Wisconsin Ed-Fi Data v3.3 - Student Language Instruction Program Associations

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This association represents the Title III Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students program(s) that a student participates in or from which the Student receives services.

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


The student must have a Student School Association record in the configured year and meet the following EL record criteria:

  • The student has a EL Program Status = 'EL'.
  • The student has a EL Program Status = 'Exited EL' and the First Year Monitoring or Second Year Monitoring dates overlap a configured year. Use today's date to determine their status.
  • Use the Program Exit date as the start date and the First Year Monitoring date as the end date to determine the student's status.
  • Use the day after the First Year Monitoring date as the start date and the Second Year Monitoring date as the end date to determine the student's status.
  • Do not send a record if the student's Second Year Monitoring date is before the configured year.
  • Do not send records if the Calendar Exclude or Summer School Exclude check box is checked in the calendar the student is enrolled or the calendar is in a School marked Exclude.
  • Do not send records if the Grade Level Exclude check box is checked on the grade the student is enrolled.
  • Do not send a record if enrollment is marked as No Show, State Exclude, or WISE Exclude.
  • Do not report if State Enrollment Type = Coursework Only or PPP: Parentally Placed Private.
  • If Ed-Fi Configuration Profile = Choice + Private Opt In or Ed-Fi Configuration Profile = Choice ONLY, do not report a record

When any field part of the natural key is changed:

  • Identified Date

When any field not part of the natural key is changed:

  • End Date
  • englishLanguageProficiencyAssessments
  • languageInstructionProgramServices
DeleteAll enrollments are deleted for a student.
DeleteWhen an enrollment is deleted or one of the check boxes for No Show, State Exclude, or WISE Exclude are checked.
DeleteIf the student's EL record is no longer eligible to report based on Identified Date, Exit Date or EL Status.
DeleteWhen a resync is completed for all schools if a student has multiple enrollments that meet the requirements. Any existing SLIPA records for each enrollment in the reported year will remain.

Note: When a resync is completed for All schools if a student has multiple enrollments that meet the requirements any existing SLIPA records for each enrollment in the reported year must remain.

School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync Logic

This table describes the School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync logic of this object.

NoneIf a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data will remain in the ODS but no new data will send.
ResyncIf a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it will be deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table.
ResyncIf a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it will be deleted from the ODS.
ResyncIf a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync will need to be done to reflect the changes.

Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic

This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.


Natural Key changes:

  • LEA Reference - District Numbers cannot change after data has been sent.  If a district number changes, we would expect an Ed-Fi error and this change would not be supported.
  • If an Ed-Fi ID changes, a delete/post will occur with the cascading deletes from the Ed-Fi ID Change triggers.
  • If the Program Name or Program Type Descriptor mapping changes and a resync is completed.
  • If the Identified Date of the EL program record changes.
DeleteCascading Deletes:  N/A there are no dependent resources.

Scope Year Logic

This table describes scope year logic of this object.

Business Rules
The record will send to any year the EL record overlaps  with if the student has an enrollment in that year.
Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

Identity Mapping Object Key

Campus Object TypeObject Key Data Source

Event Queue Detail

This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.

Campus Table

Ed-Fi Action




The primary table for sending data

lepPutEnd Date
lepPutMonitored Descriptor




PutProficiency Descriptor
lepservicePutEnglish Learner Participation



PutLanguage Instruction Program Service Descriptor

Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements sent within the Student Language Instruction Program Association resource.

Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementLogicM, C or O

Data Source GUI Path

Database Field
id The unique identifier of the resource.

beginDateThe enrollment date for continuing ELs or the date of identification for new ELs.
  1. If the EL Date Identified is prior to the current school year, report the start date of the triggering enrollment.
  2. If EL Date is in the current year, report the latest of:
    • the EL Date Identified.
    • the Enrollment Start Date.

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Start Date

Student Information > Program Participation > EL > EL Date Identified




A reference to the related school.
  1. If there is a school override on the Enrollment, report first from the override.

