Student Exclusionary Discipline File (R) Extract (Washington)

PATH: WA State Reporting > Student Exclusionary Discipline File (R)

The Student Exclusionary Disciple File (R) allows users to capture and report information regarding behavior and exclusionary discipline actions for students involved in incidents during school and school-related activities. 

Student Exclusionary Discipline (R) Extract Editor 

Report Logic

  • One record per exclusionary Behavior Resolution on or between the reporting range is reported. 
  • In order to report, the Behavior Resolution must be marked as 'exclusionary' meaning it is mapped to one of the following State Resolution Codes:
    • EX (Expulsion), LS (Long Term Suspension), SS (Short Term Suspension), IS (In School Suspension), EE(Emergency Expulsion), CE (Classroom Exclusion)
  • Behavior Resolutions with a valid State Resolution Code of NA (No Intervention Applied) will ONLY report when the event of record is mapped to State Event Code.
  • If a Firearm event does not have at least one reportable Behavior Resolution entered per Offender, arecord is still reported.
    • Reportable Firearm events must be mapped to a reported State Event Code and have a Weapon Type selected that is not KD or OW.
  • Students must have a State ID in order to report.
  • Students must be enrolled in at least one calendar and not flagged as No Show or State Excluded on their enrollment record and not in an excluded Grade Level or Calendar.

Recommended Process for WA State Reporting

Should an Exclusionary Action be modified and/or converted to another exclusionary action, the state expects each action to report in a separate record.

In order to report modifications to an original Behavior Resolution as they occur, Campus recommends the following process:

  • The original exclusionary Behavior Resolution should be end dated.
  • Then create a new/duplicate exclusionary Behavior Resolution record by copying all data on the original.  Modifications can then be made on the new/duplicate record.  Be sure to set the new start date to the date the modification/s became applicable and save. 
    • Should changes be saved on the original resolution record, these changes made will overwrite the original data and a single record will report. 
  • Should multiple exclusionary actions be applicable at the same time, each action should be entered as a separate Behavior Resolution in Campus. (Behavior Resolution start & end dates may overlap.)

Generating the Extract

  1. Enter an As of Date in mmddyyyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date.
  2. Select which students will be included in the report:
    1. Grade - Select which grades will be reported.
    2. Ad Hoc Filter - Select an Ad hoc filter to further narrow report results.
  3. Select the Format in which the report will be generated. Use CSV when submitting data to the state; otherwise use HTML to review data.
  4. Select the Calendars to be included on the report. 
  5. Click Generate Extract to generate the report in the indicated format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report will generate.

Users have the option of submitting report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process will allow larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. The generated extract is available in the Process Inbox For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article

Student Exclusionary Discipline (R) Extract - HTML

Report Layout

Data Element LabelDescriptionCampus Database

Campus UI Location

School YearThe reporting calendar end year (i.e., if 2018-2019, 2019 is reported)Calendar.endDateSystem Administration > Calendar > Calendar > End Date
Serving County District Code

Indicates the county district serving the student.

Logic reports the Service District Code (if populated). If null, the State District Number is reports (leading zeros if needed).



Student Information > General > Enrollment > Serving District Code

System Administration > Resources > County

System Administration > Resources > District Info > State District Number

District Student IDThe reporting student's Student Number.


Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student Number
SSIDThe reporting student's State Student ID.


Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > State Student ID
Location IDThe reporting student's State School Number.


System Administration > Resources> School > School Detail > State School Number
Incident IDReports the Campus-generated Incident ID of the behavior Incident/Event/Offender/Resolution of record.N/ABehavior > Behavior Management >  Incident Management Editor > Incident Detail Information > Incident ID
Incident DateThe date in which the incident occurred.


Behavior > Behavior Management/Behavior Referral > Date of Incident
Behavior Code

Reports the most severe mapped State Event Code (Event Type) for the reporting Incident/Event/Offender/Resolution of record. 

  • This is determined based on the value set in the data dictionary. A value of 1 is the most severe.




