Student Discipline File (P) (Washington)

PATH: WA State Reporting > Student Discipline File (P) 

The Student Discipline File (P) extract reports information regarding disciplines, incidents and interventions unique to those students involved in incidents during school or school-related activities.

Student Discipline File (P) Editor

Report Logic

  • A record reports for each student offender per incident with at least one state reported event in which the student participated that occurred on or between the calendar Start Date and the As of Date selected in the extract editor. 
  • When all state event codes have a severity entered in the value field on the attribute dictionary, all mapped state event codes will report per student record with the most severe reporting in the BehaviorCode field and the remainder reporting in the OtherBehaviors field. 
  • If one or more state event codes does not have a severity entered in the value field on the attribute dictionary, the first entered behavior per student record will report in the BehaviorCode field and the OtherBehaviors field will report as null.
  • The reporting resolution's event must have a classification of Weapon in order to assign a Weapon to a participant.
  • A resolution mapped to State Resolution Code 43 (Truancy Petition filed with Juvenile Court) will never report in this file regardless of whether or not flagged final resolution. 
  • Students marked as No Show are not included in the report.
  • State Excluded calendars, grade levels, and enrollment records are not included in the report.

Generating a Discipline File

  1. Enter an As of Date indicating which incidents should be included.

    The As of Date uses today's date by default.

  2. Indicate the Format in which the report should be generated. Use Tab Delimited for submission to the state and CSV or HTML for data review and verification.
  3. Select an Ad Hoc Filter to limit the participants reported to those included in the filter.
  4. Select the Calendar(s) that should be included in the report.
  5. Click Generate Extract to generate the report in the indicated format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report will generate.

Users have the option of submitting report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process will allow larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. The generated extract is available in the Process Inbox For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Student Discipline File - HTML Format

Report Layout



Format, Type and Length

Campus Database

Campus Interface

School Year

The year in which the school year ends. For example, the 2012-2013 year would report as 2013.  

Numeric, 4 digits


System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Calendar Info > End Date

Serving Country District Code

The county-district code for the district submitting the data. Reports the Serving District code. If null, the State District Number is reported.

If the student does not have a primary enrollment record, the enrollment with the most recent start date is used. Students not actively enrolled on the Incident Date are not reported.

Numeric, 5 digits



Student Information > General > Enrollments > Enrollment Editor > State Reporting Fields > Serving District Code

System Administration > Resources > District Information > District Editor > District Detail > State District number

District Student ID

Identifies the locally-assigned student identification number.

Numeric, 10 digits


Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student Number


Identifies the state-assigned student identification number.

Numeric, 10 digits


Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifier > State ID

Location ID

Identifies the school number where the student is enrolled.

The State School Number of the offender of record's primary calendar of enrollment as of the Incident Date is reported. If the student does not have a primary enrollment record, the enrollment with the most recent start date is used. Students not actively enrolled on the Incident Date are not reported

Numeric, 4 digits


System Administration > Resources > Resources > School > State School Number

Incident Date

Identifies the date on which the incident occurred. 

Date field, 10 characters



Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Date of Incident

Behavior Code

The behavior event in which the student participated. Reports the most severe event based on the hierarchy set up in the Attribute Dictionary.

See the following Behavior Event Options table for values. 

Numeric, 1 digit

BehaviorEvent. type

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Event > Event Type

Intervention Date

Identifies the date on which the resolution began.

Reporting logic looks to see whether the student has a resolution assigned:

  1. Report as null
    1. If NO resolution is assigned
    2. There is at least 1 resolution is assigned, but none are mapped to a state resolution code
    3. There is at least 1 resolution assigned that is mapped to a state resolution code, but either none of the state resolution codes = EE or none are flagged as Final Intervention
  2. Report Start Date (or Assigned Date value if null) FROM:
    1. The assigned resolution mapped to State Resolution Code = EE
      1. ONLY when at least one resolution assigned is mapped to State Resolution Code = EE and is either:
        1. Active on the As-of Date selected on the extract editor
        2. Is the ONLY resolution present that is mapped to a state resolution code
  3. Else report Start Date (or Assigned Date value if null) FROM the Resolution flagged as Final Intervention and mapped to a State Resolution Code.
    1. If >1 mapped state code resolution is flagged as Final Intervention, report from most recent

Date field, 10 characters






Behavior > Event

Behavior > Behavior Management > Event/Participant Editor > Event and Participant Details > Participant Details > Role

Behavior > Resolution Types, Resolution Assign Date, Resolution Start Date

Intervention Applied

Indicates the resolution for the student relating to the incident being reported. If multiple resolution exist, reports the most severe.