  2. Otherwise, report the School Ed-Fi Number from the school of Enrollment triggering the record.


Student information > General > enrollment > School Override

Student > Information > General > Enrollment > School Calendar

System Administration > Resources > School > Ed-Fi Number

programReferenceA reference to the Program Resource.
  1. Report "Language Instruction Education" for Program Name.

  2. Report '48856' for educationOrganizationid.


studentReferenceA unique alpha-numeric code assigned to a student.
  1. Reports the Natural Key for the Student resource

endDateThe enrollment end date.
  1. Report the earliest of:
    • The enrollment end date.
    • The EL Program Exit Date.
  2. If the enrollment is not ended and the EL program is not exited, report blank.

 -  Note: For 1st and 2nd year monitoring students who exited EL but do not have an enrollment end date in the current year, report blank.


Student Information > General > Enrollment > End Date

Student Information > Program Participation > EL > Exit Date





Results of yearly English language assessment.
  1. This is optional, does not report.

englishLearnerParticipationAn indication that an English Learner student is served by an English language instruction educational program supported with Title III of ESEA funds.
  1. This is optional, does not report.


Indicates the service(s) being provided to the Student by the Language Instruction Program.

  1. See Array section for details.

reasonExitedDescriptorThis descriptor defines the reason a student exited a program.
  1. This is optional, does not report.


Indicates whether the Student received services during the summer session or between sessions.

  1. This is optional, does not report.


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English Language Proficiency Assessments

Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementLogicM, C or O

Data Source GUI Path

Database Field

Student is monitored on content achievement who are no longer receiving services.

  1. Report the following when the  student has an LEP Program Status = Exited LEP, the LEP Exit Date falls in the monitoring period, and the Monitoring option is mapped in the preferences.
    • Report the code mapped to First Year Monitoring if today's date is on or between the EL Exit Date and the First Year Monitoring Date.
    • Report the code mapped to Second Year Monitoring if today's date is after the First Year Monitoring date and on or before the Second Year Monitoring Date.
    • If the Second Year Monitoring Date has past, continue to report the Second Year Monitoring through the end of the current school year.
  2. Otherwise, do not report.
OStudent Information> Program Participation> English Learners (EL) > First Year Monitoring or Second Year Monitoring





Field indicating the participation in the yearly English language assessment.

  1. This field is optional and does not report.


The proficiency level for the yearly English language assessment.

See Appendix A below for Details.O


The yearly progress or growth from last year's assessment.

  1. This is optional, does not report.

schoolYearTypeReferenceKey for School YearReporting from Override:
  1. If reporting from the english proficiency override field AND 
    • If the student's EL Identified Date is in the current year as defined by the configuration set up, report the current year's end year. OR
    • IF student's EL Identified is in the prior school year, then report the prior year end year.

Reporting from EL Assessment

  •  If a student has an EL Assessment (assessment type of LIP or LPF) in the prior year AND
    •  The student's EL Identified Date is in the year tied to the configuration and before today's date, report the previous year's end year (for example, student has a test date of 05/30/2019 and EL Identified Date of 09/03/2019, report 2019).
    • If the student's EL identified date is in a prior year then report the end year the assessment is aligned to based on the test date. 
      • If multiple assessments exist and one is the prior year and the other is in the current year, report the prior year end year. 
  • If the only assessment is in the current year then report the current year end year ( for example, student has a test date of 09/05/2020 and EL Identified Date of 09/03/2020, report 2021) regardless of identified date. 
  • If the test date is blank or is greater than -1 year, report the prior year end year. (Example: If reporting year is 19-20, report 2019 as school year.)

school Year

Language Instruction Program Services

Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementLogicM, C or O

Data Source GUI Path

Database Field

True if service is a primary service.

  1. For the earliest active service, report 'TRUE'.
  2. Otherwise, report 'FALSE'.
OStudent Information> Program Participation> EL> EL Services> Start Datelepservice.startDate
serviceBeginDateFirst date the Student was in this option for the current school year.

This is optional, does not report.


serviceEndDateLast date the Student was in this option for the current school year.

This is optional, does not report.

OStudent Information> Program Participation> EL> EL Services> End Datelepservice.endDate

Appendix A: Additional Logic

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It is expected that students will report an EL Record through the entire school year of their 2nd year monitoring date.

