary Language Instruction and ELD and/or SDAIE, a selection in the Language of Instruction field is required. 


CALPADS Course Section

Independent Study

Marking this option is an indication the course section is taught by way of independent study, which is defined as students working independently, according to a written agreement and under the general supervision of a credentialed teacher. While independent study students follow the district-adopted curriculum and meet the district graduation requirements, independent study offers flexibility to meet individual student needs, interests, and styles of learning.

Click here to expand...

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Section Information > Custom Section > customSection.independentStd


CALPADS Course Section

Distance Learning Override

An indication of whether or not Course Section instruction was delivered by way of distance learning. Distance learning is an instructional method in which the pupil and instructor are in different locations and interact through the use of computer and communications technology. Distance learning may include video or audio instruction in which the primary mode of communication between pupil and instructor is instructional television, video, telecourses, or any other instruction that relies on computer or communications technology.

Click here to expand...

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Course > Section Information > customSection.distanceLearning


CALPADS Course Section