Student Information > General > Behavior Tab > Behavior Event > Event ID

System Administration > Behavior > Event Types > Behavior Event Type Editor > Behavior Event Type Detail > State Code

Behavior > Behavior Management > Event/Participant Editor > Event and Participant Details > Participant Details > Role, Participant Name

Other Behaviors

Reports any other unique state event codes mapped to the event.

Logic reports any additional unique State Event Codes as mapped from all other Behavior Events entered for the reporting student offender on the Incident of record.

  • Codes reports cannot be the same value as the code reported in the Behavior Code field above.
  • If multiple Events exist and are mapped to unique State Event Code values, values are reported as a string separated by commas.
  • All codes report as two digit, zero-filled as needed.

Student Information > General > Behavior Tab > Behavior Event > Event ID

System Administration > Behavior > Event Types > Behavior Event Type Editor > Behavior Event Type Detail > State Code

Weapon Type

Indicates any Weapon Code marked on the unique Incident/Event/Offender/Resolution record.

Logic reports any Weapon Code from the record where State Reported = Y: Yes.

  • If multiple weapons records are present for an event and none of them are marked as State Reported, logic will return the code from the most recent reportable firearm state code (not KD or OW).
  • If multiple weapons records are present for an event and marked as State Reported, logic will return the code from the most recent reportable firearm state code (not KD or OW) flagged as State Reported.


Behavior > Behavior Management > Behavior Event > Participant(s) Details > Weapon

Exclusionary Action Applied

Indicates the State Resolution Code set for the unique Incident/Event/Offender/Resolution record.

Logic reports the mapped State Resolution Code. Resolutions mapped to State Resolution Codes 50,51, 52, 53, 54, or 55 are not reported.


Behavior > Behavior Management >Events and Participants > Add Resolution > Resolution Details > State Code

Exclusionary Action Date

Indicates the date the behavior resolution (exclusionary action) began for the unique Incident/Event/Offender/Resolution record.

Logic reports the Resolution Assign Date. If this is null, the Resolution Start Date is reported. If both are null, a null value is reported.


Behavior > Behavior Management >Events and Participants > Add Resolution > Resolution Details > Resolution Assign Date or Start Date

Duration Exclusionary Action Days

Indicates the duration of the exclusionary action.

Logic reports the value entered in the Duration in School Days (as a whole number, normal rounding rules apply).

  • If the Duration in School Days field is null, logic calculates the total number of consecutive school days a student is excluded based on the As of Date on the extract editor and the Resolution Start Date and Resolution End Date.
    • If the REsolution End Date is less than or equal to the As of Date on the extract editor, logic will calculate the total consecutive school days from the Resolution Start Date to the Resolution End Date
      • If Resolution Start Date = Resolution End Date, a value of 1 is reported.
    • If the Resolution End Date is null or greater than the As of Date on the extract editor, logic will calculate the total consecutive school days from the Resolution Start Date to the As of Date selected on the extract editor.
    • To count, each date must be marked as School Day on the calendar.
    • If Resolution Start Date is null, logic will count from the Resolution Assign Date.
    • If the As of Date falls prior to the Resolution End Date, logic will count the school days up to and including the As of Date.

Behavior > Behavior Management >Events and Participants > Add Resolution > Duration in School Days

System Administration > Calendar > Days > Day Detail > School Day

Behavior > Behavior Management >Events and Participants > Add Resolution > Resolution Start Date

Behavior > Behavior Management >Events and Participants > Add Resolution > Resolution End Date

Exclusionary Time

Reports the percent of seat time the student was excluded as a percentage of the student's scheduled instructional time.

If the student's exclusion spans multiple days, districts should add the amount of time the student was excluded on each day and then round that summation to the nearest tenth. Students excluded from their regular educational setting for an entire school day should be reported in this element as a 1.0 for each full day of exclusion. Students excluded from their regular educational setting for less than a full school day should be summarized for the full duration of the exclusion and then rounded to the nearest 0.1 (tenth).

