Assessments (Missouri v3.6)
This article provides information on the Assessments Ed-Fi Resource for Missouri.
Students (Missouri v3.6)
This article provides information on the Missouri Ed-Fi version 3.6 Student resource.
Student School Association (Missouri v3.6)
The following provides information regarding the Ed-Fi Student School Association resource (version 3.6) in Missouri.
Student Education Organization Association (Missouri v3.6)
This article provides information on the Missouri Ed-Fi version 3.6 Student Education Organization Association resource.
Sessions (Missouri v3.6)
This article provides information on the Missouri Ed-Fi version 3.6 Sessions resource.
Course Offerings (Missouri v3.6)
This article provides information on the Missouri Ed-Fi version 3.6 Course Offerings resource.
Sections (Missouri v3.6)
This article provides information on the Missouri Ed-Fi version 3.6 Sections resource.
Student Language Instruction Program Associations (Missouri v3.6)
Tool Search: Ed-Fi This association represents the Title III Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students program(s) that a student participates in or from which the Student receives services. Object Triggering Lo...
Student Special Education Program Associations (Missouri 3.6)
This article provides information on the Missouri Student Special Education Program Associations resource for Missouri.
Student Education Organization Responsibility Associations (Missouri v3.6)
Tool Search: Ed-FI Relationship Associations are reported from the Enrollment and locked IEPs. This is to identify any relationships a student may have with an organization outside the enrollment. Object Triggering Logic The tables below desc...
Student Section Association (Missouri v3.6)
Tool Search: Ed-Fi This association indicates the course sections to which a student is assigned. Object Triggering Logic This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object. Action Trigger Post When a student is ...
Student Migrant Education Program Associations (Missouri v3.6)
This article provides information on the Migrant Ed-Fi resource for Missouri.
Staff School Associations (Missouri v3.6)
Tool Search: Ed-Fi This association indicates the school(s) to which a teacher provides instructional services. Object Triggering Logic This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object. Action Trigger Post ...
Student Title 1 Part A Program Associations (Missouri v3.6)
Provides information on the Missouri Student Title 1 Part A Program Associations resource.
Staff Section Association (Missouri v3.6)
Tool Search: Ed-Fi This association indicates the course sections to which a staff is assigned. Object Triggering Logic This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object. Action Trigger Post When a staff is ad...
Student Program Associations (Missouri v3.6)
Provides information on the Missouri Student Program Associations resource.
Student Neglected or Delinquent Program Associations (Missouri v3.6)
Tool Search: Ed-Fi This association represents the McKinney-Vento Homeless Program program(s) that a student participates in or from which the Student receives services. Object Triggering Logic This table describes logic for triggering ...
Staffs (Missouri v3.6)
Tool Search: Ed-Fi This entity represents an individual who performs specified activities for any public or private education institution or agency that provides instructional and/or support services to students or staff at the early childhood ...
Staff Education Organization Assignment Association (Missouri v3.6)
Tool Search: Ed-Fi This association indicates the education organization to which a staff member provides services; also known as school of service. Object Triggering Logic This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object. ...
Staff Education Organization Employment Associations (Missouri v3.6)
Tool Search: Ed-Fi This association indicates the education organization an employee, contractor, volunteer or other service provider is formally associated with typically indicated by which organization the staff member has a services contract...
Student Academic Records (Missouri v3.6)
Tool Search: Ed-Fi This educational entity represents the cumulative record of academic achievement for a student. Object Triggering Logic This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object. Action Trigger
Grading Periods (Missouri v3.6)
This article provides information on the Missouri Grading Periods resource.
Student School Food Service Program Associations (Missouri v3.6)
This article provides information on the Student School Food Service Program Association version 3.6 for Missouri.
Student CTE Program Associations (Missouri v3.6)
Tool Search: Ed-Fi This association represents the career and technical education (CTE) program that a student participates in. The association is an extension of the StudentProgramAssociation particular for CTE programs. Object Triggering Log...
Student Homeless Program Associations (Missouri v3.6)
Tool Search: Ed-Fi This association represents the McKinney-Vento Homeless Program program(s) that a student participates in or from which the Student receives services. Object Triggering Logic This table describes logic for triggering sync...
Student ECO Program Association (Missouri v3.6)
Tool Search: Ed-Fi This association represents the ECO program that a student participates in. The association is an extension of the Student Program Association particular for ECO programs. Object Triggering Action Business Rules P...
Staff Program Association (Missouri v3.6)
This article provides information on the data elements included in the Staff Program Association resource for Missouri.
Discipline Incidents (Missouri v3.6)
This article provides information on the Discipline Incidents Ed-Fi resource for Missouri.
Student Discipline Incident Associations (Missouri v3.6)
This article provides information on the Student Discipline Incident Associations Ed-Fi resource for Missouri.
Discipline Actions (Missouri v3.6)
This article provides information on the Discipline Actions Ed-Fi resource for Missouri.
Student Assessments (Missouri v3.6)
This article provides information on the Student Assessments Ed-Fi resource for Missouri.
Course Transcripts (Missouri v3.6)
This article provides information on the Course Transcripts Ed-Fi resource for Missouri.