Special Education Student Template Extract

Tool Search: Special Education Extracts

The Student Template reports data from student enrollments as well as demographic information. This reports records for all actively enrolled students as of the entered Effective Date. This report is the same as the PIMS Student Template except it includes the Reporting Date field.

  • The December Reporting Period reports students who have a Special Education Status of Y AND a Service Type of Primary (an IEP is not needed in order to be reported).
  • The July Reporting Period reports any students who were ever enrolled in the selected calendar.

Screenshot of the Special Education Student Template Extract editor.Special Education Student Template Extract

Report Logic

When the Resident District (Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District) does not match the State District Number (District Information > State District Number), the student does NOT report.

For the July Reporting Period, the following logic applies:

  1. All students age 14 or older report, as of the entered Effective Date, where the Enrollment Special Education Status is Y or E, with an enrollment within the school year.
    • The student does not need to have a locked IEP. 
    • The student reports when the Enrollment End Date is not populated or is within the instructional days of the selected calendar.
    • The student does not report when the Special Ed Status = N or blank on all enrollments.
  2. Any student who has the "Does the student have a transition plan as part of their IEP?" marked on their Transition State Reporting editor of the IEP. 
    • The IEP must be locked.
    • The IEP Start Date is before or within the instructional days of the selected calendar. That means the IEP Start Date can begin in the previous school year with an end date in the current school year.
    • The IEP End Date is within or after the instructional days of the selected calendar.
    • The student's Enrollment End Date is not populated or is within the instructional days of the selected calendar.

One record per district code, school year date, student ID and snapshot date is reported.

Report Editor



Extract Type

Determines the type of Extract being generated. For this extract, select Student Template.

Reporting PeriodIndicates the time of year for which the extract is being generated. Options are December or July.

Effective Date

Entered date causes the extract to report all students actively enrolled as of that date and/or all data as of this date. This date entered is considered the end date of the reporting period, unless it is a snapshot extract.

Report All Resident DistrictsWhen marked, students report whose Resident District does not match the Enrolled District.


Determines how the extract generates. Extracts can be generated in State Format (comma delimited) or HTML. Use the HTML format for reviewing and verifying data prior to submission to the state. Use the State Format for submitting the data to the Department of Education.

Report Protected Identities

When marked, last name, first name, middle name, suffix, and gender information reports from the Protected Identity Information section on the Identities editor, when the fields are populated.

Report All Addresses

When marked, address fields included in the extract (Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip) report for each student record. When not marked, address information only reports for Special Education and CTE students only.

Ad hoc Filter

Select an existing ad hoc filter from which to report students. Only those students included in the Student Data Type filter and who meet the reporting population are included in the extract.

Select GradesSelect which grade levels to include on the report.
CalendarsAt least one calendar must be selected when generating an extract. Calendars can be selected by the Active Year, by School or by Year. When a calendar is chosen in the Campus toolbar, that calendar is automatically be selected.
Report Generation

To generate the report immediately, use the Generate Extract option. To choose when the report generates, use the Submit to Batch option. Submit to Batch is useful when generating the report for several calendars or for larger amounts of data being reported. See the Batch Queue article for more information.

Generate the Student Template

  1. Select Student Template from the Extract Type from the dropdown list.
  2. Select the applicable Reporting Period.
  3. Enter the Effective Date of the extract in mmddyy format or use the calendar icon to select a date.
  4. Select the Format of the extract.
  5. If desired, mark the Report Protected Identities checkbox.
  6. If desired, mark the Report All Addresses checkbox.
  7. If desired, select an Ad hoc Filter.
  8. Select a Grade level for the extract.
  9. Select the appropriate Calendar(s) from which to include data on the extract.
  10. Click the Generate Extract button or the Submit to Batch button, when available. The extract displays in the selected format.

Report Layout

Element Name


Campus Application


District Code

State District Number

Reports the district number of the reporting school unless there is a different district located in the Serving District. 

Numeric, 9 digits

District Information > State District Number;


Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Serving District



Location Code

State School Number of the reporting school.

This code reports from the Location Code Override field on the student's Enrollment editor, when populated. 