Calculation Hierarchy

  • Time is first derived from Behavior Attendance.
    • This is signified by an Attendance Excuse selected on Resolution Details.
  • If an Attendance Excuse is not selected on Resolution Details, time is derived based on both the Resolution Start Date and Resolution End Date.
  • If neither an Attendance Excuse and both Resolution Start Date and Resolution End Date are not entered, the value in the Duration Exclusionary Action Days element is reported in XXX.X format.
  • If the Resolution Start Date is null, time is calculated from the Resolution Assign Date.
  • If the As of Date falls prior to the Resolution End Date, logic counts exclusionary time up to and including the As of Date to report with the As of Date counting as a full day.

How Time is Derived when Attendance Excuse is Selected on Resolution Details

    • Per Date on/between the Resolution Start Date and Resolution End Date or As of Date (whichever comes first)
      • Total instructional minutes marked with an attendance code where Status = Absent, and Excuse =  Excused OR Unexcused
        • Present Minutes marked on the Attendance Information editor during the student's absent (excused or unexcused) period/s are subtracted from the absent instructional minutes total.
      • Logic then calculates the record's full scheduled instructional minutes on the same date
        • Lunch minutes do not count as instructional when present on the period schedule
      • It then divides the Total Instructional Minutes by the Total Scheduled Instructional Minutes.
      • Once this calculation is done for each (exclusionary) Resolution date in the reporting range, logic then totals each per date subtotal together (grand total) and reports the grand total to the nearest tenth (for example, 2.5645 would report as 2.6).

How Time is Derived by the Resolution Start Time and Resolution End Time

  • Logic looks at the student's schedule for each date the student is excluded.
    • It then counts each scheduled instructional day between the Resolution Start Date and Resolution End date as 1.0.
    • For the Start Date and End Date
      • Logic calculates the percent seat time excluded by first deriving Excluded minutes:
        • For a Resolution Start Date:
          • Logic counts the scheduled instructional minutes occurring prior to the Time Stamp for this student on this date.
          • Logic counts full scheduled instructional minutes on this date for the student and divides Scheduled Instructional Minutes Occurring Prior to the Time Stamp by Full Scheduled Instructional Minutes (and rounds to the nearest tenth).
        • For Resolution End Date

            • Logic counts the scheduled instructional minutes occurring after to the Time Stamp for this student on this date.
            • Logic counts full scheduled instructional minutes on this date for the student and divides Scheduled Instructional Minutes Occurring After to the Time Stamp by Full Scheduled Instructional Minutes (and rounds to the nearest tenth).
      • Logic then adds the resulting calculations for each date that falls in the reporting range
        • (Derived Start Date value) + (1.0 for each scheduled instructional day between) + (Derived End Date Value)
        • The reported value is in XXX.X format.

Indicates if the student's behavior resolution included an Interim Alternative Educational Setting.

  • If the Interim Alternative Education Setting field is flagged on a student’s resolution of record, report a value of Y.
  • Report null if State Resolution Code (R11) = NA
  • Otherwise, report a value of N.


Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Interim Alternative Educational Setting
Academic Services

Indicates if the student's behavior resolution included Academic Services.

A value of Y is reported if an Academic Services code is set on the student's behavior resolution record.


Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Academic Services
Behavior Services

Indicates if the student's behavior resolution included Behavior Services.

Reports Behavior Services code as set on the student's behavior resolution record.


Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Behavior Services
Petition for ReadmissionIndicates the Submitted date (Student Readmission Petition Dates) on the student's behavior resolution record.BehaviorResolution.
Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Submitted
Granted Petition for ReadmissionIndicates the Granted date (Student Readmission Petition Dates) on the student's behavior resolution record.BehaviorResolutiuon.
Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Granted
Petition for Extension

Indicates a petition for extension was submitted.

Values are reported as follows:

  • If Academic Services were Not Offered is selected, a value of 1 is reported.
  • If Student Offered Academic Services and Participated is selected, a value of 2 is reported.
  • If Student Offered Academic Services But Did Not Participate is selected, a value of 3 is reported.


Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Granted
Reengagement PlanIndicates the student's re-engagement plan.


Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Petition Exceed More than One Year
Reengagement MeetingIndicates the re-engagement Meeting Date.BehaviorResolutiuon.
Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Re-engagement Meeting
AppealIndicates the Appeal code.BehaviorResolutiuon.
Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Appeal