Determine which EL Record to use:

  1. For the current scope year, as defined on the configuration (current date is within the start and end date of the year dates):
    • Find the EL record to be used as of today's date:
      • Find all EL records where the EL Identified Date is before today's date.
        • EL records with an Identified Date after today's date are disregarded.
      • Use the record if one of the following is true:
        • If today's date does not fall between the Identified Date and the Exit Date of any LEP record,AND no record exists without an Identified Date, then 
          1. Find the most recently exited record .
          2. EL second year monitoring date must fall after or within the current configuration. 
            • Example- 20-21 configuration dates: 07/01/2020-06/30/2021 (each year after follows same pattern)
              • EL exit date is 08/25/20202- this is reportable through the 2022-2023 school year because 2nd year monitoring is 08/25/2023.
      • If today's date does not fall between the Identified Date and the Exit Date of any LEP record, and no record exists without an Identified Date, use the most recent LEP record with an Exit Date as the Valid EL Record.
  2. For any previous year's data (scope year set to a year with an end date prior to the current date):

    • Find the latest EL record within the configuration or before (on or before the last date of the year)

    • Program Status must be "EL" or "Exited EL".

    • Follow below to determine what value to report.

Logic for reporting from EL Record

  1. From the identified EL record, calculate the reported value:
    • If there is an English Proficiency Override value on the EL record used (see above for logic on which record to use), report that value.
    • If no English Proficiency Override exists AND the student has an exited EL Status and the Exit date is prior to the current date/end of year date, report '6'.
    • Otherwise find an EL Assessment of Assessment Type 'LPF' or 'LID'.
      • If the student's EL Identified date is prior to the start date of the school year, use the most recent assessment score in the prior year.
        • Score must be on the parent assessment.
        • This score must report through the end date on index>system admin> calendar>school years> end date
          1. If Null, report this through 6/30/current year.
    • Else find an EL Assessment of Assessment Type 'LPF' or 'LID'.
      • If the student's EL Identified Date is prior to the start date of the school year, use the most recent assessment score in the prior year.
        • Score must be on the parent assessment.
      • If the student is a new EL student or they have no assessments in the prior year, use this year's assessment score.
        • The student's EL Identified Date must be on or after the start of the scope year and on or before today's date.
        • Score is on the parent test.
      • From the identified assessment, pull the result value (1.0-6.0) and display the result truncated to the whole number.
        • For example: The result on the EL Assessment being considered = 2.8, a '2' is reported.
      • For the current year, any test with a value outside this range (6.1 or above, or 0-.9) is disregarded and does not report.
      • For previous years, if Test Result is not numeric, disregard the value and do not report.
  2. If Home Primary Language is equal to eng (English), report 7.
  3. If the Student has an EL record but does not meet the above, report 7.


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Monitored Descriptor

Code ValueDescription
Year 1Year 1
Year 2Year 2

Language Instruction Service Descriptor

Code ValueDescription
BDD: Bilingual - Dual Language ImmersionBilingual - Dual Language Immersion
BDT: Bilingual - Developmental or Late - Transitional Bilingual ProgramBilingual - Developmental or Late - Transitional Bilingual Program
BT: Bilingual - Transitional Bilingual EducationBilingual - Transitional Bilingual Education
BH: Bilingual - Heritage Language Program or Indigenous Language ProgramBilingual - Heritage Language Program or Indigenous Language Program
ESL-CB: ESL/Bilingual - Content-Based ESL-BilingualESL/Bilingual - Content-Based ESL-Bilingual
ESL-S: ESL - Sheltered InstructionESL - Sheltered Instruction
ESL-I: ESL - Integrated or Co-Teaching ModelsESL - Integrated or Co-Teaching Models
NO-ESL: ESL - No ESL Program AvailableESL - No ESL Program Available
EN: ESL/Bilingual - Newcomer-ESLESL/Bilingual - Newcomer-ESL
ESL-NB: ESL/Bilingual - Newcomer-BilingualESL/Bilingual - Newcomer-Bilingual
ESL-IS: ESL/Bilingual - Integrated EL-Special EducationESL/Bilingual - Integrated EL-Special Education