When the Location Code Override field is not populated, the school number field reports from the Alt School Number field on the School editor. 

When both the Location Code field and the Alt School Number field are not populated, the Location Code reports from the State School Number.

Numeric, 4 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Location Code Override

School Information > Alt School Number, State School Number



School Year

Reports as June 10th of the end year of the calendar.

Date field, 10 characters

Calendar > School Years > School Year Detail



Student ID

The student's State ID.

Numeric, 10 digits

Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID




The student's social security number. Currently reports as blank.

Numeric, 9 digits

Demographics > SSN




These fields do not report.



Current Grade Level

The grade level of the student's current enrollment.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Enrollments > Grade




These fields do not report. 




The room number of the student's course labeled as Homeroom as of the entered effective date.

When Homeroom is marked on the Course tab, all sections for that course report as the Homeroom number.

This field is used for determining class size in elementary grades and in offsite preschool programs.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Course > Homeroom


Courses > Section > Room Number



Birth Date

The student's date of birth.

Date field, 10 characters

Demographics > Birth Date




The student's gender.

When the Legal Gender field is populated and the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the Extract editor information reports from that field.

When the Gender field on Demographics is set to M or F, that value reports. 

When the Gender Field on Demographics is set to X, the value reports from the Legal Gender field in the Protected Identities section as M or F. 

When the Gender field on Demographics is set to X and the Legal Gender field is not populated, a blank value reports.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Gender


Demographics > Gender



Address 1

Reports primary address information when the student is CTE student (full time or part time) or a Special Education Student.

This information reports from the current or most recent primary household where the Mailing checkbox is marked (first), or where the Physical checkbox is marked (second), or where the address has the highest address ID (third).

When there is no primary address, the secondary address reports. Addresses marked as Private do not report.

NOTE: An Address is considered the current address through the End Date entered on the Address record. When the entered Effective Date on the Report Editor happens to be the End Date of the address, that address reports.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Address Information > Number, Prefix, Street, Tag, Direction



Address 2

Additional information about the student's address.

This information reports from the current or most recent primary household where the Mailing checkbox is marked (first), or where the Physical checkbox is marked (second), or where the address has the highest address ID (third).

NOTE: An Address is considered the current address through the End Date entered on the Address record. When the entered Effective Date on the Report Editor happens to be the End Date of the address, that address reports.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Address Information > Number, Prefix, Street, Tag, Direction




The city of the student's address.

This information reports from the current or most recent primary household where the Mailing checkbox is marked (first), or where the Physical checkbox is marked (second), or where the address has the highest address ID (third).

NOTE: An Address is considered the current address through the End Date entered on the Address record. When the entered Effective Date on the Report Editor happens to be the End Date of the address, that address reports.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Address Information > City




The state of the student's address.

This information reports from the current or most recent primary household where the Mailing checkbox is marked (first), or where the Physical checkbox is marked (second), or where the address has the highest address ID (third).

NOTE: An Address is considered the current address through the End Date entered on the Address record. When the entered Effective Date on the Report Editor happens to be the End Date of the address, that address reports.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Address Information > State




The official postal code of the student's primary address.

When field is not populated, reports blank.

This information reports from the current or most recent primary household where the Mailing checkbox is marked (first), or where the Physical checkbox is marked (second), or where the address has the highest address ID (third).

NOTE: An Address is considered the current address through the End Date entered on the Address record. When the entered Effective Date on the Report Editor happens to be the End Date of the address, that address reports.

Numeric, 10 digits

Address Information > Zip




These fields do not report. 




The student's race/ethnicity.

Numeric, 1 digit

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity




These fields do not report. 



Economic Status

Reports the student's eligibility status. Options are: 

  • F: Free
  • R: Reduced
  • N: Otherwise

Alphanumeric, 1 character

FRAM Eligibility > Eligibility



Challenge Type

Reports the student's primary disability.

Numeric, 4 digits

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Status and Primary Disability




These fields do not report. 



Special Education

Reports the student's special ed status.

Reports Y when Special Ed Status = “Yes: has IEP”. Reports E when Special Ed Status = “E: Exited IEP” AND the Service Exit Date is within the current school year dates. Reports N when Special Ed Status = “N: No IEP” or blank, OR when Special Ed Status = “E: Exited IEP” and the Service Exit Date is before the current school year Start Date.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Status




These fields do not report. 