See the following Behavior Resolution Options table for values. 

Reporting logic looks to see whether the student has a resolution assigned:

  1. Report as null
    • If NO resolution is assigned
    • There is at least 1 resolution is assigned, but none are mapped to a state resolution code
    • There is at least 1 resolution assigned that is mapped to a state resolution code, but either none of the state resolution codes = EE or none are flagged as Final Intervention
  2. Report as EE:
    1. ONLY when at least one resolution assigned is mapped to State Resolution Code = EE and is either:
      • Active on the As-of Date selected on the extract editor
      • Is the ONLY resolution present that is mapped to a state resolution code
  3. Report the mapped State Resolution Code from the resolution flagged as Final Intervention ONLY when NO resolutions assigned meet the EE conditions above.
    1. If more than one mapped state code resolution is flagged as Final Intervention report last entered (most recent).

Alphanumeric, 2 characters


Events and Participants > Add Resolution > Resolution Details > State Code

Behavior Resolution > Final Intervention

Num Intervention Days

The total number of days the resolution lasts, reported in half days.

MUST report based on the reporting resolution (P09).

IF Intervention Applied = EE, NA or null, reports NumInterventionDays as null.

IF Intervention Applied is NOT null or NA or EE:

Report Number of Days:

  • Total the number of Intervention days from the reporting "Final Resolution" AND any additional resolutions for the same reporting event/offender ONLY when state Resolution code = EE (emergency expulsion)
    • If Duration in School Days is NOT null:
      • Logic first looks at the total values from all interventions and then applies modified rounding:
        • Full day counts as 1
        • Anything less than full day, counts as .5
        • For example: 
          • If reporting resolution is OSS with duration=1.75 AND an EE resolution is present with duration=2.35 
          • Derive total first, 1.75+2.35=4.10 then apply rounding 
          • reported value = 4.
  • If Duration in School Days is null, calculate based on Resolution Start Dates and Resolution End Dates - count unique school days in whole day increments ONLY.
    • For example: 
      • If reporting resolution is OSS with res start date =09/01/16 & res end date = 09/05/16 AND an EE resolution is present with res start date 8/31/16 and res end date 09/01/16 - count unique number of school days on/between each date range. 
      • OSS - 09/01 and 09/02 and 09/05 are school days (3)  + EE - 08/31 and 09/01 are school days, but only 1 is unique - i.e. is not reported in OSS (1) therefore value reported = 4


5-digit max includes decimal

X or XXX.5

Half or full day increments


Events and Participants > Add Resolution > Resolution Details >

  • State Code
  • Duration in School Days
  • Resolution Start Date
  • Resolution Start Time
  • Applied Date
  • Resolution End Date
  • Resolution End Time


Incident ID

Identifies the unique ID assigned to the incident being reported.

Numeric, 20 digits

BehaviorIncident. number

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Incident ID

Weapon Type

Identifies the type of weapon used in the reported incident.

This reports from the weapon record where State Reported = Yes.

  • If there are multiple weapon types and none are marked as state reported, value reports from the most recent code.
  • If there are multiple and more than one are marked as state reported, value reports from the most recent record marked as State Reported.
  • Otherwise, reports as null.

The reporting resolution's event must have a classification of Weapon in order to flag a participant on that event with a Weapon code.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

BehaviorWeapon. weaponCode

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Events and Participants > Participant Detail > Weapon


If the Interim Alternative Educational Setting field is marked for the most severe event (based on the hierarchy following), reports as Y.

If the student has an active SPED record on the date of the incident and the IAES checkbox is not marked, reports as N.

If the student does not have an active SPED record on the date of the incident and the IAES checkbox is not marked, reports as null.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Y or N

BehaviorResolution. interimAltEdSettingBehavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Interim Alternative Educational Setting

Indicates whether the initial intervention applied for the incident was an Emergency Expulsion. 