EL Status

Reports the student's EL (English Learners) status based on the Effective Date entered on the Report Editor.

  • Reports 01 when the EL Program Status when EL or Exited EL and the EL exit date is after 10/01 of the calendar year selected and the EL exit date is after the effective date chosen on the report editor.
  • Reports 03 when the EL Status is Exited EL land the EL Exit date is on or before 10/01 of the selected calendar year.
  • Reports 03 when the EL Status is Exited EL and the effective date chosen on the report editor is on or before the 1st Year Monitoring date from the EL detail record.
  • Reports 04 when the EL Status is Exited EL and the effective date chosen on the report editor is after the 1st Year Monitoring Date and on or before 2nd Year Monitoring date from the EL detail record.
  • Reports 05 when the EL Program Exit Date is before 10/01/2014.
  • Reports 05 when the EL Program Exit Date is on or after 10/01/2014 and the Effective Date chosen on the report editor is on or before the 4 year Monitoring Date.
  • Reports 06 when the EL Program Status is EL and SLIFE checkbox is marked.
  • Reports 07 when the EL Program Status is Exited EL and the EL Program Exit Date is on or before the 3rd Year Monitoring Date from the EL Detail Record, but after the 2nd Year Monitoring Date.
  • Reports 08 when the EL Program Status is Exited EL and the EL Program Exit Date and the Effective Date chosen on the report editor is on or before the 4th year Monitoring Date from the EL Detail Record, but after the 3rd year monitoring date from the EL Detail Record.
  • Reports 99 (default) when there is no EL Record.

Numeric, 2 digits

English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Status




These fields do not report. 


45Special Programs Code-LIEP Program Type

Reports the latest EL service.

Reports state code of 21-27 and 98 from the EL Services tool when Start Date is not null and end date is null or on or after report generation Effective date and the EL Status is 01 or 06.

When there are multiple services of 21-27 and 98 at the time of reporting, report the service with the highest ID.

When no state coded program of 21-27 and 98, reports blank.

Numeric, 2 digits

English Learner (EL) > EL Services


Repeating Grade

Indicates the student is repeating the school year.

Reports Y when Student's Grade Level in this school year's enrollment is the same as their Grade Level in the previous school year's enrollment. When there is no enrollment from the previous school year or when the grade level is not the same, N reports.

Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y/N

Enrollment > Grade Level



Filler Fields 

These fields do not report. 


50BID School Number
The School Number within the LEA that is responsible for the student based on Best Interest Determination.

Numeric, 4 digits
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > BID School Number

51BID AUNThe AUN of the LEA that is responsible for the student based on Best Interest Determination.

Numeric, 9 digits
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > BID AUN

52Filler Fields

These fields do not report. 


Expected Graduation

The student's projected graduation time frame.

Numeric, 4 digits MMYY

Graduation > Projected Graduation Date




These fields do not report. 



Grad Status Code

Indicates the student's end status, such as graduating, dropping out or transferring.

Reports for all grades when a value is selected for Graduation Status.

Reports a blank value when no Graduation Status is selected from the drop list.

When the Graduation Status field is blank and the student's current or most recent enrollment as of the Effective Date has the Enrollment End Status field populated: 

  • Reports G when End Status is WD04.
  • Reports when End Status is WD09.
  • Reports T when End Status is WD02.
  • Reports L when End Status is WD03 or WD06.
  • Reports blank when Enrollment End Status = blank or when End status is not WD04, 09, 02, 03 or WD06.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Enrollments > End Status


Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Graduation Status



Expected Post Graduate Activity

The student's post-graduation plans.

Numeric, 3 digits

Graduation > Post Grad Plans



Student Status

Reports the status of the student's enrollment.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Student Status



Date First Enrolled in ELD/Bilingual Ed Program

The date on which the student was enrolled in an ESL/Bilingual Education/EL program.

When the EL Status field reports a value of 01 or 06 (Program Status of EL), this field reports from the Date First Entered ESL/EL field on the Enrollment record.

When there is no entered date, the reported value reports from the EL Identified Date field on the EL Record.

Date field, 10 digits (YYYY-MM-DD)

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Date 1st Enrolled in EL ED Program



English Learners (EL) > EL > Identified Date




This field does not report.



ADA Status Indicator

Indicates the student participates in a 504 program or has an IEP.

Reports Y when Section 504 is marked, reports N when Special Education (Field 38) is Y. Otherwise, field reports N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Section 504, Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Status





These fields do not report. 



Foreign Exchange Student

Indicates the student is a Foreign Exchange Student.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Foreign Exchange Student




These fields do not report. 



Gifted Talented

Reports the student's gifted and talented status. When there is no assigned status, reports a value of N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Gifted/Talented




These fields do not report. 


83Snapshot DateReports the date entered on the Extract Editor.

Date field, 10 characters (YYYY-MM-DD)
84-87Fields These fields do not report. N/A

Economic Disadvantaged Status Code

Reports the student's meal status. 

Enrollment Record

A value of Y reports when the Economic Disadvantage field is marked on the State Reporting Enrollment Editor. 

Eligibility Record

A value of Y reports when the Eligibility is Paid and Certified Type is Declined (Source = Non-Direct) on the student's Eligibility (FRAM) record.

A value of Y reports when the State Eligibility Code is F: Free or R: Reduced. 

A value of N reports when the State Eligibility Code is null or there is no active Eligibility record.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Economic Disadvantaged


Eligibility > Eligibility Detail > Eligibility, State Eligibility Code





This field does not report.



Indicates the reason the student did not return after summer break.

Reports the selected value from the enrollment editor.

Alphabetic, 1 character

A, B or C

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Mobility


Diploma Type

The type of diploma the student received upon graduation. State diploma types need to be entered in the Attribute Dictionary as follows: 

  • 806: Regular Diploma
  • 816: GED Credential

NOTE: This field reports the value entered in the Value column of the Attribute Dictionary record.

Numeric, 3 digits

Graduation > Diploma Type




This field does not report.



Alternate Student ID

The student's local student number.

Numeric, 25 digits

Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student Number




This field does not report.



Title III EL Eligibility

Indicates the student is served by Title III. 

Reports as Y when the following is true:

  • The EL/ELL Status is 01 or 06 and
  • Title III is checked on the District's History information
  • When the district or school level Title III check box is not marked, but the student's Title III check box is marked and the EL student is a 01 or 06

Reports as N when the EL/ELL Status is 01 or 06 and the district or school level Title III check box and student level Title III check box are not marked. 

Reports as N when the student does not receive Title III services.

Reports a blank value when the student is not 01 or 06.

The EL Title III services are no longer valid, but the logic is still available.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

English Learners (EL) > EL > EL Services > Name > Title III


District Information > District History > Title III



Programs Services Code – Title I Part A

Indicates the student received Title 1 services. 

Reports a value of Y for ALL students when the Title 1 Part A checkbox is marked on the School History editor. 

When the school is not Title 1 (Title 1 Part A checkbox is not marked), a value of Y reports when the student has a Flag State Code of 15, and the Enrollment Start Date and Enrollment End Date is not null, or when the Enrollment Start Date or Enrollment End Date is on or after the Effective date entered on the Report Editor.

When the Title 1 Part A checkbox is not marked at the school level, and the student does not have a Flag with a State Program of 15, a value of Y reports when the Title 1 checkbox is marked on the enrollment record. 

Otherwise, a value of N reports.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

School > Title 1 (A)


Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Title 1


Flags > Program ID, Name




Grade 09 Date

The date the student first entered 9th grade.

This field reports June 30 of the year in which the student first entered 9th grade. When no date is provided in the Date First Entered the 9th Grade Field, the Enrollment Start Date for the 9th grade enrollment or 9th grade enrollment history record is used.

  • When the student first entered 9th grade on or between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015, this field reports as 2015-06-30.
  • When the student first entered 9th grade on or between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014, this field reports as 2014-06-30.
  • When the student first entered 9th grade on or between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2014, this field reports as 2013-06-30.

When no date is provided for either fields, a NULL value reports.