A value of Y is reported if there is at least one resolution on the student's most severe behavior event that is mapped to a State Code of EE. 

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Y or N

Not dynamically storedNot dynamically stored

 Indicates the number of school days between the initial EE – Emergency Expulsion and the Date the Emergency Expulsion was converted to the intervention reported in Intervention Applied field. 

Reports based on P14: presence of an emergency expulsion (EE).

If P14 reports as N 

  • Report EEConversionDays as null.

ONLY if P14 reports as Y:

  • If at least ONE resolution does NOT exist on this offender's most severe behavior of record where mapped state resolution code does NOT = EE
  • Report Total days from all EE resolutions entered on this Offender's Most Serious Behavior Event  
    • If 'Duration in School Days is not null, report the total value entered
      • Modified round counts a whole day as a whole number (1). Anything less than a whole day is counted as a half day (.5)
    • If 'Duration in School Days is NULL, report as NULL if Resolution end date is NULL. 
    • If 'Duration in School Days is NULL, and Resolution End Date is NOT null:
      • Calculation logic must report in whole days only
        • If Resolution Start Date is NOT null,
          • Report number of days on/between RES start date to RES end date (ex: If start date = end date report as 1)
        • If Resolution Start Date is NULL and Resolution Applied Date is NOT null
          • Report number of days on/between RES applied date to RES end date (ex: If applied date = end date report as 1)
        • If Resolution Start Date and Applied Date are both NULL
          • Report as 0
Integer, 2 digits BehaviorResType.
Behavior > Administration > Resolution Types > State Resolution Code (Mapping)
OtherBehaviorsIf there is more than one behavior associated with the incident, this field reports any additional State Event Codes that are not reported in the BehaviorCode field.Varchar, 40 characters


Student Information > General > Behavior Tab > Behavior Event > Event ID

System Administrator > Behavior > Event Types > Behavior Event Type Editor > Behavior Event Type Detail > State Code

Academic ServicesIndicates the Academic Services value entered on the student's behavior resolution.Varchar, 1 digitBehaviorResolutiuon.
Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Academic Services
Behavior ServicesIndicates the Behavior Services value entered on the student's behavior resolution.Varchar, 1 digitBehaviorResolutiuon.
Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Behavior Services
Petition for ReadmissionIndicates the Submitted value entered on the student's behavior resolution.

Date field, 10 digits


Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Submitted
Granted Petition for ReadmissionIndicates the Granted value entered on the student's behavior resolution.

Date field, 10 digits


Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Granted
Petition for Over One YearIndicates the Petition to Exceed More than One Year value entered on the student's behavior resolution.Integer, 1 digitBehaviorResolutiuon.
Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Petition to Exceed More than One Year
Reengagement MeetingIndicates the Re-engagement Meeting Date value entered on the student's behavior resolution.

Date field, 10 digits


Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Re-engagement Meeting Date
Reengagement PlanIndicates the Re-engagement Plan value entered on the student's behavior resolution.Varchar, 1 digitBehaviorResolutiuon.
Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Re-engagement Plan
AppealIndicates the Appeal Code value entered on the student's behavior resolution.Integer, 1 digitBehaviorResolutiuon.
Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > Appeal Code

Behavior Event Options

Schools can create their own codes via the Attribute/Dictionary (see image below). To add values, review this section about custom attributes and create values for Behavior > State Event Code Mapping.

The Severity of an event code is determined by the number entered in the Value field, with the lowest number reporting as the highest severity.

This list is the original event codes provided by the state.








Illicit Drug (not marijuana)


Fighting without Major Injury


Violence without Major Injury


Violence with Major Injury


Possession of a Weapon


Other behavior resulting in a corrective or disciplinary action 

10Serious Bodily Injury
12Failure to Cooperate
13Disruptive Conduct
15Sexual Harassment
16Discriminatory Harassment
17Destruction of Property/Vandalism
18Sexually Inappropriate Conduct 
19Theft or Possession of Stolen Property 
20Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism 
21Multiple Minor Accumulated Incidents 

Behavior Resolution Options




No Intervention Applied


Short Term Suspension: <= 10 consecutive sch days


Long Term Suspension: > 10 consecutive sch days




Emergency Expulsion



ISIn School Suspension