One record per each grade level enrollment reports.

Date field, 10 characters (YYYY-06-30)

Graduation > Date First Entered 9th Grade



District Entry Date

Reports the student's original entry date into the district.

Logic: the report first looks at the student's current or most recent enrollment within report generation dates. When a District Start Date is populated, that date reports. When null, then the reports looks at the most recent Enrollment in all the student's enrollment history in any school where Enrollment Local End Status with State End Status Code Mapping is one of the following codes = WD01, WD02, WD03, WD04, WD09 (System Administration > Enrollment > End Status Type) and report the next Enrollment Start Date that is after the enrollment with those end status(es). When that is null, the earliest Enrollment Start Date in any school reports.

Date field, 10 characters

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > District Start Date



School Entry Date

Reports the student's original entry date into the school.

Logic: the report first looks at the student's current or most recent enrollment within report generation dates. When a School Start Date is populated, that date reports. When null, then the reports looks at the most recent Enrollment within the same school where Enrollment Local End Status with State End Status Code Mapping is one of the following codes = WD01, WD02, WD03, WD04, WD09 (System Administration > Enrollment > End Status) and report the next Enrollment Start Date that is after the enrollment with those end status(es). When that is null, the earliest Enrollment Start Date within the reporting school reports. When no previous Enrollment in the school exists, the most recent Enrollment in that school's Enrollment Start Date Reports.

Date field, 10 characters

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > School Start Date




These fields do not report. 



State Entry Date

Reports the student's original entry date into the state.

Date field, 10 characters

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > State Start Date



Date First Enrolled in US School

Reports the student's original entry date into the US when the student's EL Status (field 41) reports a value of 01-08.

When the Date Entered US School field is null and the EL Status reports a value of 01-08, Date First Enrolled reports from the Enrollment Editor from the FIRST district enrollment.

Date field, 10 characters

Demographics > Person Information > Date Entered US School


Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Date 1st Enrolled in US School

111Homeless StudentIndicates whether the student is considered Homeless. 
  • Reports N when the student's State Grade Level is AAP: Adult Affidavit Program.
  • Reports blank when the student's State Grade is not AAP: Adult Affidavit Program.

State Grade Level Code is selected on the Grade Level Setup editor.

Alphanumeric, 1 characters (Y or N)

Calendar > Grade Levels


112Migrant StudentIndicates whether the student is considered a Migrant student.
  • Reports N when the student's State Grade Level is AAP: Adult Affidavit Program.
  • Reports blank when the student's State Grade is not AAP: Adult Affidavit Program.

State Grade Level Code is selected on the Grade Level Setup editor.

Alphanumeric, 1 characters (Y or N)

Calendar > Grade Levels




These fields do not report. 



Resident District

The number of the district in which the student resides.

Reports the Resident District value from the student's Enrollment. When null, the State District Number reports.

Numeric, 9 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District


Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District




These fields do not report. 



Single Parent

Indicates the student is participating in a CTE student program and is a single parent.

When CTE Student is FT or PT and the Single Parent checkbox is marked, a value of Y reports.

Alphanumeric, Y or N

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > CTE Student, Single Parent




These fields do not report. 



Home Language 

Report the language spoken in the student's home. When no language is selected, field reports NULL.

When the assigned language code is 1285: English, this field reports blank.

This field reports for any student who has an active or an inactive EL Record.

Numeric, 4 digits

Demographics > Home Primary Language




This field does not report.



Years In US Schools

The number of years the student has been enrolled in a US school. When the student has Immigrant marked, this field calculates the number of years since the US Start Date or the student's earliest enrollment Start Date.

This field reports when the Immigrant checkbox is marked and uses the most recent enrollment record's value entered in the Date 1st Enrolled in US School. When that field is not populated, the earliest historical enrollment's Start Date is used.

Days are rounded to whole year values to a maximum value of 3 and is calculated from the Effective Date entered on the report editor. When the value is over 3, this field reports blank.

  • When the date is within 0-12 months of October 1 of the reporting year, a value of 1 reports.
  • When the date is within 13-24 months of October 1 of the reporting year, a value of 2 reports.
  • When the date is within 25-36 months of October 1 of the reporting year, a value of 3 reports. 
  • When the date is greater than 36 months of October 1 of the reporting year, a blank value reports.

When the Immigrant checkbox is not marked, this field reports blank.

Numeric, 1 digit

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Date 1st Enrolled in US School

Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Start Date

Data not stored


Name Suffix

The additional identifier of the student's name, such as Jr, Sr, etc.

When the Legal Suffix field is populated and the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the Extract editor, information reports from that field.

When the person's name contains an accented e and/or n (é and/or ñ), the name reports with an unaccented, lowercase e and/or n.

When the person's name contains a period (i.e. Jr.), the name reports with the period.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Suffix


Demographics > Suffix




These fields do not report. 



Food Program

The student's meal status. Options are: 

  • F: Free
  • R: Reduced
  • N: Otherwise

Reports a value of F for all students when the School Provision field in System Administration Resources is CEP.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

FRAM Eligibility > Eligibility

School Information > School History > USDA Programs > Provision = CEP




This field does not report.



Last Name Long

The student's last name.

When the Legal Last Name field is populated and the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the Extract editor, information reports from that field.

When the person's name contains an accented e and/or n (é and/or ñ), the name reports with an unaccented, lowercase e and/or n.

When the person's name contains a period (i.e. Jr.), the name reports with the period.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters

Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name


Demographics > Last Name



First Name Long

The student's first name.

When the Legal First Name field is populated and the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the Extract editor, information reports from that field.

When the person's name contains an accented e and/or n (é and/or ñ), the name reports with an unaccented, lowercase e and/or n.

When the person's name contains a period (i.e. Jr.), the name reports with the period.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters

Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name

Demographics > First Name


Filler Fields 




Middle Name

The student's middle name.

When the Legal middle Name field is populated and the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the Extract editor, information reports from that field.

When the person's name contains an accented e and/or n (é and/or ñ), the name reports with an unaccented, lowercase e and/or n.

When the person's name contains a period (i.e. Jr.), the name reports with the period.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters

Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Middle Name


Demographics > Middle Name




These fields do not report. 



Address 3

Any comments entered for the address of a CTE student.

This field reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 40 characters

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > CTE Student


Address Information > Comments




These fields do not report. 



Home School

Student's school code based on grade level and home address of parents.

Reports from the Resident School Code field on the Enrollment record. When that field is not populated, the Alt School Number field reports. When the Alt School Number field is not populated, the State School Number reports. 

Numeric, 4 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident School


School Information > Alt School Number, State School Number



Displaced Homemaker

Indicates the CTE student is a displaced homemaker.

Alphanumeric, Y or N

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > CTE Student, Displaced Homemaker


167Special Education Referral

Indicates the student was referred to another LEA for education.

Reports a value of Y when the Special Education Referral checkbox is marked; reports a value of N when the Special Education Referral checkbox is not marked.

Alphanumeric, Y or N

Enrollments > Special Education Fields > Special Education Referral




These fields do not report. 



County Code

The county code of the reporting district. Reports the county code of the reporting district unless the county is different for the student's Primary Address.

Numeric, 2 digits

County Information > District County; Census > Address > County




These fields do not report. 



Funding District Code

Reports the override field selected in the Funding District field, or the Resident District when Funding District is blank.

Reports a value of 999999999 when Funding District = PA: Pennsylvania.

Reports a value of 888888888 when Fund District - any other state code that isn't PA.

Numeric, 9 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Funding District


190CTE Indicator

Indicates whether a normal full complement of primary academics is administered and provided to this student by the reported CTC school.

Reports Y when the CTE Student field is FT: Full Time CTE Student; reports N when the CTE Student field is PT: Part Time CTE Student or there is not a value.

Alphanumeric, Y or N

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > CTE Student




These fields do not report. 


207Military Family Code

Reports for any students who are children of an Active Military Parent/Guardian. 

Reports Y when the Start Date on the Military Connects tool is populated and the end date is not null, or is on or after the entered report effective date, and the parent/guardian Military Status is Active Duty, Deployed or Active Duty, Not Deployed, or Transitioning out of Active Duty. 

Otherwise, reports N. 

The guardian's relationship end date must be blank (null) or after the report generation effective date. 

The guardian's Military Connections record end date must be null or on or after the report generation effective Date.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Military Connections > Active Duty

208Filler FieldThis field does not report.N/A
209Foster StudentIndicates whether the student is considered a Foster student.
  • Reports N when the student's State Grade Level is AAP: Adult Affidavit Program.
  • Reports blank when the student's State Grade is not AAP: Adult Affidavit Program.

State Grade Level Code is selected on the Grade Level Setup editor.

Alphanumeric, 1 characters (Y or N)

Calendar > Grade Levels

210-211Filler Fields These fields do not report. N/A

Assessment Participation Code

Indicates the state assessments in which the student is participating in the school year.

Reports the code selected in the Assessment Participation field on the student's State Reporting Enrollment editor.

  • Reports a value of B when the Assessment Participation field is blank and the student's state grade is 003-008.
  • Reports a value of I when the Assessment Participation field is blank and the student's state grade is NOT 003-008.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Assessment Participation



These fields do not report. 



Assessment Participation Code 2

Indicates the assessments in which the student is participating in the school year.

  • Reports a value of Y reports when a student has a Flag with a code of 214 (the flag must be marked as State Reported and the Flag End Date must be blank),
  • When there is no flag, the value selected in the Assessment Participation Code 2 field on the Enrollment record reports.
    • Reports Y when value of A-G are selected.
    • Reports N when blank or values of Z or N are selected.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Assessment Participation 2



Assessment Participation Code 3

Indicates the assessments in which the student is participating in the school year.

  • Reports a value of Y reports when a student has a Flag with a code of 215 (the flag must be marked as State Reported and the Flag End Date must be blank),
  • When there is no flag, the value selected in the Assessment Participation Code 3 field on the Enrollment record reports.
    • Reports Y when value of A-G are selected.
    • Reports N when blank or values of Z or N are selected.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Assessment Participation 3



Assessment Participation Code 4

Indicates the assessments in which the student is participating in the school year.

  • Reports a value of Y reports when a student has a Flag with a code of 216 (the flag must be marked as State Reported and the Flag End Date must be blank),
  • When there is no flag, the value selected in the Assessment Participation Code 3 field on the Enrollment record reports.
    • Reports Y when value of A-G are selected.
    • Reports N when blank or values of Z or N are selected.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Assessment Participation 4


217District Code of Enrollment

Identifies the district where the non-resident student is enrollment.

When the student's Special Ed Status is Yes AND the Special Education Referral checkbox is marked, reports the name from the District of Enrollment from the student's Enrollment. 

When the student's Special Ed Status is Yes AND the Special Education Referral checkbox is NOT marked, reports the State District Number value.

Numeric, 8 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > District of Enrollment


District Information > State District Number


218-220FieldsThese fields do not report.N/A
221Access for ELLS AssessmentIdentifies a student who participates in EL.

Numeric, 8 digits
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Assessment Participation Code 5

222ELA Assessment Exemption Indicator

Indicates the student has been enrolled in a US school less than or equal to 12 months by the end of the current year, and the ELA/Keystone Literature testing window was not exempt.

When the EL Exempt field is marked, reports Y. 

Otherwise, reports N.

Alphabetic, 1 character

 (Y or N)

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > EL Exempt

223AUN of Sending Charter SchoolReports the 9-digit AUN of the charter school that contracted with the educating LEA to educate a charter school student.

When the value is less than 9 digits, leading zeros are added for a length of 9.

Numeric, 20 digits
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > District of Sending Charter School

224Sending Charter School NumberReports the 4-digit code of the charter school that contracted with the educating LEA to educate a charter school student.

When the value is less than 4 digits, leading zeros are added for a length of 4.

Numeric, 4 digits
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Sending Charter School Location

225Gender IdentityIdentifies the student's personal conception of oneself when the Gender field on the Identities record has a value of X.

When the Gender field has a value of M or F, a blank value reports.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (X)
Identities > Gender

226PASA Testing Agency AUNThe AUN district conducting the PASA.

Numeric, 9 digits
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > PASA Testing Agency AUN
